Population and Housing

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Population and Housing 10 Population and Housing With a population of around 37 000 inhabitants, Liechten- stein is one of the smallest countries in Europe and the world. The population is spread over eleven municipalities. Schaan forms Liechtenstein’s largest municipality with around 5 900 inhabitants. Around 5 400 people live in the capital, Vaduz. A third of the population are foreign nationals, mainly from Switzerland, Austria and Germany. Resident population by municipalities, 2013 Resident Resident District/ population District/ population municipality as at 31.12. municipality as at 31.12. Liechtenstein 37 129 Upland 23 920 Lowland 13 209 Vaduz 5 372 Eschen 4 295 Triesen 4 989 Mauren 4 141 Balzers 4 594 Gamprin 1 649 Triesenberg 2 620 Ruggell 2 092 Schaan 5 925 Schellenberg 1 032 Planken 420 Resident population Share of foreign Inhabitants population Other Year Liechtensteiners nationalities 1901 7 531 6 419 1 112 14.8% 1911 8 693 7 343 1 350 15.5% 1921 8 841 7 845 996 11.3% 1930 9 948 8 257 1 691 17.0% 1941 11 094 9 309 1 785 16.1% 1950 13 757 11 006 2 751 20.0% in Figures 2015 Liechtenstein 1960 16 628 12 494 4 134 24.9% 1970 21 350 14 304 7 046 33.0% 11 1980 25 215 15 913 9 302 36.9% 1990 29 032 18 123 10 909 37.6% 2000 32 863 21 543 11 320 34.4% 2010 36 149 24 145 12 004 33.2% 2012 36 838 24 501 12 337 33.5% 2013 37 129 24 610 12 519 33.7% Resident population 40 000 Liechtensteiners 35 000 Other nationalities 30 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 19011911192119301941195019601970198019902000201020122013 Resident foreign population by nationality Foreigners Year Swiss Austrian Italian German Others 1980 9 302 4 055 1 945 894 1 029 1 379 1990 10 909 4 459 2 069 1 071 1 026 2 284 2000 11 320 3 805 2 006 1 028 1 131 3 350 2010 12 004 3 586 2 057 1 148 1 319 3 894 2012 12 337 3 602 2 125 1 146 1 397 4 067 2013 12 519 3 598 2 165 1 164 1 448 4 144 Liechtenstein in Figures 2015 Liechtenstein 12 Resident population by age Total resident population Age Year 0–14 15–64 65+ 1980 25 215 5 788 17 160 2 267 1990 29 032 5 522 20 619 2 891 2000 32 863 6 088 23 335 3 440 2010 36 149 5 775 25 352 5 022 2012 36 838 5 696 25 651 5 491 2013 37 129 5 648 25 710 5 771 Age distribution of resident population (31.12.2013) 100 Liechtensteiners 90 Other nationalities 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 Resident population by marital status Married, Separated, registered divorced, Single partnership widowed Year Men Women Men Women Men Women 1980 6 215 5 920 5 320 5 320 984 1 456 1990 7 034 6 476 6 884 6 468 547 1 623 2000 7 490 7 070 7 555 7 423 993 2 332 2010 8 179 7 356 8 272 8 074 1 435 2 833 2012 8 304 7 404 8 415 8 233 1 528 2 954 2013 8 322 7 408 8 512 8 318 1 566 3 003 Liechtenstein in Figures 2015 Liechtenstein Marital status (31.12.2013) 13 42.4% single 4.6% widowed 7.7% separated, divorced 45.3% married, registered partnership Marriages, 2013 Number of persons who got married 381 100.0% Liechtenstein men/Liechtenstein women 96 25.2% Liechtenstein men/Women of other nationalities 112 29.4% Men of other nationalities/Liechtenstein women 76 19.9% Men of other nationalities/Women of other nationalities 97 25.5% Deaths by cause, 2013 Cause of death Deaths Men Women Total 246 123 123 Infections 7 5 2 Malignant cancer 74 35 39 Dementia 8 2 6 Circulatory system 61 34 27 Respiratory organs 23 12 11 Digestive organs 5 2 3 Infirmity 30 11 19 Accident and violent deaths 12 8 4 Others/Unknown 26 14 12 Births 450 Liechtensteiners 400 Other nationalities 350 300 Total 250 200 150 100 50 Liechtenstein in Figures 2015 Liechtenstein 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 2013 14 Deaths 300 Liechtensteiners 250 Other nationalities 200 Total 150 100 50 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 2013 Surplus of births 300 Liechtensteiners 250 Other nationalities 200 Total 150 100 50 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 2013 Households by type Population Census 2000 2010 Change Total 13 325 15 474 16.1% Private households 13 282 15 463 16.4% One person household 4 321 5 284 22.3% Couple without children 2 978 3 810 27.9% Couple with children 4 656 4 825 3.4% Lone parent 926 1 253 35.3% Others 401 291 –27.4% Collective households in Figures 2015 Liechtenstein (retirement homes etc.) 43 11 –74.4% 15 Occupied buildings and dwellings Housing census 2000 2010 Change Total buildings 8 903 10 337 16.6% Single family houses 5 961 6 161 4.0% Apartment blocks 1 576 2 135 37.1% Mixed-use residential buildings 804 1 705 112.4% Others 562 336 –43.6% Total occupied dwellings 12 601 15 474 22.8% Owner occupied 6 385 7 884 23.5% Rented 6 006 7 321 21.9% Others 210 269 28.1%.
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