Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Document
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Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Document Screening Statement Client: Portsmouth City Council UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations Report No.: HRA Screening_6_20130219 Version: 6 Status: Draft Final Date: February 2013 Author: SPS/NEJP Checked: SPS Approved: NEJP HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 Contents Executive Summary i E1 Introduction i E2 Scope of the Assessment i E3 Findings ii E4 Conclusions and Consultation Arrangements iii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Purpose and Structure of this Document 1 1.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment 2 1.4 Portsmouth Local Development Framework 3 2 Methodology 7 2.1 Guidance and Best Practice 7 2.2 Methodology 7 2.3 Consideration of Effects 8 3 European Sites 11 3.1 Scope of the Assessment 11 3.2 Site Descriptions 11 3.3 Qualifying Features 11 3.4 SAC and SPA Conservation Objectives 16 3.5 Conservation Objectives for Ramsar Sites 17 3.6 Key Environmental Conditions Supporting Site Integrity 17 4 Likely Significant Effects 19 4.1 Introduction 19 4.2 Results 19 4.3 In Combination Test 21 5 Commentary 23 5.1 Introduction 23 HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 5.2 Strategically Operating Impacts 23 5.3 Dark-bellied Brent Goose and Waders 24 5.4 Sites Proposed for Allocation 25 6 Screening Statement and Consultation 43 6.1 Screening Statement 43 6.2 Consultation Arrangements 44 References and Bibliography 45 Appendix I: European Site Descriptions A Appendix II: Screening Matrix YY HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 List of Tables and Figures Table 2.1: Stages in the HRA process drawing on guidance from DCLG and Natural England 8 Table 3.1: The qualifying features of European sites close to Portsmouth 13 Figure 1.1: Portsmouth City Council Proposed Site Allocations - north 5 Figure 1.2: Portsmouth City Council Proposed Site Allocations - south 6 Figure 3.1: European Nature Conservation Sites in and around Portsmouth City 12 Figure 4.1: Summary of proposed allocations assessed as leading to likely significant effects (prior to mitigation) 21 HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 Abbreviations AAP Area Action Plan BG Brent goose CAMS Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan DPD Development Plan Document FRA Flood Risk Assessment HBIC Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre HOS Hampshire Ornithological Society HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment LDF Local Development Framework SA Sustainability Appraisal SAC Special Area of Conservation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SPA Special Protection Area SDMP Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 Executive Summary E1 Introduction E1.1 Subsequent to adoption of Portsmouth’s Core Strategy (The Portsmouth Plan) in January 2012, the Council is preparing the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). This Screening Statement focuses on the Site Allocations DPD and is in line with a screening opinion received from Natural England June 20091. E1.2 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is a requirement of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (‘the Habitats Regulations’). This HRA focuses on the likely significant effects of the Site Allocations DPD on the nature conservation interests of European-protected areas in and around Portsmouth, and seeks to establish whether or not there will be any adverse effects on the ecological integrity of these European sites as a result of proposals. E1.3 This Screening Statement addresses the earliest stages of HRA. It documents the initial evidence gathering process and states whether or not a full Appropriate Assessment is required for any part of the Site Allocations DPD (although several iterations may be produced during the screening process). E2 Scope of the Assessment E2.1 The assessment addresses the following European sites which can be found in and around Portsmouth City: Butser Hill Special Area of Conservation (SAC); River Itchen (SAC); Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons (SAC); Solent Maritime (SAC); The New Forest (SAC); Chichester and Langstone Harbours Special Protection Area (SPA); Portsmouth Harbour (SPA); Solent and Southampton Water (SPA); The New Forest (SPA); Chichester and Langstone Harbours Ramsar site; Portsmouth Harbour (Ramsar); 1 Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Portsmouth Site Allocations DPD screening opinion. Ceri Morgan, Natural England, 24th June 2009. Policy/LG/PCC/Site. i HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 Solent and Southampton Water (Ramsar); and The New Forest (Ramsar). E3 Findings E3.1 Seven of the European sites within the scope of the screening assessment are negatively affected by 22 of the 59 Site Allocations and their associated proposals. The European sites are; Solent Maritime SAC, Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA and Ramsar, Portsmouth Harbour SPA and Ramsar, and Solent and Southampton Water SPA and Ramsar. E3.2 Significant effects are considered a likely outcome of the following sites: 1 Rear of 154-192 Southampton Road, Paulsgrove 133 Highgrove Lodge 145 Alexandra Lodge, Northern Parade 149 Seb Site, Drayton Lane 199 Portsdown Main, James Callaghan Drive 209 Garages At Kendal Avenue, Copnor 367 Drayton Dairy Site 112 Station Road 646 Trafalgar Wharf (221-249 Southampton Road & Vospers Site, Hamilton Road) 653 Bus Depot And Stops, Hilsea 654 London Road Bus Depot, Car Sales/Garages And Car Park 657 Museums Store, Copnor Road 688 TA Centre, Cosham and land adjacent 911 Langstone Harbour Coastal Path 1275 Land Between Home Heights And Queens Hotel 1331 Land At Portsdown Technology Park 3007 Darby House, Skye Close 6589 East Lodge Park And Adjacent Fields 6889 Henderson Road / Halliday Crescent 8102 Two Villas, North East of St James's Hospital, Locksway Road 70028 Univeristy of Portsmouth's Langstone campus 70033 Child Development Centre/Harbour School, St James' Hospital Locksway Rd 70035 Sports Pitches, Mountbatten Cente E3.3 Of most significance, the following sites and their corresponding proposals were all classified as C1 (the proposals could directly affect a European site because they provide for, or steer, a quantity or type of development onto a European site, or adjacent to it); ii HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 Trafalgar Wharf (646) potentially impacts Portsmouth Harbour SPA/Ramsar. Langstone Harbour Coastal Path (911) potentially impacts Solent Maritime SAC, Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA and Ramsar, including potential land take. University of Portsmouth’s Langstone Campus (70028) potentially impacts Solent Maritime SAC, Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA and Ramsar. E4 Conclusions and Consultation Arrangements E4.1 At this stage of the HRA, the potential for mitigation measures to reduce the likelihood of impacts has not yet been fully assessed and brought into consideration for screening. However, mitigation of potential impacts has been recommended within the screening process and it is intended that further screening iterations can be performed for all sites once mitigating actions have been built into the proposals. Therefore, the identification or uncertainty of likely significant effects does not necessarily mean that proposals would be certain to have an adverse impact on the integrity of a European site. E4.2 The Council will undertake a detailed Appropriate Assessment of any site for which suitable mitigation cannot be devised at the screening stage, to determine the ways in which the sites may be adversely affected, and further consider suitable avoidance and mitigation measures. E4.2 The findings of this report are open to consultation with Natural England, the Environment Agency, RSPB and Hampshire Wildlife Trust. E4.3 Comments are invited at any time between March and June 2013. E4.4 Please submit comments to [email protected] , copied to [email protected]. iii HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 This page is intentionally blank. iv HRA for the Portsmouth Site Allocations Development Plan Document: Screening Statement February 2013 UE-0060 Portsmouth CC Site Allocations HRA Screening_6_20130219 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Subsequent to adoption of Portsmouth’s Core Strategy January 2012 (The Portsmouth Plan2), the Council is preparing the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). This Screening Statement focuses on the Site Allocations DPD and is in line with a screening opinion received from Natural England June 20093. 1.1.2 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is