Capital Spaces Policy
References Annual Plan: This is your City 1997/98, Wellington City Council. Annual Plan: This is your City 1998/99, Wellington City Council. Annual Report: This is your City 1996/97, Wellington City Council. Annual Report 1997: Residents Satisfaction Survey, Wellington City Council. Arts Strategy, Wellington City Council, 1998. Assessment of Open Space in Wellington City, Report for Wellington City Council, Boffa Miskell Limited, February 1998. Botanic Garden Native Forest Management Plan, Wellington City Council, 1993. Draft Annual Plan 1998/99, Wellington City Council. Draft Combined Management Plan: Wellington Botanic Garden, Anderson Park, Bolton Street Memorial Park, Wellington City Council 1998. Draft Recreation Strategy for the City of Wellington, Wellington City Council, 1995. Ecological Survey of the Wellington South Coast, DJ Campbell, IAE Atkinson, L Northcote, October 1996. The Great Harbour of Tara, G. Leslie Adkin, Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 1959 Interim Strategic Plan Monitoring Report: Residents Survey, Wellington City Council, July 1997. Local knowledge as a driving force for regional expression, Jim Sinatra, Papers from Today’s Actions, Tomorrow’s Landscapes: Conference of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects, 1998. Miramar Headland - Prospects and Possibilities, Wellington Civic Trust, 1995. Map of Wellington Country District shewing native names, from information supplied by Elsden Bert Esq. and H.N. McLeod Esq. Lands and Survey Department 1916. Natural Wellington: A Plan to Preserve and Enhance the Natural Treasures of Wellington City, Wellington Branch of Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society, 1991. Nga Uruora - The Groves of Life, Geoff Park, Victoria University Press, 1995. Open Space Values in the Porirua Stream Valley upstream from Tawa, Report for Wellington City Council, Boffa Miskell Limited, February 1998.
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