FEBRUARY 2017 284 BROOKLYN TATTLER what’s happening in your community What’s On Community news From the Library scouts Upstream arts trail Community Groups Artworks, and features a number of former In thIs IssUE from the bowling club members including the late Sir Coordinator/BCA 2-3 Leonard Hadley who was a life member and bCa News Brooklyn village is buzzing again after a long-time club patron. In the mural above From the Councillor 4 coordInatOr quiet Christmas and New Year period. EUan harrIs the bowlers is a commentary box with bowls I sure missed the smell of Jo’s pies as I Vogelmorn Tennis Club 5 brookLyn commUnIty centrE & commentators Garry Ward and Stuart Scott. walked through the village with my dog Residents Association 6 vogelmOrn hall ph 384 6799 Underneath you can make out flags for the Kodak. Arvind Mora from Brooklyn
[email protected] Rose and Crown and Lovelocks Sports Bar. Scouts 8 Foodmarket and the team at Caribe kept Hi Everyone, The Lovelocks Sports Bar is still going strong the energy of the village going while From the Library 9 at 12 Bond Street but the Rose and Crown Welcome to the first Tattler for 2017 many took a break. Of course it was extra What’s On 10-11 pub in the former BNZ shopping centre on delivered free to homes throughout busy at the Brooklyn Community Centre Willis Street has now gone. Resource Centre News 12 Brooklyn, Kowhai Park, Panorama Heights, with the holiday program running. Friends of Owhiro Stream 14 Mornington, Vogeltown and Kingston, thanks to our neighbours the Brooklyn In late January I learned that Graeme BCA 15-17 Scout Group on Harrison Street.