English Musashino International Association (MIA) SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0022 tel. 0422-36-4511 MIA Calendar fax. 0422-36-4513 ✉
[email protected] https://mia.gr.jp/ 2018 July~September Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays) ☆Contents☆ Guidance on High School Entrance / Study Course ……… p.1 MIA Event Calendar ………………………………………… p.2 Japanese Courses/Consultations/Dispatch of Interpreters … p.3 …… p.4 JUL 8 (Sun) Multi-Language SEP 5 - DEC 12 Study Course 13:00-16:30 Guidance on High School Every Wednesday @SWING 11F Entrance 15:00-17:00 for foreign pupils at for Students & Guardians @SWING 9F elementary/junior high schools of Non-Japanese Speakers Study course for foreign pupils or MIA interpretation those who have foreign parents, volunteers will be attending public elementary/junior high schools. there for language assistance. One-to-one assistance is provided Appointment is required. by MIA volunteers. Individual Consultation ●Eligibility: Foreign pupils or those who have foreign par- ●Eligibility: Foreign nationals who want to get into Jap- ents, attending public elementary/junior high schools anese high schools and their guardians (or the persons ● MIA volunteers support pupils in Japanese. They assist on their behalf). You can attend by yourself. pupils individually, by explaining questions from class- ●Available languages:English, Chinese, Korean, Taga- rooms or support homework. log, Thai, Spanish, Vietnamese, Hindi, Bengalese, Nepa- ●Fee: ¥4,500 for 15 times lese. (Phone MIA to ask for other languages.) ●Capacity: 10 people ●Fee: \500 (guidebook) per family. ●Capacity: 100people. ●Application: Come to MIA in person by Sep 4.