April 13-19, 2011.Indd

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April 13-19, 2011.Indd April 13-19, 2011 Vol. 19 No. 16 $2 From the Director The Shocking Lack of Services of Homeless Youth Our Mission To help people help themselves to By Jim LoBianco, self-sufficiency through gainful employment StreetWise Executive Director cross Chicago there is a strong collaboration of groups who advocate on the issue of homelessness. However, within this collaborative, as in society in general, the voices campaigning for the needs of homeless youth are in the minority. AUnfortunately, it appears that this minority voice is not given the attention equal to the importance of its cause. As with any crisis, early intervention is its key to long-term success. When it comes to homeless youth the facts are simple: services in the city of Chicago are falling far behind the need. Because of this gross deficiency in services it is safe to assume that many of the homeless youth of today will be the homeless adults of tomorrow. Shelter Fact: As part of cost saving measures CPS Fact: There are approximately 189 beds eliminated the position that oversaw all About Us for homeless youth (ages 18-25) funded by homeless youth services within the school the City of Chicago. system. In addition to cutting this criti- StreetWise is published weekly and is sold by cal position, CPS has failed to fill other the poor and homeless of Chicago. Fact: Over the course of 2010, agencies vacancies within the same unit. that oversaw those 189 beds turned away StreetWise is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit an approximate total of 4,775 homeless Deficiency: At a time when the numbers organization and is a member of the North youth. To be clear, that was 4,775 in- of homeless youth enrolled in CPS are American Street Newspaper Association (NASNA). stances where homeless youth who sought increasing, top school administrators are shelter were unable to find it. cutting the positions dedicated to serving 1201 W. Lake, Chicago Illinois 60607 these children. Office: 312.829.2526 Fax: 312.829.2623 Deficiency: Currently there are approxi- mately 10% of the beds needed to provide The topics of shelter and education are safe shelter and the accompanying support just two of the critical areas in which programs for youth in need. homeless youth are grossly underserved. StreetWise is proud to dedicate the focus Educational Deficiencies of this issue to ongoing efforts to increase Fact: For the 2009/2010 education year funding and services for this most at-risk the Chicago Public School (CPS) system population. Working with social service reported 3,682 unaccompanied home- providers, the City has made some positive less youth, (an approximate 26% increase progress, but, there is still much work to over the previous school year). The total be done. number of students reported as homeless I would appreciate your feedback on the was 15,027, (an approximate 20% increase issues presented in this youth focused edi- over the previous school year). tion. Please share your thoughts with me at [email protected] 2 streetwise.org April 13 - April 19, 2011 Index/Contributors Your Cover Story StreetWise vendor HOmeLeSS YOuTH SpeAkINg OuT, StreetWise vendor CAuSINg CHANge john Corcoran, at pAge 8-9 left, works by Loyola university in rogers CHICAgO HOme- park. He is always LeSS YOuTH TASk very sweet and polite Take a picture with your FOrCe repOrT and that way the pAge 10 favorite StreetWise paper almost sells vendor and send it to itself. YOuTH FIND SHeLTer LgbTQ HOST HOme pAge 11-12 [email protected] -peter A. payton AT THe CrIb prOgrAm pAge 13 eNgLeWOOD’S FrONTLINe: AFTer NATIONAL ruNAWAY Our Staff Contributing Writers FOSTer CAre SWITCHbOArD pAge 12 pAge 14 executive Director/publisher Cindy Kurman Barrie and Lee Barrie and a minor in Asian Languages and are the principals of Kurman Communica- Literature. She is currently an intern jim Lobianco tions, Inc., a Chicago-based marketing at StreetWise. Originally from Fort Page 8-14 and public relations agency. Please follow Atkinson, Wisconsin, she has had editor-in-Chief all StreetWise restaurant features on many opportunities to experience Twitter @DineWise and subscribe to the Journalism in a big city while at Suzanne Hanney DineWise blog at: http://dinewise-chicago.blogspot Loyola. She also had the opportunity [email protected] .com. Or visit their blog at gotbuzzatkur- to study abroad in Beijing, China for mAY STreeT CAFe man.com a semester where she continued This contemporary Latino Director of Distribution & to study Journalism as well as the Brittany Langmeyer is a student at Chinese language—two of her pas- restaurant has something Vendor Services Loyola University Chicago and a former sions. After spending four years in for every appetite. greg pritchett StreetWise intern. She is currently finish- the city of Chicago, she has grown to [email protected] ing her last year in school with double- love it more and more and plans to majors in Journalism and Theatre and stay after graduation continuing the minors in Political Science and Dance. pursuit of a career. Megan is thrilled Page 7 production & marketing manager During her time in school, she has been to have the opportunity to intern ben Cook President of the LUC Dance Company at StreetWise and deal with issues [email protected] and has performed in numerous school facing Chicago firsthand. productions. Vendor Profile After graduation, Brittany has great Mike Ortiz is a student at Loyola Advertising Sales aspirations for the future. She hopes to University Chicago and an intern at perCY SmITH executives pursue both an acting and writing career StreetWise. He is currently majoring StreetWise vendor rep percy and possibly delve into public relations. In in Journalism and Visual Commu- grace Federighi Smith talks about his desire to her spare time, Brittany enjoys spending nication. Aside from his studies, he improve StreetWise’s image, [email protected] time with her family and friends plays baseball every summer. After graduation, he plans to use both his and having a positive outlook. mary Faith Hilboldt Megan Millard is a senior at Loyola skills in the real world and pursue his University in Chicago, and is set to baseball career. [email protected] graduate in May with a Journalism major Page 15 Other Departments FrOm THe STreeT pAge 4 ACTIVISTS FIgHT FOr SAFe pATIeNT HANDLINg & ACCeSSIbILITY, pLuS A LeTTer TO THe eDITOr IN reSpONSe TO Our reCeNT gAmbLINg DebATe COLumN. WOrLDWISe pAge 5 HOW AL jAzeerA TrANSFOrmeD THe mIDDLe eAST, pLuS TWO STreeT pAper STOrIeS FrOm DeNmArk & pOrTLAND, OregON. eNTerTAINmeNT pAge 6 THeATre: pIppIN & WOrkINg, eVeNTS: COCkTAIL FuNDrAISerS FOr SpeCIAL OLYmpICS & HIgH SIgHT, SHOW YOur LOVe FOr jApAN. April 13 - April 19, 2011 streetwise.org 37 From the Street Activists fight for safe patient handling & accessibility ctivists from across Illinois con- “Their actions not only benefit the more strateg ies to control r isk of injur y to patients verged on the state Capitol, than 20,000 people affected by MS, but also and staff associated with lifting, moving, Wednesday, March 30 to lobby the 782,000 people living with a mobility transferring or repositioning a patient. It for recently introduced legislation disability and the close to two million people will also ensure that policies and strategies and policies to improve the lives of with disabilities in Illinois .” will maintain the patient’s right to choose Apeople living with multiple sclerosis (MS) The IPPN also sought support for SB1577, how to be moved, ensure that nurses and and other debilitating diseases. The meet - sponsored by Sen. Linda Holmes (D-Plain- health care workers are trained in safe ings were part of the National MS Society, field) and HB1684, sponsored by Rep. Lou moving techniques and provide and inform Greater Illinois Chapter’s MS Action Day Lang (D-Skokie). This legislation enhances the patient of a range of safe handling op- 2011 event, and part of a month-long ini- the Hospital Licensing Act by ensuring pa- tions, including the use of a trained safe tiative by the chapter to increase public MS tient safety, dignity, self-determination, and lifting team, mechanical lifting devices and awareness. choice, in a safe patient handling policy that accessible medical equipment. A mobility Greater Illinois Chapter President, John works to control the risk of injury to patients assessment and plan for lifting, transferring, V. Blazek, stated “I am excited for this year’s and health care workers associated with the repositioning, or moving a patient, should Action Day, and I am thankful for the op- lifting, transferring, repositioning, or move- be documented upon admission and as the portunity that our staff and volunteer MS ment of a patient. patient’s status changes; safe lifting proce- advocates have to visit with so many in- The Hospital Licensing Act currently re- dures, techniques, and equipment will be fluential political leaders in order to make quires hospitals to adopt a policy to develop consistent with applicable federal law. the necessary changes that will improve the lives of all people living with a disability in Illinois .” To assist people with physical disabilities Letter to the Editor in refueling their automobiles, the Illinois Public Policy Network (IPPN), composed DEAR MS. HANNEy, of the Greater Illinois Chapter and Gateway Area Chapter of the National Multiple Scle- I was left scratching my head upon reading Ralph Martire’s comment in your rosis Society, advocated for the amendment latest issue that, given most current casino companies are owned by non-Illinoisans, of the Motor Fuel Sales Act and sought sup- gambling in Chicago would be a “net negative for local economies in the long port for SB1238, sponsored by Sen.
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    MEDIA KIT StreetWise, Stood Down, Under the Rainbow and Crash are publications of StreetWise Registered Charity No: 1169066 Company Limited by Guarantee 10244460 Our Mission Our Publications To empower those who are homeless to re-establish their place in Four publications: StreetWise (weekly), Stood Down, Under the society. Rainbow and Crash (monthly). Why? Our Vision As well as producing a mainstream, weekly read, which will appeal At StreetWise, we believe that homelessness cannot be solved by to a cross-section of the general public, we wanted to acknowledge individuals but by communities. particularly marginalised groups of homeless people: armed forces veterans, members of the LGBTQ community, and young homeless Our Difference people between 18 - 34 years old. Our aim is for StreetWise homeless vendors, readers, staff, volun- teers and our partners to build a community to enable homeless in- Who founded StreetWise? dividuals to get healthy, solvent, retrained and educated, employed, and ultimately re-housed. Participants and not recipients. Dave Wotherspoon: been there (homeless), done that (slept rough, The Market in night shelters, hostels and under The homeless street paper is a global phenomenon which came piers). Been homeless alone and to the UK in 1991. For the past 25 years there has been only one homeless with his children. Sold the “paid for street media” publication, which has hinged its content on Big Issue (at times up to 1500 copies self-described “high brow populism” - The Big Issue. In the quarter a week). This Royal Engineers veter- of a century the Big Issue has been offered on the UK’s streets, the an’s lived experience and reflection content has remained “high brow populist” but the homeless are no on what his 28 year-old self would longer the core focus of its structure, its cover price has continued to have made the most of, had it been increase, and fewer and fewer vendors seen on our streets.
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