Ev20n1p53.Pdf (663.1Kb)
SEROLOGIC SCREENING FOR CYTOMEGALOVIRUS, RUBELLA VIRUS, HERPESSIMPLEX VIRUS, HEPATITIS B VIRUS, AND Z-DXOl?~snIlA GONDII IN TWO URBAN POPULATIONS OF PREGNANT WOMEN IN CHILE1 Pablo Vzlzl;2 Jorge Toves-Pereyra, 3 Sergio Stagno, 4 Francisco Gonzhfez,’ Enrique Donoso, G Chades A. Allford, 7 Zimara Hirsch, 8 and Luk Rodtiguezg I NTRODUCTION these agents represent naturally acquired infections. There are only a few reports Although the prevalence of concerning the epidemiology of congeni- congenital and perinatal infections is tal and perinatal infections in Chile (l- high, however, it is.unclear whether their $&In general, these reports show that incidence during the childbearing years the prevalences of infection with most of (and hence their potential to cause fetal the causative agents are high and that disease) is different from that observed in most infections are acquired at an early communities such as those in developed age. Since vaccinations against cytomeg- countries where lower prevalences are the alovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus rule. Therefore, in order to help assess (HSV), and Toxopl’asma gondii have not the importance of CMV, HSV, rubella, yet been introduced, high prevalences of HBV, and ToxopLasmagondii as causesof z 2 < ’ This article is also being published in Spanish in the 4 Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama. Bir- 2 BoLefin de /a Oficina Sanitankz Panameticana, 99(5), mingham. Alabama, United States. % 1985. The work reported here was supported by Grant s Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Sotero de1 x ‘4 LHZ503Q from the Pan American Health Organita- Rio Hospital, Puente Alto, Chile. u 6 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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