Published OnlineFirst July 7, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-0086

Clinical Cancer Predictive Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine Research

XPF Expression Correlates with Clinical Outcome in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

Alec Vaezi1, XiaoZhe Wang8, Shama Buch4, William Gooding7, Lin Wang5, Raja R. Seethala5, David T. Weaver8, Alan D. D'Andrea9, Athanassios Argiris3, Marjorie Romkes4, Laura J. Niedernhofer2, and Jennifer R. Grandis1,6

Abstract Purpose: Tumor-specific biomarkers that predict resistance to DNA damaging agents may improve therapeutic outcomes by guiding the selection of effective therapies and limiting morbidity related to ineffective approaches. XPF (ERCC4) is an essential component of several DNA repair pathways and XPF- deficient cells are exquisitely sensitive to DNA damaging agents. The purpose of this study was to determine whether XPF expression levels predict clinical response to DNA damaging agents in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Experimental Design: Quantitative was used to measure XPF expression in tumors from a cohort of 80 patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC treated with radiation therapy with or without platinum-based chemotherapy; samples were collected prospectively. Genomic DNA isolated from blood samples was analyzed for nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the XPF by using a custom array. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Results: XPF expression was higher in tumors from the oral cavity than from the other sites (P < 0.01). High XPF expression correlated with early time to progression both by univariate (HR ¼ 1.87, P ¼ 0.03) and multivariate analysis (HR ¼ 1.83, P ¼ 0.05). The one year PFS for high expressers was 47% (95% CI ¼ 31–62) compared with 72% (95% CI ¼ 55–83) for low expressers. In addition, we identified four XPF SNPs that showed marginal association with treatment failure. Conclusions: Expression level of XPF in HNSCC tumors correlates with clinical response to DNA damaging agents. XPF has potential to guide next generation personalized cancer therapy. Clin Cancer Res; 17(16); 1–10. 2011 AACR.

Introduction HNSCC is treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radia- tion therapy. Frequently, concomitant chemoradiotherapy Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the with a platinum-based DNA damaging agent (cisplatin or eighth most frequent cancer in the United States (1). Yearly, carboplatin) is used, either as primary treatment or as approximately 560,000 new cases will be diagnosed world- adjuvant postoperative therapy (3–4). However, resistance wide, and 300,000 people will die of this disease (2). to chemotherapy occurs frequently, with 5 year local and distant failure rates of 50% and 15%, respectively (5). Alternative treatments that do not rely upon damaging Authors' Affiliations: 1Departments of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2Microbiology and Molecular Genetics; 3Division of Hema- DNA, such as surgery, taxane, 5-fluorouracil, or hydro- tology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School xyurea, can also be used (3). To improve clinical outcomes, 4 of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute; Department of the next generation of treatment algorithms will incorpo- Medicine, Center for Clinical Pharmacology; 5Departments of Pathology and 6Pharmacology & Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh; 7Bios- rate personalized tumor analysis to identify the therapy tatistics Facility, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, with the greatest chance of success in an individual patient. 8 9 Pennsylvania; On-Q-Ity Inc., Waltham; and Department of Radiation Thus, identifying novel biomarkers that predict response to Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts a given therapeutic approach will lead to treatment algo- Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical Cancer Research Online ( rithms with higher success rates and lower morbidity. Patients suffering from (XP), L.J. Niedernhofer and J.R. Grandis contributed equally to this work. , or severe combined immunodeficiency This work was presented at the 2010 ASCO annual meeting in Chicago, on June 4 2010. have mutations in required for nucleotide excision repair (NER) of DNA, the repair of DNA interstrand cross- Corresponding Author: Alec Vaezi, Eye and Ear Institute, 200 Lothrop Street, Suite 500, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15213. Phone: links (ICL), or nonhomologous end-joining of double- 412-647-2345; Fax 412-647-2080; E-mail: [email protected] strand breaks (DSB), respectively. As a consequence, these doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-0086 patients are exquisitely sensitive to DNA damaging agents 2011 American Association for Cancer Research. including ionizing radiation and crosslinking agents such OF1

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Vaezi et al.

Translational Relevance whether germline allelic variants are linked to cancer susceptibility and response to DNA damaging therapy. XPF Radiation therapy and platinum-based DNA dama- polymorphisms have been linked to the risk of devel- ging therapies are the prevailing nonsurgical treatments oping breast, lung, melanoma, and pancreatic cancers ERCC1 for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). (23–27). One polymorphism in correlates with However, these agents are not universally successful, HNSCC response rate or progression (28, 29). However, XPF and are associated with significant toxicity. Alternative it is unknown whether any polymorphisms predict nonplatinum systemic therapies are available, but it is response to DNA damaging agents. not currently possible to predict which patients will Herein, we establish that XPF expression has the poten- respond best to which therapy. tial to be a reliable predictor of clinical outcome of HNSCC Here, we show a significant association between low treated with genotoxic therapy, and we identify 4 single XPF expression of XPF and longer progression-free survival nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the gene that in HNSCC treated with DNA damaging agents. XPF correlate marginally with treatment failure. Our results encodes one subunit of the DNA repair endonuclease suggest that XPF could be a valuable biomarker for stratify- ERCC1-XPF, which is involved in the repair of both ing HNSCC patients into distinct risk categories that could platinum- and radiation-induced DNA damage. Mea- help personalize treatment and improve clinical outcomes. suring XPF expression in tumors by using immunohis- tochemistry may be useful to predict whether a patient is Materials and Methods likely to benefit from platinum-based chemoradiation therapy. This novel biomarker may be used to improve Immunodetection of XPF in cell and tumor lysates treatment outcomes while minimizing the toxicity of Cell line origins are indicated in the Supplementary ineffective therapies. Data. Cryopreserved tumor samples for immunoblotting were collected by the University of Pittsburgh Head and Neck SPORE Tissue bank from HNSCC patients, after as cisplatin (6, 7). The affected in these genome informed consent and Institutional Review Board (IRB) instability disorders repair damaged DNA and, therefore, approval were obtained. Seven matched primary tumor represent potential biomarkers for predicting tumor sensi- and adjacent normal tissue pairs were randomly selected by tivity to genotoxic therapeutics. XPF (ERCC4) partners with a pathologist. Cell and tumor lysis, electrophoresis, and ERCC1 to form a bipartite that is essential for NER immunoblots were done as described elsewhere (30). For and ICL repair, and participates in DSB repair (8–11). XPF immunodetection, we used the monoclonal antibody Platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs react with DNA SPM228 (1:1,000; Abcam) and tubulin as a loading control to induce adducts that affect 1 strand of DNA (monoad- (1:5,000; Sigma) followed by horseradish peroxidase- or ducts and intrastrand crosslinks), which are repaired by alkaline phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibodies NER, as well as inducing ICLs, that are repaired by ICL (1:5,000 and 1:2,500, respectively; Promega). Recombi- repair (12–14). Because ERCC1-XPF is unique in being nant histidine-tagged ERCC1-XPF (Gillard, 2001) was used required for both NER and ICL repair, it is the only enzyme as a positive control (gift from Dr. Richard Wood, MD required for removal of all types of DNA lesions caused by Anderson Cancer Center, Smithville, TX). cisplatin and carboplatin. In addition, it facilitates the repair of DNA lesions caused by radiation therapy (mono- Cohort design, paraffin-embedded tumor samples, adducts and DSBs). Hence, it has been proposed that and clinical data increased expression of ERCC1-XPF in tumors might result The study was approved by the IRB of the University of in resistance to chemoradiation therapy and poor clinical Pittsburgh and done in accordance with the Helsinki response. In vivo, ERCC1 and XPF are required to bind and agreement. Informed consent was obtained from patients stabilize one another; hence, levels of both are for sample collection. Biopsy-proven HNSCC cancer tightly linked (8). Thus, expression of either ERCC1 or XPF patients were enrolled prospectively in the context of a can be used to estimate DNA repair nuclease activity. genomics study (n ¼ 522) conducted at our institution Studies examining ERCC1 report a positive correlation from 2000 to 2007. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded between increased ERCC1 expression and poor outcome in pretreatment biopsies or resection specimens, blood, and lung, gastric, nasopharyngeal and head and neck cancers clinical data were collected prospectively by the University (15–18). However, these studies used an antibody (clone of Pittsburgh Head and Neck SPORE Tissue bank. For this 8F1) that lacks specificity to ERCC1 (19), confounding study, we retrospectively isolated a cohort within the larger interpretation of the results (20). It remains controversial genomic prospective cohort. We included patients with whether ERCC1 expression predicts response to genotoxic untreated primary HNSCC of any site, treated with curative therapies. XPF, which contains the catalytic domain of the intent with radiation with or without platinum-based ERCC1-XPF nuclease, remains virtually unexplored as a chemotherapy (either in a primary or postsurgery adjuvant biomarker (21, 22). setting). Patients with recurrence or a previous history of In addition to expression studies, polymorphism analy- HNSCC were excluded. Patients were treated from 2000 to sis of DNA repair genes, including XPF, can determine 2006. An honest broker selected and deidentified 87

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XPF Is a Biomarker in HNSCC

patients satisfying the eligibility criteria. Seven of the 87 SNPs characterized by amino acid substitutions; (iii) samples did not contain enough tumor or were not suitable potential for regulatory changes; (iv) SNPs that alter pro- for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and were excluded from tein stability; (v) evolutionary conservation across species, the analysis. and (vi) published epidemiologic data. To ensure high quality genotype results, a number of routinely followed Immunofluorescence quality control procedures were carried out, including Differential immunodetection of XPF and ERCC1 in cell (i) quality control and quantification of incoming DNA nuclei was done as previously described (30). Briefly, WT samples; (ii) multiple internal controls built into each and XP2YO cells that harbor a mutation in XPF that genotyping assay including the screening of each SNP allele destabilizes ERCC1-XPF, were labeled with different sized approximately 30 times; (iii) bar-coded labeling of sample latex beads and cocultured, providing an internal negative plates; and (iv) statistical measures of success for assay control for immunodetection of ERCC1-XPF. Immuno- development and genotyping confidence scores. A conser- fluorescence was done with antibodies SPM228 (1:200; vative minimum GenTrain score of 0.45 and Cluster Sep Abcam) and FL297 (1:200; Santa Cruz), to detect XPF and score of 0.25 must be achieved for each SNP reported. ERCC1, respectively. Local photodamage to detect ERCC1- Minimum SNP and sample call rates were set at 95%. XPF at sites of UV-induced DNA damage was done as previously described (30). Statistical analyses Progression-free survival (PFS) was defined as the Immunohistochemistry elapsed time between the initiation of DNA damaging Full sections of paraffin-embedded tumors were pro- therapy and first recorded date of disease progression. cessed using standard techniques. Antigen retrieval was Patients without progression, lost to follow-up or who with 10 mmol/L sodium citrate pH 6.0 for 20 minutes died from other causes, were censored at their last date at 100C in a pressure cooker. Sections were blocked and of record. The association of XPF and PFS was conducted incubated overnight with anti-XPF antibody SPM228 with proportional hazards regression. Covariates consid- (1:1,200; Abcam). XPF was detected by using renaissance ered for the adjustment of the effect of XPF included age, TSA (tyramide signal amplification) Biotin System (Perkin gender, T stage, N stage, site of disease, whether the primary Elmer), with hematoxylin (Vector) counterstain. therapy included surgery and whether the patient was treated as part of a University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Microscopy and quantification of therapeutic protocol. Because it was observed that most immunohistochemistry disease progressions occurred within 1 year, an alternate For digitally assisted quantification, IHC slides were binary endpoint of progression (treatment failure) at 1 year scanned by using an automated slide scanner (Aperio). was also analyzed. A Wilcoxon test compared XPF expres- For every tumor section, 6 approximately 600-mm2 regions sion between patients who progressed within 1 year versus were selected by a pathologist for biomarker quantifica- those who survived at least 1 year without progression. To tion. The selected areas were analyzed by using a custo- illustrate the results of the proportional hazards model in a mized image algorithm (Aperio). XPF intensity was figure, XPF expression was split at the median and the expressed in a 0 to 300 scale scoring system that took into resulting PFS was described with Kaplan–Meier plots. A log account both staining intensity and the number of positive rank test was used to test difference in subgroups. SNPs tumor nuclei. The final score represents the average of 6 were examined by proportional hazards regression con- regions of interest. For pathologist scoring, the pathologist trasting the homozygous variant allele to the common was blinded to tumor samples and automated score. An H- allele. No prior probabilities were used for this analysis score was determined by multiplication of the stain inten- and therefore P values were adjusted by the method of sity from a I to IV scale by the percent of tumor cells stained. Benjamini and Hochberg (31) to estimate the false dis- covery rate. The agreement in XPF IHC between machine- Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping analyses based quantitative image analysis and pathologists H-score Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood samples was analyzed by correlation and linear regression. from the same 80 HNSCC cases by using DNA Isolation Kits (Gentra Systems Inc.). A custom 384-SNP panel was Results screened by using the Illumina GoldenGate technology (Illumina). This 384-SNP panel was designed to determine Specificity of XPF detection the genotype for polymorphisms in DNA repair genes, The first critical step in testing hypotheses about whether including XPF, and cell-cycle control genes. For XPF,a a biomarker predicts clinical outcome is to develop a total of 13 SNPs were evaluated. reliable method to measure that biomarker in clinical specimens (19, 30). The most readily available specimen SNP chip design and quality control is formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors. Thus, our The SNP selection strategy incorporated 6 features: (i) goal was to identify an antibody that can be used to haplotype tag SNPs for both Caucasians and Africans quantitatively measure XPF protein levels by IHC on par- defined by predicted LD scores R2 0.8; (ii) functional affin-embedded sections. We first determined that the Clin Cancer Res; 17(16) August 15, 2011 OF3

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commercially available monoclonal antibody clone of different sizes were cocultured to create test samples with SPM228 is specific for XPF by using biochemical methods an internal negative control. Brightfield imaging was used and immunolocalization with positive and negative con- to identify fields with WT and XPF-deficient cells adjacent trols. On immunoblot, the antibody detected a band of the to one another on the basis of different bead size (Fig. 1B). appropriate molecular weight (120 kDa) in lysates of Immunofluorescence with SPM228 revealed bright nuclear wild-type (WT) cells but not XPF cells (XP2YO; from a staining in WT cells, but no nuclear signal in neighboring patient with virtually undetectable XPF levels; Fig. 1A). As mutant XPF-deficient XP2YO cells (Fig. 1B0 and B00). To expected, the WT band migrated slightly ahead of recom- confirm that the nuclear staining is specific for XPF, we binant His-tagged XPF. To determine whether the antibody irradiated cells with UV through a filter, to create patches of can distinguish between cells with high and low XPF DNA damage and conducted immunofluorescence with expression, WT and XP2YO cells labeled with latex beads SPM228 and a specific ERCC1 antibody (19) to determine


Figure 1. Antibody SPM228 is specific for XPF. A, immunoblot of XPF whole cell lysates of immortalized human fibroblasts from a normal individual (WT) and an XP-F patient with virtually undetectable XPF level (XP2YO). The SPM228 antibody detects a 120-kDa band Tubulin specifically in the WT and not in XP2YO negative control cells. Native XPF runs slightly faster than recombinant his-tagged XPF BB′ B′′ protein (XPFhis). Tubulin was used as loading control. B–B00, testing the specificity of SPM228 in immunofluorescence. B, XP2YO cells were labeled with large latex beads and cocultured with WT cells to create a test sample containing both XPF-positive and -negative cells. The different cell XPF types were distinguished by brightfield imaging to visualize CC′ C′′ which cells contained beads in their cytoplasm. * indicates XPF- deficient XP2YO cells labeled with beads. [40,6-diamidino-2- phenylindole (DAPI), blue]; B0 and B00, immunodetection of XPF with SPM228. The WT cells have a strong nuclear signal, compared with neighboring XP2YO cells XPF ERCC1 (XPF green, DAPI blue). C–C00, immunodetection of XPF (green) D D′′ and ERCC1 (red) after UV irradiation of cells through a filter with 8-mm pores. XPF and ERCC1 colocalize at sites of DNA damage (arrow head). D–D00, specificity of SMP228 in IHC. WT and XP2YO WT cell pellets were fixed, paraffin embedded and sectioned. IHC D′ reveals strong nuclear signal in WT cells (D) compared with the XPF mutant cells (D0). In oropharyngeal tissue, the antibody gives a strong nuclear signal with low cytoplasmic XP2YO Tonsil background (D00).

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XPF Is a Biomarker in HNSCC

whether the signals colocalized. Indeed, both antibodies expression in normal tissue ranged from 3% to 40% of that detected identical subnuclear domains of irradiated cells, detected in WT human fibroblasts; XPF expression in which are sites of NER of UV-induced DNA damage (ref. tumors ranged from 7% to 97% of that detected in WT 32; Fig. 1C). These data provide strong experimental evi- human fibroblasts. Interestingly, in 6 of 7 cases, the levels dence that SPM228 is specific for the DNA repair protein of XPF expression in tumors were increased compared with XPF. levels in normal adjacent tissue. These data show that the To determine whether the antibody recognizes XPF in level of XPF protein varies between HNSCCs, encouraging paraffin-embedded tissue, WT and XP2YO human fibro- pursuit of the hypothesis that XPF levels might predict blasts were fixed in formalin and paraffin-embedded in clinical outcome in HNSCC. Furthermore, the data suggest parallel with noncancerous human oropharyngeal tissue that XPF overexpression may be common in HNSCC, and IHC was done. Nuclear staining was detected in WT, relative to normal tissue. but not XPF mutant cells, and in the nuclei of human tissue (Fig. 1D). Thus, the monoclonal antibody clone SPM228 is Association of XPF expression with clinical outcome specific for XPF and can be used for IHC to detect XPF in a cohort of patients with HNSCC expression. To test whether XPF levels predict tumor sensitivity to therapy, we collected data from 80 patients treated with XPF expression in HNSCC cell lines and tumors curative intent for HNSCC with DNA damaging agents. The The hypothesis that XPF could be a useful biomarker to epidemiologic data, tumor site, and stage for this cohort are predict clinical outcome relies on the supposition that level described in Table 1. Forty-two patients were treated with of XPF expression varies in HNSCC tumors. To determine surgery and adjuvant therapy, the remaining 38 were whether that assumption was valid, we measured XPF treated with definitive radio- or chemoradiotherapy. Most expression in lysates of 7 randomly selected HNSCC cell tumors originated in the oropharynx (39%), oral cavity lines by immunoblot (Fig. 2A). Expression of XPF ranged (34%), and larynx (16%). As expected from patients treated from 64% to 177% relative to WT human fibroblasts with radiation and chemotherapy, the majority of the (100%) and XP2YO (0%). To determine whether this tumors (77%) were of advanced clinical stage (stages III variability in XPF expression was an artifact of in vitro and IV), with predominance of stage IV tumors (56%). All culture, XPF levels were also measured by immunoblot patients received radiation therapy; 88% also received in 7 HNSCC tumors matched with normal adjacent tissue adjuvant chemotherapy with a platinum-based compound from the same patients. The tumors showed remarkable (cisplatin or carboplatin). The primary endpoint measured variability in the level of XPF expression (Fig. 2B). XPF in this patient cohort was PFS (33).

A WT XP2YO UPCl 15A UPCl 15B UPCl 4B UMSCC 22B UM SCC 10A UM SCC 1 cell line 1483


Tubulin 1 0 0.7 0.8 0.6 1.8 1.3 0.7 0.7

B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

WT XP2YO NT NTNT NT NTNT NT XPF Tubulin 1 0 0.1 0.03 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.03 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.2 1.0

Figure 2. XPF expression varies in HNSCC cell lines and tumor lysates. A, immunoblot of 7 HNSCC cell lines for XPF. There is a variable amount of XPF detected in the different HNSCC tumor cell lines. Note that the XPF band appears as a 120 kDa doublet which may represent posttranslational modifications. Bands were quantified by densitometry. B, immunoblot of lysates from 7 tumors (T) and matched adjacent tissue (N). The amount of XPF protein varies greatly between tumors. Interestingly, there is also variation in XPF level between tumors and adjacent tissue in most paired samples. Six of 7 tumors display high XPF expression compared with normal adjacent tissue. Band intensity ratios, normalized to controls, are included below immunoblots. Tubulin was used as a loading control. Clin Cancer Res; 17(16) August 15, 2011 OF5

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Table 1. Patient and tumor characteristics A XPF expression by tumor site B XPF expression for early failure 300 300 n Characteristic Subcategory (%) 250 250

200 200

Patients 80 150 150

Mean age 56.8 XPF level 100 100 <60 y 48 (60) 50 50 P* = 0.01 > 0 P* < 0.001 0 60 y 32 (40) OC OP LO NoYes Gender M 63 (79) Site Failure by one year F 17 (21) C Progression-free survival Smoker Yes 56 (70) 1.0 No 24 (30) Tumor site Oral cavity 27 (34) 0.8 Oropharynx 31 (39) Larynx 13 (16) 0.6 Hypopharynx 5 (6) Sinonasal cavity 3 (4) 0.4 Unknown primary 1 (1) Stage I 3 (4) 0.2

II 14 (18) Proportion free of progression XPF above median XPF below median III 17 (21) P* = 0.037 0.0 IV 45 (56) n/a 1 (1) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Months after start of therapy for primary disease T stage T1 11 (12) T2 31 (32) T3 25 (26) Figure 3. Low XPF expression significantly associates with improved PFS. A and B, graphical representation of XPF expression in tumors (n ¼ 80), T4 29 (27) quantified by digitally assisted quantitative IHC and reported in box and n/a 4 (3) whisker plots. A, XPF expression varies depending on the tumor site with N stage N0 28 (35) the highest level found in the oral cavity. A Kruskal–Wallis test for equality P < N1 20 (25) among the 4 groups was significant ( 0.001); oral cavity (OC), oropharynx (OP), larynx (L), and other (O). B, XPF expression is significantly N2 25 (31) higher in tumors from patients who fail treatment within 1 year (n ¼ 32) N3 5 (6) compared with patients who are cured or fail treatment at a later time point n/a 2 (3) (n ¼ 46). XPF differed by group (Wilcoxon P ¼ 0.01). C, PFS for low and Treatment XRT þ platinum 70 (88) high XPF expressing tumors was evaluated with Kaplan–Meier estimates. n ¼ XRT alone 10 (13) The cohort ( 80) was split at the median XPF expression level, and PFS was plotted. Low vertical tick marks denote censoring times. Patients with Primary CRT or XRT 38 (47) XPF below the median had a 1 year probability of failure of 28% compared Surgery þ CRT or XRT 42 (53) with 53% for those above the median (log rank P ¼ 0.037); * denotes Mean follow-up (d) 1,129 (910–1,348)a statistical significance.

a95% CI. Abbreviation: XRT, x-ray therapy; CRT, chemoradiation significant covariates, high XPF expression was associated therapy. with clinical failure (HR ¼ 1.87, P ¼ 0.03 and HR ¼ 1.83, P ¼ 0.05, respectively; Table 2). This was particularly appar- XPF protein expression was measured in each of the ent for aggressive tumors that failed treatment within 1 tumors by using both digital image guided quantitative year. Thirty-two of 37 failures occurred within 1 year of IHC (Supplementary Fig. S1) and pathologist read (H- treatment and XPF was higher in these tumors (P ¼ 0.010; score). Digital image guided quantitative IHC and pathol- Fig. 3B). To further illustrate the association between XPF ogist scores were in agreement (Spearman rank correlation expression and PFS, we split the cohort into 2 groups, on ¼ 0.78, P < 0.001), with a tendency for the pathologist to the basis of high and low XPF expression, by using the underestimate density (Supplementary Fig. S2). Digital median XPF expression to define the groups. Kaplan–Meier analysis score was used for further analysis. To determine survival estimates were carried out. The 2 groups had whether XPF expression varied with tumor site, we ana- distinct survival curves, with the lowest XPF expression lyzed differences on the basis of tumor location. Significant group showing longer PFS (Fig. 3C). The probability of differences were found; tumors of the oral cavity expressed 1 year PFS for the low XPF expressing group was 72% (95% higher levels of XPF than tumors from other sites (Fig. 3A). CI ¼ 55–83) compared with 47% (95% CI ¼ 31–62) for To evaluate whether XPF expression level predicted clin- the high XPF expressing group. Taken together, this data ical outcome, we used a proportional hazards model. By provides compelling evidence that XPF levels associate with both univariate and multivariate analysis, adjusting for treatment failure in HNSCC.

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XPF Is a Biomarker in HNSCC

Association between XPF SNPs and clinical outcome biomarker for clinical outcome. We identified 4 allelic We postulated that because the level of XPF expression variants of XPF that associate marginally with worse clinical associated with clinical outcome in HNSCC, XPF SNPs, prognosis. This is consistent with previous reports that which potentially alter XPF expression or function, may polymorphisms in ERCC1 predict worse outcome in also have predictive value. We analyzed blood collected HNSCC (28, 29). However, in the absence of external prior to treatment (n ¼ 80) to determine whether 13 validation, it is possible that these results are because of different XPF single nucleotide allelic variants correlated type I error resulting from multiple testing. The mechanistic with PFS in our cohort. Four SNPs were detected in too few implications of these SNP findings remains incompletely carriers to be statistically useful and were excluded from the understood. One might hypothesize that SNPs in XPF analysis. Because homozygote carriers of 2 allelic variants might correlate with a change in protein expression, activity were rare, these patients were grouped with carriers of a level, or function, which in turn could impact response to single allelic variant for analysis. Among the remaining 9 treatment. However, none of the SNPs we analyzed corre- SNPs, proportional hazards regression analysis identified 4 lated with XPF protein expression. However, it is also SNPs with marginally significant association with disease possible that the SNPs mark a more complex haplotype, progression (Table 3). Interestingly, these 4 allelic variants which predict disease progression through an unrelated were linked to more rapid treatment failure: rs3136155 mechanism, for example, perhaps through distant regula- (CT/TT; HR ¼ 2.0, raw P ¼ 0.053), rs1799799 (TC/CC; tion of other gene products near the XPF genetic , or HR ¼ 1.94, raw P ¼ 0.065), rs3136202 (GA/AA; HR ¼ 1.94, through noncoding RNA such as microRNA. The 4 SNPs raw P ¼ 0.065), and rs31336166 (TG/GG; HR ¼ 1.94, raw that we identified may prove useful in the development of P ¼ 0.065). After adjustment for multiple testing, the prognostic blood tests for HNSCC patients and deserve expected false discovery rate of these associations was further clinical investigation in a prospective setting after 48%. These SNPs are all located in introns and are not validation in a second study population. predicted to alter splicing; therefore, they are unlikely to In contrast to SNPs, several tumor protein biomarkers modulate XPF activity. To understand better the mechan- have previously been identified that predict tumor ism by which the SNPs may affect clinical outcome, we response in HNSCC. For instance, epidermal growth factor assessed whether any of the 4 variant alleles correlated with receptor (EGFR) overexpression correlates with shorter XPF protein expression. Unexpectedly, the presence of SNP disease-free survival (40, 41). In addition, cell–cell adhe- variants did not correlate with XPF protein expression in sion receptor E-cadherin and its partner beta-catenin this cohort. Therefore, we identified 4 SNPs that are poten- (which regulate epithelial–mesenchymal transition), tial candidates to predict disease progression in HNSCC, amphiregulin and epiregulin (markers for response to independent of modulation of XPF protein expression, but EGFR antagonist in ; ref. 42), the antia- these results need to be confirmed in a larger cohort. poptotic gene BCL-XL (43) and TP53 (43) have all been recommended for further investigation as biomarkers in Discussion the design of clinical trials on HNSCC (44, 45). In DNA repair pathways, Ku80, which participates in DSB repair, DNA damaging agents such as platinum-based com- has recently been identified as a marker of outcome in pounds and radiation therapy constitute an essential part HNSCC treated with radiotherapy (46). ERCC1 has been of the armamentarium against HNSCC. However, there is a previously identified as a biomarker that predicted out- high frequency of tumor resistance to these therapies, with come in HNSCC, but recent reports challenge the earlier approximately 50% local treatment failure at 5 years (5). conclusion (15, 16, 18, 20), possibly because a nonspecific These therapies cause substantial morbidity, with up to antibody (clone 8F1) was used in these studies (19). 82% of patients experiencing severe side effects (34). Herein, we sought to determine if XPF, the essential Patients that are likely to fail DNA damaging therapy could binding partner of ERCC1, could be reliably measured be better served by alternative treatment regimens, such as in tumors and used as a biomarker to predict clinical out- surgery or a taxane-based regimen. As new therapeutic come. Importantly, our study, like most, has several limita- options emerge, it is increasingly important for clinicians tions. First, there was a limited quantity of tumor tissue to be able to predict in advance whether a tumor is likely to available from individual patients, preventing a compar- respond to a particular type of treatment. Thus, a biomarker ison of XPF expression by multiple methods (e.g., immu- or panel of biomarkers predicting a high chance of failing nohistochemistry and immunoblot), in normal tissue vs. DNA damaging therapy would be extremely valuable. tumor, and in tumors before and after chemoradiation SNPs are attractive for use as biomarkers, as they can be therapy. Second, the cohort included HNSCC tumors from reliably detected by using a simple blood test, and the several mucosal sites including the oral cavity, pharynx and technique does not require tumor tissue or sophisticated larynx. Third, despite strict inclusion criteria the study is a histochemical techniques. SNPs in XPF could mark altered retrospective analysis of prospectively collected samples DNA repair capacity by modifying XPF expression or func- in which the initial cohort was not prospectively accrued tion. For this reason, SNPs in XPF have previously been to test XPF level specifically. Finally, patients were not evaluated for their association with cancer risk (35–39). To enrolled in a single clinical trial, so treatment regimens our knowledge, no report has yet found SNPs in XPF to be a varied. However, despite these limitations, we detected a Clin Cancer Res; 17(16) August 15, 2011 OF7

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Vaezi et al.

Table 2. Proportional hazards models for disease progression

Covariate Reference Univariate Multivariate

HR (95% CI) P HR (95% CI) P

Age Nonlinear 0.014 0.012 Gender Female 0.77 (0.36–1.63) 0.487 T stage 3 or 4 T stage 1 or 2 2.05 (1.01–4.20) 0.048 2.01 (0.97–4.14) 0.060 Site oropharynx Oral cavity 0.52 (0.25–1.07) 0.076 Site larynx Oral cavity 0.35 (0.12–1.05) 0.061 Site other Oral cavity 0.58 (0.19–1.75) 0.330 Chemoradiation surgery Radiation 0.39 (0.18–0.86) 0.020 0.33 (0.14–0.76) 0.009 None 1.18 (0.62–2.25) 0.624 XPF 67–218a 1.87 (1.07–3.25) 0.027 1.83 (0.99–3.38) 0.053

aAcross the inter-quartile range.

significant association between XPF expression and pro- Biochemical analysis of tissue lysates revealed that XPF gression free survival after adjusting for confounding clin- levels were higher in tumors than in adjacent normal tissue, ical and pathological factors. in 6 of 7 paired specimens. This raises the possibility that Robust mechanistic data explain how expression of XPF expression might be induced during tumorigenesis. XPF could influence clinical outcome in tumors treated Cisplatin induces increased expression of ERCC1 in some with DNA damaging agents. XPF, with its partner ERCC1, ovarian cancer cell lines (48). This is a particularly impor- plays important roles in NER, ICL, and DSB repair tant line of investigation because it argues for the need for pathways used to correct the genotoxicity of platinum repeated measurement of XPF levels in tumors during the compounds and radiation. Experiments in cells from course of treatment to predict changes in treatment XPF-deficient patients and animal models of their dis- response and to minimize unnecessary side effects if drug ease show that low XPF expression is associated with an resistance emerges. exquisite sensitivity to DNA damaging agents (8, 9, 47). The observation that XPF expression is higher in Similarly, tumors expressing a low level of XPF are more tumors originating in the oral cavity compared with likely to be sensitive to genotoxic agents such as cisplatin other sites is interesting. Although the reason for this and radiation. Our result that tumors with low levels difference is unclear, it may explain why cancers from the of XPF have a better clinical outcome is consistent with oral cavity are typically treated primarily with surgery, this mechanism. reserving chemoradiation for adjuvant therapy. Impor- tantly, because XPF expression was higher in oral cavity tumors, we asked whether our analysis was biased. Table 3. Omnibus test for association between Theoretically, it is possible that the patients with low SNPs and disease progression XPF expression could have a longer PFS simply because this group has an overrepresentation of oropharyngeal SNP Common Variant HRa Raw Pb and laryngeal tumors, which may have a better progno- allele allele sis, irrespective of XPF expression. Two arguments make this possibility unlikely. First, univariate analysis c rs1799799 T C 1.94 0.065 showed that PFS did not strongly associate with tumor rs1799801 T C 1.46 0.265 sites (P ¼ 0.157). Second, multivariate analysis revealed rs3136105 T C 1.41 0.415 that in this cohort, XPF is an independent factor asso- rs3136146 G A 1.69 0.191 ciated with PFS, irrespective of tumor site. XPF is there- rs3136152 G A 2.30 0.240 fore a bona fide predictor of clinical outcome. c rs3136155 C T 2.00 0.053 In summary, this is the first article, in any cancer, c rs3136166 T G 1.94 0.065 showing that the expression level of XPF associates with rs3136189 T C 1.44 0.285 clinical outcome and that XPF may represent a biomarker c rs3136202 G A 1.95 0.065 predicting success of DNA damaging therapy. These find- ings will inform the design of prospective clinical trials aHR for common/variant genotype. providing personalized treatment for HNSCC as a function bLog rank test. of the anticipated susceptibility of the tumor to DNA cMarginal statistical significance based on unadjusted P damaging agents, in hopes of minimizing unnecessary value. treatment-related toxicities and improving outcomes.

OF8 Clin Cancer Res; 17(16) August 15, 2011 Clinical Cancer Research

Downloaded from on October 6, 2021. © 2011 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst July 7, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-0086

XPF Is a Biomarker in HNSCC

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest Dr. Uma Chandran and Dr. Alan D. Farrow for help with preliminary statistical analysis, Dr. Tomoko Nukui for the SNP association statistical analyses, and Dr. Laura Alonso for help with manuscript preparation. We X. Wang and D.T. Weaver were employees and/or stockholders of On-Q- also thank Dr. Richard Wood for providing us with recombinant XPF- ity, Inc. No other potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. ERCC1.

Authors' Contributions Grant Support

A. Vaezi, X. Wang, S. Buch, L. Wang, and R.R. Seethala performed the This work was supported by the Head and Neck SPORE grant from the experiments. A. Vaezi and W. Gooding analyzed the data. A. Argiris, D.T. National Cancer Institute (P50 CA097190 to J.R. Grandis) and the National ’ Weaver, A.D. D Andrea, M. Romkes, L.J. Niedernhofer, and J.R. Grandis Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (RO1 ES016114 to L.J. Niedern- planned the study. A. Vaezi, L.J. Niedernhofer, and J.R. Grandis wrote the hofer). A.Vaezi is supported by a T32 NIH training grant (T32 CA060397 to J.R. manuscript. Grandis). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the Acknowledgments payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. We thank Dr. Nikhil Bhagwat for helpful discussions and technical advice, Dr. Sufi Thomas and Joyce Sonali for technical support, Dr. Umamaheswar Duvvuri for helpful discussions, Vivian Villegas- Received January 11, 2011; revised May 6, 2011; accepted June 1, 2011; Bergazzi for completing the XPF immunohistochemistry assays, published OnlineFirst July 7, 2011.

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XPF Expression Correlates with Clinical Outcome in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

Alec Vaezi, XiaoZhe Wang, Shama Buch, et al.

Clin Cancer Res Published OnlineFirst July 7, 2011.

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