September 14,1868
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* Established June 23,1862. Tol. 7. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1868. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published NOTICES. TO LET. Somrrwt County. roan is no match even ior the COPARTNERSHIP _ MISCELLANEOUS._ disfranchise every excepted,) at No. 1 Printers' day, (Sunday SENATORS, Rebel in of power, and if not aided Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. DAILY PRESS. STEPHEN D. point by To Let. IJNDSEY,. must soon under. A deter- N. A. FOSTER, Proprietob. i j. rr\\ < LUTHER H. WEBB. loyal capital go Notice. fs. HOUSE on Pearl St, between Oxford and Terms:—Eight Dollars a year in advance. PORTLAND. effort is now made to separate Copartnership BKICKLincoln ats. JUDOS OF PROBATE, mined being 4 cents. to I®* Single copies Apply WM. H. .TERRIS, JAMES B. DASCOMB,. the white element from the Republican party have this day formed a AGENCY! seplOdlw Beal Estate Agent. THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the undersigned copart FIRE INSURANCE KEOIS1EK OF PROBATE, —the Rebels well assured if that can no under the firm name of Monday Morning, September 14, 1868. feeling same place every Thursday morning at $2.50 a year; THE ship GEORGE A. To FLETCHER,. be there a chance to rout e U paid in advance $2.00 a year. Let. done, is then good GREEN, FOGG Ac Large Brick CLERK OF COURTS, CO., House, on the line ol the We?t- Presidential Election, Tuesday, Nov. 3d. the whole element of the Slate.— Rates of Advbbtising.—One inch of space, in A bro<>k Horse Hailro 16 all ALBERT 0. EMERY,. loyal tor the purpose of on the d, containing rooms, a carrying Insurace at Fair in fine order. A line and length oi column, constitutes “square.” All Kinds of Fire Rates. garden ot fruit, Ac., connected COUNTY Threats, every species of intimidatiou with the COMMISSIONER, $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents per prenthes. The lot contains about an acre. Posse salon Kepublivun IVoiuiimtioiiM. SIMEON C. HANSON. bribery are to out this pro week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; coutmu- given Oct 1st. Will be let lor a boarding employed carry ng every other day alter first week, 50 cents. Corn, Flour mid Feed house. COUNTY TREASURER, gramme, and its effect has been felt H alt or 75 cents: oDe Ins. \. ayain»t square, three insertions less, Corn _ GEO. It. DAVIS & JOHN M. at Store No. 177 Commercial Exchange Coinp’y ¥., CO., WOOD,. interests 50 cents per week alter. baslotas, St., in Real Estate, No. 1 Morton the of the nation. The white lead- week, $1.00; near tho loot of will be Dealers Block, Under head of “Am itsem ents,” $2.00 per square Cross, wheie they pleased to wait their friends and former copy. ers are proscribed which per week; three insertions or less, $1.50. upon old customers, jseplOdlw____Argus York County. beyond precedent, lor the first and all who lavor them with a call. and Special Notices, $1.:'5 per square may Capital Surplus, $555,025.00. •Office Room to Let. amounts to social ostracism, it is next to insertion, and 25 cents per square tor each subse- G. W. GREEN, SENATORS. L. GEORGE tor aii well J. KOGG, tnrnlsli If «... impossible avowed, true quent insertion, ... furniture wanted Apply at 79 GOODWIN, Wells known, inserted in the “Maine Si ate H. C. Commercial Advertisements FREEMAN. CAN st. sepoK* WM. M. McARTHUK, to ride on some railroads without has a circulation in Portland, August 17,1808. septl 1<I2w Llmlmjlon. Republican Press” (which large every part Monumental Fire Insurance €o. Baltimore, SAMUEL oi the State) for $1.00 per square lor first insertion HANSON.Buxton. being grossly insulted by drunken rowdies, and 50 cents per square lor each subsequent iuser Tenement to Let. JNDUK OF PROBATE. I> issolntiou. 8trc€t- who claim to be Democrats and swear eter- tlon. and Munjoy (next to Bakery) con E. E. BOUliNE, Keunebnnlc. Capital Surplus, $230,950.77. 0N,Lll!iyettetalnlng seven well finished with hard rooms, and OF nal to and the gelt water in a REGISTER PROBATE. hostility existing laws, govern- Arm of Vln.tertoH 4b Afflrck. kitchen, good cellar and clothes shed BAKEKS, Rent $10.00 If. H. ments to enact them. In BUSINESS C„1K»S. THEat Mo 8 Anderson is tills £c.,«c. per month. Enquire of h! BUItBANK, Limerick. purporting the street, day dissolved by Atlantic Fire and Marine Ins. Baltimore. ROW, on the mutual and the business will' Comp’Y, Architect, piemises, from 12 to 2 P M, SHERIFF. view of consent, be continued and from 6 to 8 A M. the great majority of these Rebel at the eld siand by JOHN B. MASTERTON sep3-dtt R. H. GODING,.Actou. Ail the 1-ite Arm and Democrats to be au avowed is PORTLAND persons owing will make payment Capital Surplus $320,000. COUNTY TREASURER. Republican to Mr. Masterton, who assumes all debts of the Arm JOHN HALL, North Berwick. to be the most of all human Thankful for simply degraded past patronage, Mr. Mastcrton begs TO COUNTY COMMISSIONER. a continuance ot the at this LET! and as same. Policies Issued and Losses Paid Office. THOMAS QUINBY, Blddefurd. creatures, fully entitling the “rene- PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, JOHN B. MASTERTON, gade” to baiter or ballet as be most con' JAMES 3. AFFLECK. v FOE may o the Public the. very liberal PRESIDENT. Ho. 80 Middle Sept 5, 1868. Thanking for patronage Street, sei 7dd3w* Store JVo S7 The Republican Platform. veuient, bidding God speed to the praise- the would solicit a continuance Exchange St., act. Near Corner Exchange St. past year, respectfully of The National Republican Party of the United worthy Kmw ULYSSES S. assembled in National Occupied by U. f.. Bailey. GRANT, States, Convention, in the The leading idea now being forced upon Copartnership Notice. their of on the twentieth favors. OP ILLINOIS. city Chicago. day of May, IHtX * A. S. DAVIS, Proprietor. make the declaration the Northern mind that the whites are E. J. D. <£ F. following of principles: is, 15—dlw* COOPER amis .WANTON have Ihis day FESSENDEN. Sept • OFFICE 30 EXCHANGE First- We tlieeountrv on the R formed ;i copartnership tor the purpose ot* car- ST., Aug I7-dtf congratulate assur- suffering terribly UDder “negro rule.” The on the FOE VICE-PRESIDENT, ed successs ol the reconstruction policy of Congress, Plumbing business under tbe lirm name tacts are the HENRY HYDE SMITH, ofrying as evinced by the adoption by u majority of the precisely reverse The legisla- PORTLAND, MR. States lately in relielliou. of constitutions ture ol securing South Carolina bus just voted a home COUNSELLOR AT LAW, R. E. COOPER & July 10-eod3m Store to Let! SCHUYLER equal civil and political rights to all. It is the duty CO., COLFAX, ol the government, lo sustain these iijtitutions and stead ol the valus of one thousand to Room Old State dollars, HR, Hone, At lot* OF INDIANA. to prevent the people of such States Irom re- Federal Street, being every man now one of that aep8’68dlyT BOSTON, MASS. REMOVALS. M ISC KLiLANKOUS. mitted to a state ol anarchy. occupying value, 2d over and has secured PORTLAND, ME. Story Phillips’ Drug Store, Second—The guarantee by Congress ot equal suff- it against ail debts, except B^“Mark well the For Elector, rage to all loyal men at the South wt.s demanded tor the number. 100 42 by homestead itself. The colored man DANA & FITZ FIRST being by feet, and having in it every consideration of public safety, of FULLER, Having been engaged in the business in REMOVAL.. S*IEE at Labor—GEORGE L. BEAL. gratitude, Plumbing and ot and must tie maintained. The whole has thus the poor white man a home IMPORTERS OF Western Massachusetts the justice, yieen during past twenty years, OF TWENTY LARGE W1NDO SAMUEL P. STRICKLAND, question of in the Slates be- we are to to WS suffrage loyal properly in ol the demands of his Tin Sheet prepared Plumbing work in all its to the of ihost States. spite relentless cred- Iron, Steel, Plates, Iron, branches. H. M BRE t District—WILLIAM HOBSON, longs people WEB, with a very entrance on Middle St. while at the same time and fitted for hot or told water in large Third—We denounce:U1 lorms or' ion as a itor, he himself has Metals, Buildings up the city (Successor to J. Smith A Go.) S' T d District—AMOS NOURSE. repudia or with neatness and national crime. T^e national honor requires the nooe. It has country dispatch. *4« Elevator in the Bear and d District—DENNIS L. MILIIKEN. discriminated so in Its HO North Lead Pipe, Mi; hie Wash Stand and FALL DRY GOODS! Hoisting Ap- payment of the public indebtedness iu the utmost closely St., xlowton, Pumps, Tops, paratus at Erant Door. all plumbing materials constantly on hand. Manufacturer of Leather ti District—HENRY 0. PERRY, good faith, to all creditors at home and abroad, not system of taxation that all are assess- OFFER FOR RALE Belting, equally We refer to a few of the many persons whom we only accoiding to the letter, but to the ol tlie Has removed to just returned from the New York and It is the best place in the for a th District—EBENEZER KNOWLTON. spirit ed to the Best Refined Bar Iron, Tin have Plumbed buildings lor: city wholesale Shoe, law under which it was contracted. support government—not sparing Plates, HAVINGBo? ton markets, I am prepared to show to Hat or Fancy Goods Store, or Bands and Terne Plates lor Gov.