
HESPERIA 74 (2005) A ROMAN IN Pages 585?611 CORINTH


area a During the 1967-1968 excavations of the Gymnasium in Corinth, long narrow was and structure (the "Apsidal Building") discovered. It is argued here that the structure the eastern meta and a of the represents portion spina a races were of circus, where held. The circus appears to have been as an con planned integral component of the Caesarian design of the city, structed the renovated in the late 1st during Augustan period, a.D., and refurbished as late as the . Furthermore, the circus was often the site of the equestrian contests of the Corinthian festival and at times of the Panhellenic Isthmian Games.

was b.c. When Colonia Laus lulia Corinthiensis founded in 44 by Julius new was on , the Roman colony built the site of the former Greek polis that had been destroyed by the consul Lucius Mummius in 146 B.c.1 was During the interim period of 102 , the Greek city deprived of was its civic and political identity and largely deserted until the arrival of the earliest Roman colonists, a combination of freedmen and veterans.2 were Although certain architectural elements of the Greek city retained new in the foundation, the Roman architects and engineers brought with a over them plan for the colonial city and proceeded time to build new

of 1.1 thank John H. Humphrey, the University Pennsylvania Muse "Corinth NB" throughout. um of David R. , Guy D. R. Sanders, Archaeology and Anthropology. 2. For the destruction of Corinth, I see Kathleen Warner Slane, Charles K. thank all of the students who have Paus. 2.1.2; Strabo 8.6.23; me to Williams II, and James R. Wiseman for helped both inCorinth and in Per. 52. For the damage the city, assistance and discussions in seeWiseman 491-496. helpful Philadelphia, and particularTimothy 1979, pp. concerning the subject of this article. In Demorest, David Pacifico, and Nicho For discussion of the planning of the I to las L. assistance in see particular, would like thank Slane Stapp for their colony, Romano 1993. For the see for the pottery identification and preparing the final drawings. Finally, colonists, Strabo 8.6.23 (freedmen); and I thank description, Williams for assistance the anonymous Hesperia Plut. Caes. 57 (veterans). See also the I am reviewers comments and recent of at with the stratigraphie analysis. for their sug study the early colony also toWiseman for on an earlier version of this ac grateful supply gestions Corinth byWalbank (1997). For the for article. interim see ing photographs Figs. 1,2,4, tivity during the period, 6. were to exca and The drawings produced References the Corinth Williams 1978, pp. 21-22; Romano are as by the Corinth Computer Project of vation notebooks abbreviated 1994, pp. 62-64.

? The American School of Classical Studies at Athens

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structures buildings, monuments, and of characteristic Roman type.3 For corner example, the amphitheater at Corinth, located in the northeast of the was planned colony of 44 b.c., probably constructed during the Augustan a period.4 Later, under , in the early A.D., second Roman was at colony founded Corinth, Colonia lulia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis, with subsequent planning and building activity.5 a was Another structure characteristic of Roman city the circus, the races were con place where chariot held and where spectators watched the tests.6Most typically, four-horse , quadrigae, and two-horse chariots, on a bigae, would compete closed racecourse, although other equestrian contests events and sometimes athletic, gladiatorial, and dramatic could a as a be staged in circus well.7 It is suggested here that Corinth had circus was and that it planned from the earliest days of the colony, constructed as an integral component of the Augustan phase of the city, and then used throughout much of antiquity.81 also propose that the equestrian contests were of the pentaeteric Corinthian Caesarea festival held in this circus, and sometimes the Panhellenic Isthmian Games as well.


area During the 1967-1968 excavations of the Gymnasium in Corinth by a the University of Texas, under the direction of James R. Wiseman, long and narrow structure was discovered ca. 45 m to the south of a structure ten as a tatively identified the Gymnasium.9 The structure, aligned in roughly at was east-west direction and called the time the "Apsidal Building," excavated for a distance of about 19 m with an interior width of ca. 3.5 m; the west end of the structure was not found, presumably lying beyond the area structure excavated (Figs. 1-3). The maximum width of the excavated m east-west m. is 4.49 and the length of the curved eastern portion is 4.84

5. Flavian is known Beacham 1-44. 3. From the archaeological record The colony 1999, pp. one must assume was a 8. It is that Greek Cor that there par from numismatic, epigraphical, and very likely and evidence. inth a its tial selective physical destruction (recently) archaeological had although structures See Corinth no. Corinth location has not been discovered. It of the buildings and of VI, p. 26, 93; no. Romano must remain a that the site the Greek city. See Wiseman 1979, VIII.3, p. 42, 82; 2000; possibility at an pp. 491-496. 2003, pp. 291-299. The second Roman of the could earlier to new have been the site of the 4.Welch 1999, pp. 133-140. Welch colony is likely have introduced date Greek suggests that the date of the structure colonists into the city. facility although Humphrey (1986, on its 6. The Lex Coloniae the reminds us that "there is no is based construction techniques, Genetivae, p. 12) a a which are most similar to those of other colonial charter of Urso, foundation Roman example of Classical Greek 44 converted amphitheaters built during the late 1st of in b.c., indicates hippodrome having been were to into a century b.c., Sutrium in Etruria and that the organize games canonical?i.e. monumental? or contests in Roman Carmo in Baetica. Furthermore, she in the circus gladiatorial circus." out the . Each was to 9.Wiseman points that, for both social and po spend 1969, pp. 64-72, an would not less than sesterces from his c. For the excavations in the litical reasons, amphitheater 2,000 pi. 20:b, a in a own to be see also Wiseman have been necessity Roman col money, supplemented by Gymnasium area, sesterces of See 1972.1 thank Professor ony founded by Julius Caesar. The lo 1,000 public money. 1967a, 1967b, at 423-424. It Wiseman for with me ele cation of the amphitheater Corinth Crawford 1996, vol. 1, pp. discussing corner is same law was a ments of this structure and for in the northeast of the colony possible that the part permis to of the colonial charter of the Caesarian sion to cite information is similar the locations amphi of unpublished at from the excavation notebooks. theaters in other Roman colonies, just foundation Corinth. or inside outside the city limits. 7. Humphrey 1986, pp. 71-72; A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 587


Figure 1.View of the "Apsidal Building" from the east, 1968. Corinth Excavations; photo courtesy J. R. Wiseman

as a was A hard-packed surface identified that of courtyard found to the north, east, and south of the structure. The curved eastern end is constructed of eight well-finished, curved are a marble slabs that backed by series of large reused poros blocks of a on various shapes, including column fragment. The curved marble slabs were a the exterior clamped together. One surface of every marble block is half-round; all but one of these half-round surfaces have been embedded in one the ground although in case the half-round is the present top surface. m Approximately 2 west of the east end of the structure, the curved end run a of the wall is continued by rectangular blocks that in straight line approximately east-west. A cross-wall of additional reused blocks joins the ends of the curved eastern end of the structure.10 After an interval of 1-2 m, courses on east-west poros blocks, two high the south, continue the walls of the structure toward the west. were Three pits cut into the bedrock associated the excavator 10. One of the in large by blocks, "ag" Fig. 3, use are with the original of the structure. The pits, which aligned roughly appears to have had an earlier use as a east-west, are (ca. 6.0 m center to center) and are of similar starting-line block from the dromos of spaced equally a or dimensions.11 Shallow channels lead toward the from different direc gymnasium stadium. pits 11.Wiseman the a m m (1969, p. 69) gives tions. To the south of the pits, drain, approximately 0.50 wide and 8 dimensions: for 1, Diam. following pit long, covered with marble slabs, was excavated, beginning 11.5m west of the 1.65 m, D. 0.88 m; pit 2: Diam. 1.65 m, east end of the structure and extending west into the western scarp 3). D. 0.79 m; 3: Diam. 1.45 m, (Fig. pit The drain is associated with a later use of the structure. D. 0.80 m. There is no indication of cement A number of worked marble a cone any hydraulic from within the pieces, including large (Figs. 4,5), were structure. pits. found during excavation of the The marble cone, found 588 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

j*,? *M^

Figure 2. View of the "Apsidal Building" from the north, 1968. Corinth Excavations; photo courtesy J. R. Wiseman

immediately to the north of the walls, is characterized by having its apex a cut horizontally; the top horizontal surface has central circular cutting to an m m similar empolion cutting, 0.09 in diameter and 0.018 deep. The bottom of the marble cone is broken off and thus the original size and form are not known.12 were a A.D. Several marble sculptural fragments found in 6th-century a dump deposit above the Apsidal Building: large marble egg-shaped ob a a ject (S-2879; Fig. 6), colossal marble hand (S-2877), and third of the a as as arm a head of young boy (S-2873) well most of his right (S-2876); life-size terracotta comic mask (MF-12977) was also found.13 The left leg a an an from statue of athlete (S-2923), with attached palm tree support, was discovered just outside of the dump.14 were Three lead tablets excavated immediately outside of the Apsidal Building: MF-12994, MF-68-271, and MF-68-272 (Fig. 3:A-C).15 A was m heavy foundation wall, wall 16, found approximately 18 north of, m and roughly parallel to, the Apsidal Building (Figs. 7-9). This wall, 1.2 was a wide, excavated for total length of approximately 16 m.16 At 6 and

max. racotta MF-12949 and the eastern 12. A-767: p.L. 1.38 m, Diam. masks nearby: and northeast of end of 0.28 max. 1.42 m. from a a.d. the structure nn. (top) m, p.Circum. MF-12972, 3rd-century (see below, 23, 44). a MF was Williams (1987, p. 386) describes the deposit in bronze-casting pit; MF-68-272 (Fig. 3:C) found in cone as a the trench for the marble shaft of the marble "pick 12967, from lst-2nd-century deposit foundation a dressed" and notes the presence of two from test trench 8, west of bronze slabs at the northeast side of the curved are a east end of the structure "shallow boss-like protrusions" that foundry; and MF-12968, from Late (Corinth on one m east visible side of the shaft, 0.78 Roman deposit from the end of the NB 379, pp. 144-149; NB 418, cone. stoa. below the horizontal top of the Gymnasium south See Wiseman pp. 149-152,169-172). MF-12994 is max. in 21:a inWiseman 1969. 13. S-2879: p.L. 0.384 m, 1969, pp. 103-104, pis. 22:j-l, 32:c. illustrated pi. m. 14. 21:c. also 166-167. Diam. 0.19 For photographs of Wiseman 1969, p. 72, pi. See Jordan 1985, pp. see 16.Wiseman these objects, Wiseman 1969, 15. MF-12994 (Fig. 3:A) andMF 1969, p. 68, fig. 2, excavator were this not show pis. 21:c, 22:a-c, 24:c. The 68-271 (Fig. 3:B) found in layers although drawing does ter to east the entire of the wall. found four additional fragments of of hard-packed road metal the length excavated Section (Figure 12)

Apse Settirii Trench

3. Actual-state of the After Corinth NB Wiseman Corinth Figure plan "Apsidal Building." 425, p. 115; 1969, p. 68, fig. 2; Computer Project


Figure 4 (above, left).Marble trun cone as cated discovered during excavation, 1968. Corinth Excavations; photo courtesy J. R. Wiseman

trun Figure 5 (above, right).Marble cated cone. Corinth Excavations

Figure 6 (left).Marble egg. Corinth Excavations; photo courtesy J. R. Wiseman

m are 10.5 north of wall 16, where theWest Waterworks structure begins, as two run robbing trenches (labeled two pillaged trenches) for walls that was parallel to wall 16 (Figs. 8, 9).17 The space between these walls filled with dumped material. to east eastern Twenty-five meters the of the (excavated) end of wall 16, and on the same axis, Wiseman found evidence for a similar wall, m was to a m 1.50-1.70 wide; this stretch excavated length of 8.15 (Fig. 7). was m to An additional lead tablet found in this vicinity, approximately 23 the northeast of the east end of the Apsidal Building.18 The wall continued was to under a farm road to the west, and its robbing trench discovered 17. Corinth NB 453, 189. the east for another 7 m as in bedrock. A wall was found p. cuttings parallel 18.This lead tablet (MF-68-273) 7 m The northern about a meter north of this wall. wall, excavation. approximately largely disintegrated during wide originally, is partially preserved and robbed. Wiseman suggested that See Corinth NB 350, pp. 30-32; Wise a a man n. 10. these two parallel foundations may have been for stoa, with total width 1969, p. 70, Late Roman Wall Gymnasium Stoas

West Waterworks Domed Building

Wall 16 sv?Gymnasium South 1 Trench

spina meta N

0 50 100m

7. Geo-rectified actual-state of excavated features and trenches. Corinth Figure drawing Computer Project 592 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

Pillaging Trench 2


West Waterworks Floor

8. to Figure Area the north and south of wall 16. After Corinth NB 453, p. 189; Corinth Computer Project

an (including the walls) of 8.75 m, and that the building faced south onto was m open hard-packed courtyard, which explored for 19 to the south of the foundations (Fig. 7).19 The only excavation undertaken to the west of the long and narrow structure m to was (ca. 60 the west) the early trench I, excavated by R. B. a a Richardson in 1896, inwhich portion of Late Roman wall made up of 19.Wheel ruts were found at the was discovered In to the Richardson bottom of test trench 1 of trench spolia (Fig. 7). addition, south, dug "Gym a narrow m South to the south of these founda north-south trench approximately 50 long inwhich he found 1," a an area ca. m tions; Wiseman 1967b, pp. 420-421. very little other than series of blocks covering 5 wide at The elevation of these ruts is 54.150 the north end.20 m. test at For comparison, in trench 9, Wiseman did not the structure in the Although positively identify the east end of theApsidal Building original excavation report, Charles K.Williams subsequently made the sug (Corinth NB 425, p. 71), the elevation a or to of the hard floor surface to the gestion that the Apsidal Building could be rural outdoor shrine Diana dating m. set is 54.363-54.358 Nemorensis, possibly up by the Roman freedmen when settling the 20. Richardson 1897, 457-458. Caesarian Williams envisioned an t?menos surrounded pp. colony.21 open-air Wiseman (1967b, 92) a pi. reproduces by simple low wall and suggested that the original shrine to Diana, from the plan byW. B. Dinsmoor of the near the early days of the Caesarian colony, had been located somewhere 1896 trenches. the Fountain of the Lamps (Fig. 16, below) and that itwas rebuilt with its 21.Williams 1987. A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 593

55.000 - m?\ 55.000 m - 54.880 m (level of top of meta wall block)

54.000 m L_ 54.000 m

Figure 9. Section drawing showing the to the north and stratigraphy original component parts in the present location. He identified the trun south of wall 16. Section line indi cone as a or cated marble sacred log, lignum, dedicated to Diana, of a type cated on 8. After Corinth Figure known from frescoes from and the House of Livia on the NB 425, p. 193; Corinth Computer Project Roman Palatine. Fresh considerations of the excavated evidence, however, incorporating the newly understood principles and manifestations of the planning and design of the Caesarian colony at Corinth, indicate instead that the architectural features of the so-called Apsidal Building represent a part of circus facility.


I owe the as a original idea of the identification of the Apsidal Building meta circus and spina toWilliams.22 The eastern end of the excavated struc ture an is of appropriate general size and shape for the low wall of a meta, or turning post, of a Roman circus. This feature at Corinth is surrounded on a three sides?north, east, and south?by series of layers of hard-packed two to road metal.23 The lines of parallel blocks extending the west (Fig. 3: a walls 1,2) could reasonably define the spina of circus. Furthermore, many can of the finds associated with the so-called Apsidal Building be related to a meta or or to use as a the functions of spina the of the overall facility circus. For comparisons of design, the western turning post (meta secunda) a at of circus Lepcis Magna has been excavated and published and serves as a close parallel (Fig. 10).24 The large truncated marble cone described earlier, found above the near foundations and the north wall of the structure, should be interpreted as a part of the turning post itself; the empolion cutting at the top of the cone a would have received finishing element.25 At least one additional

22. Charles K.Williams II NB the meta is detached the (pers. (Corinth 425, pp. 71-87) describes from spina Williams this a series to as to case comm.). suggested of hard-packed floors, up appears also be the in to me in as m to possibility 1978 although, 0.50 deep, several of which date Corinth. noted he later the 4th 25. marble cone above, (1987) published century. The should prob the structure as the shrine to Diana 24. The at example Lepcis Magna ably be associated with the meta in its Nemorensis. measures ca. 6.9 m (N-S) and latest use. 23. m The daily excavation record 5.8 (E-W). At Lepcis Magna 594 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO


5 m

10. west meta. member of the cone should be restored below the preserved piece, and the Figure Lepcis Magna, After Humphrey 1986, p. 43, fig. 23; stone egg may have rested on top (see below).26 The three lead tablets can Corinth Computer Project to a also be related the functioning of the circus; number of lead tablets contexts to curse have been excavated in circus and proven be tablets.27 at Curse tablets positioned the starting gates and turning posts of means to some would, by of "aggressive magic," have served initiate form of misfortune on the charioteer and chariot team.28 meta one The equally spaced pits within the and spina, of which (pit 2) was a an excavated with portion of amphora still in situ, and the associ as a ated channels could be interpreted series of connected water basins, hydraulic facilities sometimes found within the spina of circuses.29 An attractive alternative interpretation is that the pits and inlaid amphoras

lot to the 6th was a source of 26. Humphrey (1986, pp. 46-47, tery 5555, dating century, good horses. Although restores the cones at not fig. 27) Lepcis andMF-68-272 (elev. 54.518 m) with this coincidence does necessarily as m tall includ to a or Magna 4.06 (4.75 m, pottery lot 5568, dating generally the presuppose the existence of circus the Roman at ing crowning egg). period. Corinth, it is sugges 27. Heintz 1998. Wiseman 28. At five of See , for example, tive. For examples of horses named curse in see (1969, p. 70, pi. 21 :a, b) describes and the 13 tablets found the city Korinthos, Audollent 1904, one were no. illustrates of the lead tablets, located in drains along the central pp. 311-312, 235, line 27; 1906, MF-12994, currently under study by barrier and turning posts of the circus; p. 386. am to meta David Jordan. Wiseman writes that Heintz 2000.1 grateful David 29. Cf., e.g., the western at "the is a few of the letters for the information that several In reference script Greek; Jordan Lepcis Magna (Fig. 10). are most curse to printed' but of the writing is tablets from and Had the barrier of the , cursive." This curse tablet is associated rumentum curse race horses named Humphrey (1986, p. 294) observes: with to is "in the and at pottery lot 4881, dating the Korinthos (which spelled Corentus High Empire, possibly late 4th-5th It was found at in the Hadrumentine the moment when was century. example), sug the euripus first an m. come were con elevation of 54.521 MF-68-271 gesting that the horses may have built, certain monuments or (elev. 54.554 m) is associated with pot from Corinth, at least that Corinth verted into fountains." A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 595

were or receptacles for trees bushes.30 Such features, including amphoras as are used planting pots, known from Greek and Roman gardens.31 The was north-south cross-wall at the western end of the meta built, during use a a the later of the structure, with series of reused blocks, including column fragment, partially covering and filling pit 1. are Immediately to the west of the meta two other series of blocks, east-west foundations (walls 1 and 2), that continue for a maximum of m 12 (Fig. 3). These blocks have presumably been reset into the original the are foundation trenches of walls from the spina. Originally the blocks likely to have been stacked two to three courses high (see below, Fig. 14), at similar to the situation Lepcis Magna.32 to The parallel foundation walls excavated the north and northeast of meta a the spina and may well be the foundations for spectator gallery. It is was a likely that wall 16 the foundation for podium wall. It is customary that racecourse circuses have spectator facilities built along the sides of the and, although the evidence currently indicates their presence only to the north of the circus at Corinth, itwould be expected that the gallery also continued around the south and west sides. The 5 m wide series of blocks found at

the northern end of the southern portion of trench I (Fig. 7) may have been part of the northern spectator facilities of the circus. east Several objects discovered in the 6th-century dump fill above the a west foundations of the spina could have had connection with the circus.33 as one ova The large stone egg could be interpreted of the commonly used as were counters for the laps of the chariot races; eggs also used to decorate the top surface of the metae?A It is curious that a terracotta comic mask (MF was were an 12977) found in the dump fill. Theatrical performances often were important aspect of circus activities, and pantomimes known to have been included in circus programs from the until the 6th cen was tury. It is conceivable, therefore, that this mask used in such perfor mances in the circus in Corinth.35


structure as a a The identified here circus had long and complicated history was use. and, in addition, largely pillaged after its period of At least four can phases be recognized: construction in the mid- to late Augustan period; renovation in the late 1st century A.D.; reworking in the 6th century; and abandonment later in the 6th century. The date of the original construction of the circus would appear to be to on mid- late Augustan based several pieces of evidence from the area of 1 meta. walls and 2 and from the pits found within the spina and

am to one anon or trees 30.1 grateful of the mentions that plants could have eggs from the Circus Maximus. reviewers for been on ymous Hesperia suggest included the barrier. 35.MF-12977: Wiseman 1969, this idea to me. 22:a. For com ing 32. Humphrey 1986, p. 39, fig. 18. pp. 71,104, fig. 3, pi. 31. See Gleason 16. Such 33. It is not of course certain that for see 1994, p. paranda the mask, Agora VI, known as the associated with the planting pots, ollaeperforatae objects dump pp. 20-23, 59-62, pis. 11-15. For the to the Romans, have been discovered fill come from the circus. role of theater in the circus, see Cam at see 34. eron and Jericho; Messineo See, e.g., Humphrey 1986, 1976, pp. 193-229. For mime and 1984 for At the circus of for the liter see examples. pp. 260-262, discussion of pantomime in the Roman theater, Lepcis Magna, Humphrey (1986, p. 38) ary and archaeological evidence for the Beacham 1991, pp. 117-153. 596 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

Wall 2

- No Pottery

Late Roman 4e Mid- to Late Augustan

Wall 2 5m Early Roman Wall 2 (spina) 11. Section Figure drawing north east-west of wall section line indicated on The original foundation trench of the southern wall of the spina 2; 3. After Corinth NB was located beneath wall 2, which was built in the 6th century. The blocks Figure 425, p. 78; on are Corinth Computer Project of wall 2 sit top of earlier layers of sediments that Late Roman, Early are Roman, and mid- to lateAugustan in date (Fig. 11). Both east-west walls stone was associated with the drain covered with marble slabs, which prob ably built during the 6th-century refurbishing of the structure (Figs. 3,12). When the blocks of wall 2 were installed, the earlier foundation trench was to so not dug its original depth that the original stratigraphy remains. The earliest level excavated at the bottom of the trench of this wall is described as hard red earth dating to the early 1st century A.D.36

Wall 1 (spina)

A trench dug immediately to the north of wall 1, which was also built in the 6th century, revealed material from the early foundation trench, 1.15 m to wide, dating the Early Roman period.37

Pits (spina, meta)

at The lowest stratigraphie level found the bottom of pit 3 dates to the mid- to late Augustan period (Figs. 3,12).38 A stratigraphie level from the not can bottom of pit 2, although precisely datable, be dated generally to

two 36. Pottery lot 5530. Corinth NB ment, and plain-ware bases. 38. Pottery lot 5561. Corinth NB 418, p. 95; NB 433 (elev. 53.908 37. Pottery lot 5575. Corinth NB 418, pp. 131,136,189; NB 425, p. 43; 53.558 m). The soil is described as red 425, p. 80; NB 433 (elev. 54.644 NB 433 (elev. 54.634-53.373). The soil as as dish brown. Approximately half of the 53.636 m). The soil is described light is described sandy red. The pottery a pottery is pre-Roman, mostly Hellenis brown and hard. The pottery includes includes handful of Hellenistic cook coarse an Roman tic. The other half is Early Roman, and Greek black glaze, wares, unfired ing-pot sherds, unidentified two a water a includes unidentified red-slipped Corinthian, micaceous jug frag amphora fragment, Roman cooking 1st and an rim two of thin-walled plate fragments of the late century ment, Early Roman lekane pot rim, fragments two trench was excavated as a b.c., casserole fragments (one floor fragment. This mid-late Augustan cups, and Roman one one test casserole handle. and rim), cooking-ware frag trench 13. A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 597

55.274 m 55.244 n/\ 6th A.D. Test Trench 2 55.000 m 5th-6th A.D.

54.000 m J


Figure 12. Section of 3 drawing pit the Roman Pit 1was filled with a column and areas; section line period.39 partially large fragment neighboring but did not have datable levels. indicated on 3. After Corinth Figure NB 418, p. 189; Corinth Computer Project Wall 16

ca. m on The heavy foundation wall 16, 18 north of the spina (Fig. 7), must, the basis of pottery found to the south of the wall, have been in place by the a 2nd century A.D.40 To the north of wall 16 and extending for distance of ameter are a half several stratigraphie levels that together suggest dumped fill, probably Roman, but not precisely datable (Figs. 8, 9).41 The strati covers to graphic level that wall 16 probably dates the early 6th century.42

includes two Italian tarium an Eastern A 39. Pottery lot 5533. Corinth NB pottery Sigillata fragment, Sigillata of which is a a and a 418, pp. 104,107, 111;NB 433 (elev. fragments (one foot of fragment, possible burned Sigil Haltern 8 a battered A 54.168-53.810 m). The soil is described vessel), fragment lata fragment. piece of poros stucco, as to Eastern a some a hard gray-brown red-brown. The of Sigillata B, possible gray waterproof cement, and piece a ware a local were pottery includes red-slipped plate fragment, red-slipped frag of bronze also found. a from a like that found in pottery lot 5530 (see ment, fragment lst-century 42. Pottery lot 5898. Corinth NB n. one a.D. two 36, above), micaceous sherd that white-slipped pitcher, Italian 425, pp. 125,128,132,137,158,160, not a water a thin-walled is from jar, and three frag thin-walled wares, (prob 163,176; NB 453, pp. 22-23; NB 433 ments an a small of amphora. The amphora ably) local cup fragment, local (elev. 55.166-54.850 m).The soil is as and a as to has been tentatively identified either round-mouthed pitcher, lekane described light brown red-brown. a Italian Dressel 6 or Two black micaceous water This level some North Spanish fragment. includes Classical pot can be to the late 1st a an Dressel 7-11 amphora. It had probably jars dated century, tery, fragment of Early Roman been water within and a brown red-ware an used for collecting gritty wheel-ridged sherd, plate, Early Roman pitcher a tree or as an dates to an pit 2, possibly for bush, its possibly from amphora, the handle, Early Roman pitcher foot neck and cut late 1st or of the cen a a foot had been off. North beginning 2nd (cooking fabric), fragment of to with red two Italian Dressel 6 amphoras date the tury. Two joining fragments grooved basin rim, and fragments 1st a.d. and the derive from the late or an Roman water century Spanish slip 1st, 2nd, of Early pipe. The even a Dressel 7-11 type from the Flavian to possibly . Late Roman material includes Late or the early Antonine period, until about 41. Pottery lot 5899. Corinth NB Roman C form 3B (mid- second half a.d. to 150. It would therefore be safe 425, pp. 135-136,139-140,142, of the ), three fragments of that this was set in NB 433 54.914 or say amphora place 148,178-179; (elev. African Red Slip (3rd 4th century), in or 54.596 soil is as a see pit 2 in the 1st 2nd century. Since m). The described red Hayes 104C rim (525-600; Hayes the were when the dish with and without stones. a pits probably dug brown, 1972, pp. 160-166), cooking-pot structure was the Almost all of the is Classical a folded-rim an first constructed, pottery handle, bowl fragment, was a and a Late amphora presumably replace Hellenistic, including fragment imported Roman Aegean mica ment an earlier one. of a Corinthian B ceous for transport amphora, cooking-pot fragment (5th-early a of a Corinthian A 40. Pottery lot 5902. Corinth NB fragment transport 6th century), and possibly Palestinian and several Distinctive 425, pp. 130,140,165-166; NB 433 amphora toe, pre-Roman amphora sherds. 6th-century Ro are (elev. 54.921-54.781 m).The soil is cooking-pot fragments. Possibly amphora sherds missing. as man are a described dark reddish brown. The probable bulbous unguen 598 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

Curved Slabs of the meta

cut It is clear from the foundation trench into the hard-packed floors to the north, east, and south of the curved marble slabs of the meta that the on slabs, mostly laid bedrock, had been resituated late in antiquity. The foundation trench continues to the outside of some of the poros blocks north and south of the curved end, indicating that the marble slabs and or one the poros blocks at the eastern end had been replaced reset at time. The resetting of the curved marble slabs at the east end of the meta can us use be dated to the 6th century A.D., allowing to date the latest of the entire structure to this time.43 From another part of the same reutilized foundation trench, at the east end of the meta, comes additional dating evi dence to corroborate the 6th-century date.44 A late-4th-century coin found on racecourse a the floor, in hard-packed road metal within meter of the east a use or cen end of the meta, indicates at that time, following in the early 5th was on ca. m tury.45Another 4th-century coin found the road metal 20 to the east.46

Important for this discussion is the fact that the curved exterior marble blocks of the meta were reset late in the history of the structure. The earlier meta had undergone renovation and repair, including refurbishing of the as a wear eastern exterior of the curved east end, probably result of and on the rising elevation of the road levels. Based the evidence for dating the road surfaces near the meta, the facility seems to have remained in use into use the 6th century, although continuous cannot be proven. The excavator structure went out use has suggested that the of during the 6th century, a structure. after which time deep garbage dump covered much of the This dumped fill would have been deposited later in the 6th century, after the resetting of the exterior marble slabs of the meta.47


It may be useful to summarize the phases of development thus far docu mented for the circus in Roman Corinth. The original construction took place during the mid- to late Augustan period. The form of the circus would

includes two m. The coin 43. Pottery lot 5557. Corinth NB pebbles. The pottery elev. 54.566-54.484 418, pp. 166-167; NB 433 (elev. handles from Late Roman micaceous (68-1428) is datable toTheodosius I, water two or a.d. 383 54.577-54.513 m).The soil is described jars, fragments of Late Valentinian II, Arcadius, as Roman of two I thank Orestes Zervos for this light brown and rocky.The finds amphoras type 2, frag 388; a a ments of a Palestinian a toe information. include fragment of Late Roman amphora, water an from a a cook 46. Corinth NB 87: a hard micaceous jar, Early Roman Gaza-type amphora, 350, p. rim 6th a elev. 54.889 m. Coin 66 double-rolled handle, several fragments ing-pot (probably century), packed area, of a Roman of African Red of Constantius II or Late amphora (probably fragment 3rd-century 563, Constans, and a a Late and a a.d. was found in this area. Palestinian), fragment of Slip ware, probable 6th-century 341-346, water African Red ware Also I thank Zervos for this identification. Roman pipe. Slip fragment. a 44. Pottery lot 5555. Corinth NB contained in this pottery lot is lead 47. Wiseman 1969, p. 71. As noted 418, pp. 149,152,166; NB 433 (elev. curse tablet, MF-68-271. above (n. 13), the terracotta mask MF a test 54.687-54.566 m).The soil is described 45. Corinth NB 418, p. 174: 12977 and several marble fragments as to hard with trench the hard road were discovered in this light red-brown brown through metal, dump. A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 599

meta secunda spma meta prima

Augustan Period


meta secunda spma ^3 meta prima jzzzzzr

ca. A.D. 100 N

200 m

13. Restoration of Figure drawings the Corinth circus in the two an and Augustan have included the spina, metae, starting gates (carceres), arena, and ca. A.D. 100. Corinth Com metae were constructed period perhaps little else (Fig. 13).48 The spina and the by puter Project into which the foundation digging foundation trenches into the bedrock, blocks were set; the trench for these foundations was 1.15 m wide and m courses stone foundation level would 1.2 deep. Several of above the to create a then have been required low wall for both features (Fig. 14). The north-south cross-wall, ca. 4 m west of the curved end of the meta, 48. It is no means certain that meta was a The three by suggests that the separated from the spina by space. the of the circus was continuous were into bedrock at the same as spina large pits probably dug directly time, from the east end to the west end. part of the initial construction of the metae and and may have been 49. The width of the spina, spectator gal intended for the of trees or bushes. The total width of the arena on the dimensions of the planting lery is based have been ca. 55 m 25.5 m to the north of excavated foundations on the north side in the Augustan phase may (ca. m to as there is no evidence for formal of the circus. the spina and 29.5 the south) any 50. In the to the to Fig. 8, sarcophagus spectator accommodation at this time and there appears have been space south of wall 16 isGreek lot carceres are to (pottery for a racecourse of this width (Fig. 13). The likely have been the is a 5923). Covering sarcophagus built at the east end of the lot to the facility (see below). deposit, pottery 5909, dating In the 2nd a.d. a with a maximum width 1st century a.d. See Corinth NB 453, century spectator gallery, of ca. 8 was constructed on the north side of the ex pp. 45-50. m,49 circus, probably 51. This estimate is based on the west as These tending along the south and sides well (Figs. 7, 8, 13). formula of 0.5 m2 per spectator spectator accommodations would have diminished the total width of the (Romano 1993b, p. 22). Hansen (1996, ca. race racecourse proper, at least in this area, from 55 to 39 m.50 The discusses minimum pp. 25-29) space to ca. 18 m. course width to the north of the spina would have been restricted for individuals standing requirements can at areas and The of the be estimated and sitting in of assembly spectator capacity facility approximately a suggests smaller figure of 0.4 m2. 12,000.51 "00 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO


racecourse was 14. Reconstruction draw Over time the surface raised as layers of road metal Figure of the eastern meta and at were on meta were ing spina created the track. In the 6th century, when the and spina a.d. were Corinth, 6th century Corinth renovated, the original trenches for the foundation walls reutilized Computer Project were not set but the refitted blocks fully into the trenches (Figs. 3,11). By this time the foundation walls (including wall 16) for the spectator facility to use the north had gone out of and been covered (Fig. 9).


It is not known whether carceres were located at the east or west end of were at more the circus. If they located the eastern end of the facility, arena. space would have been available for the total length of the Given arena as as m topographical constraints, the could have been long 388 if carcereswere at eastern ca. m the located its end, but only 330 if they were at western located its end, since, in circus design, the space required from carceres to meta the the secunda is greater than the space required from the to meta closed end of the circus the prima (Fig. 13).52 on arena Although from the 2nd century the available width between 52. Humphrey (1986, p. 334) states eastern was ca. that "the orientation for a cir the meta and the spectator facility to the north only 18 m, preferred narrower a meta cus [inNorth Africa] seems to be that thus implying the space associated with prima rather than the should be at the a meta was not case. starting gates west, secunda, other evidence suggests that this the The lo the semicircular end at the east." cation of the foundations for the spectator facilities that are only roughly 53. This arrangement is similar to to the arena and some 35 m east of the eastern meta indicates that parallel the hypothetical plan illustrated by the arena continued some distance to the east and did not turn to follow Humphrey (1986, p. 22, fig. 5:c). the semicircular end of the circus. The curved end of the arena should thus 54. See, e.g., Ribera 1998 for the discovered circus at Valentia be found at the western end of the circus. The orientation of the spectator recently in (HispaniaTarraconensis). There, the facilities to the north of the circus suggests that the northern spectator wall reconstruction of the circus, the carceres flared to the north 1? 30', more are ca. m to east slightly by approximately providing space only 150 the of the for the chariots from the carceres in the east to the meta secundaP to starting forum and immediately the south of carceres near the decumanus close to The projected location of the is that of the major cardines that maximus, very center the center of town. Other of approach the of the city from the north. For instance, there would examples a Roman circuses, especially later ones, have been major roadway (likely to be cardo IV west) leading north from e.g., in , were constructed the Theater to the area of the and the There is Asklepieion Gymnasium. to a close major thoroughfare and in the of the for this and the next to a are to ample space plan city possibility arrangement palace; they likely have would thus be similar to in crossed earlier streets. examples elsewhere the Roman world.54 city A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 601

eastern meta a The identification of the and spina of Roman circus in an Corinth provides important part of the plan of the Roman colony of a 44 b.c.55As result of research carried out by the Corinth Computer Project to a since 1988, it has been possible reconstruct "drawing board plan" of the Caesarian colony, covering 240.6 hectares and divided into four , or area quadrants, each of 240 iugera (Figs. 15,16).56The urban is arranged lengthwise with respect to the north-south axis of the colony and probably = or had as its dominant unit an area measuring 1x2 actus (1 actus 120 feet 35.4 m). The primary north-south orientation of the grid of the Roman city is ca. 3? west of north (N3? 3' 46"W), based on the orientation of the east as curb of the Lechaion Road the cardomaximus of the colony. The principal are surveyed cardines of the city oriented generally 2-3? west of north; the are decumani generally 2-3? south of west. The average orientation of the east-west foundations of the meta of the circus are 2? 47' 51" south of west, which iswithin 16' from the principal east-west orientation of the Roman metae a are to colony. Typically the and spina of circus oriented obliquely arena the axis of the in order to provide sufficient space to the right of case the meta secunda for the starting chariots. This appears to be the at as a more Corinth, where there is, result of the oblique planning, slightly room to the north of the spina, in front of the attested spectator facilities, than there is to the south. meta as a The location of the part of the spina of the circus falls close to a the middle of 2-actus north-south dividing line within the organiza a tion of the city (Figs. 15,16). It is known that major east-west roadway, decumanus III north, lay 3 actus to the south of the meta, and I have sug was gested elsewhere that the northern east-west limes of the city located ca. 1 actus to the north of the meta}1 Decumanus IV north would then have

been located immediately to the south of the circus and decumanus V north to as immediately the north (Fig. 16).Within the 2-actus space projected more room the maximum potential width of the circus, there is slightly to the south of the axis of the meta than there is to the north, 38.2 m and 32.6 m, respectively, although it is clear that the entire width of the 2-actus space was not utilized. There can be little doubt that the orientation and were location of the circus planned with respect to the layout of the Ro man city since the total width of the circus would fit into the 2-actus block, room on including for spectator facilities the retaining walls to the north, and presumably also the south. Without the spectator facilities included in the planning, the available as ca. m space for the racecourse, noted above, would have been 55 (Fig. 13). remains in the urban for an east-west Roman Furthermore, space plan to roadway the north of the circus, decumanus V north (Fig. 16).58

55. See Romano 1993, pp. 13-21, School of Classical Studies at Athens, 7. figs. 3-5, Corinth Excavations, C. K. Williams II, 56. The Corinth Computer Project Director. of the University of Pennsylvania Mu 57. Romano 1993, p. 20. seum of and This was out Archaeology Anthropol 58. roadway put of was 1988 to use ogy directed from 1997 by the construction of theWest the author. The was carried Waterworks by project and the Domed Building out under the auspices of the American (see below). ON O




16. Figure North-central region THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT OF ROMAN of Roman Corinth, ca. a.d. 100. CORINTH Restored of structures and plans locations of roads. Corinth Com The of the northwest of the Roman is puter Project general topography quadrant city flat, room an providing ample for a circus structure with overall total length of ca. m m. 400 and width of 65 The resulting length of the arena would be m m was 388 and the width 43 (Fig. 13). The Roman circus located to the west south and of the Asklepieion and directly south of the Gymnasium and the Fountain of the Lamps (Fig. 16).59The northwest quadrant of the to Roman city appears have been filled with civic and religious structures. were Although technically the Asklepieion and the Gymnasium outside a the limites of the Roman city, the Odeion, the Theater, bath to the north of the Theater, and the circus would have been within the city proper. were area Other facilities constructed in the of the eastern meta (Figs. 7, area to as 17,18). The immediately the north, identified byWiseman the a a was West Waterworks, includes large cistern and bronze-casting pit and an m possibly industrial installation. This complex, 15 in its north-south dimension, appears to have had its southern wall built up against the already racecourse existing spectator gallery on the north side of the (the northern now a element of which is represented by robbing trench). Further to the east east-west and immediately south of the Gymnasium stoa lies the rubble concrete foundation of the so-called Domed Building. It appears to have been built up against the existing spectator gallery further to the east and 59. For discussion of the Gymna was also used for industrial sium and the Fountain of the presumably purposes. Lamps, Wiseman dated the construction of all of these facilities to the 1st seeWiseman 1972. 2nd centuries that remained in use until the 4th cen 60. Wiseman 1967a, pp. 21-23; A.D., suggesting they were on 1967b, pp. 413-416; 1969, pp. 67-69. tury.60 These buildings built available land immediately to the ON O

17. North-central of Roman Corinth. Geo-rectified actual-state of excavated features. Corinth Figure region drawings Computer Project A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 605


18. North-central Figure region as north of the circus, where, just noted, the decumanus V north is likely of Roman Corinth, ca. a.d. 150. to have Another structure in the the Fountain of the of structures. area, Lamps, Restored plans passed. 70 m north of the had a in the Greek Corinth Computer Project approximately circus, long history as a was cen and Roman periods bath; it heavily utilized in the 4th and 5th as turies and possibly into the 6th century.61 Elements identified being from a or were exca Late Roman wall, built in the late 4th early 5th century a.D., vated between the Fountain of the Lamps and the circus (Figs. 7,17).62 The location of the Corinth circus with respect to the Caesarian city plan?at the northern limit of the city and tucked next to the northern east-west city limes (Fig. 15)?is worthy of mention. For comparison, the corner amphitheater is located at the northeast of the colonial plan, ap m to east. meta proximately 1,200 the Given that the excavated and spina appear to be aligned with the orientation of the Roman colony, and that as as the typology of the circus design well the dating evidence of the a spina suggests mid-late Augustan date for the original construction, it seems was a likely that the circus part of the early planning of the colony.63

as we to were on out 61. Wiseman 1969, pp. 77-78. the west, know that it does "cireuses usually found the as cannot 62. This wall is also known the the north. The circus, therefore, skirts of towns, outside the built-up to areas. most cases were Epistyle Wall. SeeWiseman 1967b, have extended all the way the Greek In they built to street at pp. 410-413; 1969, pp. 87-92; 1972, city circuit wall since there needs outside the regular grid. Only have been room inside the does the circus seem to follow pp. 5-7; Gregory 1979. The placement Greek pe Carthage to of thiswall would have limited the rimeter for the construction of the Late the orientation of the grid and He at western Roman wall. Slane and within the area allocated to the it circus its end (Gregory 1979, See, however, grid; was a was however at the extreme of p. 265, fig. 1). Since the wall prob Sanders 2005, p. 293, for proposed edge new course the line of the wall. as is shown the that the ably built in the early 5th century, and for the city, by fact to the circus continued function into 63. In summarizing the location Late Roman city wall passed immedi at the 6th century, the wall would pre of the North African circuses, Hum ately around it." The situation Cor on inth is to at sumably have respected the circus phrey (1986, pp. 333-334) writes that very similar that Carthage. 6o6 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

a The eastern meta clearly had long life in this location since its exterior curved marble slabs were reset into the earlier layers of road metal in the 6th century. To the west of the eastern meta, sufficient space exists for the circus m to extend some 290 before intersecting with the Greek circuit wall that are no defines the northern limit of the city; there other apparent topo to west graphical restrictions. The only excavation undertaken the of the as meta, noted above, was that by Richardson in 1896 (Fig. 7: trench I).64 m east-west To the north, there is approximately 45 of space before the long area stoa of the Gymnasium. The restored plan of the north-central of the ca. A.D. Roman city 150 is shown in Figure 18.


The size of Roman circuses varies considerably. At Lepcis Magna, for in was m m stance, the spina 231 long and 6.2 wide between the faces of the arena was outer walls, and the overall length of the 450 m.65 At Lepcis the meta to arena distance between the prima the curved end of the is much shorter (ca. 50 m) than the distance from the meta secunda to the carceres 160 has to do with the nature of the start of the race: n. (ca. m). This spacing 64. See 20, above. The open space to west room for a considerable distance between the carceres and the meta secunda is needed the provides adequate teams to run an room the circus to be accommodated within to allow the starting equal distance and have enough the Late Roman wall; see n. 62, above. to clear the barrier.66 65. 36-47. Humphrey 1986, pp. Given the known widths of gates in Roman circuses, one starting 66. Humphrey 1986, pp. 19-24; should allow ca. 2.7-3.1 m on the arena floor for each chariot team.67 At see also Humphrey 1996. m arena m room re Lepcis Magna the 64 wide (32 for half) provided for 67. Humphrey (1986, pp. 48-49) teams. m arena at cords the width of the at approximately 12 chariot The 55 wide Corinth in the starting gates as ca. and Patrich teams Lepcis Magna 2.7 m, Augustan period would have allowed approximately eight chariot (2001, p. 275) thewidth of the to This includes some room for the walls and reports compete. figure retaining car ceres at as 3.1 m. north and south. As noted A.D. 100 spectator areas, above, however, by 68. For a summary of the evidence the width of the track at Corinth was reduced to ca. 39 m the con at see by Bovillae, Humphrey 1986, struction of spectator facilities, which may have limited the number of pp. 561-566. 69. 566. Ac teams to six. Humphrey 1986, p. to the of Bovillae at to cording plan pub Typologically, the circus design Corinth is similar that of other lished by Dobosi and reproduced by circuses constructed in the The characteristics Augustan period. general Humphrey (p. 563, fig. 268), the spina are the short and narrow width of the arena, the narrow to lie to the axis of the relatively length appears parallel and the shallow area reserved for For the comments spina, spectators. comparison, circus, although Humphrey on that this is not circus found at Bovillae, approximately 11 miles south of the Via proven. 70. see also Patrich is similar in some with an arena about 328.5 m and Porath 1995; Appia, respects, long 2001. The was used 60 m wide The excavated is 2.5 m a track facility definitely (Fig. 19).68 spina wide, leaving contests ele for equestrian because width of 28.75 m side. The circus at Bovillae is dated ments approximately per of the starting gates have been to the or not much on the basis of construction found. to Porath Augustan period, later, According (p. 17), A.D. a excavation in the revealed materials, and Humphrey suggests that "in the early first century facility walls 1.7 m an arena ca. m an m "two parallel subterranean circus with length of 330 and overall length of 350 on the central was apart... longitudinal considered minimally adequate."69 axis of the arena. [The walls] may recent excavations it is now known that at Caesarea Mar?tima From have a vault and served as supported a small circus was of the Herodian of the very facility part palace complex a dividing device for the length of b.c. arena at m the track." 1st century (Fig. 20).70 The length of the is least 265 and A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH

19. Circus at Bovi?ae. After Figure Humphrey 1986, p. 563, fig. 268; Corinth Computer Project





25 50

20. Circuses at Nea Figure Gerasa, and Caesarea Maritima. polis, After Porath 1995, p. 25, fig. 13; Corinth Computer Project 6o8 DAVID GILMAN ROMANO

m. its width 50.35 Other relatively small facilities for equestrian contests at have been identified in the Roman East, for instance Neapolis (Nablus)71 A.D. arena and Gerasa in the 2nd century (Fig. 20).72 The length of the at m Gerasa is 245 and the width is 50 m; the circus functioned with only five starting gates, implying that there would have been only five chariot teams entered in a race.73 a At Corinth the size and shape of the circus suggests hybrid form on narrow a based the width of the western and eastern examples and more western length closely comparing with the example at Bovillae. As no more noted above, there probably would have been than six starting were gates after the spectator stands built in the 2nd century, although room there may originally have been for eight gates. No other circuses are known in Roman Achaea besides those originally were Greek that used in the Roman period. A Roman circus a is documented at Gortyn in Crete (administratively part of Roman North a Africa); another must have existed at Nikopolis in Epirus, and Late Ro are man example is known inThessaloniki.74 Several circuses known from Roman Asia Minor.75


races were a Chariot part of two agonistic festivals associated with Corinth, the Panhellenic Isthmian Games and the Caesarea.76 The two appear to some same have had relationship with each other since it is known that the over agonothetes presided both festivals, and the Isthmian Games (trieteric) preceded the Caesarea (pentaeteric).77 It has often been assumed that all were at the contests held at the Sanctuary of Poseidon Isthmia, although convincing epigraphical evidence indicates that both the Isthmian and the Caesarea contests were sometimes held together in Corinth.78 Gebhard notes that the celebration of the Isthmian Games is likely to have remained in Corinth until the of and that, from their founding in were the Augustan period until the 2nd century, the Caesarea games also a usually held there.79 Such an arrangement would have required stadium a contests and circus for the agonistic contests and theater for the musical of a not these festivals. Although Roman stadium has been discovered in the now east meta m city plan, the Roman circus is identified, with the only 275 events north of the orchestra of the Theater (Fig. 15).80The equestrian of contests at the Caesarea, and possibly the Isthmian times, presumably took

71. Porath 1995, p. 25. 78. Corinth VIII.2, pp. 63-66, 125-129. no. and more Gebhard 72. Humphrey 1996, pp. 81; recently, 73. Ostrasz 1989. 1993. n. 74. Humphrey 1986, pp. 523-524 79. Gebhard 1993, p. 87, 35. See (Gortyn); 525 (Nikopolis); 625-631 Gebhard, Hemans, and Hayes 1998, (Thessaloniki). pp. 416-417, for the chronology of the return of the Isthmian Games to the 75. Humphrey 1986, pp. 525-528. a of Isthmus. 76. For general consideration see 80. For the Theater in Roman in , Spaw times, forth 1989. see Corinth IX.3, pp. 4-8. 71. 77. See Geagan 1968, p. A ROMAN CIRCUS IN CORINTH 609

events place in the circus. It is also possible that other connected with the two festivals could have been held in this area.81 was A. B. West has suggested that the Caesarea festival at Corinth B.c. probably founded in 30 following the battle atActium and the victory at of Octavian, although this date is not secure.82 The earliest inscription a on a Corinth that mentions the Caesarea is partial victor list herm that to a.D. were dates 3.83 mentions that many Caesareas founded all over the Roman world in honor of Octavian and it is clear that the fes at was one seems tival Corinth of them.84 It thus likely that the Caesarea were B.c. games first held at Corinth in 30 and that earlier equestrian were a contests held in less formal predecessor of the circus. As discussed above, although the construction of the circus cannot be dated before the mid-late Augustan period, the original plan of the Caesarian colony ap a we can assume parently included space for the circus, and thus that the races were held in the same area in a less formal structure. a The equestrian events of the Caesarea at Isthmia are known from series of inscriptions. 1-2740, for example, includes lists of musical, athletic, A.D. are and equestrian victors in the Caesarea of spring 127.85 Included are equestrian events (for the most part these restored terms), including the armed chariot (7ioA,?jLiio"T/r|piov),line 65; two-horse chariot for young horses (cTuvcopi? 7icoAiKf|), line 65; horse race for young horses (k8AT|? 7cco?ikO?), line 65; two-horse chariot for full-grown horses (auvcopi? xe?eioci), line 70; four-horse chariot for young horses (xeGpuucov ??c?aikov), line 70; horse race for full-grown horses (k??J|? xeXeiax), line 75; four-horse chariot for race full-grown horses (apune xi?^io?), line 75; armed chariot (e7u?ocTr|piov), line 75; mounting and dismounting chariot race (afto?ocTiKOv), line 85.86 a That circus would be constructed within the limites of the Roman city of Corinth is of great importance for the understanding of the religious and cultural development of the city and has many implications. Furthermore, games in honor of Octavian and Poseidon, held within the city of Corinth, would have drawn interest from around the Greek and Roman world. The events must a equestrian alone of both of these festivals have attracted large audience of spectators.

in a 81. Porath (1995, pp. 26-27) sug Corinth VIII.2, pp. 64-66. chaion Road, reused 6th-century that in 83. VIII. latrine. The location of the gests the multipurpose facility Corinth 1, pp. 14-18, original was no. not Caesarea Mar?tima used for dra 14 (1-751). The herm, found in inscription is known, but its place contests. in area of reuse is 400 m southeast of matic, athletic, and equestrian 1917 the of the Gymnasium, only a the eastern meta of the Roman circus. The 6th-century circus program from records partial list of athletic, eques in In addition to the herm noted above Oxyrhynchus (Cameron 1976, frontis trian, and musical victors the Isth races another herm was piece) included six chariot inter mia Caesarea. West (Corinth VIII.2, (n. 83), (1-70-39) found in the levels the spersed with processions and perfor pp. 64-66) explains that if the festival lowest of pool mances was m by singers, athletes, and mimes; established in 30 b.c., then the of the Fountain of the Lamps, 115 P Oxy. 2707 in Rea 1968. If the same celebration of a.D. 3 would be the ninth northwest of the eastern meta.This were true is to to for Corinth, several types of of the series. herm likely date the mid-1st as well as 84. 59. a.d. and includes a list of ath events, athletic equestrian, Suet. Aug. century of the and see letic officials and seeWiseman Caesarea Isthmian Games 85. Biers and Geagan 1970; victors; no n. were an could have been held there. There is esp. p. 84, 10, for evidence that the 1972, p. 20. Herms important were evidence to suggest that there would Caesarea and the Isthmian Games were element of Roman circuses, and have at often set between the been faction racing Corinth. held together. up starting gates; For a of the was see 82. history Caesarea 86. The inscription 1-2740 Humphrey 1986, pp. 138-151. at Corinth, see the discussion in found in the Great Bath on the Le 6io DAVID GILMAN ROMANO


an The circus has been shown above to be integral part of the Roman city a plan of Corinth. From what is known of the archaeological history of eastern meta it portion of the spina and the of the structure, appears that a the circus had long life in the northwest quadrant of the city, beginning in the mid- to late Augustan period, and continuing into the 6th century. Furthermore, the location and orientation of the structure suggest the ar utilization of the Caesarian plan of the Roman city. The circus's best are west at as chitectural parallels found in the Bovillae outside Rome well as in the eastern examples at Caesarea Mar?tima, Gerasa, and Neapolis. to The facility in Corinth is likely have been the site of the equestrian contests of the Corinthian Caesarea and, on occasion, of the Panhellenic Isthmian Games. Use of the facility into the 6th century suggests that chariot racing continued to be held in Corinth during the later Empire.87 area Further excavation in this of the site would elucidate the of to history 87. For references chariot racing the structure as well as more details of its characteristics eastern see provide physical in the Empire, Cameron 203-213. and appearance. 1976, pp.


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David G?lman Romano

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of

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