Effects of market liberalisation on in

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Citation Honjo, K., and Ichiro Kawachi. 2000. 'Effects of market liberalisation on .' Control 9, 2: 193-200. https:// doi.org/10.1136/tc.9.2.193

Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:41288319

Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, WARNING: This file should NOT have been available for downloading from Harvard University’s DASH repository. 2000;9:193–200 193 EVects of market liberalisation on smoking in Japan

Kaori Honjo, Ichiro Kawachi

Abstract History of tobacco use in Japan Objective—To document the eVect of the smoking did not become popular liberalisation of the Japanese tobacco among the Japanese general public until about market on Japanese smoking rates and on 10 years after second world war, lagging 20–30 3 Japanese practices. years behind its popularity in the US. Data source—Asahi Shimbun (major However, the first use of tobacco in Japanese daily newspaper) from 1980 to 1996. history dates from the 16th century, when Por- Study selection—Review of media cover- tuguese merchants brought tobacco to the age on the eVects of market liberalisation southern part of Japan. Smoking spread from south to north, along with the cultivation of following the imposition of the USA’s sec- tobacco leaf. Cigarette manufacturing began tion 301 trade sanction. around 1870 at the beginning of the Meiji era. Data synthesis—The opening of Japan’s At that time, a few large corporations gradually tobacco market to foreign cigarette made cigarette smoking popular among the companies stalled a decline in smoking general population.4 prevalence. Smoking rates among young The Meiji government created a government women increased significantly, and also monopoly over tobacco at the end of the 19th appear to be on the rise among century. A tax on tobacco was introduced for adolescents. Aggressive marketing and the first time in 1883. Then, in order to collect promotional activities by US and Japanese taxes eYciently to fund the expansion of tobacco companies in response to trade armaments during a series of wars, the govern- liberalisation appear responsible for these ment made leaf production and procurement a adverse trends. Steep increases in sales state monopoly with the Tobacco Leaf through vending machines were also Monopoly Law in 1886. Since then, the possible contributors to the rising Japanese government has been directly smoking prevalence among adolescents. involved in promoting tobacco sales, with the 4 On the positive side, market liberalisation result that cigarette smoking became popular. indirectly promoted smoking control The Japanese government in the late 1890s eVorts in Japan, by causing an anti- created the Japan Public Monopoly Corpora- smoking movement to coalesce. tion (JPMC), which later became one of the Conclusion—Market liberalisation in largest tobacco companies in the world. In the early 1980s, the Japanese government began Japan played a significant role in increas- discussions on the privatisation of JPMC. ing smoking prevalence among young Although strongly opposed by the JPMC women and adolescents while helping to union, the retailers association, the farmers transform the issue of smoking in Japan association, and anti-smoking groups, the from a matter of individual choice to a Japanese government in 1985 converted JPMC public health problem. to Japan Tobacco, Inc (JT), a non- (Tobacco Control 2000;9:193–200) governmental corporation, in order to enhance Keywords: Japan; market liberalisation the corporation’s economic growth.5–10 Pres- sure for market liberalisation from the US gov- The high prevalence of cigarette smoking is ernment influenced this decision.10 Beginning one of the most serious health problems in in 1978, the US government requested the Japanese government to decrease the tariV on Department of Health Japan. The prevalence of cigarette smoking and Social Behavior, among adult Japanese males (age 20 years and US tobacco, and gradually pressured the Japa- Harvard School of older) was 57.5% in 1996, while that among nese government to open its market to US Public Health, Boston, 1 tobacco exports. The conversion of JPMC to Massachusetts, USA adult Japanese females was 14.2%. The preva- K Honjo lence of cigarette smoking among Japanese JT was partly motivated by the Japanese I Kawachi males is the highest among developed government’s belief that it was necessary to make JPMC competitive against the antici- countries.2 The overall smoking rate has Correspondence: Kaori pated intrusion of US tobacco. A plan to break Honjo, MPH, Department of declined significantly since its highest point in Health and Social Behavior, up JPMC into several corporations was resisted Harvard School of Public the 1960s, but has stalled in the late 1980s. by JPMC11 and the government adopted a plan Health, 677 Huntington One possible reason for this stagnation was the Avenue, Boston MA 02115, to keep tobacco a domestic monopoly. USA; opening of the Japanese market to foreign khonjo@h sph.harvard.edu tobacco companies in 1987. We examine the Received 22 September 1999 eVect of the liberalisation of the Japanese Market liberalisation and in revised form 1 February 2000. Accepted tobacco market on the Japanese tobacco The decline of the US domestic market was a 10 February 2000 industry and on Japanese society. critical factor in the eVorts of US manufacturers 194 Honjo, Kawachi

Table 1 Brief summary of market liberalisation process in Japan 25

1978 First US government request for Japan to decrease tariV on US tobacco 1982 TariV on imported tobacco reduced from 90% to 20% 20 1985 Conversion from Japan Public Monopoly Corporation (JPMC) to Japan Tobacco Inc (JT) 15 Monopoly in sales and distribution ended Budgetary ratio concept in advertising abolished in favour of restriction in the total volume of radio, televison, and print advertising. 10 1987 TariV on US tobacco abolished

Market share (%) 5 to open foreign markets. With the rise of the anti-tobacco movement following the 1964 0 surgeon general’s report, tobacco consumption 12–17 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 per capita in the US declined steadily. The Year US tobacco industry, which needed to seek Figure 1 Market share: imported as percentage new markets for its future business, targeted of all cigarettes sold in Japan 1982 to 1996. the Asian market after exploring Latin America in the 1960s.16 18 19 Japan, potentially a lucrative promotion activities, which had been already market for US tobacco companies, was allowed with few restrictions in Japan (table 12 16 18 targeted as the entry point to the Asian 1). market.16 During this period, the US government faced a serious trade imbalance, EVects of market liberalisation on US especially with Japan.20 Against this backdrop, tobacco industry the US government cooperated with the US US cigarette exports increased significantly in 1987, reversing a gradual decline in the early Cigarette Association (USCEA), 25 26 (representing Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and 1980s. Japan became the leading country to Brown and Williams, and a subsidiary of Brit- which US cigarettes were exported. As a ish America Tobacco), which pressured the proportion of total US exports, US cigarettes exported to Japan increased from 16% in 1986 Japanese government via the US Trade Repre- 27 sentative to remove impediments to US to 32% in 1987. The volume and sales of tobacco exports.12 16–18 imported cigarettes in Japan in 1987 were Tobacco, in fact, was one of the symbolic approximately 2.5 times those in 1986: 11.9 billion pieces and 165.7 billion yen in 1986, products that generated trade disputes compared with 30.3 billion pieces and 368.0 between Japan and the US, in the same way as billion yen in 1987.28 Ninety four per cent of beef and oranges have done. In Japan, major cigarettes imported into Japan in 1987 were newspapers often carried “tobacco” in their US products.27 Imported cigarettes as a headlines of their coverage of negotiations with percentage of all cigarettes sold in Japan also the US Trade Representative and used the increased precipitately, from 3.9% in 198621 to issue to exemplify the bullying tactics of the US 9.8% in 1987, and reached 22.3% by 19961 government. On the other hand, in the US, (fig 1). tobacco was one of the symbols used to Three major reforms operated the Japanese illustrate the closed nature of the Japanese market: lowering prices by abolishing the tariV, market; the US media rarely carried articles expanding sales networks, and eliminating that questioned the government’s attempts to restrictions on advertising and promotion.12 open the Japanese market. At that point The high tariV (90%) was regarded as one of tobacco trade was addressed solely as an the most significant obstacles preventing US economic and political issue, not as a health cigarettes from penetrating the Japanese issue. market. The average price of a pack of The volume of US tobacco exported to imported cigarettes in Japan was 100 yen Japan increased from the end of the 1970s and higher than that of domestic cigarettes in 1980 significantly expanded in the 1980s because of owing to this high tariV and an ad valorem sales the US government’s sustained eVort to open tax—for example, a pack of Lark cigarettes cost the Japanese market; however, the market 290 yen, while a pack of Mild Seven cost 180 share of foreign cigarettes in Japan was still yen.29 30 Responding to intense pressure from small: 3.9% in 1986.21 The USCEA, frustrated the US government, the Japanese government with the slow expansion of sales in Japan, con- reduced the tariV on imported cigarettes from tinued to criticise what it perceived as Japan’s 90% to 20% by 1982. Despite this dramatic unfair tobacco trading practices. The US decrease, the price diVerence between government, concerned with its accumulating domestic products and imported products did trade deficit, agreed with the USCEA and not shrink significantly because the Japanese included tobacco on the list of products facing government introduced an ad valorem tax, in investigation as subject to possible unfair trade part to prevent dumping. The US government practices under section 301 of the 1974 Trade finally urged the Japanese government to lift its Act. Facing the threat of trade sanctions, the tariV, which Japan did in 1987. These reforms Japanese government finally abolished the tar- allowed the price of American cigarettes sold in iV on US tobacco in April 1987.10 12 17 18 22–24 Japan to decline by 11% to 21%,27 narrowing Subsequently, prices of American tobacco the diVerence between domestic brands to were lowered dramatically to compete with around 30 yen. Japanese domestic cigarettes,10 17 and US com- An expansion of the sales network for US panies significantly increased advertising and cigarettes also played a significant part in Smoking in Japan 195

increasing their market share. The Japanese 90 government held a monopoly on tobacco sales 80 70 and distribution until 1985. A system of 60 licensed tobacco retail shops limited the 50 Smoking rate (men) (%) 40 number of shops that could oVer foreign Smoking rate (women) tobacco products. Although the Japanese 30 20 government still maintained the license system, 10

it gradually increased the number of licensed Smoking prevalence 0

shops from 15 000 in 1980 to all shops 195819601962196419661968197019721974197619781980198219841986198819901992199419961999 (260 000) in 1985.63132 In addition, since the Year monopoly on sales and distribution ended Figure 2 Prevalence of smoking among adults aged 20 when JPMC was privatised to form JT, foreign years and older in Japan 1958 to 1997. tobacco companies were free to establish their own sales networks, and to set prices with gov- 1965 to 57.5% in 1997, while the women’s rate ernmental approval.510 In fact, US tobacco stayed approximately the same—15.7% in companies contracted with Japanese trading 1965 and 14.5% in 1997, according to data companies to create new sales networks.33 For from JT (fig 2).43738 their part, the Japanese government continued The overall smoking rate declined steadily to hold a monopoly on tobacco production in from the 1960s to the end of the 1980s. How- exchange for abolishing the tariV, as agreed ever, the decline was stalled upon market during negotiations with the US Trade Repre- liberalisation.43738 In men, the smoking rate sentative in 1986.22 continued to decrease, but more slowly than The final element in the opening of the Japa- before. Although smoking rates among males nese market was Japan’s elimination of its in all age groups have shown a significant restrictions on advertising and promotion on decrease, the rates among younger age groups tobacco products. The issue of advertising and decreased more slowly than older age groups. promotion never came up in the trade negotia- Although the smoking rate among women is tions of 1986,12 34 because the US tobacco still relatively low, the trend has been clearly industry had already succeeded in eliminating rising since the end of the 1980s following a such restrictions before the negotiations. Japa- declining trend in the early 1980s: 14.4% in nese tobacco industry had adopted a voluntary 1980, 13.7% in 1985, 14.3% in 1990, and code based on a budgetary ratio concept in 15.2% in 1995.43738 Furthermore, there has advertising, in which the volume of advertising been a striking increase in the smoking rates was determined based on sales in the previous among younger female age groups and a year. Since the market share of US tobacco significant stagnation in previously declining products in Japan was small, US tobacco com- rates among middle age groups since the end of panies were restricted in the amount they the 1980s (fig 3).438 There is a significant could spend on advertising. The US Trade diVerence in the slopes of smoking prevalence Representative argued that US tobacco trends before and after market liberalisation in companies were discriminated against in terms all age groups except women aged 60 years and of volume of advertising and succeeded in over (table 2). The timing of these trends is abolishing the budgetary ratio concept in plausibly linked to the aggressive sales advertising in 1985 in favour of restriction in campaign targeting women by US tobacco the total volume of radio, television, and print companies since the opening of the Japanese advertising.35 Consequently, the US tobacco market. The stagnation in overall smoking industry was free to increase significantly its prevalence, the stalling of a declining trend advertising volume and expand its promotional among younger men, and the increasing trend activities. The volume of television advertising of smoking prevalence among younger women by US tobacco companies jumped in 1985 and all happened during and since the period of continued to soar until 1990, when time of day market liberalisation. restrictions were introduced.36 The Japanese The smoking rate among Japanese government did not formally regulate tobacco adolescents also appears to have increased advertising except for prohibiting advertising sharply in recent years, although we are unable targeted to minors and requiring warning to attribute this increase to market labels. It basically abrogated the responsibility liberalisation because of lack of reliable data on to control advertising to the Tobacco Institute adolescent smoking behaviour before market of Japan (TIOJ), established by tobacco liberalisation. Smoking prevalence data companies doing business in Japan. Although collected by both JPMC (later JT) and the the US tobacco companies and members of Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) were TIOJ had to abide by the voluntary code, the restricted to people 20 years and older on the code was so loose that US tobacco companies ground that the law forbade smoking among had no diYculty in penetrating the Japanese people under 20 years.4 Consequently little market35 (table 1). research has been done in Japan to document the patterns of adolescent smoking EVects on cigarette smoking in Japan behaviour.437The available data, however, sug- The Japanese smoking rate among adults gested that smoking rates among adolescents reached its peak in the 1960s (47.1% in 1965) increased after market liberalisation. The Japan and gradually decreased to 34.6% by 1997.437 Know Your Body (JKYB) project conducted a This decline, however, mainly reflects the male baseline survey of smoking among adolescents smoking rate, which decreased from 83.2% in in 1989. Researchers reported that 37% of 196 Honjo, Kawachi

20–29 years Foreign 30–39 years Domestic 40–49 years 350 50–59 years 60– years 300 250 25 200 150 20 100

Pieces (billions) 50 15 0

10 198219831984198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996 Year

5 Figure 4 Volume of cigarette sales in Japan 1982 to 1996. Smoking prevalence (%) 0 EVects on the tobacco industry in Japan 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 The total number of cigarettes sold in Japan has increased continually since the beginning Year of this century, except during the second world Figure 3 Prevalence of smoking among women by age war: 20.9 billion in 1920, 65.2 billion in 1950, group in Japan 1965 to 1995. 303 billion in 1980, and 334.7 billion in male 12th graders and 15% of female 12th 1995.43 However, recent data suggest that there graders (ages 17–18 years) were monthly is a significant connection between the total smokers, and 34% of male 12th graders and number of cigarettes sold and market 12% of female 12th graders were weekly smok- liberalisation. The total number of cigarettes ers. The proportion of students who reported sold decreased each year from 1982 to 1987, ever smoking was 66% among male 12th grad- then it started to increase after the 1987 open- ers and 42% among female 12th graders.39 ing of the market: 310 billion in 1982, 308 bil- Two years later, according to the first national lion in 1987, and 314 billion in 1989.43 survey conducted by Osaki and Minowa in Cigarette consumption, measured by volume 1991,40 41 20.3% of male 12th graders and of tobacco purchased (rather than by number 2.6% of female 12th graders were regular of cigarettes) decreased by 1% from 1985 to smokers, while 25.5% of male 12th graders 1988, but increased by 3.6% from 1988 to and 4.9% of female 12th graders were monthly 1990.4 Chaploupka and Laixuthai examined smokers. Research conducted in 1995 similarly the eVect of market liberalisation on per capita indicated a rising prevalence of smoking cigarette consumption in several Asian among adolescents; 25.4% of male 12th grad- countries including Japan. They estimated that ers and 7.1% of female 12th graders were cigarette consumption per capita in 1991 was regular smokers, while 36.9% of male 12th approximately 10% higher than that in the case graders and 15.6% of female 12th graders of a closed market44. reported having smoked in the previous Domestic sales of cigarettes by JT dropped month. The proportion reporting ever smoking significantly in 1987, while sales by foreign was 55.6% among male 12th graders and tobacco companies increased (fig 4). Although 38.5% among female 12th graders.42 JT steadily lost market share to foreign compe- Because these studies adopted diVerent tition, JT cigarette sales by volume remained sampling methods and diVerent definitions of stable. Total cigarette consumption in Japan smoking status, their results cannot be directly thus increased as a result of market compared. However, all of them indicate that liberalisation,43 reversing the gradual decreas- smoking rates among minors are high. ing trend in total cigarette sales in Japan before Few studies have been conducted on 1987. In response to the threat of competition smoking behaviour among elementary stu- from foreign cigarettes, JT introduced seven dents. One study by JKYB showed that there new brands in 1987,10 which seemed to target was no significant diVerence in the proportion mainly the young population, especially of children who had ever smoked from grade 1 women and adolescents. JT also increased the (ages 6–7 years) to grade 5 (ages 10–11) volume and sophistication of its advertising among male students (8%, 11%, 16%, 14%, and promotional activities.14 and 13%), but there was a significant Various ordinances, regulations, and volun- diVerence among grade 6 students (ages 11–12 tary codes have regulated the advertising and years) (22%). There was also no significant promotion activities of the tobacco industry in diVerence in female students between grades 1 Japan.34 Although there was no formal and 6 (4%, 6%, 5%, 7%, 5%, and 9%).39 regulation of advertising in the mass media, the volume of tobacco advertisements was control- Table 2 Changes in trend of female smoking prevalence before and after market liberalisation led by moral suasion before market liberalisation. Because JPMC was directly (and Age group (years) 1965 to 1985 slope (95% CI) 1985 to 1995 slope (95% CI) JT indirectly) supervised by the Ministry of Finance (MOF), and the Japanese tobacco 20–29 2.64 (2.33 to 2.95) 3.35 (3.09 to 3.61) 30–39 0.26 (0.15 to 0.37) 2.55 (2.29 to 2.81) industry enjoyed its monopoly with full MOF 40–49 −1.33 (−1.54 to −1.12) 0.45 (0.25 to 0.65) support, an informal agreement existed with 50–59 −3.13 (−3.74 to −2.52) 0 (−0.23 to 0.23) the government not to advertise heavily on TV 60+ −2.66 (−2.80 to −2.52) −2.25 (−2.68 to −1.82) and not to target young women and Smoking in Japan 197

16 adolescents. However, heavy advertising and A promotional activities began when the US 140 000 JPMC/JT Trade Representative succeeded in convincing 120 000 PM the Japanese government to ease advertising 100 000 BW 16 34 RJR restrictions. The US cigarette companies 80 000 took advantage of the fact that Japan had some of the loosest advertising restrictions in the 60 000 Seconds world; the three US tobacco companies, Philip 40 000 Morris, RJ Reynolds, andB&W,spent two 20 000 thirds of their advertising budget and almost 0 half of their promotional budget intended for 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 the Asian market on Japan alone in 1990. They Year doubled their total expenditures for advertising and promotional activities in Japan from 1987 B to 1990.34 140 000 JPMC/JT The three US cigarette companies relied 120 000 PM heavily on television advertising, which has BW been prohibited in the US since 1974. The vol- 100 000 RJR ume of both television spot advertising and tel- 80 000 evision programme advertising by US cigarette 18 19 36 60 000

companies increased dramatically. Fol- Seconds lowing suit, JT also increased its expenditures 40 000 on TV advertising, and the total volume of TV 20 000 advertising jumped until 1989, when time restrictions were introduced (fig 5A, B). 0 Advertising in magazines has also showed a 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 significant increase (fig 5C). The volume of Year advertising in magazines by foreign tobacco companies increased steeply in 1989 and has C 2500 remained high. JPMC/JT Changes in the voluntary codes not only PM 2000 expanded the opportunities for marketing of foreign cigarettes but also eliminated the cap 1500 that controlled cigarette advertising in Japan. Both JT and US tobacco companies increased Pages 1000 their total volume of advertising. The lax con- trol of advertising, which worked well during 500 the era of government monopoly, became a major public health threat under competition. 0 Consequently, Japanese people were exposed to far more advertisements on television and in 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 magazines than ever before.18 19 Year A further consideration related to increased Figure 5 Television spot advertisements (A), television advertising and promotional activities is their programme advertisements (B), and magazine advertisements (C) for cigarettes in Japan 1979 to 1997. eVect on adolescents and young women, whom the tobacco industry claims not to have targeted. The Tobacco Enterprise Law of 1984 rettes. More than 50% of the respondents who called for the tobacco industry to consider the had smoking experience perceived that they eVect of advertising on minors; however, the were frequently exposed to television/billboard statement was vague and the law included no advertisements, compared with 50% of never concrete guidelines and no sanctions. TIOJ smoking respondents who perceived that they adopted self regulatory codes of restrictions on were only occasionally exposed to targeting minors and females in 1985.43 advertisements.47 One of the few studies on However, considering the significant influence smoking among young people showed that of advertising and promotion on smoking both male and female university students were behaviour among females and young more likely than the general population to people,45 46 it is plausible that the aggressive choose American brands. Half of the brands advertising and promotional activities by the ranked among the top 10 preferred brands by tobacco industry produced the increase in university students were American brands, smoking prevalence in these groups. whereas only one American brand ranked Few studies have been carried out on the among the top 10 brands with respect to mar- eVect of cigarette advertising in Japan. While ket shares in 1992.48 Another recent study by we have no conclusive studies regarding the Hagihara and Takeshita presented empirical eVect of cigarette advertising on adolescents evidence of the impact of advertisements by and females, studies have documented young US cigarette companies on the market share of women’s awareness of tobacco advertising in imported cigarettes in Osaka, Japan during the various media.47 According to Sone, more than period 1970 to 1990. They concluded that tel- 95% of Japanese nursing students were aware evised commercials by US cigarette companies of television advertisements (99%) and encouraged brand switching from domestic billboard advertisements (96.4%) for ciga- cigarettes to US brands during this period.49 198 Honjo, Kawachi

1800 attention. Newspapers often covered scientific 1600 information regarding the health eVects of 1400 smoking and smoking control in other 1200 countries such as the UK and the US. Many 1000 newspapers conducted surveys about cigarette 800 smoking. 600 Anti-tobacco activities by non-governmental

Sales (billions) 400 organisations (NGOs), first visible in the 200 1970s, became more prominent in the 1980s. 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 The sixth World Conference of Smoking and Year Health in 1988 was a landmark NGO activity in Japan. As the severity of health problems Figure 6 Sales of cigarettes by vending machine in Japan 1975 to 1995. caused by smoking was emphasised publicly through the media, anti-tobacco groups The ubiquitousness of cigarette vending expanded their power to mobilise social machines is another significant factor interests. Japanese people began to see the contributing to high smoking rates among threat to their future that market liberalisation minors in Japan. The use of vending machines might pose; the scientific evidence carried by in Japan was accelerated by market the media legitimised the anti-tobacco liberalisation. Both the total sales by vending activities of various organisations and citizen machines and the number of vending machines groups. have increased over the last few decades. Total The eVects of market liberalisation could sales of cigarettes through vending machines also be seen within the Japanese government. were 800 billion yen in 1985, 1406 billion yen The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) in 1990, and 1530 billion yen in 1995. supported by the media and citizen groups, Cigarette sales by vending machine accounted began to take a more active stance towards for 40% of total sales of cigarettes in Japan in tobacco control. The MHW published a White 1995. There were 369 900 cigarette vending Paper on smoking and health on October 16, machines in Japan in 1985, 443 460 in 1990, 1987 (revised in 1993), the first ever and 498 800 in 1995. Total cigarette sales by comprehensive government sponsored review vending machines increased significantly of scientific findings.437 The MHW also during the latter half of the 1980s; total sales supported the NGOs in convening the sixth approximately doubled between 1985 and World Conference of Smoking and Health. 1990 (fig 6).38 43 With the increase in smoking rates among Vending machines are a serious problem in young women and adolescents beginning in terms of smoking control among minors. 1987, the MHW became more concerned with Recent studies reported that more than 70% of the aggressive marketing by US tobacco adolescents who smoke obtain cigarettes from companies. In 1994, it established the Tobacco vending machines.41 42 50 Vending machines Control Committee, with members invited allow adolescents easier access to cigarettes from various sectors and organisations includ- than do retail shops.51 Because of the ing JT and TIOJ. The committee generated significant influence of vending machines on recommendations for future smoking control adolescents’ smoking behaviour, the Japan actions.37 Tobacco Retail Association was pressured in The MOF was inactive until the end of the 1995 to adjust the 350 000 outdoor vending 1980s, maintaining the position that smoking machines so they would not operate between was a matter of individual choice. In 1984, the 11 pm and 5 am.52 However, only 20 % of ado- MOF promulgated the Tobacco Enterprise lescent smokers buy cigarettes during that time Law with the privatisation of the JPMC. Its period,43 so it is doubtful the regulation is provisions were the same as those previously eVective. promulgated by the Tobacco Monopoly Law (1886); it forbade sales and promotion of EVects on smoking control in Japan tobacco to people younger than 20 years old An unexpected side eVect of market liberalisa- and required the tobacco industry to put tion is on the coalescence of an organised stricter warning labels on each packet of tobacco control movement in Japan. cigarettes such as “Do not smoke too much for In the 1980s, the mass media carried far fear of damaging your health”. The MOF, also more news regarding smoking and health than concerned about the significant influence of ever. The number of anti-tobacco newspaper aggressive marketing by US tobacco compa- articles sharply increased around 1987, when nies, devised the guidelines for advertising of market liberalisation was debated in the Parlia- tobacco products in order to prevent smoking mentary Diet. More politicians brought the by minors and to publicise the relation between health and smoking issues to the Diet and tobacco consumption and ill-health. These pointed out the possible eVects of market liber- guidelines gave the MOF authority to make alisation such as increased advertising and pro- recommendations regarding “excessive” adver- motional activities. They also expressed tisement and promotion. However, there is lit- concern over the influence of increased adver- tle evidence that these vague guidelines, which tising and promotional activities on adolescent were not backed by sanctions, were eVective. smoking behaviour. The sixth World Other ministries also began to express Conference of Smoking and Health, held in concern about the tobacco issue. The Ministry Tokyo in 1988, also captured the media’s of Education, seriously concerned about Smoking in Japan 199

adolescents’ smoking behaviour, directed that strengthening of tobacco control measures smoking education be included as part of during the last two decades. During the same school curricula in the early 1990s. The Minis- period, smoking in Japan has been gradually try of Labor, concerned about environmental transformed from a matter of individual choice tobacco smoke in the workplace, announced to a public health issue. guidelines in 1992 for employers to take meas- ures to promote smoke-free or partially smoke- 1 Japan Tobacco. 1997-nen Zenkoku tabako-kitsuensyaritsu- free work environments.43 53 The Imperial cyosa: Danjo-kei de 34.6% [1997 National Cigarette smoking prevalence survey: Prevalence is 34.6%]. Press Household Agency, responding to frequent release. No 21, November 27, 1997. requests by citizen groups, stopped using ciga- 2 World Health Organization. Tobacco or health: a global status report. Geneva: WHO, 1997. rettes as imperial gifts, a practice that had 3 Wynder E, Fujita Y, Harris RE, Hirayama T, Hirayama T. dated back to 1877.54 55 The Ministry of Trans- Comparative epidemiology of cancer between the United portation permitted taxi drivers to restrict States and Japan: a second look. Cancer 1991;67:746–63. 54 4 Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan). Kitusen to Kenko smoking in their taxicabs. Thus, in the past [smoking and health]. 2nd ed. Tokyo: Hokendojinsya, 1993. decade, the Japanese government, threatened 5 Asahi Shimbun. Tabako-senbai haishi. 1984 April 3, 4(2). 6 Asahi Shimbun. Tabako ha yureru. 1984 May 25, 9 (4). by the serious health eVects of smoking and 7 Asahi Shimbun. Big ga gappuri 4tsu—tabako-jiyuuka. 1984 increasing smoking among young people and August 4, 14 (23). 8 Asahi Shimbun. Tabako-masatsu. 1984 August 22, 12 (11). women, has paid more attention to smoking 9 Asahi Shimbun, April 1, 1985. issues than ever before. 10 Hadfiel P. The new Marlboro man: American tobacco in the In the meantime, non-smoking was saddle. The Journal 1992;January:10–16. 11 Asahi Shimbun., Tabako no mineika. 1981 September 14, 1 promoted in public places by private and pub- (1). lic companies in response to consumer 12 General Accounting OYce (US). Trade and Health Issues. Washington, DC: GAO, 1990. (GAO Publication No: demand. Japan Railways increased the propor- NSLAD-90–190.) tion of non-smoking seats, from 0% of all super 13 Mackenzie TD, Bartecchi CE, Schrier RW.The human cost of tobacco use (second of two part). N Engl J Med express and express trains in 1980 to 40% in 1994;330:975–80. 56 1992. Many other forms of public transport 14 Department of Agriculture (US). Situation and outlook report: tobacco. Washington, DC: Economic Research Serv- introduced total or partial bans on smoking in ice, 1992. Report TS-220. stations; smoking was banned in all subway 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cigarette stations in Tokyo in 1988.4 The proportion of smoking in the United States, 1986. MMWR Morbid Mor- tal Wkly Rep 1987;36:581–5. non-smoking seats on domestic flights 16 Heise L. Unhealthy alliance: with US government help, increased from 36% in 1982 to 50% in tobacco firms push their goods overseas. Worldwatch 1988; 57 58 September and October:19–28. 1988. banned smoking on 17 Council on Scientific AVairs. The worldwide smoking all domestic flights of less than two hours’ epidemic: tobacco trade, use, and control. JAMA 1990; 43 263:3312–8. duration in 1990. Some municipal govern- 18 Connolly GN. Worldwide expansion of transnational ments introduced separation of smokers in tobacco industry. J Natl Cancer Inst Monographs 1992; 443 12:29–35. their oYce buildings. 19 Barry M. The influence of the US tobacco industry on the Under growing social pressure, the tobacco health, economy, and environment of developing coun- tries. N Engl J Med 1991;324:917–20. industry gradually strengthened its voluntary 20 JETRO. White paper of JETRO: Sekai to Nihon no Boeki regulatory code. In 1985, TIOJ established [Trading between Japan and other countries]. Tokyo: JETRO, 1989. voluntary codes and restricted tobacco 21 Tobacco Institute of Japan. 1986 Tobacco hanbai jisseki advertising on television between 6 pm and 9 nituite [1986 Sales of tobacco in Japan]. Tokyo: TIOJ, pm. The voluntary codes were gradually tight- 1987, April 24. 22 Asahi Shimbun, Kanzei 30% hikisage—tabako ha zero no. ened until, in 1991, they banned television 1986 December 25, 14 (9). advertisements between 5 am and 10 54 pm. 23 Asahi Shimbun, 4gatsu kara kanzei zero. 1986 October 4, 4 (1). on weekdays, and reduced the number of 24 Mackey J. US tobacco export to third world: third world advertisements on radio. In 1995, TIOJ war. J Natl Cancer Inst Monographs 1992;12:25–8. 25 Asahi Shimbun, Tabako-kanzei teppai he. 1986 October, 4, reduced television advertisements by an 14 (1). additional 28.6% and radio advertisements by 26 General Accounting OYce (US). International trade: adver- tising and promoting US cigarettes in selected Asian an additional 25.9%, eliminated television and countries. Washington DC: GAO,1992. (GAO Pubication radio tobacco advertisements on weekends (fig No. GGD-93–38.) 5), and agreed to remove billboards within a 27 Department of Agriculture (US). Tobacco: situation outlook report. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service, 100 m radius of schools by 1998, as 1988. Report TS-203. recommended by the Tobacco Control 28 Tobacco Institute of Japan. 1987 Tobacco hanbai jisseki 59 nituite (1986 Sales of tobacco in Japan). Tokyo: TIOJ, Committee. 1988 April 25. In 1997, the MHW stated for the first time 29 Asahi Shimbun. 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