1 the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs
The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project G. EUGENE MARTIN Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: September 21, 1999 Copyright 2007 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born in ndiana of Missionary parents" raised in the US and ndia. %alamazoo College" Syracuse University American nstitute, Aix en Provence Entered the Foreign Service in 1,-. Consular Training Course, FS Hong %ong" Chinese language training/0otation Officer 1,--11,-2 3isa fraud Environment China developments 0angoon, Burma" Consular Officer 1,-,11,71 Environment Economy Political situation 5Peoples Power7 State Department" Burma Desk Officer 1,7111,78 Narcotics nternational Narcotics Matters : NM) Chinese Language Training" FS 0osslyn & FS Taiwan 1,7811,7. Post 3ietnam atmosphere Hong %ong" Political Officer" Press & Publications 1,7.11,72 Chinese Press China political developments Travels in China China chaos Mao legacy Taipei, Taiwan" Deputy Political Counselor 1,7211,7, 1 China relations Environment US normalization with China Taiwan reaction to normalization SecState Christopher visit Post normalization jitters Taiwan relations with Congress American nstitute in Taiwan Taiwan 0elations Act State Department" Staff Secretariat" East Asia 1,7,11,20 Permanent Normal Trade 0elations :China) Panama Canal Treaty ran hostage crisis China policy State Department" Special Assistant to Deputy Secretary of State 1,2011,21 Aarren Christopher ran hostage negotiations Human 0ights China and Taiwan Budge Ailliam Clarke Change of Administration Transition State Department" Bureau of Legislative Affairs" Management 1,21 East Asia issues 0elations with Congress Taiwan Congressional Fellow Program 1,2111,22 Program content Senator David Pryor Chemical weapons issue Congressional delegation to Ottawa State Department" Office of Personnel 1,2211,2C Assignments procedure State Department" Special Assistant, Bureau of East Asian & 1,2C11,2.
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