Lymington River Scow Class Association Autumn 2Ooi
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LYMINGTON RIVER SCOWCLASS ASSOCIATION AUTUMN 2OOINEWSLETTER Justa few linesto keepyou up to date as mostof us putthe scowsaway for the winter. At the AGM the committeewas re-electedas shownbelow. COMMITTEE GordonStredwick Chairman Address:The Dene Tel:01590678283 WaterfordLane Email:[email protected] Lymington SO413PT AnnBlacoe Vice-Chairman Address:B CaptainsRow Tel: 01590672376 Lymington Email:Not yet! SO41gRP SallyMuir Hon Secretary Address:Hurstty Mead Tel: 01590622419 SandyDown Email: [email protected] Boldre Lymington SO41BPQ AlexinaWilliams-ThomasHonTreasurer Address:Little Ashton Tel: 01590677588 Walhampton Lymington SO41sRB JohnDoerr Chairman,TechnicalCommiftee Address:5 HawthornDrive Tel: 01590682007 Sway Email:[email protected] Lymington SO416DX AndrewTyrrell Chairman,Measurement Committee Address:The Harepath Tel: 01590626360 EastBoldre Brockenhurst SO427WU TheAGM minutes and the ClassRules with approved rule changes are included in this newsletter. LYMINGTONRIVER SCOW CLASS ASSOCIATION NATIONALCHAMPIONSHIP Saturday7*July TheNational Championship was sailed this year under the Burgeeof theLymington TownSailing Club. Jo Blatchford,Ex Commodoreof the Cluband great supporter of the scows actedas PrincipalRace Officer. I Therewas a turnoutof 15 scowsand three races were sailed, back to back,around the areaof OxeyLake, the Solentto the westof Jackin the basket,and the River. Thefirst racebegan in a Forcetwo witha gentlereaching start from the L.T.S.C.start line,up the river,through Oxey Lake and aroundsome moveable marks, with a finishon a line from Baverstock. Whilewaiting for the secondrace to startthe windfreshened to somethingin the regionof 12 knotsfrom the West South West, which, combined with the ebb tide, well away by then,and the SaturdayAfternoon Motor boat traffic,threw up what lookedfrom the insideof a scow like a very lumpy,wetting sea. This race was notablefor the speedand seamanshipwith which a certainscow with yellow sails was righted after a capsizewith hardly the lossof a place! Thelast race was due to be threerounds of a coursearound the moveable marks out in the Solent,and a finishup the Riverto the ClubLine. By nowthe wind was gusting to around1B knots and thunder and lightningwas playingover the needles.To the reliefof some of the helmsand perhapsto the disappointmentof othersthe coursewas shortenedto two roundsand home up theriver to finish. No one was struckby lightening,and all camehome in the rainhaving thoroughly enjoyed a livelyand challenging three races. Afterthe sums were done the results were as follows:- Sinqle-handed l. GordonStredwick 2. JanePitt Pitts 3. SylviaPeppin Double-handed l. SimonCollyer and LucyCollyer 2. MidrieClaridge and JennyWilson 3. JeremyAustin and LucyAustin Juniors l. ThomasDudley and DanWales Prizeswere presentedin the eveningby Annie Prattwife of RobinPratt, Commodore of LymingtonTown SailingClub, and was followedby an excellentdinner. Ann Blacoe Fullresults:- Adultsingle-handed. Sailnumber Boatname Helm Result 340 Marian GordonStredwick 1 318 DaffvDuck JanePitt Pitts 2 283 Swallow SvlviaPepin 3 313 Cheers Ann Blacoe 4 327 Hotn Spicy PeterBunce 5 Adultdouble-handed. SailnumberBoatname Helm Crew Result 275 The SaucyMrs.Flobster SimonCollyer LucyCollyer I 315 Goshawk MidrieClaridge JennyWlson I 324 Boo JeremvAustin LucvAustin 3 332 Nipper JavneBurchell PeterBurchell 4 307 Ping Pong AlexinaWilliams Thomas MaryDaly 6 345 Scamper CarolMann JenniferCutmore 6 285 lmp JaneCleoo SallvMuir 7 359 Miracle Paul JemmaAoolebv B 2. Juniors SailNumber BoatName Helm Crew Result 298 FlyinqHorse ThomasDudlev DanWales 'l AnnBlacoe co-ordinated the NationalChampionship and we thankher for allher hard work, the L.T.S.C.for hostingthe event and thank too all theother helpers involved. 2002 We havesubmitted three dates to the R.LYM.Y.C.for the Nationalsnext year, we are awaiting confirmationof our first choiceof Saturday13'n July 2002,the alternativedates will be 29th Juneand 27'n July. Do putthese dates in yourdiary so thatyou can join in thefun. Of coursethere can be seriousbusiness to discussat the AGMand we welcomeany matters youmay like to raise. The racingattracts all levelsof scowsailors from the mostproficient to the relativenew comers, so pleasedon't be put of by the title 'NationalChampionship' it is simplythe class'most importantannual event. Finallythere is the prizegiving and Annual Dinner. LETTERFROM JOHN CLARIDGE DearLymington River Scow owner, Withthe introduction of the morepowerful / user-friendly downhaul and kickers, we initiallyhad problemswith the masthead and halyard fittings. Having sorted this, the next weakest link is the tackeye in thesail, two of whichpulled out in onlya moderatebreeze. Inconjunction with Peter Sanders, we havedecided that an extrawebbing strap is required attachingthe eye into the body of thesail. Peter has offered to modifyall sailspurchased in the last12 monthsfree of charge,and others at costi.e. €5 providedthey are delivered and collectedat an arrangedtime. We stronglyrecommend that any keen user has this done and even in theolder sails where no problemshave been found, it wouldbe a seamanlikemodification. Yourssincerely, JohnClaridge DATESFOR YOUR DIARY IN 2OO2 . 1'' MARCH 2002subscriptions due (form will be sentwith next newsletter) . 30thMARCH-1"t APRIL Royal LymingtonYC - EasterDinghy Regatta o Monday22nd APRIL Royal LymingtonYC - eveningdinghy racing begins o Wednesday24th APRIL LymingtonTown SC - eveningdinghy racing begins o Saturday13'n JULY Proposeddate for- AGM, NationalChampionship and AnnualDinner, R.Lym.Y.C. (Alternativedates-29'n June and 27'nJuly) ENCLOSURES o Minutesof 2001AGM . ClassRules with approvedrule changes . Informaldiscussion notes following AGM. 3.