Itinera Tiberi
1 Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Itinera Tiberi Version 1.0 March 2009 Edward Champlin Princeton University Abstract: Intended as a guide for quick reference, this paper tabulates all of the known movements of the princeps Tiberius from birth to death. © Edward 2 Itinera Tiberi [] = [age before November 16th of that year] S = Suetonius, Tiberius; D = Cassius Dio; T = Tacitus, Annales; VP = Velleius Paterculus BC 42 Rome Palatine: born S 5, D 57. 18. 2, Fer Cum., FAnt., AFA 16 Nov. 40 Praeneste after L. Antonius capitulates at Perusia, parents flee to [1] Naples Sicily Achaia S 4. 2-3, 6. 1-3, VP 2. 75. 3 Sparta S 6. 1 39 Rome returns after amnesty, S 4.3 [2] 38 Rome mother Livia marries Octavian, VP 2. 94. 1, FVerul 17 Jan. [3] 32 Rome Rostra: age 9 (33/32) eulogizes father, S 6. 4 [9] 29 Rome in Octavian’s Actium triumph, 13-15 Aug. [12] astici ludi, Circus: Troy games, S 6. 5, D 51. 22. 4 27 Rome toga virilis, FPraen. 24 Apr. [14] [Torelli 1982: 85, argues for 23 Apr.] 26 Spain military tribune, Cantabrian War (or not till 25), S 9. 1 [15] 25 Spain military tribune, Cantabrian War, S 9. 1, S 42. 1 [16] 24 Rome right to stand for office 5 years early; elected quaestor, D 53. 28. 3 [17] T 3. 29. 1, S 8; ?AP 9. 219 (Diodorus) 23 Rome quaestor, VP 2. 94. 1, and cura annonae VP 2. 94. 1, S. 8, ?AP 9.
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