Watrous Town Bar Pg 2-3 ...........People and Places at the Manitou Hotel Pg 4 ................Arts and Entertainment The Watrous Manitou is closed Pg 5 ................Business and Agriculture Thursday nights are Pg 6-7 ...........Editorial and Opinion WING NIGHTS the weeks of July 9 - 20 for holidays. Pg 8-9 ...........Sports Pg 10-15 .....Country Connection $3 wings The offi ce will reopen Monday, July 23 at 8 a.m. from Pg 16-17 ....MB Election Candidates 7 p.m. on! The fi rst issue after holidays will come out Monday, July 30. Pg 18-20 .....Classifi eds & Blanket Classifi eds Pg 21-22 ....Business & Community Directory IN THIS ISSUE THIS IN THIS ISSUE 946-3315 • manitouhotel.ca ISSUE THIS IN THIS ISSUE Have a safe and happy July! Pg 22 ............Coming Events The Watrous MANITOU Monday, July 9, 2012 Vol. 79 No. 27 Box 100, 309 Main St., Watrous, SK S0K 4T0 • P (306) 946.3343 • F (306) 946.2026 •
[email protected] • www.thewatrousmanitou.ca • $1.25 Twisted mess After the June 26 storm that hit Watrous with high wind and rain, knocking down trees and scattering debris, a second storm hit, this time July 3. The latest edition - also on a Tuesday - packed pea-sized hail, heavy rain and wind. A tornado was reported southwest of Watrous and damage was done to farmyards like Kerry Martin’s (pictured). Martin had bins tossed by the wind, trees snapped and damage to crops as well. –– Daniel Bushman/TWM Second storm ravages area farms ■ Daniel Bushman like fl ood, fi lling streets in the back at it the next morning, July Hopson said crews did a tem- slammed into his seeder.