Oral Lichen Planus: a Case Report and Review of Literature
Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology Volume 10, Number 1 SPONSORS: ',/"!,0!4(/,/'9,!"/2!4/29s-%$)#)3 March 2008 34)%&%,,!"/2!4/2)%3s#/,,!'%.%8 www.aocd.org Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 2007-2008 Officers President: Jay Gottlieb, DO President Elect: Donald Tillman, DO Journal of the First Vice President: Marc Epstein, DO Second Vice President: Leslie Kramer, DO Third Vice President: Bradley Glick, DO American Secretary-Treasurer: Jere Mammino, DO (2007-2010) Immediate Past President: Bill Way, DO Trustees: James Towry, DO (2006-2008) Osteopathic Mark Kuriata, DO (2007-2010) Karen Neubauer, DO (2006-2008) College of David Grice, DO (2007-2010) Dermatology Sponsors: Global Pathology Laboratory Stiefel Laboratories Editors +BZ4(PUUMJFC %0 '0$00 Medicis 4UBOMFZ&4LPQJU %0 '"0$% CollaGenex +BNFT2%FM3PTTP %0 '"0$% Editorial Review Board 3POBME.JMMFS %0 JAOCD &VHFOF$POUF %0 Founding Sponsor &WBOHFMPT1PVMPT .% A0$%t&*MMJOPJTt,JSLTWJMMF .0 4UFQIFO1VSDFMM %0 t'"9 %BSSFM3JHFM .% wwwBPDEPSg 3PCFSU4DIXBS[F %0 COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION: written permission must "OESFX)BOMZ .% be obtained from the Journal of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology for copying or reprinting text of .JDIBFM4DPUU %0 more than half page, tables or figurFT Permissions are $JOEZ)PGGNBO %0 normally granted contingent upon similar permission from $IBSMFT)VHIFT %0 the author(s), inclusion of acknowledgement of the original source, and a payment of per page, table or figure of #JMM8BZ %0 reproduced matFSJBMPermission fees
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