Quarterly Cargo Crime Update – April/ May/ June 2020 Q2 2020 Author: NaVCIS Intelligence Analyst Contributor: NaVCIS Intelligence Researcher Date/version: 20th August 2020/v.1 Classification: OFFICIAL Handling instructions: This document is intended to inform NaVCIS’ strategic governance structures and Freight industry partners. This document should not be shared outside of this audience without prior permission of the author. OFFICIAL Quarterly Cargo Crime Update – April/ May/ June 2020 Introduction Partners NaVCIS receive cargo crime notifications from a number of sources The work undertaken by NaVCIS Freight Crime would not be possible namely Police, Industry, Hauliers, Insurers, Cargo Surveyors, Trade without the assistance & funding from our financial partners. Organisations, the Road Haulage Association, and the British International Freight Association. Reported cargo crime data is received regularly from 34 UK police forces. The remaining forces provide data on a quarterly basis. Aims and Objectives The aim of this report is to analyse the cargo crime data in relation to all cargo crime notifications received for the period April, May and June 2020 (Q2), in order to provide an overview and assessment of the scale and nature of thefts nationally. For more information, please contact us at
[email protected] Creating value from data 2 OFFICIAL Quarterly Cargo Crime Update – April/ May/ June 2020 Key Findings Recommendations • There were 783 Cargo crime notifications during Q2. • Discover what security measures are currently in place • The total loss in Q2 was £16,020,723.94. at the most vulnerable MSA’s and look at ways to • 70% of notifications were Theft From Motor Vehicle increase them if appropriate.