Forcimi i Transparencës së Zgjedhjeve në Shqipëri (SETA) MONITORING Tel: 04 5629047, E-mail:
[email protected] Web: REPORT Project No. 5 “Strengthening Election Transparency in Albania (SETA)” on restrictions of the use of admin- istrative resources during electoral campaign Period: March 25, 2021 – April 25, 2021 Reporters: Isuf Shehu, Gerta Meta (ASP’s alumni) Thanks to the moni- toring contribution of lecturers and students in targeted regions This project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana and the joint program of the Council of Europe and the European Union “Action against Economic Crime in Albania” PB 1 Akademia e Studimeve Politike Tel: +355 4 5629047, Akademia e Studimeve Politike Tel: +355 4 5629047, Rruga “Emin Duraku”, Pallati Credins E-mail:
[email protected] Rruga “Emin Duraku”, Pallati Credins E-mail:
[email protected] Hyrja 1, kati 7, Ap. 21, Tirane, Albania Web: Hyrja 1, kati 7, Ap. 21, Tirane, Albania Web: Forcimi i Transparencës së Zgjedhjeve në Shqipëri (SETA) Forcimi i Transparencës së Zgjedhjeve në Shqipëri (SETA) This report reflects the findings of the observance of the new provisions to the Electoral Code in re- spect of: • Legal and institutional practice for implementing the restrictions on state resources during the election campaign; • The process of reporting and controlling the activities prohibited to the central and local of- ficials; • Legal acts adopted in violation of the prohibitions provided in the 4-month period before the elections; The following report will reflect the findings carrying out public activities in which of other restrictions during the election cam- the SP candidate was present - to Li- paign focusing on the conduct of the state ad- brazhd municipality and SP in Kamza ministration, the use of public assets and the for unfurling propaganda materials - restrictions on propaganda materials of elec- 2 notifications to the municipal police toral subjects.