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studebaker]The Great Independent

\ holds i every official speed and endurance record for fully equipped stock, cars -regardless ofpowekl rice or type of car! \ \j before has one ■ Brakes, twice as efficient as those manufacturer swept the established as standard by the NEVERboards of all official rec- A. A. A., safeguard Studebaker** ords for fully equipped stock cars. championship power and speed. Studebaker engineering genius, And Studebaker’scomp/efe man- I -___ quality materials, precision workmanship ufacturing facilities enable us to sell every Hon. Walker Chosen to Address Six At and rigid inspections, make brilliant speed model at a low One-Profit price, 'jOnly Six In Injured and stamina possible. Drive these cars 40 Drive a Studebaker champion today, Democratic at miles an hour the day they are delivered. You will never again be satisfied with less Houston Filgonia Affray motor oil 2500 miles, than Studebaker’s Crew of 16 Known Meeting Change only every thrilling performance. Said Recovering! HARGILL, June 27.—Six men, Lower Prices! Prices of all Studebaker-built can are lowered by elimination of war excise tax To Have Survived suffering from serious knife and pis- tol wounds received in a fight Sun- The President Eight The Commander The Dictator The Enkine Sia day at a dance hall near i ilgonia, Hold* all official records —35,000 mile* io leas than A stock model Dictator ra- —Bigger—roomier—mors KINGS BAY, Spitzbergen, June 27. tried to rescue the others his ma- were reported recovering Wednes for stock closed cars, re- 33,000 minutes! Up cent ly traveled 5000 miles powerful. Holds all record* *—(A1)—Fear that six men, who drift- chine him overturned, leaving day and four other men. implicated gar dies* of power or price, Uniontown Hill at 60-mile in less than 4600 coosecu- for stock cars under $1000 ed away in the balloon part of the stranded on the ice with the five in the mob fight, are still being from 5 to 3000 mile* and speedt Champion in value, tive minutes—a record for —1000 miles in less than Italia after its crash on the polar other members of the Nobile t to 34 hour*. at stock cars under 1000 group. held in the Willacy county jail at from too, $1400. consecutive minutes. ice cap, were dead prevailed today Fog and snow at Spitsbergen con- Raymondville awaiting court action, » «. » » when it was learned that the air- tinued and at- j *1985 *2485 *1435 *1625 *1195 *1395 *795 *965 today prevented any Several of the *njured men who ship had caught fire. tempt to search for the crew All e. k missing were cut and shot were hastily pricei f. factory Of sixteen men who left aboard of the Italia or to ...-...... -. save the six men taken into the brush by their ■*« ..#'4* the dirigible for the North Pols on on the ice. It also held up search friends, biding them from the offi- May 23 only six were known to be for and five men cers who wf-e rushed from alive One man was killed. who set Ray- today. out with him from mondville. Three have been missing since they last to in Monday join the rescue 40 in started afoot for land. Approximately participated operations. the fight. General said that Motor Sales Co. An Commercial investigation is now under soon after the dirigible crashed on way. 25 the baHoon drifted to May part NEW BUILDING BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS HARLINGEN, TEXAS the east and a small column of HARGILL, June 27.—Contract has 421-423 West smoke was seen rising from it after 407 Thirteentk Harrison Street been let and work begun on a home it had gone about six miles. The DEWEYlLL for the Holt Motor The balloon then crashed. Nothing has company. contract for the rock-faced and gal- L 76 of and stand back of Studebaker-Enkine Cars J been heard of the six men aboard. years manufacturing integrity experience vanized sheet iron structure was let a\_ „- ■ _fg from the on Returning to B. W. Kay. The building is located 24 the Italia ran into May fog, GG ON BALLOT at West Sixth and McKinley Avenue. stormy weather and adverse winds. Fighting her way toward Kings Bay — the dirigible at times was making a i speed of less than 20 miles an hour, Clerical Error Caused i Mere Thrown From Craft Suddenly, Nobile advised, on the Announcement He P- of 25 the was >%Anny Jfay airship Had Withdrawn By MARSHAL OTEY WALKER f weighted down, apparently by snow Special Central Press Correspondent for The Herald and and ice forming on the bag. The Delegate to Joe the craft plunged rapidly to the polar Dewey, justice cf the peace Democratic Convention. ice north of North East Land. in the La Feria precinct for eight cap HOUSTON. Tex.. June 2?.—When I It will al! be along that line, but I Nobile fonnd it to halt years, is a candidate for re-election. I | impossible get back to the Old Home Town I can’t reveal more now. Through a clerical error Mr. any right the rapid descent of the ship, and it j gue-ss I’ll have lost my job as mar- I then went to the Rice Dewey's name was omitted from the hotel, which crashed. shal. You I have a new list of see, may is one of the biggest snore factories Vincenio motor attend- candidates who had paid their Pomella, one—that of democratic spokesman. I have ever seen. I around the assessments, and^the announcement hung ant, was in the stern gondola. It Before coming to this beautiful city in Jim Reed Tom was made he had relinquished his lobby hopes or was ripped off in striking the ice, I didn't realize just how good a demo- Heflin place on the ballot. might drop around to see me crashing Pomella. During the ensu- crat I really was. But now I’m a Jef- as to how I stand Mr. Dewey's $10 assessment is regarding their ing commotion he died. in fersonian dry southern free silver the Cameron county democratic war candidacy. The cabin and part of the upper Bryan anti-tariff Smith democrat Well, I was a chest. In was leaning aaginst lobby fact, it one of the with an : bracing were also torn away. All Alabama accent and a Broad- pillar look at me when first assessments paid, and Mr. letting people those in the cabin were burled to; way corkscrew. a reporter came up and asked if I Dewey will have a place on the bal- the ice. One of General Nobile's I had no idea this that the were lot. morning Mr. Walker, and what would I legs was fractured and his back in- boys were grooming me for first do if I became Considerable perturbation was president. jared. One of legs of Xatale fiddle in the Houston political or- I told him. Four hours later, after yie evinced by Mr. Dewey’s numerous Ceecioni, motor cnief. was broken chestra. I saw Governor Dan Moody he had out of friends when the run copy paper and announcement was and Frank Roosevelt and some the NOTICE! below the knee. Dr. . of cuffs notes, he closed with a made that he wouir not be making Swedish received bad Tuesday other boys in Main street, but they meteorologist, a silly question: candidate for re-election. They im- acted as contusions of the arm. The others though they didn’t know me. “Mr. Walker, what are your future mediately started an investigative. it was to a hurled to the ice were Lieutenant Maybe be surprise. plans.” he asked, “will you run for to “why and wherefore.” and soon The first Alfredo Viglieri, Italian navy navi* thing I knew of it was re-election as mayor of New York?” ascertained that it was due to an Prof. F. Behounek meteor- when I picked up a newspaper in Her- I was about to tell him I had never gator; error in the check-up of the assess- man and saw a headline: “Walk- ologist; Giuseppe Biogi, radio op- park seen New York, much less run for ======ments paid. er to Make I erator; Filippo Troiani, engineer; Important Speech.” mayor there, when someone beckoned “A democratic primary ticket with- didn’t Alberto and stop to read the article; I to me. It was a friend of an Captain Mariano, pilot, out Mr. mine, Dewey’s name on it for jus- let out a and turned a Captain Filippo Zappi, Italian navy whoop couple importer of Canadian goods. He tice of the peace at L Feria of navigator. “handsprings. wanted to tell me that the tonsil wouldn't look right to the voters of I sat down and Bury Body in Ice right figured out polish I had ordered had arrived, so I that precinct, and I don’t under- It will Among the debris on the ice my speech. go something left. they stand why he should withdraw. I like this: found all the instruments in the Now I wonder what that reporter um going to look this up; I’m sure “Friends, fellow citizens, democrats, THE cabin. Later the body of Pomella meant about that crack about think- STATE OF TEXAS, there is an error somewhere.” was gentlemen of the was found and press, people of ing me the mayor of New buried in the ice. the comment being of one of Mr. Dewey's Houston and everybody else. (Ap- York? Meantime the balloon part of the Brownsville friends when the an- plause.) Unaccustomed as I am to Italia was drifting to the hav- COUNTY OF CAMERON: east, nouncement was made that Mr. public speaking, I shall make talk ing been freed of the weight of the my BROKERAGE OFFICE OPENS Dewey's name would not appear on as briefly as possible. (Tremendous and part of the gondolas bracing. the ticket. His investigation uncov- applause.) HARLINGEN, June 27.—A cotton I When it had about sfx gone miles ered the fact that Mr. ‘This a '‘small Dewey is en- remind of little story. It brokerage shop is being opened on 1 column of smoke was seen titled to a place on the courty tick- !seems there were two Irishmen. Otto the ground floor of the Reese-Wil- On last the a to rising from it. Nobile that Sunday, undersigned requested complaint thought ft, the candidate having been one of and Agnes name. here a by (Applause) etc., Mond hotel by T. H. Bleeker, either gasoline or an oil tank had 1 the first to pay his assessment. etc.” “spot cotton broker.” caught fire. The balloon crashed be filed E. R. Redlich, before the officers of Cameron on the ice with its six occupants. against These were Lieutenant Ettore Ar- duino, Italian navy navigator; Pro- him with violated the criminal laws of 1 County, charging having fessor , Italian sci- POSTAL CLERK entist; Dr. Ugo Lago, correspondent “I should of the Milam newspaper, Popolo this a D’ltalia; Kenato say state, automobile from this state, Allesandri, envelope by removing mortgaged attendant; Attileo Caratti, motor at- tendant, and Cahsto Ciocca, motor FETE in which was attendant. mortgage the undersigned interested; and also re- The radio —-PLANNED, apparatus was rescued not!" from the debris by the Nobile party. to that a warrant for his arrest be which was done. Its receiving get functioned, but the Harlingen be Host quested issued, sending apparatus was damaged, for 50 cents for a half- five the To 3 Organizations Pay days castaways struggled to On it. three investigation of the facts, I find that I was mistaken as to the repair Finally members of July 3, 4, 5 of insect- the party, Dr. MaMlmgren and Cap- pint liquid tains Mar,ano and started Zappi f Special to The Herald) existence of the fact that afoot for land on 30. Those killer! I should say not! justifies this and in fair- May HARLINGEN, June 27.—This prosecution, that remained behind watched them city, joined by other parts of the make their way over the ice Valley, Wot when you cap the same and will be host to the Texas Association get ness to and to found that they only made five myself Mr. Redlich, this statement is made miles of Postal Clerks being on the first As Supervisors, and of Black day. they contin- Rural Carriers quantity Flag Liquid for ued their march July 3. 4 and 5. and they disappeared is from view and Harlingen making preparations to for the of the have not been seen welcome the 25 cents. Black is purpose correcting any impression public may since. guests. only Flag Liquid 31. J. Lear, chairman Repair Radio general of the local arrangement* committee, an- i the deadliest made. Sure death to have as the Nobile end his party gotten result of the institution of this painted the nounced that a tour of the prosecution. silk tent they had with Valley will them red to be one of the aid searchers. features. He also an- j household insect They labored at re- nounced pests. the radio that headquarters will be WITNESS hand at this 26th of pairing apparatus, but fear- at the Hotel in my Brownsville, Texas, day ed that they would Moore, which the bark if not never be able to postoffice is located. [.Honey satisfied.] send over it again. how- Finally, The supervisors are to hold their Black Powder, 1ft cents and Is A. 1928. ever, they got it in order Hag op, equally deadly, June, D., working session at the city hall or grade and started to send out calls 0 1928. B.F.C^ for school, the postal clerks meet help. The base Citta Pi ship Milano at the high school, and the rural at Kings Bay. which had been on the icarriers at the Fair grounds. alert for signals, caught the first A fish fry at the Fair grounds, message on June £*. Soon the No- drive, to Matamoros for a dance and PERRY L. KING & CO. bile party were able to send direc- dinner, on the of 4. and tions for their rescue. nifht July ! ACCOUNTING participation in the Brownsville-1 ,v,„^.UPlT!5IG—GENERALLNCOMB FAX SERVICE Three times airplanes ! System*. Organization and attempted Matamoros bridge opening celebra- Statistical to find them and Report. Bustnew Control failed, nkhoughition at that time are other features ! the Nobile party saw them. Travis Then ff Burma. —-1

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