Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1921
COLLECTIONS FOR A Staffordshire HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE EDITED BY SampleCounty 19 2 1 Studies “ And in this undertaking, the Header may see what Furniture (though it lie disperst) our Publick Records will afford for H istory: and how plentifully our own may be supplied and improved, if pains were taken therein : for what is hitherto made publick, hath been collected, chiefly out of old Annals, and they filled with few things but such as were very obvious, nay the Annalists themselves (for the most part residing in Monasteries) too oftened byass’d with Interest, and Affection, to Tim es and Persons: But on the contrary, in our publick Records lye matter of Fact, in full Truth, and therewith the Chronological part, carried on, even to days of the Month. So that an industrious Searcher may thence collect considerable matter for new History, rectifie many mistakes in our old and in both gratifie the world w i t h unshadowed verity."— (A s h m o l e ' s History of the Garter.) LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, LTD., ST. MARTIN’S LANE, 1921. Staffordshire SampleCountyLONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, DTD., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. m a r t i n ’s LANE. Studies 1931. Staffordshire PRESIDENT. T h e R i g h t H o n . t h e EARL OF DARTMOUTH, P.O., K.C.B., V.D. COUNCIL. Nominated by the Trustees of the William Salt Library. T h e R t. H o n . t h e LORD HATHERTON, C.M.G. S i b REGINALD HARDY, B a b t .
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