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7-1-1982 Nova News, June-July 1982 Nova University

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This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Early Publications at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nova News by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GIlA. 'UATION ... THE BIG DAY CUlMINATING All THE DAYS OF STUDY AND BEST OF AII ••• THE FUTURE lIES AHEAD

That moment we've all been waiting faT ... And remember for years' co come ... T he conferring of [he degree. For doctoral and juris doctor students this also means receiving the hood, as shown here in a picture from a graduation past.

By: Jennifer P. Meriam months old and "graduating" from Former Chief Justice of the Florida occasion will be Dr. Abraham the Family Center Toddlerhood Pro­ Supreme Court A rthur England Fischler, President. Graduation is a special gram. gave the commencement address Preceding the event on Sunday time ... whoever you are. Perhaps Or perhaps you're graduating to the sixth graduating class. will be the 1982 Commencement you're a young lawyer, fulfilling a from The University School, you're On June 6, the University School Dinner Dance on Saturday evening, lifelong dream. Perhaps you're 4 1, 17 and you're a National Merit of Nova University bid farewell to 77 July 17 at the Hillcrest Golf and the mother of three, divorced and of just several in the graduating seniors at a brunch held Country Club In Hollywood. Tickets just now becoming a lawyer, with nation. at the Marriott Hotel. This marked for this affair can be received by still years ahead for practice. All of these, and so many more, the tenth year of festivities for the calling the Alumni office at Perhaps you're the husband sit­ are part of the graduati on high school graduation. 475-7398. Students, graduates, ting In the audience with your two . ceremonies throughout the year at A University-wide graduation their spouses and friends and teenagers as you see Mom receive Nova University. will be held on July 18 at the Sunrise friends of Nova University are In­ her Doctorate in Psychology .. . Festivities began at the. Parker Musical Theater at which time vited to attend. Members of the something you have all worked to Playhouse May 23rd, when 190 1,786 graduates will receive staff and faculty will also attend. _ acheive together, students received Juris Doctor masters, doctoral and under­ The cost Is $ I 5 per person and the And then again, you could be 18 degrees from Nova Law Center. graduate degrees. Speaker for the deadline for reservations Is July 2. • 2 N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y

Diving for Safet:!. was ,he topic of Dr. M. Alexander Gabrielsen when he· appeared on ABC's 20/ 20 Program luly 1. Here, a diver from ,he University School demonstrates ,he risks of diving in water no' deep enough for ,he particular dive. Filming 'ook place a, ,he University Pool in Davie. Pool Safety Expert Givesnps for Summer

By: Jennifer P. Meriam

During the months of June, July, and August, the traditional summer vacation period, over 5,000 people will drown, and over a half million will be seriously injured in water­ related incidents involving such activities as: swimming, boating. canoeing, surfing, SCUBA diving, snorkeling, water skiing, surfboar­ ding, and fishing. A frightening statistic Is the occur each year from diving, with a ceed one million dollars, dictates Dr. Alexander Gabrielsen of number of broken necks, resulting third of them happening in pools. the need for positive action. More Nova University, has investigated in complete paralysis(quadriplegia) The catastrophic nature of necks are broken from diving than hundreds of water accidents that are the result of diving or quadriplegia, its effect on the all other sports combined. One throughout the U ,S., and has sliding headfirst into water. individual and his family, plus the reason obviously is that itis the only conducted research and written ex­ Estimates from medical resources tremendous cost for medical and at­ sport where the individual tensively on the subject, He paints indicate that as many as 700 spinal tendant's care throughout the vic­ deliberately leads with his head. out that 90 percent of all drownings cord injuries resulting in paralysis tim's life which is estimated to ex- Dr. Gabrielsen feels very strong­ occur in natural water bodies such ly that before a family goes on vaca­ as lakes, ponds, quarries, drainage, tion this summer, there are certain canals, ocean beaches, rivers. and steps they should take, and certain inlets where in most instances no rules they should follow while on lifeguard was on duty. their trip. Here are his suggestions Pools are the safest place to to parents: swim, he says. Theyaccount for less t . Before you leave on vacation: If than 10 percent of the nation's possible, everyone should know drownings, even though as many how to swim. Take the kids and people swim in pools today as swim yourself to the local "Y", Red Cross at beaches. A disturbing fact or community pool for instructions Dr. Gabrielsen points out, is that of in swimming and lifesaving. All will the 800 annual pool drownings, 80 have more fun if every member can percent occur in pools owned by swim. Older youths and parents homeowners, motels, hotels, and should take a course In lifesaving, apartments where lifeguards are ~~ including the techniques of artificial seldom employed. Most water respiration and CPR. rescues, he paints out, are made by ", _" .: cst. 2. Lead, don't follow: Go check other alert swimmers, which is out the pool, beach or water area should be. Dr. Gabrielsen, lef" is in'erviewed by ABC newsman Geraldo Rivera of 20/ 20. Continued on page 8

of Commerce, and Werner recent report to the County Com­ Suntemeyer, president of Coral mission, which he said boils down Ridge Properties, developers of the to: city of Coral Springs. "The work force needs better Traffic And Transportation: County Commissioner Jerry transportation. mass transit can be Thompson and Fort Lauderdale City made to work. major expressways A Topic That Affects Us AD Commissioner Robert O. Cox spoke won't happen without ear-marked at length from the audience. money, and Broward's roads can be Sy: Henry Kinney Engineer Bruce Wilson of the made better sooner than anyone Sroward County Planning Division thinks." reported on plans for the "Gustafson bluntly told the Expressway Authority and Jean audiences that both federal and Establishment of a Sroward revealed during the latest of Nova Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Com­ state highway funds for new con- County tollway authority and the University's E.xecutive Council Con­ munity Involvement Roundtable, use of some available highway ferences. discussed that new organization's Continued on page 7 f unds for numerous " little About 80 executives. engineers. SSO ,OOO" improvement projects public officials, civic leaders and can provide the county with some land developers turned out for the relieffrom its traffic and transporta­ three-hour probe of the subject, CONTACT LENS WORLD t ion problems as state and federal hearing opinions from such persons funds for new roads continue to as William Fowler, local district DISCOUNT ON DISCOUNT ON engineer for the Florida Department 01 $5 0 diminish. EYEGLASSES CONTACT LENS And innovations such as less of Transportation; State Rep. Tom 15 10 demanding road design standards, Gustafson, considered an authority Ophthalmologic Supervision pre-cast modular grade separa­ on highway Issues: Arnold Ramos, tions. more buses but smaller ones, former district engineer now head CONTACT LENS WORLD offers you 15% discount and expressways built initially of his own firm and chairman of the on designer eyeglasses and $50 discount on ali types without interchanges likewise Traffic and Transportation Task of contact lenses under ophthalmologic supervision. could help. force of the Broward Workshop; No Hidden Costs - No Gimmicks' No Extras These proposals and others are Walter Collins, Arvida Corp. Bring this ad for discount. being laid before Broward's public executive who heads the Ground 2100 E. Commercial Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Phone:' 776-6885 officials by variouo citizen groups Transportation Task Force of the concerned with th<. problem, it was Fort Lauderdalel Broward Chamber - N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y 3 Nova Graduates ... Making An IlDpact Nationwide

By: Leonard Katz "If it hadn' t been for Noval would our programs must be designed to They include Lawrence laccone of have had to give up the idea of stu­ improve the performance of profes­ UCLA, often referred to as the dying for an advanced degree," sionals, and it is most rewarding for "father" of education policy; james Nova University, the pioneer in Finkel said. us to know that evidence is being W. Gurherie, senior national the growing educational trend to Nor were Reggie Brown or Althea collected which indicates that Nova lecturer in finance, School of Educa­ deliver quality higher education in jenkins willing to leave their jobs in alumni are havinga strong, positive tion, University of California at field-based degree programs, is order to pursue their educational effect in the institutions in which Berkeley; Elliot Wayne Eisner, a beginning to make an impact on ambitions. For them, however, the they are employed." national lecturer in curriculum in communities throughout the na­ main reason for choosing Nova was Nova offers field-based doctoral the Stanford University School of tion through its graduates. the practical aspects of the pro­ programs leading to EdD degrees Education, and LouisMasotti, Direc­ A sampling of Nova doctoral grams being offered. and doctoral programs in public tor of Urban Affairs at Northwestern graduates includes john Wilbut Lee, "I'm a very practical person," administration and business University. district superintendant for the said Brown, 47, "and I found that administration. In order to qualify for a doctorate Chicago public schools and Reggie the Nova program applied itself to In order to be accepted into the under the Nova requirements, the Brown, top aide to the Windy City' s practical solutions to problems." Nova educational programs, for ex­ graduate student has to complete Mayor Byrne and head of the "For me It was an opportunity to ample, an applicant must have an three "practicums" and attend a employment and training depart­ put theory into practice," Althea administrative post in the educa­ I O-day summer session at the Nova ment; Althea Jenkins, assistant Jenkins said. tional field, such as that of school campus in Fort Lauderdale. A prac­ superintendant of personnel ser­ Nova was founded a little more superintendant, prinCipal or direc­ ticum is Nova's equivalent of a vices in the mammoth Compton than 17 years ago. It now has 8,200 tor of a program. thesis and each one must address Unified School District, located in students. About 1 ,200 of them are Once accepted, the graduate itselfto a school problem, suggest a Los Angeles, who was instrumental enrolled in programs offered in 20 student joins a group of 25 to 30 solution and then have this solution in originating, then adopting and states. Nationally, Nova is known as other educators in his or her area to implemented in order for it to count implementing a "black is beautiful" an innovator of field-based pro­ form a "cluster". The cluster, under as credit towards a doctoral degree. program; Ira Finkel, an associate grams. Since then a number of the direction of a cluster coor­ Dr. Brown. for instance, was a professor at Dowling College, on universities around the nation have dinator, meets two or three times a high school principal when working Long Island, in New York State, who adopted similar programs making it week. In addition, once a month on for his doctorate. He did a study, devised a unique program to nur­ possible for a student to pursue a Saturday, top-calibre professors analysis and implementation of a ture creativity in children that is higher educational aims without are flown in from throughout the computerized attendance system now being taught in many Long being in a campus environment. country for an all-day session of for the entire Chicago school Island classrooms. "When Nova was founded," ex­ study, discussion. lectures and system . Dr. jenkins' "black is What these and the other Nova plained Dr. Abraham Fischler, the testing. Thisenables Nova students beautiful" program grew out of one graduates have in common is that school's president, "we felt that the to come in contact with many of the of her Nova practicums and was they chose Nova's avant-garde new university must look to future most celebrated educational minds adopted by her school district. Dr. method of delivering education in the nation, needs of professionals, rather than Finkel's study on how to unlock because they had neither the time plan it after past models. A listing of just a fewofofthe pro­ cr,eativity in grade school pupils or financial resources to study in the "We were and continue to be fessors who lecture for Nova reads also was the result of his pursuit of a traditional doctoral program which mission-oriented. We believe that like a "Who' s Who in Education." doctorate from Nova. requires on-campus residence. They were also attracted by the The unique quality of the Nova practical aspects of the program program was recognized recently in which demands theory be put into the academic world when the practice. American Association of School Ira Finkel, 54, the father of two Administrators (AASA) conferred teenagers, is in many ways typical its 1982 Outstanding Preparation of the sort of individual Nova at­ Program Award on the South florida tracts. In his middle years and with University. Theaward, made by the family responsibilities when he Virginia organization's Advisory decided he wanted his doctorate, Committee on Higher Education, there was no way for him to con­ was for the excellence of Nova's tinue his education in the tradi­ National Doctor of Education Pro­ tional manner. grams for Educational Leaders.

.. 0. !. -... ~' .... \' ~ 9t~ • 4 N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y ~ BALLOT Nova University Film Society -<; Pick the 20 films you want for another winning season in .982-831 ...... : Check the tides of the twenty (20) films you would most Uke to see included in the Nova University film Society's • • 1982-83 Season from the 6st below. Please be sure to fill in your name and address where indicated so you will : • be assured of being on our mailing list. When complete, return the Ballot to: • Betty Leverentz, Nova University Fdm Society 3301 CoUege Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 ; • Name • : Address : : City Zip Phone : : Would you like us to have a Saturday night showing on Campus? Yes 0 No 0 • • Do you think the season is too long? How many films should we have? : • Return before luly 15. •

• CHECK 20 FILMS D INTERIORS (U.S., 1978) Woody Allen D QUARTET (G .B., 1981) James Ivory • • (Nominated: Academy Award). (Fascinating story of a young woman • • D THE AVIATOR'S WIFE (France, 1980) D JUN Japan, 1981) Hiroto Yokoyama (A adrift in cafe society. With Adele Adjani • • Director: Eric Rohmer. teenager learns about life in contem- (The Story of Adele H.). D BEAU PERE(France, 1981) Bertrand Blier porary Japan). D PROVIDENCE (France, 1977) Alain • • (Director of Get Out Your Handker- D JUPlTER'STHIGH(France, 1981)Philippe Resnais (Director: Mon Oncle • • chiefs). de Broca (King 'of Hearts. Practice D'Amerique) . • • D THE BOAT IS FULL (Switzerland,. 1981) Makes Perfect). D RICHARD'S THINGS (G.B. , 1981) An- • • DIrector: Markus Imbul (Nominated, D KNIFE IN THE HEAD (Germany, 1978) thony Harvey (The wife and mistress of • • Academy Award). Reinhard Hauff (A man slowly regains a dead man become lovers. With Liv • • D BEST BOY (U.S., 1981) Director: Ira his memory after receiving a blow to his Ullman). Wohl (Nominated, Academy Award: head). D SECOND CHANCE (France, 1981) • • Best Independent Film). D THE LAST METRO (France, 1980) Fran- Claude Ie Louche. • • D CADDlE(Australia,1981)DavidCrom- cois Truffaut (Nominated: Academy D THE SHOUT (G.B., 1980) Je rzy • • ble (Nominated, Cannes and Venice). , Award). Skolimowski (Beautifully realized film • • D CLAIRE DEFEMME (France, 1981)Costa- D LANCELOT OF THE LAKE (France, 1974) about a man who learns to kill with a • • Gavras Robert Bresson (A Classic by a master). shout). D COCKTAIL MOLOTOV (France, 1981) D UU MARLENE (Germany, 1981) Rainer D SPECIAL TREATMENT (Yugoslavia, • • Diane Kurys (Director of Peppermint Fassbinder (Based on the song from 1981) Pascal Pascaljevic(The head of an • • Soda). WW II , with Hanna Schygulla and Glan- alcoholism clinic sets out to teach the • • D CONTRACT (POland, 1981) Krzysztov carlo Giannini). evils of drink to a contentedly boozy • • Zanussi (Very funny comedy with Leslie D MAN OF IRON (Poland, 1981) Andrzej citizenry). • • Caron). Wajda (Winner at Cannes, Nominated: D SOLDIER OF ORANGE (, • D COUP DE GRACE (Germany, 1977) Academy Award). 1980) (winner at • Volker Schlondorf (A German Soldier D THE MEADOW (Italy, 1981) Paolo/ Vit- Venice: Nominated: Academy Award). • • returns home after WW II) . torio Taviani (Directors: The Tree of D SISTERS OR THE BALANCE OF HAP- • • D THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND (Australia, Wooden Clogs). PINESS (Germany, 1981) Margarethe • • 1978) Fred Schepisi (The Chant of D MR. KLEIN (France, 1976) Joseph Losey Von Trotta. • Jimmie Blacksmith). (a Frenchman exploits persecuted Jews D SLAVE OF LOVE (USSR, 1978) Nikita • 0 lA DROlESSE (France, 1981) Jacques in occupiedParisduringWW lI,until he Mikhalov (Nominated: Academy • • Doillon (A 17-year old kidnaps a little is mistaken for a Jew himself). Award, winner at Cannes). • • girl). 0 MOSCOW DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TEARS 0 THE SPIDER'S STRATEGEM (Italy, 1970) • • 0 THE ENTERTAINER (G.B., 1960) Tony (USSR, 1981) Vladimir Menshov (Win- Bernardo Bertolucci (Winner at • • Richardson (A classic with Lawrence ner, Acedemy Award). Cannes). • Olivier). D MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM D TRAGEDY OF A REDlCUlOUS MAN • • D THE EMPIRE OF PASSION (japan, 1981) (Hungary, 1971) DusanMakavejev(An (Italy, 1981) Bernardo Bertolucci • • Nagisha Oshima (Director: Realm of the erotic, hilarious comedy based on the (Last Tango in Paris). • Senses). propositionthatsexisanimperativefor D TALES FROM VIENNA WOODS (Ger- • • D THE FIREMAN'S BALL (Czechoslovakia, liberalism). many, 1981) Maximillian Schell (T~e • • 1968) Milos Forman (Director: D OBLOMOV (USSR, 1980) Nikita story of.a group of shopkeepers In • Ragtime). Mikhalov (Winner at Cannes, 1930's VIenna). • • D FROM THE LIFE OF MARIONETTES Nominated: Academy Award). D VOYAGE EN DOUCE (France, 1980) • (Sweden, 1981) Ingmar Bergman. D 1 + 1 = 3 (Germany, 1981) Heidi Genee Michel de Ville (Two young Parisian • • D FROM MAO TO MOZART U.S., 1980) (A young woman who learns whe is women take a trip through the coun- • • Murray Lerner (Winner: Academy pregnant decides to have her baby to tryside ~nd enco~nter m~ny adven- • Award). the consternation of everyone except tures. WIth Geraldine Chaphn). • • D THE GETTING OF WISDOM (Australia, her small niece). D WALKABOUT (Australia, 1971) Nicolas • 1979) Bruce Beresford (Director: D OPERA PRIMA (Spain, 1980) Fernando Roeg (Winner: Academy Award and • • Breaker Morant). Trueba (A young man gets into trouble Cannes: A young Aborigine leads two • • D THE GREEN ROOM (France, 1979) Fran- when he decides he is agreat Lothario). lost white children back to civilization). • • cois Truffaut. D PERCIVAL(France, 1978) EricRohmer(A D WE ALL LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH • • D HEART TO HEART (France, 1978) Pascal classic set in medieval England). (Italy, 1977) Ettore Scola (A gro~p of • Thomas (Winner: French Academy D (Brazil, 1981) Hector Bavenco men try to hang on to the ambIance • • Award). (No minated: Academy Award, winner, they had when they were young). • D HESTER STREET (Canada, 1975) Joan Critic's Award, Cannes and others). D THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR (France, • • Micklin Silver (A young Jewish Emigre D PRINCESS YANG KWEI FEI (japan, 1955) 1981) Francois Truffaut. • • joins her unknown husband in the new Kenji Mizoguchl (One of the greatest D TH~ WICKER MAN (Anthony Shafer • • world). directors). (Winner at Cannes and New York). • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - N o v A • U N I v E R 5 I T y 5 The Nova Dinner show A Fabulous Success HONORS AND AWARDS

Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver. Ed.D. '80, was recently reappointed chair­ man of the National Professional Chapter ActlvitiesCommittee of the Society of Professional Chapter Ac­ tivities Committee of the SOCiety of Professional Journalists. Sigma Delta Chi arid convention program di rector for the 1982 combined con­ vention of the National Council of College Publications Advisers and the Associated Collegiate Press in St. Louis in October. She recently returned from New York where she was on the program for the college John Clarke, Director Center for the Study of Administration, and Mrs. Clarke division of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and served on the Gold key Board to select recipients of the association's highest honor, The Nova Dinner Show on March entertained for one hour and fifty the Gold Key. 5th featuring the "Amazing minutes and, of course, found his Dr. Kopenhaver was named ac­ Kreskin" was an unqualified suc­ check which had been hidden by a , Kenneth V, Knight, Charter Member, ting chairperson of the Department cess, spoken of by graduates as committee selected at random from Century Foundation and Senior Vice of Communication at Florida Inter­ "fabulous", "incredible", "fan­ the audience. President-Marketing, lnterval lntemational national University, Miami, Florida. tastic". Seven days before theevent The Galt Ocean Mile Ballroom She formerly served as Director of all tickets were sold and the univer­ was beautifully decorated, the Information Services at the univer­ sity switchboard reported that food, service and music were sity. scores of calls for tickets came superb. Our graduates are already Trend Setter - Dlno F. Claburrl. Ed .D. '75, Presi­ through during the last week. talking about making ar­ dent of Mildin Institute was recently Kreskin was truly "amazing". He rangements for next year's event. A Network feted at an Appreciation Dinner Builder given by the Mildin Institute Ad­ visory Board and held at the Kenneth V. Knight. MPA '77, Melebus Club, New Haven, Connec­ whose masters thesis, "Time Shar­ ticut. It was stated that he has ing - a Viable Alternative for Low­ distinguished himself by his par­ Cost Second Homes and ticipation and membership in many Vacations", predicted the industry's state and national p rofessional tremendous growth patterns, To Brag organizations and educational Knight, senior vice president­ associations, and his numerous marketing division of Miami-based civic and charitable contributions Interval International, the quality About It including the arts and music. vacation exchange network, the Mr. Robert PariSi, representing rapid expansion of the time sharing Congressman Lawrence DeNard is industry which grew from $50 presented a citation from the con­ million in sales in 1975 to $1.5 gressman stating that a flag had billion in 1981, cameas no surprise. Nova T-shirts, ties, blazer emblems, and scarves are among the items been flown above the Capitol in He has the total responsibility for available through the Alumni Office. The T-shirts are $5 each for men and Washington in Dr. Claburri' s honor. worldwide resort membership, children and $5.95 for women, plus $1 per shirt for postage and handl­ The flag was handed to Ciaburrl. maketing services and communica­ ing. Golf Shirts are $9.95 plus $1 for postage 8.. handling. Ties are $ 7.95 Ulla H. Fernandez. MS '80, and tions at Interval. and blazer emblems are $2 plus .50 for postage and handling. Women's her daughter, Myrlam N. Miranda. Known Industry-wide for his ex­ scarves are $12.95 plus .50 for postage and handling. Fill in the coupon MS '80, graduated together and pertise on resorts and the industry, below and start bragging about Nova. have each been chosen Teacher of as well as being recognized as the Continued on page 7 ~~~~~~,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. major force who built Interval into one of the world' s leading exchange T-Shirts companies, the thesis didn't con­ Size Men's Women's Child's tain 'pie-in-the-sky' ideas. He said, Alumni "A vast majority of the trends. sales methodology and industry evolu­ Small Represent The tion were simplified by spending eight years In the retail land sales In­ Medium University dustry. It's fascinating how many predictions actually materialized." Large The following alumni represent­ Prior to joining Interval in 1977, ed Nova University at the inaugura­ Knight was with real estate giants tion of University or College X-Large Deltonaand General Development, '. presidents throughout the nation: specializing in financial com­ Jerry Lee Jones, DPA munications. Ties Number $_-- William J. Teague "This past year (1981) was Inter­ Abilene Christian University val's greatest expansion in terms of Emblems Number Abilene, Texas on 2/ 20/ 82 member services and corporate re­ Scarves 28"x 28" Number Francis M. Jessup, OPA Investment of nearly one million Robert L. Randolph dollars," said Knight. "Our new • • Serving Trays Number Alabama State University World Service Center will accom­ • • Serving Trays priced at $20. plus $2. for postage and Montgomery, Ala., 4/ 17/ 82 modate our growth for the next five George Canty, Ph.D. handling. . Edwin Gibson Spier, Jr. years and gives us access to a Georgia College substantial, well educated labor Enclosed please find $ Make check payable to: Milledgevilli, Ga. on 4/23/82 pool which will be able to service the Nova University. and mail to Nova University Alumni Associ­ Arthur D. Sullivan, Ed.D. needs of both developers and in­ ation-International, 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Sam Hager Frank dividual members. Wagner College "We believe that while eco­ Florida 33314. Staten Island, NY on 4/ 23/ 82 nomically 1982 will be lackluster, NAME______Raul C. Martinez, Ed.D. we are bullish on time sharing Roy B. Shilling, Jr. industry. We are looking to Southwestern University strengthen our po sition within the ADDR~S ______Georgetown. TX on 4/ 23 / 82 time sharing field and further Im­ Virginia R. Borrok, DPA prove and refine our services to Gene M. Williams both developers and Individual luther Rice Seminary members." ...... _ ...... • Jacksonville, FL on 5/5/82 • 6 N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y The University School of Nova University honors its 1982 graduating seniors " Commencement: June 6, 1982, Ft. Lauderdale, Marriot Hotel


I The University School of Nova University 7500 S.W. 36 Street Fort l auderdale. Florida 33314 Phone: 475-7500 A priuate school with grades pre-school through high sc hool

Accr .. du ..d b~· Th .. South .. Tn AS50CloMion of (011"9 .. 5 and Schools. Th .. Flondc'l Council of Ind .. po>nd .. nt Schools. Th .. Associahon of InJ"po>nd .. nt PHIliP WEISS Schools of Floridd M.. mb.>r of Th .. Ndtion/ll Associdlion of Ind.. po>nd .. nt Schools. Th .. Soufh.. rn Association of Ind"po>nd .. nt School~ N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y 7

Continued from page 2 Classified Nova Professor Advocates... News in Develomnent with the kids before you let them .2. Capital development and expan­ TYPING SERVICE - LETTERS. use it. This is particularly essential if sion needs: &. RlPORTS the area is a non-designated swim­ There are a number of capital ex­ CALL 584-7355 ming area at a lake, ocean, or river. pansion needs that face Nova which Remem ber that pools are not all must be met. The Law School library alike. If there is a springboard or expansion needs are a high priority, sliding board, make sure that the especially in view of full accredita­ PROFESSIONAL TYPING water is deep enough for safe use. tion from the ABA. New construc­ -Reports, Briefs, Manuscripts, Read the rules that govern the facili­ tion to house the Behavioral Science etc. on electric IBM Correcting ty. programs and to provide facilitiesat 3. Never go head first the first Selectric. Fully Experienced, Coral Springs are high priorities. Fast Service, Perfect Work. time: Never let anyone enter any Classroom facilities and physical 472-5644 body of water for the first time in a education facilities to be shared by headfirst dive or slide. Don' t ever - Nova College and The University dive if you cannot see the bottom. School are being considered . The big danger is not to the head but James W. Colvert, Sr., Director of Development Facilities to consolidate and house 2-YEAR OLD AFGHAN. with to the spine at the neck area. A diver the programs and administration papers FRlE TO GOOD HOME. who hits his head can be paralyzed offices at Oceanography are priori­ for life, or killed w ith a neck injury. ty items. A Capital Development Call 475-7420, days; "Break, break, break, 4. Lifeguard on duty: Don't let Program is currently in the plann­ 922-9035, nights. upon thy cold grey shores, anyone swim if no lifeguard is on ing stage and is receiving high O,Sea! duty unless you are qualified to level cooperation at Nova. For I would that my tongue assume those duties. could utter TYPING SERVICE - CAlllOYCE 5. Be In charge: Never place full 3. Scholarships. Student loan 587-4993 responsibility on your older the thoughts that arise in me." Tennyson. Funds and (ndowmentofPrograms: children to "keep an eye on the Equally important with opera­ younger ones" in the water. They tional needs and facility needs are seldom have been trained to be Besides lending a more "cultural" those support items related to HOUSE FOR RlNT 3 or 4 lifeguards; furthermore, they are flavor to the Development News, students. It becomes a "chicken­ bedrooms, den, workshop, not aware of the risks involved in Tennyson expresses my frustration and-egg" question of which is of laundry. Near Nova. $600. use of springboards, slides, and in not being able to say all that I greater importance. There is no Applicances. 587-0343. deep water, and too often they want to! The Office of Development doubt that students are the prime become diverted in their own play. has spent six months gathering in­ ingredient in quality education 6. Examine the fadllty: Every formation to determine the basic -indeed, they are the tangible pro­ BE A SMART SHOPPER beach, pond, pool, or river has its needs immediately confronting ducts of the University. Thesupport Save hundreds of $ $ $ $ own characteristics and various Nova. Let me outline a few. of students in terms of available types of equipment. Be sure your I. Continuing support for the scholarships and loan funds deter­ On Your Grocery Bill family swims only In areas where overall flnandal stability of the mine to a great degree the opera­ Special Introductory offer. swimming is authorized. Water University: t ional and facility support needs. Send $2.50 for slides vary a lot in height. Some The economic condition of the Nova is growingl The latest alumni RlFUND RlVIEW. springboards are much more spr­ times, the rate of Inflation and in­ figures indicate 10,672 alumni in P.O. Box 8632, ingy than the person is used to, terest charges, the cut-backs in the Master's and Doctoral pro­ Coral Springs, FL 33065 and may throw him out to where Federal funding for research and grams. We now have a viable four­ Allow 4 weeks for Delivery. the water is too shallow for save student loans all combine to pro­ year, undergraduate program in diving. Look at the bottom of the duce an increased need factor for place. Nova's growth will be even pool before diving and determine heavier operational support in more dramatic in the next few its shape, particularly where the education. Nova does not escape years. We need to plan now for that PROFESSIONAL TYPING on IBM " upslope" starts. If it is nighttime, this condition. Indeed, because we future growth! Selectric. Special rates for be sure the pool has lights both do not receive the "tax support These are three of many "im­ students. 753-1 124 above and below the surface. If dollar", because of our free­ mediate needs" confronting a you cannot see the bottom of the enterprise system of private and in­ growing, dynamic, involved Nova pool at night, do not dive. dependent education, Nova needs University. Each of us need to 7. When you dive: Always keep the philanthropic contributions understand and respond to them. It WORD PROCESSING your hands and arms in front. Make from friends and alumnus more is axiomatic that Nova looks to her SERVICES Of nORIDA, INC. only a shallow dive when you dive than ever. Your contribution makes friends and alumnus for the finan­ AU TYPEWRIITEN from the deck of pools or from a up the difference between the tui­ cial resources to meet these needs. dock extending into a lake. Unless tion and fee income and the ex­ Your help is desired and deserved. DOCUMENTS ARE STORED you are a skilled diver, do not penses of providing quality educa­ Your immediate response is re­ ON MAGNETIC MIDIA fOR attempt a running dive from the tion at reasonable prices. quested. shore into a lake or ocean surf. If a EASY REVISIONS. slide is located in shallow water, go • Resumes down in a sitting position only. Continued /rom page 5 achievements as a member of the • Exams 8. Use ofnotatJon devices: There Fremont Recreation Commission. It Honors &. Awards••• • Reports are a variety of flotation gadgets on was one of two awards given this • Typesetting the market which are fun, but also the Year for 1981 by the principals year from the professionals in the • Dissertations represent a danger when used California Park and Recreation • Papers typed of aU kinds w ithout supervision. Of particular of their schools. They are now com­ peting for the county honor. Society to persons whose work is of • Copy /Prlndng importance is not to allow children such significance as to make a major 2750 W. Oakland Park Blvd. that are non-swimmers to use such ._----_._...... , betterment of services in the park devices w ithout d irect one on one and recreation field. Ft. lauderdale. Fl 33311 739-6737 "73-WORDS" supervision. Dr. Oliver O. Wainwright. DPA '81, was among a group of 158 10191 W. Sample Road distinguished Corporate Managers Coral Springs. FL 33065 who received the National Black 752-1180 Achievers Award In industry for NEW HOURS: "OVA'NEWS 1982. This award program is spon­ Mon-Thurs-FrI-8:30am to 5:00pm sored by the Harlem YMCA which Tues-Wed-8:30am to 8:00pm Jennifer r . Merlam accepts nominees from Fortune 500 and other companies nationwide. Editor and Coordinator of Dr. Wainwright represented SCM University Relations Corporation in New York City. He IMPROVE YOUR GRADESIII Ramon F. Sanchez was selected for outstanding We offer expert typing and Editor of University Publications achievement for the initial editing of term papers, thesis Frank Martinez development and innovations in and reports. Prompt service Designer numerous Corporate programs. Special students ratesl! Equally important, however, is his CAA Business Service John T. Baker role as a community leader where Hollywood - 920-8081 Stephen l. Goldstein he reaches out to stimulate several Director, University Relations John T. Baker. Ed .D. '80: received programs that motivate several Dennis H. Dannacher a merit award from the California minority youths towards produc­ Assistant Director, Park and Recreation Society tive and meaningful ac­ WHITEWAll, BElTED TIRl on University Relations recognizing his contributions and complishments. rims. # C78-14. 475-9544 - 8 N o v A • U N I v E R s I T y

, Com inued fro m page 2 NovaCoUege Traftk &. Transportadon ... Award Given struction are shrinking and "we Nova college has the pleasure of need new sources offunding," with announcing its participation in the general revenues of the state of­ presenting [dward I. Ohlschlager fering some hope for this. the financial [xecutives Institute Broward will get money for the [ducational Award. The award to rights of way for the Port [verglades Mr. Ohlschlager was among four [xpressway - - Interstate 595 - - he honors to students of South said, but this will be "the last Florida's major universities. The superhighway built in the United ward is given to students who ob­ States. ,. He seesa "stronger conser· tain scholastic excellence in the vative tide" running in both fields of Finance and Accounting. Tallahassee and Washington, he ------" -~- ' Mr. Ohlschlager was nominated said, adding that "we'll need a for his award by achieving in excess crisis, some bridges falling down or World's Apart... And Maybe Not! of 3.50 in his grade pOint average. some cities being shut down" if this Marissa Leichter of the Family both took great delight in the His major field is Finance. Dr. Hal is to be reversed. Center and Leonard Sherman of characters they portrayed. Marissa Maggied was Nova College's spon­ As of 1984-85, he said, the state University School at Coral Springs is "the Wise old woman in Ann sor and accompanied Mr. will begin having to pay for its may be world's apart as they por­ McGovern's Too Much Noise, while Ohlschlager to the F[I dinner neglect of resurfacing needs, as tray their various roles in Spring (you guessed it) Leonard gives new meeting and presented the award. much of the available money will go Theatrical Productions, but they life to Captain Hook of Peter Pan These awards were made at the for that. have one thing in common". they fame. Miami Club. Fowler said highway develop­ ment is In a period of "transition and uncertainty," with the federal place we're going to get additional Springs and southward to In­ posal, and this is to be presented government detaching Itself from lanes is on the interstates. All the terstate 75. soon to the County Commission. state and local needs and concen­ other funds are being converted to "We have only six months to get Ramos made a strong argument for trating on completion of the in­ reconstruction. We'll be able to our act together," he warned, refer­ "staged construction" of the ton terstate system. widen some substandard roads, ring to the necessity for going to the roads, building them at grade level "Most of the rest of the states, resurface some and take care of legislature for an enabling act. He initially and adding interchanges outside of the I 0 or I 2 growth some safety problems. By 1990 also cautioned that "If we don't "as funds become available." The states, already are in a maintenance we'll be in a mode where we'll just show some momentum on this, private sector, he added, will have mode," he explained. "As the ir,­ resurface and keep bridges In people out there are going to plan some other suggestions to make to terstate system gets completed, repair. " for it not to happen," and "if we the county about alternative design more money will be converted to Wilson said County Ad­ don't go ahead, we're going to have and construction methods. rehabilitation and resurfacing, cor­ ministrator Graham Watt has to pay as much for piecemeal im­ He set off discussion of small im­ rection of safety problems and assigned staff to investigate the provements later as we would for provements that could have capacity problems, and this will steps necessary to the creation of new construction." substantial benefits, arguing that have a massive impact on the state an [xpressway Authority to under­ Ramos reported that his task "a million dollars will build only one of Florida." take the unfunded portion of 1-595 force of the Broward Worksh'op has mile of road, and it could be better "Basically we're in a -and the Deerfield Beach/Sawgrass voted to concentrate on support of spent on traffic control. " maintenance mode now. The only [xpressway to run through Coral the [xpressway Authority pro-

Nova Gold Key isan organization of men who have pledged financial GolilKey support of $1 ,000 a year to create student scholarships, loan funds and research " seed" money. At Golf present there are thirty-seven members. Seven of these Nova Cassie Gold Key men joined at the May 7, 1982 Gold Key Golf Classic held at [merald Hills Country Club in Hollywood. . The day of golf was a rousing success and dinner was enjoyed by more than fifty people. Mary R. McCahill , Chairman of Nova's Board of Trustees, welcomed the assembled members, spouses and Mrs . guests on behalf of the University ..., and President Fischler. ..., Z Gold Key Pi ns were given to the 0 new members and recognition pla­ f"> ~ Q. C ques were awarded to those par­ i> ticipating in the Golf Classic along QQ with special Tee-Shirts and visors. »'" t < UI No golf scores were announced and ~ New Gold Key member, Dr. Seymour everyone was a winner! Especially '"c ~ !" Goldschein and Mrs. Shirley Goldschein Nova University's Gold Key!! ;' r c '"a. '"a. !''" ~ r..., ...,


~> , • § != ~ ~ i_ ""'II!" C'I z c ... > > 0 > z Z Z ~ 0 - i N':" .... C;- > "'" 5: OIgg Offt to right) Guest Martin Baer, Gold Key Z!! tI z'" Da.-id Millman and New Gold Kev 0 members juli!(S Tanenbaum and Steven Oeft to right) gold Key member Dave Gable, member Dr. Seymour Goldschein, Guest Sy > Disal", guest lack Gordon, Denn~ Dannacher Teppeiman