Torah on Tap Amalek! 2008/03/Finding -Amalek.Html
Torah on Tap Amalek! 2008/03/finding -amalek.html Genesis 36: And Esau dwelt in the mountain-land of Seir--Esau is 8 ח ַוֵּיֶׁשבֵּ עָׂשו ְּבַהֵּר שִעיר, ֵּעָׂשו הּוא .Edom ֱאדֹום. And these are the generations of Esau the father of a 9 ט ְּוֵּאֶׁלה תְֹּּלדֹותֵּ עָׂשו, ֲאִבי ֱאדֹום, .the Edomites in the mountain-land of Seir ְּבַהר, ֵּשִעיר. These are the chiefs of the sons of Esau: the sons of 15 טו ֵּאֶׁלה, ַאלֵּּופי ְּבֵּני-ֵּעָׂשו: ְּבֵּני Eliphaz the first-born of Esau: the chief of Teman, the ֱאִלַיפז, ְּבכֹורֵּ עָׂשו--ַאלֵּּוף תיָׂמן ,chief of Omar, the chief of Zepho, the chief of Kenaz ַאלּוף אָֹׂומר, ַאלְּּוף צפֹו ַאלּוףְּקַנז. the chief of Korah, the chief of Gatam, the chief of 16 טז ַאלּוף- ַקֹּרחַאלּוף ַגְּעָׂתם, Amalek. These are the chiefs that came of Eliphaz in ַאלּוףֲ עָׂמֵּלק; ֵּאֶׁלה ַאלֵּּופי ֱאִלַיפ ז .the land of Edom. These are the sons of Adah ְּבֶׁאֶׁרֱץאדֹום, ֵּאֶׁלְּה בֵּניָׂ עָׂדה. When Esau was getting old, he called in his grandson Amalek and said: "I tried to kill Jacob but was unable. Now I am entrusting you and your descendents with the important mission of annihilating Jacob's descendents -- the Jewish people. Carry out this deed for me. Be relentless and do not show mercy." (Midrashim Da’at and Hadar, summarised from Legends of the Jews volume 6 – Louis Ginzburg p.23) Exodus 17: Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in 8 ח ַוָׂיבֹּא, ֲעָׂמֵּלק; ַוִיָׂלֶׁחםִעם- .Rephidim ִיְּשָׂרֵּאל, ִבְּרִפִידם. ,And Moses said unto Joshua: 'Choose us out men 9 ט ַויֶֹּׁאמֶׁר מֹּשה ֶׁאל-ְּיֻׁהֹושַע ְּבַח ר- and go out, fight with Amalek; tomorrow I will stand ָׂלנּו ֲאָׂנִשים, ְּוֵּצאִ הָׂלֵּחם ַבֲעָׂמֵּלק; '.on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand ָׂמָׂחר, ָאנִֹּכי ִנָׂצב ַעל-רֹּאשַ הִגְּבָׂעה, ַּומֵּטה ָׂהֱאלִֹּהים, ְּבָׂיִדי.
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