July, 1927.) “De Geer, Gerard

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July, 1927.) “De Geer, Gerard JULY,1927 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 329 B I BL I OGRAPHY C. FITZHUGHTALMAN, in Charge of Library RECENT ADDITIONS Kassner, C. El estado actual de la climatologfa. p. 114-121. 28 cm. The following have been selected from among the (Rev. mkd. de Hamburgo.- Afio 8, n6m. 5. Mayo 1927. Kerlmen, J. titles of books recently received as representing those Temperaturkarten von Finnland. Helsinki. 1925. 21 p. most likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in illus. 24% cm. (Mitt. met. Zentralanst. des Finn. Staates. their meteorological work and studies: N:o 17.) ‘ -[With numerous charts and tabulated monthly Abell, T. H. temperature normals.] Some observations on winter injury in Utah peach orchards. ICipp P. J.; & Zonen. December, 1924. 28 p. illus. 23 cm. (Utah sgric. hstruments for measuring solar radiation: solarimeters and Dvrheliometers. n. p. 11927.1 8 p. ihS. 28 cm. exper. sta. Bull. 202. June, 1927.) .- Arctowski, Henryk. Kocou;ek, Ferdinand, & others.‘ 0 tak zwanych falach barometrycznych w rejonie Antarktydy. Iiatastroftilnf d&t a povodn6 dne 11. Srpna 1925 v EechAch. Notice sur les pseudo-ondes baromktriques observees dans La pluie catastrophique et l’inondation du 11 aoOt 1925 en les regions antarctique:‘ et ailleurs. Lw6w. 1927. 14 p. Boh6me. (Avec un r6sum6 en franpais). Praze. 1926. Egs. 24 cm. (Extr.: Kosmos” journ. Soc. Polon. natur. 25 p. fig. illus. plate (f Id.) 31% cm. (Sbornfk pracf Kopernik.” v. 52. fasc. 1-2. A. 1927.) a studii hydrologickjrch. 8islo 2.) 0 zalomach krzywej przebiegu dziennego cisnienia atniosfery- Korhonen, W. W. Ein Beitrag zur Icritik der Niederschlagsmessungen. Uber cznego w Batawji. Notice pr6lirninaire sur les gradins de die Dichte des Neuschnees. Helsinki. 1926. 19 p. la marche diurne du barom&trf,Q Batavia. Lw6w. 1937. 24% cm. (Mitt. met. Zentralanst. des finn. Staates. 10 p. figs. 24 cm. (Estr.: ICosmos” journ. de la Soc. N:o 18.) Polon. des natur. “Kopernik.” v. 52. fasc. 1-2. A. Lewis, A. D. 1927.) [Title and text in Polish and French.] Rainfall normals up to the end of 1925. With an introduc- Uwagi mstepne do studjum przeskok6w w przebiegu rocznym tion and brief summary of the rainfall of the Union of South cfsnienia atmosferycznego. Remarques prbliniinaires con- Africa. Cape Town. 1927. xiii, 109, xxiip. plates (part cernant l’etude des dkclenchements ohserves dans la marche fold.) 33 cm. [Title and text in English and Dutch.] annuelle de la pression atTosphCrique. Lw6w. 1927. Maryland. Geological survey. 14 p. figs. 24 cm. (E;tr.: Kosnios” journ. SOC.Polon. Kent County. Baltimore. 1926. 184 p. plates. 26 cm. des natur. “Iiopernik. v. 52. fasc. 1-2. A. 1927.) Atlas. 1910-1916. 26 cm. Wstep do studjum nad transportem nins ntmosferycznych. Queen Anne’s County. Baltimore. 1926. 175 p. plates. Introduction B 1’Ctude do transport mondial de masses. 26 cm. Atlas. 1915-16. 26 cm. atmosphbriclues. Lw6w. 1927. 13 p. fie. 24 cni,, Talbot County. Baltimore. 1926. 177 p. plates. 26 cm. (Extr.: “ Kosnios” journ. SOC.Polon. natur. Iiopernik. Atlas. 1916. 26 cm. v. 52. fasc. 1-2. A. 1927.) Mears, William B. Arctowski, Henryk, & Orkisz, Henryk. Discovery determining the annual rainfall, past, present, and 0 wahaniach temperatury w Ameryce P6lnocnej w lstnch future; its effect on business and agricultural prosperity. 1910-1919. Sur les variations de la tempCrature observbes (North Dakota section.) St. Paul. unp. dans l’hmkrique du Nord pendant leu ann& 1910-1919. c1927. 28% Clll. Lw6w. 1927. p. 559-677. figs. pia::. 24 cm. (Extr.: National underwriter. Hail and tornado insurance number. “Kosmos” journ. SOC.Polon. natur. ICopernik.” v. 51. 1927. [New York.] 1927. 50 p. illus. 34% cm. fasc. 1-4. A. 1926.) Obzor rabot fenologicheskogo Otdela Imeni D. €1. kaigorodova Berlage, H. P., jr. buro nauchnykh nabludenii za 1926 god. [Leningrad. 1927.1 East-monsoon forecasting in Java. Weltevreclen. 1927. figs. 23 cm. (Pub. Geophys. & phenol. sec. Russian 42 p. figs. plate (fold.). 27 cm. (IC. Mag. en met. Z:cp“ MirovBdBniC.” no. 1. 1927.) ohserv.___.~ te Batavia. Verhandel. no. 20.) Otockij, P. Bongards, Hermann ReBim podzemnich vod a jeho zhvislost od ovzduhfch Feuchtigkeitsmessung. Munchen. 1926. vii, 322 p. illus. EinitelB. Le regime des eaux souterraines et les agents plates. 24 cm. mktkorologiques. Praze. 1926. 399 p. figs. 26 cm. Brhozovskii, S. A. (Podzemni vody, jejich vznik, reZim a rord6lenf. CAst 3. Iilimat Zhitomira. n. p. n. d. 42 p. 27 cm. (Cli. 2. Les eaux souterraines, leur origine, leur regime et leur dis- Osnovni tablitd.) t.ribution. pt. 3.) (Sbornik praci a studii hydrologickfch. Commission de mdteorologie agricole. Cislo 1.) Procbs verbaux de Is 2ibme rbunion, Zurich 1926. Stockholm. Pettersson, 0. 1927. 87 p. 24% cm. (Statens met.-hydrog. anstalt. Apergu d’orientation vers la conception actuelle de la circula- N:r 256. Organ. met. int,ernat.) tion oceanique dans I’Atlantique. [Goteborg. 1927.1 21 p. Ellis, Daniel. illus. 33% cm. (Svenska hydroa.-biol.-- komm. skrifter. Farther inquiries into the changes induced on atmospheric air, Ny. sei. Hydrografi. V.) by the germination of seeds, the vegetation of plants, and Der Golfstrom und der Atlantische Strom. [Gateborg. 1927.1 the respiration of animals. Edinburgh. 1811. ix, 375 p. 7 p. iLlus. plate. 34 cm. (Svenska hydrog.-biol. komm. 22 cm. skrifter. Nv ser. Hydrografi..- IV.) Great Britain. Meteorological office. Pinkhof, M. Instructions to observers at auxiliary climatological stations. Contribution to the explanation of complex halos. p. 172-183. London. 1927. 8 p. 24% cm. (Met’l observ. handbook illus. 26 cm. (K. Akad. van wetenschap. te Amsterdam.) (M. 0. 191) SUDD~.no. 2.) .-- - I I. (Repr.: Proc. v. 30, no. 2.) Hintikka, E. A. Poisson, Ch. Bericht uber die im Sommer 1916, 1917 und 1918 in1 west- Les cyclones de 1925. 12 p. plates (fold.) 28 cm. (Extr.: lichen Finnland und in den sudwestlichen finnischen Schiiren Bull. econ. de Madagascar. 23’ ann6e. no. 1. Iresem. 1926. ausgefuhrten erdmagnetischen Beobachtungen. Helsinki. Partie doc. Etudes.)- 1927. 32 p. 24% cm. (Met. Zentralanst. des Finn. Ryd, V. H. Staates. Erdmag. Untersuch. Nr. 15.) Meteorological problems. no. 2. Energy of the winds. HoxmGk, Guillermo. - Kjobenhavn. 1927. 96 p. figs. 25% cm. (Danske met El mais en la Argentina. Los rendimientos y las condiciones inst. Meddelelseler. Nr. 7.) climatkicas. 44 p. figs. 23 cm. (Rep. Argen. Min. de [Samoan Islands.] Climate and meteorology. Apia. 1927. agric. Sec. propaganda e informes. No. 697. Junio, 1927.) p. 20-44. 32 cm. [Manifolded.] Italy. R. Uffiuo centrale di meteorologia e geofisica. Societe mbt6orologique de France. Memorie. Roma. 1926. serie 111. v. 1. v. p. figs. plates. Liste des membres adherents (arr6tbe au 15 janvier 1927.) 31% cm. 13 p. 27 cm. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 11:31 AM UTC 330 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW JULY,1927 Thompson, Albert W.,ed. France. Acadhie des sciences. Comptes rendus. Paris. t. 184. Air conditioning in textile mills. A handbook on humidifica- 80 juin 1967. tion for textile manufacturers engineers and students. MacLaughlin, J. Mesures sur les gros ions B Paris. p. 1571- [2nd ed.] Boston. [c1925.] 497 p. illus. 20 cm. 1573. Williamson, Robert M. St. Maracineanu. Recherches sur la radioactivit6 de la Some facts about floods in the Cumherland river, with special matiPre exposbe pendant longtemps au rayonnement solaire. reference to the great flood of December, 1926-January, p. 1547-1550. 1927. p. 6-15. figs. 24% cm. (Tenn. acad. sci., Journ. Geoaranhical reiiiew. New York. v. 17. Julu. 1987. v. 2 no. 3, July, 1927.) “De Geer, Gerard. De Geer’s interpreiitioii of climate by clay deposits. p. 503-505. [Abstract.] RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeitschrift. Berlin. 1927. no. 3. The following titles have been selected from the con- Reger, J., & Kuhlbrodt, E. Bericht iiber die meteorologischen tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in Arbeiten. p. 163-169. 1‘‘ Meteor” expedition.] Heating and oentilating magazine. New York. v;,94. June, 1967. the library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected Bloom, S. C. What “effective temperature means. p. 60. are of papers and other communications bearing on me- Cecil, George. Keeping cool in India. p. 61-62. teorology and cognate branches of science. This is Yaglou, C. P., & Miller, W. Edw. Thermometric chart for not a complete index of all the journals from which it has human beings at rest and normally clothed. p. 59-60; 62. been compiled. It shows only the articles that appear to Hemel en dampkring. Den Hang. 25 jaargang. Juli 1997. Schoute, C. De stormramp van 1 Juni 1927. p. 209-219. the compiler likely to be of particular interest in connec- Hydrographic reiieio. Monaco. v. 4. May, .l967. tion with the work of the Weather Bureau. Niblack, A. P. Ocean currents in relation to oceanography, p. 181-218. Aerologist, Chicago. v. 3. March, 1967. marine biology, meteorology and hydrography. Marschall, P. J. The effective temperature thermometer. IdOjbr6s. Budapest. 11. 3’1. Janu&r-februbr 1927. p. 26-27. R6na, S. Die hderung der Wintertemperaturen in den American meteorologicid society. Bulletin. Worcester, Mass. v. 8. letzten Jahren. p. 29-30. [Ahstract.] JuntJuly, 1997. Szalay-Ujfalussy, L[adislaus] von. Influenzn und Wetter. Beals, E. A. Is it possible to predict California’s rainfall p. 3&31. [Abstract.] several months in advance? p. 103-107. Imperial acndemg. Proceedings. Tokyo. 11. 3’. May, 1997. Fergusson, S. P. Apparatus for the forest-fire service and Suyehiro, Kyoji. A new method of photographing air current. other projects. p. 94-95. [Abstract.] p. 269-370. Fergusson, S. P. Technique of the international aerological Institution of aeronautical engineers. Journal. London. v. 1. ascensions at Royal Center, Indiana, hiay, 1926. p. 96-97. March, 1927. [Abstract.] Entwistle, F. Wind structure in relation to air navigation.
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