Maine Alumnus, Volume 8, Number 5, March 1927

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Maine Alumnus, Volume 8, Number 5, March 1927 The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine University of Maine Alumni Magazines University of Maine Publications 3-1927 Maine Alumnus, Volume 8, Number 5, March 1927 General Alumni Association, University of Maine Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation General Alumni Association, University of Maine, "Maine Alumnus, Volume 8, Number 5, March 1927" (1927). University of Maine Alumni Magazines. 482. This publication is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Maine Alumni Magazines by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Maine Alumnus Member of tlie Alumni Magazines Associated VOL. 8, NO. 5 MARCH, 1927 TWENTY CENTS 1 1912 at Its Last Reunion Enteied as second-class matter at the post ofhce at Bangor, Maine, under act of March 3, 1879 March, 1927 66 THE MAINE ALUMNUS 1 UNIVERSITY STORE ■ COMPANY ! I£ qRGANIZED in 1911 and conducted for the £ past fifteen years in the c ■ 1 interest of the Athletic Asso­ < •• ■ 1 ciation, contributing yearly from \) pQl___tYVIP I You Can 80 abroad> and spend ■ r Cd IL d LI utC* a week in London or Pans, all 1 expenses paid, for $260. And the trip takes only 23 days! ■ its profits to the support of Or, if you can spare 37 days for your trip to Europe, you can visit En­ I gland, Holland, Belgium France—Sec the best of all four countries—for ■ only S385 Price includes round trip ocean passage; all tips abroad; athletics. European transportation by steamer, railway and motor; hotel accommo­ •«1 dations at good hotels usual meals, motor trips as specified in itinerary ; ■I Taking many mail orders admissions to galleries and museums, scrx ices of guides and conductors; ■ transportation of ba^gige Extensions if desired to Ireland, Scotland, 1 Switzerland, Italy and Germany, at rhe same proportionately low cost. ■ from the Alumni for books These remarkab^ travel values arc ofiered on our Collegiate Tours special and supplies; making via CANADIAN PACIFIC I reunion banners. “WORLD’S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM0 1 ■ May we be of service to We also offer Quite Cabin Tours, at $850 and up, visiting France, the Riviera Mont* Carlo, Italy, Switserhnd, Germany , Holland, Belgium and England 51 to 57 days . Empress Tours, at $1500 visit you? the same regions, using first class accommodations on shipboard, and the very best hotels 60 days All sight seeing in private motors.................... For Fraternity People, we offer the Second Annual Panhellenic Tour to Europe visiting England, Holland, Belgium and France 37 Days, All Expenses, $385 Extensions if desired. For detailed itineraries, address— f) ART CRAFTS GUILD TRAVEL BUREAU \( Dent 463 510 N. Dearborn St , Chicago, Illinois n m i»—1>—n—ii" ■ I ■ i■ I..... DILLINGHAM’S i Every Banking Service I OLD TOWN ■ I ■ ! I BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS ? AND BOOKBINDERS ! CHECKING SAVINGS i BONDS BANGOR, MAINE i TRUST COMPANY ■ TRUSTS VAULTS ■I i ■ - iJi ■1 | Savings Department MERRILL TRUST CO I Dexter Bucksport Machias Jonesport [ Checking Accounts BANGOR, MAINE I State and National Supervision 1 4* I i. BB—BB i■ — 1 1 High Grade Bonds I * KARDEX RAND 1 j Bought and Sold j ■ I j LIBRARY BUREAU I I SAFE CABINET ! RAND KARDEX SERVICE CORP. 1 PORTLAND-BANGOR j I OLD TOWN TRUST j | Blake, Barrows & Brown I | COMPANY | : Inc. 1 Made by j I President, HARRY M. SMITH, ’93 | I ORONO, . MAINE ! I INSURANCE—INVESTMENTS ? ! MAINE MEN I ■ BANGOR, MAINE 1 Established 1864 Incorporated 1820 | The Maine Alumnus Vol. 8, No. 5 March, 1927 RECENT FRESHMAN Ohio 1 0 0 1 formation that had not previously been CLASSES Dist Columbia 0 1 0 1 secured. Florida 0 1 0 1 By Dean J. N. Hart, ’85 Minnesota 0 0 1 1 A. Student’s Questionnaire. Each I Canada 0 3 0 3 candidate fills out a questionnaire showing At the request of Secretary Clark I am Br West Indies 1 0 0 1 his parentage, school activities, recrea­ very glad to give some facts regarding tions, earnings and financial plan to meet 58 59 41 158 the last three Freshman classes. Total college expenses, reasons for wanting a The following tables show very clearly Maine by Counties 1926 1925 1924 3 yrs college education and for choosing a par­ that the University is distinctly a Maine Androscoggin 19 17 9 45 ticular course in college. institution. Eighty-seven per cent of the Aroostook 35 24 22 81 B. Supplementary Information from Cumberland 33 38 39 110 Principal. The Principal is asked to sup­ Freshmen during these three years have Franklin 7 9 2 16 come from our own state. All of the Hancock 19 20 22 62 plement the school record with his own counties in the state are well represented. Kennebec 28 18 35 81 estimate of the candidate’s favorable and Penobscot naturally sends us the largest Knox 10 11 5 26 unfavorable traits, the quarter of the class Lincoln 5 9 4 16 in which he stands and a definite state­ number, Cumberland is a fairly good sec­ Oxford 20 24 19 63 ond, Aroostook and Kennebec are tied for Penobscot 98 129 93 320 ment regarding his character and habits. third place, with Oxford, Hancock, Piscataquis 12 13 15 40 C. So far as possible a personal inter- Washington and York only slightly be­ Sagadahoc 6 5 4 15 view is also held with each candidate. Dur­ Somerset 9 16 13 38 ing the school year 1925-26 56 high schools hind. Waldo 12 11 8 31 For individual schools Old Town is Washington 21 19 18 58 and 23 academies were visited for this second to Bangor. Portland, Hebron, York 24 22 11 57 purpose. These included practically all of Augusta, Brewer, Orono, Millinocket, By Schools the larger schools in the state. Some of Auburn and Lewiston are among those Maine Schools sending 3 or more in 1926 the items gathered from interviews and which have sent large delegations. It will 1926 1925 1924 Total questionnaires are given below for the Auburn 7 3 6 16 class entering in 1926. be noted that in 1926, 41 Maine schools Augusta 6 6 7 19 and academies sent us three or more stu­ Bangor 36 66 32 134 Favorite Study dents each, but as students were received Bar Harbor 5 2 2 9 The table of favorite study and least from 128 schools and academics that year, Belfast 3 5 1 9 Bethel (Gould Ac ) 4 6 1 11 liked study shows very clearly that stu­ there were 87 that sent only one or two Brewer 9 3 7 19 dents who are planning to take a Techni­ students. Bridgton 3 2 5 10 cal course very generally prefer mathe­ The alumni may be surprised to note Calais Academy 4 1 4 9 matics and science to language and his­ that the entering class of 1926 was not Charleston (H C I ) 10 1 0 11 3 2 0 5 tory. It seems rather surprising to find quite as large as that of 1925. The tabu­ Easton Fort Fairfield 3 4 1 8 that among the Arts students fewer give lation by schools gives a key to this dif­ Foxcroft Academy 3 4 3 10 Latin as their favorite study than Mathe­ ference. The delegation from Bangor Fryeburg Academy 3 5 5 13 matics or Chemistry or English. Under entering in 1925 was from a class that Gardiner 3 5 8 16 0 3 8 disliked study Latin clearly leads. Among entered the high school when the city Hallowell 5 Hebron Academy 16 10 5 31 the Technology candidates there are more changed from nine grades below the high Houlton 4 2 4 10 who dislike French than Latin, but prob­ school to eight grades. The class enter­ Jonesport 4 1 0 5 ably many more of them offer French ing the high school in 1921 was conse­ Kennebunkport 3 1 0 4 4 5 13 than Latin. quently a double one, naturally a larger Kent’s Hill 4 Lee Academy 3 2 1 6 number graduated, and as a very large Lewiston 7 5 3 15 Studies Liked and Disliked percentage of Bangor students going to Madison 3 3 4 10 Favorite Study Millinocket 5 3 8 16 college enter the University, we had 30 All Tech. Newcastle (Lincoln Ac ) 3 3 0 6 Arts Ag. more students from that school in 1925 Chemistry 112 59 32 21 New Gloucester 4 1 1 6 Mathematics 104 63 24 17 than in 1926 and 34 more than in 1924. New Sharon 3 0 0 3 History 89 19 46 24 No Bridgton (Acad.) 3 0 0 3 Physics 82 64 9 9 First Year Students 1926, 1925, 1924 Old Town 5 18 16 39 English 82 19 45 18 • 1926 1925 1924 3 years Orono 7 5 5 17 French 72 14 50 8 Freshmen 416 444 360 1220 Pittsfield (M.C.I ) 4 4 3 11 Algebra 53 30 16 7 First year Specials 5 4 6 15 Portland (Deering) 7 3 3 13 Geometry 50 25 12 13 Portland 6 13 13 32 Classification Latin 34 6 23 5 Presque Isle 5 3 3 11 Science 31 16 8 7 A By Residence Rockland 4 2 0 6 Biology 12 2 6 4 Total Rumford 8 4 6 18 Ch ics 8 0 5 3 Maine 1926 1925 1924 3 yrs Sanford 5 2 1 8 Trigonometry 7 6 0 1 358 385 319 1062 South Paris 2 1 6 ♦ 3 U.
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