ABOUT THE ARTIST: The front cover of this edition of UKZNTOUCH features the artwork of celebrated artist and UKZN alumnus, Hussein Salim. Salim was born in Karima, Sudan in 1966 and graduated from the College of Fine and Applied Arts, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum in 1994. In 2006 he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He currently resides in Pietermaritzburg. Salim’s richly textured canvases employ an extravagant layering technique to create a dense impasto feel. He uses personal symbolism that is at once ancient as it is contemporary. Salim’s paintings are a dialogue between different cultures and represent his strong feeling that art should be used as a tool to help initiate such dialogue. His Sudanese background, and the fact that his home country is a melting pot of diverse African cultures, further strengthens his work. Through his paintings, Salim awakens in us an appreciation of our differences and diverse reactions, but then brings us back to the shared foundation of mankind. His work thus identifies with any struggle that challenges dimensional predominance, be it economic, religious or cultural. Salim is represented in major national collections within Africa, Europe and the United States. CONTENTS FOREWORd 2 History-Making Film Festival Manager EDITORIAL 4 has Stars in her Eyes! 34 HIGHLIGhts 5 The Griot – It’s Tough Being an Alumnus 36 MESSAGES A Trip Down Memory Lane 38 New Chancellor: Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng 10 UKZN Alumni among the Chair of the UKZN
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