FACTS AND COMMENTS* (OLAYLAR VE YORUMLAR) Ömer Engin LÜTEM Ambassador (Ret.) Center for Eurasian Studies, Advisor
[email protected] Abstract: This article discusses the main events in 2014 concerning Turkey’s relations with Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora, especially the declarations by both countries with special emphasis on Prime Minister Erdoğan’s message of condolences and also the commemoration events of 24 April in some countries, as well as Armenian demands from Turkey and some other developments during that year. Keywords: Turkey, Armenia, Germany, Czech Republic, Egypt, Syria, Australia, Greece, Sweden, Bolivia, Armenian genocide allegations, Armenia and Diaspora Demands from Turkey, R.T. Erdoğan, A. Davutoğlu, S. Sarkisian, E. Nalbantian Öz: Bu yazı 2014 yılı içinde Türkiye’nin Ermenistan ve Ermeni ARTICLES Diasporası ile ilişkilerini, iki ülke devlet adamlarının beyanlarını, Başkan Erdoğan’ın taziye mesajını, 24 Nisan’ın bazı ülkelerde anılmasını, Türkiye’den Ermeni taleplerini ve 2014 yılı içinde diğer bazı gelişmeleri ele almaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Türkiye, Ermenistan, Almanya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Mısır, Suriye, Avustralya, Yunanistan, İsveç, Bolivya, Ermeni soykırım iddiaları, Ermenistan ve Ermeni Diasporasının Türkiye’den talepleri, R.T. Erdoğan, A. Davutoğlu, S. Sarkisyan, E. Nalbantyan * Since the previous issue of our journal (issue 29) was dedicated to the Special Issue on ECHR, Perinçek v. Switzerland Case, the article “Facts and Comments” where we analyze Turkey’s relations with Armenia and the Diaspora was not included in that issue. For this reason, in this 30th issue we analyze the above-mentioned relations for 2014. Review of Armenian Studies 7 No. 30, 2014 Ömer Engin Lütem I- RELATIONS BETWEEN TURKEY AND ARMENIA 1.