611 Subpart K—Technical Standards

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611 Subpart K—Technical Standards Federal Communications Commission § 76.601 Subpart K—Technical Standards procedures utilized, and a statement of the qualifications of the person per- § 76.601 Performance tests. forming the tests shall also be in- (a) The operator of each cable tele- cluded. vision system shall be responsible for (2) Proof-of-performance tests to de- insuring that each such system is de- termine the extent to which a cable signed, installed, and operated in a television system complies with the manner that fully complies with the standards set forth in § 76.605(a) (3), (4), provisions of this subpart. and (5) shall be made on each of the (b) The operator of each cable tele- NTSC or similar video channels of that vision system shall conduct complete system. Unless otherwise as noted, performance tests of that system at proof-of-performance tests for all other least twice each calendar year (at in- standards in § 76.605(a) shall be made on tervals not to exceed seven months), a minimum of four (4) channels plus unless otherwise noted below. The per- one additional channel for every 100 formance tests shall be directed at de- MHz, or fraction thereof, of cable dis- termining the extent to which the sys- tribution system upper frequency limit tem complies with all the technical (e.g., 5 channels for cable television standards set forth in § 76.605(a) and systems with a cable distribution sys- shall be as follows: tem upper frequency limit of 101 to 216 (1) For cable television systems with MHz; 6 channels for cable television 1000 or more subscribers but with 12,500 systems with a cable distribution sys- or fewer subscribers, proof-of-perform- tem upper frequency limit of 217–300 ance tests conducted pursuant to this MHz; 7 channels for cable television section shall include measurements systems with a cable distribution upper taken at six (6) widely separated frequency limit to 300 to 400 MHz, etc.). points. However, within each cable sys- The channels selected for testing must tem, one additional test point shall be be representative of all the channels added for every additional 12,500 sub- within the cable television system. scribers or fraction thereof (e.g., 7 test (3) The operator of each cable tele- points if 12,501 to 25,000 subscribers; 8 vision system shall conduct semi-an- test points if 25,001 to 37,500 sub- nual proof-of-performance tests of that scribers, etc.). In addition, for tech- system, to determine the extent to nically integrated portions of cable which the system complies with the systems that are not mechanically con- technical standards set forth in tinuous (i.e., employing microwave § 76.605(a)(4) as follows. The visual sig- connections), at least one test point nal level on each channel shall be will be required for each portion of the measured and recorded, along with the cable system served by a technically date and time of the measurement, integrated microwave hub. The proof- once every six hours (at intervals of of-performance test points chosen shall not less than five hours or no more be balanced to represent all geographic than seven hours after the previous areas served by the cable system. At measurement), to include the warmest least one-third of the test points shall and the coldest times, during a 24-hour be representative of subscriber termi- period in January or February and in nals most distant from the system July or August. input and from each microwave re- (4) The operator of each cable tele- ceiver (if microwave transmissions are vision system shall conduct triennial employed), in terms of cable length. proof-of-performance tests of its sys- The measurements may be taken at tem to determine the extent to which convenient monitoring points in the the system complies with the technical cable network: Provided, that data standards set forth in § 76.605(a)(11). shall be included to relate the meas- (c) Successful completion of the per- ured performance of the system as formance tests required by paragraph would be viewed from a nearby sub- (b) of this section does not relieve the scriber terminal. An identification of system of the obligation to comply the instruments, including the makes, with all pertinent technical standards model numbers, and the most recent at all subscriber terminals. Additional date of calibration, a description of the tests, repeat tests, or tests involving 611 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:45 Nov 16, 2010 Jkt 220203 PO 00000 Frm 00621 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220203.XXX 220203 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR § 76.602 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–10 Edition) specified subscriber terminals may be Center, Room CY-A257, Washington, required by the Commission or the DC 20554 and at the National Archives local franchiser to secure compliance and Records Administration (NARA). with the technical standards. For information on the availability of (d) The provisions of paragraphs (b) this material at NARA, call 202–741– and (c) of this section shall not apply 6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/ to any cable television system having federallregister/ fewer than 1,000 subscribers: Provided, codeloflfederallregulations/ however, that any cable television sys- ibrllocations.html. tem using any frequency spectrum (b) The following materials are avail- other than that allocated to over-the- able for purchase from at least one of air television and FM broadcasting (as the following addresses: Global Engi- described in §§ 73.603 and 73.210 of this neering Documents, 15 Inverness Way chapter) is required to conduct all East, Englewood, CO 80112 or at http:// tests, measurements and monitoring of global.ihs.com; or American National signal leakage that are required by this Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd subpart. A cable television system op- Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036 erator complying with the monitoring, or at http://webstore.ansi.org/ logging and the leakage repair require- ansidocstore/default.asp; or Society of ments of § 76.614, shall be considered to Cable Telecommunications Engineers have met the requirements of this at http://www.scte.org/standards/ paragraph. However, the leakage log index.cfm; or Advanced Television Sys- shall be retained for five years rather tems Committee, 1750 K Street, NW., than the two years prescribed in Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006 or at § 76.1706. http://www.atsc.org/standards. NOTE 1 TO § 76.601: Prior to requiring any (1) ANSI/SCTE 26 2001 (formerly DVS additional testing pursuant to § 76.601(c), the 194): ‘‘Home Digital Network Interface local franchising authority shall notify the Specification with Copy Protection,’’ cable operator who will be allowed thirty 2001, IBR approved for § 76.640. days to come into compliance with any per- (2) SCTE 28 2003 (formerly DVS 295): ceived signal quality problems which need to ‘‘Host-POD Interface Standard,’’ 2003, be corrected. The Commission may request IBR approved for § 76.640. cable operators to test their systems at any (3) SCTE 41 2003 (formerly DVS 301): time. NOTE 2 TO § 76.601: Section 76.1717 contains ‘‘POD Copy Protection System,’’ 2003, recordkeeping requirements for each system IBR approved for § 76.640. operator in order to show compliance with (4) ANSI/SCTE 54 2003 (formerly DVS the technical rules of this subpart. 241), ‘‘Digital Video Service Multiplex NOTE 3 TO § 76.601: Section 76.1704 contains and Transport System Standard for recordkeeping requirements for proof of per- Cable Television,’’ 2003, IBR approved formance tests. for § 76.640. [65 FR 53615, Sept. 5, 2000] (5) ANSI/SCTE 65 2002 (formerly DVS 234), ‘‘Service Information Delivered § 76.602 Incorporation by reference. Out-of-Band for Digital Cable Tele- (a) The materials listed in this sec- vision,’’ 2002, IBR approved for § 76.640. tion are incorporated by reference in (6) CEA–931–A, ‘‘Remote Control this part. These incorporations by ref- Command Pass-through Standard for erence were approved by the Director Home Networking,’’ 2003, IBR approved of the Federal Register in accordance for § 76.640. with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. (7) SCTE 40 2003 (formerly DVS 313), These materials are incorporated as ‘‘Digital Cable Network Interface they exist on the date of the approval, Standard,’’ 2003, IBR approved for and notice of any change in these ma- § 76.640. terials will be published in the FED- (8) ATSC A/65B: ‘‘ATSC Standard: ERAL REGISTER. The materials are Program and System Information Pro- available for purchase at the cor- tocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and responding addresses as noted, and all Cable (Revision B),’’ March 18, 2003, are available for inspection at the Fed- IBR approved for § 76.640. eral Communications Commission, 445 (9) CEA–542–B: ‘‘CEA Standard: Cable 12th. St., SW., Reference Information Television Channel Identification 612 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:45 Nov 16, 2010 Jkt 220203 PO 00000 Frm 00622 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220203.XXX 220203 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 76.605 Plan,’’ July 2003, IBR approved for is connected to the subscriber tap, § 76.605. shall be 2 times the square root of 0.00662(Z) millivolts, where Z is the ap- [68 FR 66734, Nov. 28, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004; 69 FR 57861, Sept. 28, propriate impedance value.) 2004] (4) The visual signal level on each channel, as measured at the end of a 30 § 76.605 Technical standards. meter cable drop that is connected to (a) The following requirements apply the subscriber tap, shall not vary more to the performance of a cable tele- than 8 decibels within any six-month vision system as measured at any sub- interval, which must include four tests scriber terminal with a matched im- performed in six-hour increments dur- pedance at the termination point or at ing a 24-hour period in July or August the output of the modulating or proc- and during a 24-hour period in January essing equipment (generally the or February, and shall be maintained headend) of the cable television system within: or otherwise as noted.
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