The Texas Star Newsletter for the Texican Rangers A Publication of the Texican Rangers An Authentic Cowboy Action Shooting Club That Treasures & Respects the Cowboy Tradition SASS Affiliated PO Box 782261 February 2020 San Antonio, TX 78278-2261 Officers Hello Texican Rangers President A.D. 210-862-7464
[email protected] Vice President Bexar Bill Brocius We have 292 shooters signed up for 210-310-9090 Comancheria Days. This is a good start
[email protected] with still 30 days to the shoot! There is still room for more shooters! Secretary If you forgot to sign up or your plans have Tombstone Mary changed please contact Tombstone Mary 210-262-7464 to enter the tournament.
[email protected] Comancheria Days are fast approaching and there is still a lot of work to be done Treasurer on the range. Here is a list of our General Burleson upcoming workdays: 210-912-7908 March 3rd
[email protected] March 10th March 17th Range Master March 24th March 31st Colorado Horseshoe April 1st 719-231-6109 There are many things we need to get
[email protected] done. We need to shore up some of the stages, build and repair shooting tables, Communications repair old shotgun target stands and some Dutch Van Horn painting. The Match Directors have a list 210-823-6058 of over 40 items that need to get done
[email protected] before the match. Please try to come and help when you can. We are very fortunate to have a great bunch of Cowboys and Cowgirls who always help us keep our range looking great.