PEACE RUMORS STATEMENT FROM HOLD ON BELGIAN SEVENTEEN DIVISIONS OF McADOO COMING ENGAGED IN "To the Publisher of The Nows, NONEFFECTIVE Chattanooga. Tcnn.: COAST LOOSENED GERMANS BEATEN BACK "I am deeply grateful for the splendid support you have given ARGONNE AND CHAMPAGNE to the fourth liberty loan and regret to have to ask your fur- War Machinery at Nation's ther assistance, but I think it Allies Only Twenty-On- e Miles 3en. Arnim's Whole Overthrown and Re- Important that a brief state- Cam- Army Capital Kept Going at ment of about 27S words con- From Dutch Frontier, Clos- Troops Under Gens. Bullard, Liggett and Assumes Full cerning the loan be given a tirement Proportions of a Rout. Speed. prominent display, In first pago ing Trap on Boches. eron in Desperate Fighting Undei box. If possible, in your Friday's Taking of Lille One of Most Important leer' ehallarcatly appre- - After Yser ur co-- 0 King Albert, Crossing River, REICHSTAG MEET Cif M assistance and SUCCESS ON ALL FRONTS WILL n. Statement will be Made Allies Since Gen- 4? Captures by l to you direct Thursday Are Marching On Ostend Torch mon. "W. G. McADOO." eral Offensive Launched Against Request for an Armistice May Chief Rendezvous of ts Not Applied at Lille. Be Forthcoming From Ger Endangered Germans Hurry the Teutons in Midsummer. London, Oct. 17 (4:20 p.m.) British aviators, in conjunction many Army Command. From Long-Hel- d Area. 17. of with naval forces landed in German Paris, Oct. The whole the German army of Gen. Von! (By John Edwin Novln.) 14 (Associated Ostend, submarine base thii Oct. 17. N. 8.)- - . iMMIC SEEMS l'ress.) Arnim is in retreat from the Nortli sea to the of hav- , (I. LUIS has been captured by the Brit- it was region Lille, "Stop speculating about peace the morning, officially announced this afternoon. been beaten back and overthrown the hi.""f ish. Allied pressure on all sides of ing by allied attacks todav. mors. The American people will was center British Admiral Arrives. is all of as aa salient of which l.lllo the The retirement assuming the proportions of a rout. Seven- the truth fast anything tho to glvo up tho real happens. There is so far STATIONARY NOW compelled enemy London, Oct. 17. Admiral Krycs, of the British landed teen divisions comprise the army of Von Arnim. nothing city, the largest town of Prance cap- navy, but rumors that tho war's end is at four at Ostend this afternoon, an official announcement from the Chief German Base come tured by the Germans and for says Captured. hand. And the rumors do not an unit of the enemy admiralty. London, Oct. 17. (1:2 p.m.) Lille, chief German base in from authentic sources." years Important That was the official view of the In Most Cities defense system. The admiral was preceded by members of the air northern has been the British. Throughout the sim- royal force, , captured by war situation today. The al- Tho fall .of Lilts comes almost who landed at Ostend this Information of the of general tho of an morning. capture Lille was received from the lied armlei on the western front are Country Little Change ultaneously with launching French the their blows offenslvo by Field Marshal Halg cavalry patrols, snys Evening News, reached Ostend Flanders battlefront this afternoon. continuing sledgehammer defenses 1 .. .1 -- ...1 i I '.1. 1 . . I . i on the badly-shattere- d German mili- Is Noted. against the new , German unu returned wivn inc no were seen been to- tvuBjr report mai iicrmuns Lille had held by the Germans since the autumn of 1914, machine. Officialdom here was south of . His troops tary of there. when Von Kluck's German hordes overran and northern working tooth and nail to the lib- day are storming forward south Lt put Selle where French Cavalry at Ostend. France on their sweep towards Paris. erty loan across. ALARM IN SO. Catcau, across the river, Germany soon off- AMERICA they were halted late last week. London, Oct. 17. French has entered the Eve- The of Lille is one of the most made may capitulate have cavalry Ostend, taking important captures icials Ireltove that the final break is In Flanders the allies gained ning News said this afternoon. by the allies since the offensive was launched near but until docs Important new successes, whllo from general against the reasonably she allied Oct. 17. under mid-summe- r. break there will be here Churches, the Olse ta tho Mouse the pres- London, llelgian forces, command of King Germans in nothing doing Poolrooms, Fraternal the In Washington except to keep the war sure is maintained strongly. In Albert, which crossed the Yser river, arc on a Whole Hun Line Shaken. Etc., Under Ban of Laon Germans ap- marching Ostend, machinery well oiled and running at Meetings, angle north the seaport on the English channel. The whole German line is shaken this new allied top are retiring from between the by victory. speed. in Many States. parently Resistance the Germans is the. ht Olse and Sene rivers. by battlefront Lille lies thirty-eig- miles from the coast and is a of German Moral Gone. crumbling along city great At the White House and state de- , Oct. 17. Health officials Since the beginning of the week except in the region of the Argonnc and northern to the number of roads that con- expressed hope that the of there has boon little In Champagne, strategic importance owing great partment It was explained that there Joday peak heavy fighting There American troops, under (Jens. Cameron and bill- there. Seven lines run into Lille and a of was new from German the Spanish i0uenza epidemic here tho area southeast of Cambval, whore Liggett, verge railway score nothing reached and French sources. The general situation within had been and passed. Reports the British nnd Americans made such iard, troops, under (Jen. Gouraud, arc engaged in des- highways. cap-tur- n Germany is very bad. The German showed a decrease of 180 In new oases rapid strides last week uftcr the perate, fighting. The a twenty-fou- r re- Germans have been using it as base of operations and people have seemingly lost all confi- during the last hours, the of . The Germans number 4,738. Deaths from In- For Once City Not Fired. supplies since the early days of the war. dence In the military leaders. The long being sisted strongly on the line of tho Selle, strain under which fluenza and pneumonia, 623, were ten and lt Is those defenses that the Brit- Uritisli in Flanders, Oct. 17. The At one time the British were within eight miles of the they have labored fewer Headquarters (Renter's.) city, for four years has at last resulted In than, yesterday. ish and probably the Americans under Germans, on leaving Lille, which was captured today by British hut it was not until the new offensive was opened generally on the a complete breakdown of the German Hit South America, the same command are assaulting. coast forces, did not set lire to the buildings in the city or cause Flanders front that the place was doomed. morale. Santiago do Chile. Oct. 17. The pub-li- e Germany's hold on the ltelglan any The British made a movement the Everywhere throughout the empire is greatly alarmed by the rapid has been loosened. Fighting their way explosions. great converging against dangerous disturbances have taken spread of the epidemic of Spanish forward until they have reached Cools- - The Germans are out a double retirement in Flan- from the the west and south. e carrying city, attacking nortli, the place. The present control is seriously Many deaths have occurred camp, only twenty-on- miles from tho ders with as - Courtfai the pivot. The northern retreat extends from The attack by the allies on the northern end of the Flanders menaced. But how far the- swing here In the last few days. Dutch frontier, the allies seem to be off coast cities and t Ostend southward, while the other affects the industrial a front in with east of Cambrai against the war party will go no one Buenos Oct. 17. The rapidly cutting the an of conjunction the pressure put the here in is Aires, epidemic tho enemy to out of Lille-Dou- Washington as yet ready to compelling hurry northern France. whole ai line in and forced the Germans into a new of Spanish influenza Is making rapid the which is about him peril guess. Policemen, firemen, trap closing The on the northern front where is un- headway. postmen evidence the Germans only point there any retirement throughout the whole zone. That Germany must surrender and other servants es- Tangible that before Is public appear are from the coast, which today is at Court rai. With the fall of Lille the cities of and Rou-bai- v conditionally long the belief retreating adjacent Turcoing of officialdom, Her are almost pecially susceptible. they have held so long and which has Two Miles in New Drive. are doomed. supplies Die In gone. Her army Is In a very precari- Seventeen Birmingham. been the chief rendezvous of subma London, Oct. 17. Uritisli advanced two When the Germans made their drive on the Flanders front ous situation. Her allies are ready to Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 17. With rines preying on transports nnd other (8:84 p.m.) troops big 455 bo miles in their new on Le Cateau-Bohai- n in the British were back miles from desert her. And officials here believe new cases reported U the health vessels In the Kngllsh channel, may drive the front, southeast April pressed nearly twenty that the banking and merchant class authorities up to 1 o'clock this after- round in the advance ny tne Belgians I Cambrai. todav. but then Marshal Foch's has Influenza oast Dlxmudc Lille, since masterly strategy steadily in Germany will take steps to throw noon, had apparently taken north anil of yesterday ' Ostend Free of lessened the distance betwern the city and the allied front. the nation on the mercy of the allies, a new hold on Birmingham. Seven- In this region the Germans havo lost Reported Enemy. Once of but especially on the mercy of the teen deaths for the day had been re- positions to a dentil of three miles, London, Oct. 17. Ostend is reported clear of the enemy, says City 211,000. United States, in the belief that for ported up to the. same time. The and the liolgians havo carried their a statement from the British board of revenue ordered tho of admiralty today. Before the war Lille was a prosperous manufacturing city with genpral political reasons the peace pro- county lines over tho lowlands at a rate county schools to remain closed for which to U. S. Artillery Active. a population of 211,000 persons. It had formerly been fortified, gram will be' framed to keep the Ger- speed would appear indicate man empire intact. another week. Dr. J. D. Dowling, city little if any opposition from the en- With the American Army Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 17. but when the war broke out the defensive works had fallen into a So as and county health officer, announced emy. far the Amsterdam advices - (2 p.m.) When it wns seen last that the Germans bad ef- state of decay. savin th.n thl k! JL; that existing regulations for the sup- Important successes have been night v. of the would fected a counter-attac- k of his war nrno-mnUnn- -' pression epidemic remain at the of the driven concentration in the Bnnthcville wood for a During their occupation of the place the Germans imported a and more gained apex wedge are concerned, of r.DLan- - in force and that stringent regu Into the German line north of Lille. on the; Cote dc Castillon, which the Americans had the number of the inhabitants who had remained in the city for work Secretary State latlons closing addiUMal places would captured, Position Is Precarious. paper reports from neutral countries. Selma Has Three Deaths. east of Courtrni, has boon reached. Al inc urermama inning la leave tueir trencnes. While these tend to make A!a., Oct. 17. The Influenza Hod troops are in the outskirts of and French on Oct. 17. (1 British, French and Belgian armies, the depart- Selma, Belgian troops, pivoting Lombnertzyde, early Paris, p.m.) ment believe the reports are true until situation in Selma is said by some Courtral and very near Lille. In this to northward toward the under command of of the have made a most are to be while area fires are In of Gor- today began push steadily Belgian coast. King Albert, Belgians, they officially confirmed, it must physicians encouraging, burning piles Berlin Withdrawal. advance in their offensive in Flanders, which was re- be necossnryto accept them with re- others are not so optimistic over the man supplies, showing that the enemy Reports important serve. But officials do not believe that present situation. The doctors have Is hastily getting out of tho district, Berlin, via London, Oct. 17. Withdrawal of the German front sumed this Gen. Sixte von Arnim's army was thrown such one 154 cases which has been outflanked al- morning. action goes far their hands full, having by the er enough to meet line so that it now runs to the. east of Ingel-munst- back with losses and its is the conditions laid down under his direction. Hundreds of lied progress to the north. This re- Thourout, CoolfCamp, heavy position precarious. by President and Gen. Von Arnim will have Wilson in his decision on the original cases have been reported in Selma, tirement is reported to be extending as then behind the Lys is announced in today's army Military observers here believe that the been far south as himclf from the is German peace appeal. The entire Ger- while epidemic has raging Doual. headquarters report. extreme difficulty in extricating position. It man form of must be only in mill villages. In some cases American forces have occupied the government families been and American attacks in the region east of the Aire, held that he remained too long, against ill strategic and military made absolutely responsible to the peo- whole have ttrlcken, village of Grand Pre, situated on the mainly against surrounded. ple themselves. entire business houses have been crip- north side of the Aire river as it runs Champigneulle and Londres, are declared to have been repulsed. laws, when he was 'outflanked and virtually for lack of The Southern There was a report here that pled help. westward through the Argonnc for Oct. 17. inch are today Moulin-los-Pa- London, (12:05 p. m.) The Prussian ground by inch, dying file r ...... l.i . , f- and Selma Journal, are badly est. have also s, guards, ceding l!prmnn railway They captured Tile Hritlsh began a new offenslvo this to mnn-m- M,vi,i., i .u'l ZZjSl crippled because most of its force Is to the but not in an effort save their right wing. eastward, nnd, forging on one-ha- lf surrendering, Ul. Three deaths occurred last morning a six and mile take un wiIER, a 21 night ahead, have control of Loges wood, an of the war PMn . . . in and several ween, front southeast Cambrai, OVER TWENTY anil h.u... it j.... Selma, last ine isolated bit of forest land which has Office announced. Field Marshal situation is not alarming and the afforded the cover In Halg AMERICANS FORCE down ny him should be met. In con- Germans good reported satisfactory progress was be- FIFTH AND PERHAPS SIXTH nection with spread is not fast, but here are the, lighting east of the Argonne. Hill the report wns another drcds of cases here. ing made. Tho assault was launched that the majority of the membership 1S2, north of St. Juvin, Is now being at 6:20 o'clock between La Cateau and VILLAGES TAKEN LIBERTY LOAN NECESSARY CROSSING AIRE RIVER would favor an acceptance of the terms Not Much Change at Montgomery. consolidated by the Americans. Bohain. laid down. There was, of no 17. Mont-sromer- v French nnd Italian forces have Fuil her has been made course, Montgomery, Ala., Oct. forced progress confirmation to this rumor, nnd off- board of health reports 500 their way further eastward near southwest of Lille. SAYS REGARDLESS ATTACK WITHOUT ARTIL- icials contented themseh "OS with snvliiir while Sissonne nnd have moved up to within The Germans counter attacked In M'ADOO, cases of Spanish influenza, Camp a mile of an ifi.u ii would Do very nice if lt worked Sheridan, Just outside the city, has Rethel, important Gorman the sector of Haussy. on tho Hello river During Day's Fighting in Be- OUTCOME PEACE TALK. LERY PREPARATION. out that way. it is eases under treatment. railroad supply point on the Aisne fur- north of Le Cateau and the British entirely within the 3jn In nounds ot possibility. Gorman mili- The disease shows no rapid In- ther past. this sector, however, the were forced back to tho west of tho Concentration allies are near the line lgiumHun Hand-to-Han- d tary commanders In the field be crease. quite Hundlng town. No Extension of Time, but Sec- and Pistol Fight may of was iircca to asx an armistice. at Nashville. defense, which constructed by Haussy was captured by the British Point, Thourout, Taken. of in Improvement tho Germans as a in case the retary Confident Money ing Marks Defeat Army Serious Fix. influ- refuge yesterday. The Nashville, Oct. 17. "The local Hindenburg line collapsed. Thpre ap- Tho northern of Courtral, an Be present allied movement along to show portion Will Raised. Germans. the western front has the enza situation continues daily pears to be a more energetic resist Important German base on the Lys London, Oct. 17. British forces en- placed army improvement in the Nash- nnoe on the of tho Germans has been Uritisli Washington, Oct. 17. There will he (By Bert Ford.) in a serious position, and there are progressive part nhmg river, entered by tered Courtral during yesterday's loan Northwest many officials here who do ville zone generally, including the city this front, and it Is probable that they troops, the war office announced last to a statement issued at no extension of the liberty With the American Army not believe said H. to according of Oct. 17. (10 a. m.) (1. N. that lt now is for and the powder plant," Capt. intend make a stand along the line night. the war Office today. period past Saturday night, Verdun, possible the high C. the pub- McAdoo stated Some of the. bitterest fighting the command to save the armv Derivaux, of United States where thoy are now standing. Belgians Crossed Yter. More than twenty villages were cap- Secretary emphati.ally S.) and its lic Italian irhlts in Tho of today. Americans have encountered up to date supplies by a retreat. If do not health service, today. Albania have made advance the British, Belgians tured by tho allied forces in Belgium they a now advance of and French continued over tho tho said the It marked advance of the Yankees ask for an is Thirty-thre- e Deaths at Knoxville. northeast Durazzo. wgs during day. Furthermore, secretary, the armistice, it considered e Dix-mu- to a of Grand-pr- o, In Syria the commanded whole thirty-mil- front between un rail and will be necessary have fifth and across' the Aire river, east certain here that a large part of the Oct. 17. Thirty-t- army by (Courtral, Important a sixth loan of the where the northern ?dgo main Gorman forces Knoxvllle, (Special.) uen. Allenby has moved far to the. and tho Lys river on Wednes- highway Junction point, Is seventeen perhaps regardless yesterday must surrender. hree deaths havo so far resulted in now of outcome of of wood was nearly Financial circles north of lielrut, and patrols arc mov- day, the allies making a gain miles southeast of Yprea.) Germany's present peace Loges penetrated, continued today to Knoxville from the epidemic of influ- miles. at- Consequently, it be- wo miles north of cnevieres. Insist that the ing northeast from Damascus. It Is between three and four The Germans have been counter negotiations. government was In pos- enza. Within the past twenty-fou- r On tho northern end of the line, tho to tho north of here In a hooves the now to subscribe its DeDart From Custom. session ' probable that with the return of cooler tacking and nation Uual of much more information on hours there have boon six. Yser took utniost both to reduce the amounts of The. Americans departed from their the exact situation within weather the Hritlsh forces In Mesopo- .Belgians crossed tho and strong local thrust at H.iussy, In the loans attaoK Germany Cases here now exceed 4,000. Re- tamia may make a now drive to Schoorbakke. region south of Valenciennes, pressed these prospective future and usual custom by making tne than it was willing to make known. indicate are Join the nation's moral without and the And ports that they increasing Gen. Allenby and thus a line On the southern end, tho British the British back in tho western edge strengthen position artillery preparation, this belief prevailed In the face of rather than In number. forge crossed tho and the of at this critical time, tho secretary Germans were taken by surprise. the denial of officials diminishing from tho Mediterranean to the Persian Lys pushed up the village. and the promise Dr. William It. di m os Menln. Hand-to-Han- d added. The Americans, without even a that would However, Cochrane, gulf. river about two beyond Struggle. they make public all Infor- rector of the city board of health, is Thourout Is in the hands of the Bel- London, Oct. 17. Tho German con- . Government officials are hoping most screening barrage, split up into groups mation received as fast as it became Reports of a most sensational char- It was not Into the water. They of tho opinion that the epidemic will acter, relative to uncondi- gians. Llchtervelde and Ardoye au centration center at Thourout has been earnestly, disclosed, only and waded icy available. The financial de- Germany's hand-to-han- that the loan will be raised, did use At numerous experts reach its climax hero within a few tional surrender and tho of held by the French. captured after a fierce d present not pontoons. clared that they expected some abdication A over score of to ibut there will be an the was effected under big days. Kmperor William arc from total of a villages struggle in thn streets, according a that points crossing news after the market closed. One reported have been liberated and In addition to from battle front when the final returns come machine gun fire. basis Five Deaths at Amsterdam, but they are not con- report the Flanders for this report was the fact that Vicktburg. mora stores of booty Is and one-ha- lf In. When the opposite bank was reached, for firmed. There appears, however, to be prisoners great today. Thourout six Ger- two days now President Wilson Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 17. With all wcro taken. miles of Courtral. Suggestion has been made that the the doughboys plunged Into the a disposition In authoritative circles in north the has denied himself to all callers and stores closing at 6 p.m. daily, pool- subscription period be extended, but man machine gun nests with has remained London and Paris to believe that One Mile North St. Jevin. McAdoo feels that this would closeted In his study in rooms, churches, schools and fraternal events of a With the American Northwest Secretary bayonet. the House in- historic nature may occur GOING AFTER GRAIN Army Hand-to-Han- d White proper. No Informa- meetings under the Dan, until the appear in, Germany as an evidence of Fighting. tion was in Germany at another time. of Verdun, Oct. 16. (10 p. m.) In Its In He ex forthcoming as to what the fluenza situation improves, the total of Ar- weakness this country. The Americans that penetrated wns Holland Decides to Brave Submarine successful advance north the full belief the 16,000,000,- - came in contact with president doing, although there number of cases here to date has been forest tho American first pressed that Champigneulle, was a J23, with 5 Menace to Obtain Food. gonne today iOOO would be of Krlemhllde line. One suggestion that he was examin- deaths. Today's report TO CONTINUE PRODUCTION reached lie, one mile total achieved, adding: elements the 141 Washington. Oct. 17. Holland has de army Champtgne i ing data with the showed new cases and 2 "I don't know exactly where all that of the formidable lines runs through dealing Austrian and deaths. cided to send 40,11(10 tons of shipping to north of St, Jovln. A little further hand-to-han- Turkish Wnoncy is from, but I know this" There was d situations preparatory to re- Drastic in Intensive Efforts to Raise Food Prod- South America to bring back the re east toward the Mouse gained coming village. plying to the Action Atlanta. they it is coming." fighting in the streets with pistols, peace .appeals of the two ucts Must Keep Up. m kinder of tho 100,000 tons of grain al possession of the Cot de Chatlllon. Tues- governments, Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 17. A more drastic LnFnvetto. Ind 17 h lotted o tiie Netherlands on March 21 Mr. McAdoo denied that the govern bayonets and grenades during ban on Oct Tho Fast of the Mouse the Americans were wrecked. public gatherings probably will of "l the Uw A"":rl( " t0 "v,'r l.i the Bols de la ment contemplated selling liberty day night. The buildings bo decreed tomorrow responsibility the United States moved forward bonds continuously and abandoning the The fighting l.i Champigneulle and C. H. RA1NE by the state inward Its a os doon nnt utnn """"f i Grande Montague, tho summit ot which to RELEASED board of health as a result of tele- the war is w it was announced at the shipping board intensive campaign method, but that Grandpre, was among the fiercest up over, but that this country Because of the submarine menace Hol- they now hold. to strate- grams received today from all sections must continue intensive food Maintained if any efficient means could be found date. The Yankees resorted Banker Who Wrecked Memphis Bank of the stato produc- land has been reluctant to risk her ships Contact. Germans ir-rl- ed requesting sufh action to tion for at least two the to She had se- Oct. 17. On the front of marketing comparatively small gy which duped the and Leaves Federal Prison at Atlanta. check tho years after bring back the grain. Paris, entire Amounts of bonds between drives, it out their with unex- spread of Spanish Influenza. war's close, wns the assertion here to- cured 50,000 tons with United States nld, of tho Olse and the Scrre where the ' enterprise Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 17 C. Hunter tho in of L will be adopted. He expressed some pected daring, taking the foe by sur Aitnough epidemic Atlanta is day George Christie, assistant sec- and the remainder has been awaiting at Germans are being driven from tho P.aine, of the defunct well in hand, from other sec- retary of South American ports for several doubt of such a pjan's feasibility. prise. Mercantile of reports agriculture. pocket north of Laon, the French last bank, Memphis, Tcnn., tions are not so favorable. Unless this work is up pro- months. Because of ihe "change In the contact with the was released from the duction to kept military situation," it wns stated, the night maintained federal prison the utmost European na- enemy, to today's war ottlco nere today, hp nad completed a tions, recovering from the devastation Netherlands government decided to risk according "GERMANY IS BENDING. MORE PRESSURE term just the ships. report. of three years eight months and "KAIN, SAYS BILLY 'POSSUM. of war, will suffer Intensely, especially AND SHE WILL SAYS LANSING six days for causing the failure of the In the matter of disease resulting froiii BREAK," bank through unsuccessful speculation War! and banks malnutrition. WILSON & CO. EXONERATED SERBS CAPTURE ALEXINATZ In cotton futures. have lady tellers! Prof. Christie, who Is directing agri- the of in- cultural extension at Purdue Oct. 17. Oct. 17. is More and she During greater part his "Teller s," univetsity, Washington, The federal London. Oct. 17. Serbian troops, Washington, "Germany bending. pressure carceration the banker served as edi- yes, a'so urged tho state to take measures trade commission has entirely exoner- will break," said Secretary Lansing in a statement today warning tho na- apropos. to induce soldiers to return to ated Wilson & Co, of tho of fur- continuing their energetic campaign tor of "Good Words," the mag- quite charge for out the Austro-Germa- n tion that the war is not over and the fourth loan must be a prison Now, Just think of cut-ov- unwholesome meats to the driving that liberty azine. after after the war Instead of taking up nishing army. on success at a time when every dollar as well as every man and every gun Shortly his release he nil the scandals, time forces remaining Serbian soil, have started for Memphis, Tenn. positions in other states. the town of Alexinatz, on the counts more than ever before. Mr. Lansing's statement follows: That the sewing Every effort must be made, he said, to NOT BATTLESHIP "" captured "Our men In forward. is clubs will know. Moravia river, fifteen miles northwest France are driving Our government redoubling overcome the man shortage which state- Its effort to send men and munitions overseas. The battles are well, COAL MINERS HIT "Mrs. So and So faces the London, Oct. 17. Tho steamship Ohio, of Nlsh, says a Serbian official going farmers, and this o but must The is not over. This Is no time, to slacken deposits. shortage which was sunk in collision In the Eng- ment received here today. Thirty-tw- they go better. war must be made up n or to Ninety by utilizing Improved lish Channel on Monday, was a 1, irons haver boon taken in the fighting effort fall to do our part here at home. To keep and to increase the Influenza Epidemic in Ken- dollars every day! methods of I up Spreads farming. Swedish ship hailing from Hundsvall. beyond Nlsh. pressure on the retreating Germans Is the only certain way to win. To do tucky Mining Fields Appeals GOIHG DOWN? Gee! I won4er this the government must have all the money It needs. We are asked to for Aid. where she gets It? loan it and we are asked to loan it now. The fourth liberty loan will put Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17. Several Manicuring sure GERMANY CONVINCED GERMAN ARMY COMMAND new armies In France; it will supply oumen with munitions; it will de- mines In the coal districts of must pay!" "Mr. Brown has just this ORDERS fol- balance." stroy every hope of the imperial German government, its troops and its have whllo "Mr. Smith lurs horrid checks, Assured that Will Surrender It will make sure. stopped operations today, Not a cent has he to pay Jones Without Conditions. DEVASTATION OF TOWNS CEASED lowers; victory others have been forced to cut pro- them, Any "Germany Is bending. More pressure and she will break. man Is on our 'blue' Index." Really, lt le Copenhagen. Oct. 17. Germany Is now Every duction In half, duo to the of convinced that will surrender un- counts, every gun counts, and every dollar counts morn today than ever be- spread quite a problem, What's a fellow now Turkey Oct. 17. the Influenza epidemic. Thousands of to To a conditionally, according to information Amsterdam, The German army command, according to the fore. The government must have the money it needs. Loan it to your cases do, protect measly balance, from Berlin todav. Rotterdam Courant today, has ordered its armies to cease country. Do your to win the war." have been reported and pleas "Loss he keeps lt In his shoe? devastating part have been sent to Advices Irom Berlin stato that Tur- places unless absolutely ( (impelled by military necessity. state health authori- The weather: Rain tonight and Fri- key has made peace overtures to both ties to send aid, day, with jight change In temperature. America and Kui uj.