7C . ITBa A..... r-•au OO 11 c 185. t ... NO 41i VOL. 1. NEW SERIES. WEST BATON ROUGE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1856. -O. 41. O S__ __-.-L_1 T fT • 186••,&I)- . . SProclurea du ihJurilde Polie de Ia Paroisee ...... [dFitorihl.] . T-R fL s[JGAPeLAiN '1 7 Ounlt Baton Rouge. country acquiesced in it, and it had acquiredd AN OLD DaEMOCRAT AGAIN SPEAKS.- MORNING Gloriously Vindicated. a sacredness in public estimation -some majority. Indeed, bets are making BL ISIE•D EVERY SATURDAY which it iSanford Harrison, a life long and h ere, by prominent politicians, that the A one sion regulieor du Juri de Police'do 1i sus. was unwise to disturb. It had settled a dan- consis- diteporoisse convoquee eAmerican majority in the State will couforitmenent a la liii, llunhi The -HENRY J. HYAIIS, ls position of ,,gerous controversy, which it was folly, nay premier Septembre 185I. a la IMaism de Cour y tent Democrat of New Ycrk, some time diteparoisse, de lalato-day, before the American it was madness to re-open. .Its repeal, as reach 20,000. The of letmelumbes iuivants furent present. people prie sincea put forth an address to the Demo- reason the good & Proprietor. Si'r: o--LoisFavrot, PrIesilent; Mr. Fillmore justly remarked in one of his feeling among Editor Frank WVhite,e, sents a spectacle of moral grrnd]eur s the party is more apparent Adamis Hebert. I. (Cahtdwell. Jamesa It Irall, W t that speeches, was the Pandora's box, from which.s.crate of the State, who are really anxious when it is conside.aed that such a thing Winter,W 1Wlemnon, et J Ofice near the Court House, W P'ipe•.-- has no parallel in the history has issued all our present evils. As Mr. uritT--B Landrr. J CWoods et Janvier HRbert. of this or rFillmore was opposed, at the time, to its dis- to prevent a dissolution Leis procedurs e, of the Union. as a union of the discordant factions has W•1STBATO N R 0 UUE. dtieIla ession precedentefurint lues any other country. Rising above the _al I along been regarded as impossible. et appr• Pes. turbance, he has not changed his opinion that callingt upon them to ral ly to the stand- Quaud Iaresolution its repeal was an act of folly. BUT WE suivante fut offertepar W Di)'uggestions of personal considerations TELMS of the SUGAR PLANTER: Winter, iiest ARE QUITE SURE WE D() NOT MIS- ard of Fillmore, as the only way to do it, e . rhave Tux received, WiaY ANDsays WHEREFORE.-Wethe New Orleans gubacrlptl n -33 a year. due invariably at the 'eItebort, eResolu, soientQue Jamesappointe R Devall,une rcomilte L Caldwell pour routfre et Adamis avec and partisan prejudices, he now stands REPRESENT HIS SENTIMENTS WHEN to rise for once above party and act for then aild.or within three WE SAY THAT HE D)OES time of sub•cribtug; if not n.\ W ('cmaron.ait ie uoirs'.l veut retracterle con- upon an eminence, that can but com- NOT THINK monthsthereafter. livedollars will becharged; no IT WOUDI) sE WISETO ATTEMPT ITS s the country. The following is just from Crescent, several letters from friends in le taken for a les, term than sixx trat ci,letvant passeentre ii et I comite applnete temand the admiration and respect of his ubscription willr ,epour vo'raurx repa ationu de la vielleMalson de Cour. RESTORATION, AND THAT HE DE- months:napeno discoutinued untilarrearages are r his pen: Sur motion, la dite SIRES NO AGITATION HAVING THIS the interior, asking us why the Demoe. paid. resolution rutadoptee bitterest enemie-. In an age of venality Le rapportsuivant fulalors souumi: u .nri et adopte OBJECT, EITHER IN CONGRESS OR To the Nrational Democrats of Newo not execeding ten racy of New Orleans were so apathetic AdwlrtidIng.-.tAdertiemtenti SOrl-rTI.•.\is RorGE, Sept le let 11P56. OUT OF He lines,.$1 to the firt,.and 511cents ffor ie'ry rubse- and political corruption, be has displayedl IT. is too sagacious not to o York and the Union.-It will be remrnem tho'e leonithill proportlou. Le coInite snnolrgne nvant ete appolnte pour perceive that the question has become obso- and supine. As our daily qentinsertion: of greater ferere aveC Mr (CitnIron. Ipiur voir s it iouhiut retractecon a moral courage more than bered, that in a commumnication I address- avocations A liberal discountto thLUe stho advertise by the Spartan.- lete,I and too wise to pour water le around the ed. to you some six weeks ago, I urged keep us almost constantly year. c•ntrat dans oe qjuel alauit oblige its ieplerar Instead roots of a tree engaged, we virile Maisbn x of allowing himself to be gag- which was girdled two years de Cour. raplorte qu'ils out vu Mr (hini ago, in the hope of seeing it you to concentrate your strength in the have no time to write separate answers. herms to Clubs.-Where a Clubof not less thana ron.et qu'ilatiandonne eo contrat, again covered tennatam. inslent, with the cash.the palerwill be rftta' ipalrla note cuitioe, comme 11r. ged like his opponent, at a time when with foliage. State of New York upon Millard Fill- Therefore,- we have concluded to reply to turnishel 62 54teach nd an addition- 1. (aaljwell, " at subohrier. the counsels of wisdom and patriotism Nothing now remains forthe territories more, as the only way the defeat of the a"tcopyto the person furnishing the list. James R Decall, Comrite, but to see that by wise legislation, properly one and all through the columns of the Alaminuilebert. were wanted to g'lide sectionalist, John1 C. Fremont, could be .,here a ilui' oi not less than twenty is fiurnished. us through the enforced, THE PEOPLE ARE PROTEC- SAu dPresident u ntuxMebre de Police Crescent. with the cash, the paper willbe Ifrnrdte at $2 25 du Juri d'Ouestt perils that threatened TED IN THE ENJOYMENT OF PEACE. compassed. I am a constant realer' of two alditional coviesfor the our very existence,. The reason for eachsubscriber, aud n.tonRouge. SIhe has spoken out on all subjects of ia ULTIMATELY IN THE RIGHT OF DI.E-many Southern journals, and the song this apathy is apparent TERMININC THE CHARACTER Job Prlntling. .Ie propose ,tabandonner mon contrat dans lequel OF of the whole of them has been, "if Fill- tto allwho are well posted in regard to je ir'claitoblige da reparer la Malson de ('our de cette THEIR OWN 1NSTITUrI'ONS. WITH- paroissert ppurvu que votielion Assembleo y cigpaute. tional interest, fearless of the consequen more was out of the way, Buchanan's thet divisions that exist between the eh as P axl't. , BLt ic. (.astn. rTtsTrrs, FYwr0tt OUT INTIMIDATION BY MOBS AND two asn other Notices. exicuitedwitU neatues aunldo- (liwune) A W lamaron. cos. Notwithstanding all this, Mr. FILL- election was certain." Such I have never t Dtue.-tBaton Rouge Sept le WITHOUT INTERFERENCE FROM factions of the so-called epatch. Inall cases, cashon delivery. ]cr 1856. THE STATES. The sooner this doctrine believede to be the case, and the result of Democracy of La reiolutionsuivante futalors oflurte et adopteei. oItua has been pursued with a malignity the parish of .lttiutu. Que le co ite.appointei a retefft,. a ,tpre- is acquiesced in, the sooner will that quiet the election in the State of Orleans. Here are the ulneentrivu nvoc Mr (aCi arin. raplrteson cunseulte that only increased with each new evi bet restored to the country, of which it is so SlidellDemocrats mtut, pour abolit I-contrat, abundantly demonstrates the fact. Fill- and anti-Slidell Dem- resemmant convena avec dence of hisincorruptible integrity and greatly inneed. lut.sous L resol.tious adoptee aa drd tie ession, smore was not "in the way" there certain- ocrats.e For several years the anti-Sli. pour reaps-er Ia .Maisonde ('our,et All doubts now, as to Mr. FILLMORE'S But the loudest braw- ly, and we are beaten by twenty thous- dellians,d under AY R'S Attfndu. Quoec't l'opinioudu Jurl de la dite viellee lofty patriotism. the lead of ex-Senator a. Maisonde Cour, no pout pas etre reparer, position on the great questions that are and ti er uone ler in the Democratic ranks is now silen- I majority! The question, and the ESoule, kept Senator Slidell add economis prudentepour suffice du bestoin uquel citele dividing the sentiment of the North and 1only question that now presents itself to I his fol- dolt p'atliquer.Il est cedLc and we trust forever. The last gun lowers in the back ground; but latterly, R,•teld,Que laresolution pourvoyant a eelaadopt the South are resolved. He has spoken our minds is, whether we will stand by PILLS. a la dernierese.siaon, suiletest par ces pre-en.C s of the Democracy is spiked and nothing our party, and positions have reversed-the triumphant unhtivet abanluonnee. et queto president du Juri de boldly and candidly to every question "let the Union slide," or p ottlier'it. et 11 e.t autorise rcmains an FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A mainittnant pour et as but ignominious retreat or a whether we will go for the Union. ar.d have become defeated, and the defeated Mni dIectte paroisse. driaccepterdu IhrP' MI Eunderl upon which there has been any difference give In tran•sportn de la terreet dtesimplroutlienehtst ilerttt istill more ignominious surrender. up our attachment to "party." luIn the triumphant. And, as neither faction par lut. ct our lestIermes proposes viz: of opinion between the two sections off the communication before alluded to, I e ullitwille piastreis luayablecom•me suit,en 1 2 3'tt tIt has been constantly asserted by the ever showed the slightest mercy to its FAMILY PHYSIC. 4 ans paiement the country, and has spoken the true frankly told you that I preferred the annuel, touts portlant intereta raison u Democratic press and orators, that Mr. d!ehulitpur cent pt.r an il jour de ta iiitenjuonqu'au Union to my party, and should vote ac- 0opponents in its own political household, Twans has long existed a public demand for an,1 paieioent, cr que Irs twno iueibillets dle la parolsse in Southern doctrine. Can we refuse him s uijent diunestet stiglnepitrle president" 11 est FILLMORE was f:avor, not only of the seen nothing the t1the bitterness of feeling that effecve purgative pillwhich could be relied on as then our unanimous support ? Were we cordingly. I have prevails can sure and perfectlysafe in its operation. This has H relu. (,)Un'ncomite i ae troits"-it appinate Ii do. voirduquel serade proceder im-~ediatement a fair faire odious doctrine of Squatter Sovreignty, " signs of the times " lately, to change bbe readily understood by men versed in been prepared to meet that demand, and an exten- :es repairations to do so, we become doubly traitors virtues with t cltaugerlensi . .uS dlto unprouaneulllats but of the restoration of the Missouri t that determination ; on the contrary, it tl tire trial of its has conclusively shown nccessairespour enfairune liaton de Cour ronvenable the animosities which powerful antagon- whatsuccess it accomplishes the purpose designed. to our common country and traitors to has materially been strengthened. I have avec ltaniu.inde d epense possible, de raporter lades- Compromise. We have again and again iisms engender. It iseasy to make a physical pill, but not easy to Ssusa la prochaine assembledu Juri. reason to know, that the view I take and mnakethe bestof all pills--one which should have the South. Pourvu, qu'en consideration de i'abandonnemont Neither of these none of the objections, but all the advantages, of tasnwered these unfounded assertions, by have taken of this contest, meets with branches of the Dem- ducontrat ci deosusil nsere t devoirdu du dit comite, de [FAitorial.] every other. This has been attempted here, and dBdonerIn preference an ilitCanliron pour faire cel .t,ring to his political antecedents- the approbation of many of the most 0ocracy extend or accept quarter. With with what succes we would respectfully submit to bdites reparations, a conditionqu'il Les fasses aussi bon The Sober Second Thought. prominent men in our ranks, but who, for tl the public decision. It has been unfortunate for imarche qu'aucuu autreoutrirr. all going to prove the improbability if them it is a war to the knife. The mem- the patient hitherto that almost every purgative 'e Is rcmnite alupointe a cet effet Adamia Heber, Lafa- obvious reasons, will not publicly avow b r- vette(~'rdwell et J R lievall. tlsot impossibility of their truth-still As we predicted it would, in the bers of the branch popularly known medicine is acrimonious and irrita 'ing to the bow- it. You cannot expect leaders, seekers as els. This is not. Many of them produce so machh W D Winter preweoltla resoluttonsnivante. they have been reiterated with increased aopening of the Campaign, the sober the Soule branch, are very well aware, griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more ImRsolut,ujue tesoirmaitime Distritiedes chemins after place, at your hands, to come out than counterbalance the good to be derived from ietlever•s, o'etsle depotis la IIgne interieunrde John vigor ind audacity. But we are no loo. seconds thought of the Democratic party openly and tell you the whole truth, "in case of Mr. Buchanan's election, that them.These pills L Lobdetll,jusqu•a la lignesupericur e de La parois.e. produce no irritation or pain, Resolution sinless it arise from a previously existing offerte par W W Lemmnon. ger under the necessity of adopting a itis prevailing over the prejudices and however apparent it may be to them. tithey will not only be ostracised by his obstruc. Reetola. Qur t, n ounea- cthemin,eta lipar le Juri a lin or derangement in the bowels. Being purely na deridlere session,courant dn fleuvrMissrrippi a lat acourse of reasoning in order to prove attachmentsa which have hitherto kept You must listen to the "lRank and File," administration,a, eautoff from all partici- Regetable,no harm can arise from their use in anti- Sect.8 5 6 R 11 E suit conun et desgnecoumme le chs if you desire to be het estly enlightened. ttlantityv;but it is better that any medicine should. umiu du Lac. what no intelligent and unpr.-judiced tthattparty a unit against its opponents, pation in the honors and emoluments of he taken uomme Inlmspelte.rtia dit A journey of three weeks' duration judiciously. Minute directions for their a ehemin.it t quejusqu'a It W Lenmon lappoiutenment siit regu'lier de la paroise I ise in the several diseases to which they mind e.'er doubted, his soundness upon inii all general eleciioas. Intelligent and office, but the influence of the adminis- are ap- " par.leJur'. through this State, satisfies me that, away o: plicableare givenon the box. Among the com- are ready now, to -fromPoetofiees and Customhouses, Mr. tLtration, so far as it can be exercised, will plaintswhich have been speedily cured by them, we RAr•Ioxr Dt C MnD9 FINASCI. these questions, we have none to oiler, rrefiecting'Democrats may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms Le comiie de k nauncerapolrt qu(Ls out uxamnme li-s positive proof that he stands in reffer- acknowledga that JAs•es BIucHANAN l3uhanan has literally no supporters at beb thrown against them to destroy their of Jaundice,Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- - comptes suivants,lea trouteut co-rectset'en recotl- I,mandent le paiment.- all-that the once glorious Democratic powerp petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, RlItomoun Hebert 1 Enquete ...... $ 25 00 enbe to thase questions just where the standss no possible chance of an election, and prestige with their own party Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side party is completely annihllated, and that L E Bourg Coroner "' -1 - (o aand in accordance with the dictates of at home! They know that andLoins; for, in truth, all these are but the con- South stands-his own assertions. if we mean to stem the tide of sectional- Senator rwiuence of diseased actibn in the liver. As an SNW P11'PpSherief. frals les affairs d'Etat.. 41 40 decidedly Slidell will control J J Odom JeolierEB Rouge ...... SIn a conversation with Col. WILLIAMS, truetI patriotism, manifest a desire to com- vote for the only man who Mr. Buchanan, and aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos- ..... 132 00 ism, we must W D Winterlnsp chemin et levee...... 25-00 thenres. Piles. Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula with the American party, in or has the chance of success here, and that tithey also know that Mr. Slidell never 0 Bernard Jr...... 10 1O a distinguished citizen promise and Scurvy, of our own State p Coldewith soreness of the body, Ulcers T Bergeron Gre8ier J P...... 50 00 opposed man is Millard Fillmore. fcforgets or forgives his enemies. ud tipurityof the ,Sagar Planter ...... 125 00 and parish, Mr, FILLMOIt expressed his der( to de'eat Black Republicanism and blood, Irregularities; n short, Friends and countrymen, hear, hear, any and every case where a purgative is required. of ssave the Union. Propositions from dis Hence their lukewarmness, and hence They have also produced some -WD (winter, decided opposition to the doctrine singularl suc- Adnis ere it be too late. cessfulcoresin Rheumatism, Gout, Drotpsy, 1 lHebert Comite to been made to the apathy to which we have referred. ravel, IFrank Willte, Squatter Sovereignty. Wethis quote from titinguished sources, have SANFORD HARRIsON. T Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the The Et n'ayantplus d'affaires,leJuri s'ajourna jusquau s report of the conversa- xwithdraw Mr. BUcHANAN's name from Souleites are active intelligent, Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely 22 Septemnbrecourant. L. FAR'OT, Col. WILLIA Will Union Democrats heed the warn- " taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood President. doctrine, workingmnen-good ';'heodoreBergeron, Greffler. t the contest and concentrate the whole at speechifying and and prepare the system for the change of seasons. tion : ing ? Will they regard the unerring signs An occasional dose stimulates getting up enthus:asm. Had they been the stomach and Parish Committees orf the American Party. (Mr. FILLMO;RoE,) said he as isstrength of the American and Democratic of the times before it istoo late ? bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe- He s this , marshalled by as good tacticians as the tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their At a regular meeting of the Anerican party of p,rtues upon MILLARD FILLMORE. No atimulant action on the circulatory system, reno- purimsh. held on the 24 day August the followingnam- THE DIFFERENCE.-We have nothing o1opposite faction, and had their leaders vate the strength of the body, and restore the edlgentlemen were appointed upon the several com- (Squatter Sovereignty) as advocated less a jersonage than the Democratic wastedor diseased energies of the whole organism. mittels. Van to do with the American party, says the possessedp equal pecuniary ability, there liience an occasional dose is adantageous, evens by Cass, Douglas, Buchanan, candidate :'r the Vice Presidency, is VIGILANT COMMITTEE. New Orleans Bulletin, or its tenets.- is though no serious derangement exists; but un- Buren, and others; he believed this subject to Mr. is little doubt they would have retained' necessary CCT-OFFPRESOIeT. COR BOUISE Pr.CT. said to have bro.'ched dosiing should never be carried too fat, that a Territory, until its inhabi- Its own organs are abuntdantly able to theti supremacy they lost Soule anevery purgatie medicine rgduces Thcodule Tuillier, A Brooks on his !a:e visit to Wheat- when Mr. when the srenth to BucSIANAN, taken to excess. The thousand case in wic Belizaire Hebet, Gutave Duhbroca, tants were sufficiently numerous take care of their own case. But we committedCe the folly of accepting the a physic is required Josph Braud, MC LeBlanc, land, with what success we have not cannot be enumerated here, but Trahan. authorize the formation of a State l: they sg Louis L Bruzsard. Valmon cannot help noticing the striking coinci- officeof of Envoy Extraordinary et themselves to the reason of every but it is tebe hoped that Mr and Min- nROs.saTrrE rarer. TOYDRASREICT. Constitution, preparatory to admis- learned;Ii answerdY; anda it is confidently believed this nj; il dence between the doctrine of the Ameri- isister Plenipotentiary to Spain. better purpose tlal Uy thin' w-ich 11 A Castle, W W Lemmnzt, will yield to the advicu of hitherto been availabk to mssm~.m. Then theirhas Petit, sion into the Union as a State,'could EBUCHANAN I Brousa rd, J.ouis can party, in regard to foreigners, and But as it is, they know they are irre- JamesrB pevallU. if I GerMceny. onlyo be regarded as in a .condition his most devoted friends. When the doubt Wa once n wte, t P .ic will no longer IIRCLYLANDIYNG DRECIGT. no Sover- the oath which every foreigner is trievablytr " under the weather" for the ie t n meduoiy_artic t employ when in need of a of pupilage, possess'ng sacrifice of mere personal considerations, m c111 Be~angsugar-wrapped, thg are Edouard LORay, k ArcadeSerrst, to required by our laws to take before he ppresent, and that the election of Mr. err;, nod bebag purely vegetabg, no Joachipi AilIpt, Edward Burg, eignty whatever; and rif will result in the public good, it is the ,"•.pe from teir usiein any q•tintiey. J Bte Lafauve. the U ttth and Ngw.M ewiXe- can become a citizen of the United BBuchanan will only tend to keep.themn Sice directaons, C(;;16iTTEE, duty of every lover o? his country to ass uapper on the Bo*. EXECUTIVE torial Buis;: sat rioned to States. The following is the part part scso the more effectually for fqur years' 4IEPARED BY Dan Hickey, T P Vaughn, _make the sacrifice, and we cannot be- Theodore laigle, N W Pope, . correcd3Ci i of hi ,# O>> of the American platform we allude to: lolonger. H W Allen, man to PB4.JAMES J VIuralde, iit'e that Mr. 1uotCANAN is the C. AYER, B R hinm, H HFerrot, Here.it contained in a few'rwo s, thu V.-No person should be select- Wherefore, then, should they strive to D N Barrow.5 disregard both t'e advice of his friends JraCtical pnd Analytical Chep.M*, true ouithern decfrine in arWdW"th d ed for political station (whether of g,get up an excitement! Why, then,' LOWELL, MASS. of patriotism. In the TRICKS O, THE BUCHAN- rights, aand the dictates 9 Criceper ONE OF TIHE Territories, the d trinetatS nitive or foreign birth) who recog- 4should they endeavor to accomplish ap Cents Bo. Five oraesfor $. event of his running, every State he getis A rITES.-The Marksville Organ, of the equality, the dpectrine, in whose e uizes any allegiance or obligation, ohobject which, when accomplished will' and State elect- donly increases the chances of the to foreign 27th nit, publishes a card from two defence JoHs C. CALIOUN, acquired a of ANY DESCRIPTION, only redound to their injury '"Here ion of FREMONT, by increasing the chan- Prince, Potentate or Power. A Y ER'S citizens of Avoyelles parish, in which glorious immortality, but a doctrine wre i are some of the Uwhys and wherefores." ces .of throwing the election into the and the following, a part of the oath time since they are torry.to say, repudiatedl and spit up- c We trust this explanation will satisfy CHEUY PECTORAL, they state ,that some Black Republicanism iS taken : For the rapid BICHAaWA and the whole IHouse, where every naturalized citizen has Care of were induced to withdraw from the eon by JAMES our correspondents. PSUGiS, COLDS, IOARSElVESS, In reference to Ilargely in the ascendant. The whole re And I do abeolutely rernounce party by misrepresentations BNorthern Democracy. ISRONCITIS, WHOOPING-1OG1 , American rests with the South. If it and adjure ALL ALLEGIANCE AND THENAND Now.-While there was 5 three Dem- of the Missouri Compro. ssponsibility , any) prospect that any Northern Whigs" CROrP, ASTlrA, AND havirg been made them by the restoration FIDELrrY to any foreign will give its unanimous support to Mr. Prince, ar wouldvote for Buchanan, tiJejournals in they confided, mise,we give Mr. FILLMORE'S views as ' CONSUMPTi1ON. ocrats, in whose veracity FILLMORE, his election by the people is Potentate, State or Sovreigntyw Twis remedy has won for itself such notoriety of the[ through the Buffalo Comntmer- his-interest were extravagantly polite and frmits cres of to the effect that the leaders expressed whatever. h every variety of pulmonary disease, and ccertain, otherwise, the result we fear, was then, "the noble tlit it is entirely unnecessary to recount the were holding meetings[acial Advertiser, his home organ, Now, will some astute anti-Know , magnanimous. It dnces of evi- American party its virtues in any community where will' be the triumph of the enemies of old Whig party," "the glorious old h, it in different portions of the parish, into Scommend them to the careful consider been employed. So wide is the field of its use the South. Nothing tell us in what the difference Whigs," "foemen worthy of our res- tha ns, andso numerous the cases of its cures, mem- ationI of our readers; -- ! consists hat lmorst every ection of the country abounds which only the rich and intelligent ! pect," "magmanimous and devoted lovers n Persorn there- publiecly nown, who have been restored that they called I We may consider it demonstrated, P1ARISH.-A gen- of their country," etc. ~Now, however, l n-mldg and evendesperate diseases of bers are admitted, and restoring the Missouri FILLMORE IN SABINE fol- the fore, that an act for, REJOICIN IN NEW Yoiu.-The these same " magnanimous, glorious old ngsby its .use. When once triedits superiority toodfhats, from whom Compromise will never come before the Pies- well informed in political matters, over every other medicine of its the poor members As connected tlemaq lowing is a dispatch to the " having met and resolved to kind is too apipa- was their votes. .ident for his consideration. in AWhigs ntto escape observation, and where its virtues are all that was expected election, the question anda well acquainted in the region is entirely: signed to with the Presidential Ledger:- support Mr. Fillmore, the tune .ow, thepublic no longer hesitate what antidote The persons whose names are idle-a mere abstraction, unwor- as follows to the ti loy for the distressing and dangerous affec- is perfectly which he resides, writes The union of the two divisions of the changed. The sucking dove no longer' tion o thepulmonary the card say. that having made inquiry Pthy the consideration of a practical statesman. to organs which are incident of the 'I River Americon, from Sabine nomination of coos. Now it is, "national humbug." r climate. Not only in formidable attacks they find they were deceived, and It is unwise to diseuss it as an element `Red American party, and the since, be equally "Know Nothingism in disguise," "fossil the lungs, but for the milder varieties of have come back again to DPresidential canvass; it would parish : a Fillmore State ticket, has caused great consequently fb agitate it again in Congress. F remains," "fungi," and other such like" bli? Covoes, Hoa~saaEss, &c.; and for CHILn and hence. unwise ever in our parish than enthusiasm throughout the State, as evi Sthe leasantest and safest medicine that the ranks of the Americans, The Missouri Compromise is like water We shall do better All right, gentlemen. with the friends of denced by the receipt of telegraphic dis- choice expletives. forth they are of and spilled upon the sand; it can never be gath- we did last year; the Democracy are Whip ofthe country'duly As it has long been in constant use throughout was a great blunder, and it is now freely conceded,, Go on. The these eti, *e need not do more than assure the Fillmore and Donelson. ered up. Its repeal getting alarmed, while our friends are patches, affection' 7but it is now too late to correct it. The g even by the opponents of the party, thatt appreciate your disinterested 1teist quality is kept up to the best that it ever Thus has another one of the many ggaining oonfidencs every dry. and will endeavor Sand•ththe gseuine article Compromise is dead, and it would be as ration- Presidential and State ticket (Fill. Iand naturafdelicacy, of your favors."- is sold by- underhanded tricks of those unserupu- reanimation of any other the a to merit a continuance alto expect the President and Erastus Brooks H. T. WADDILL lous politicians been exposed. Every corpse as this. Nothing remains but to pro- The Female Medical College in Bos- more for J.L. VIOLETT. out of sights will be carried by a hand- honest man will form his own conclu- nounce its eulogy and bury it ton has now. thirty-eiglht tudents. for Governor,) La WM. BOGLE. than thirty' yeors the whole t B4AoRouge sions. For more