Landscape Plein Air Painting Halcyon Teed If you choose to use paint, purchase Student Grade Oil or Acrylic Paints. Winsor & Newton WINTON Oil Paint is good. Whatever brand you choose I recommend the following colors or the equivalent in 37ml tubes. HUE is a synthetic student grade version of the color and quite a bit cheaper. Oil Paints: Cadmium Lemon Yellow HUE Cerulean Blue HUE Cadmium Yellow Medium HUE Ultramarine Blue HUE Cadmium Orange HUE Viridian [green] HUE Cadmium Red Light HUE or Vermilion HUE Titanium White Larger tube is better Alizarin Crimson HUE Sets of oil paints maybe cheaper but will contain colors that you don’t need like ochre, umber and black as well as Not include colors you need. WATER MIXABLE OIL Paints are also available and should have the same names. SOLVENT and accessories: Turpenoid for Oil based paint [no odor] Palette Paper pad or if wood [must be varnished] {freezer wrap can be used} Rags or paper towels, Liquid tight Jar for Turpenoid [glass is preferable] Plastic Palette knife or equivalent to clean palette. OR Acrylics: Several brands are good. Liquitex, Academy, . Regular tubes about 60ml, 75ml to 95ml. Liquitex makes a Basic Set of 12 color 22ml tubes but are quite small. Basically the same colors as above for Oil Paint. Manufacturers have their own naming conventions which is confusing. If no Viridian is available look for Hooders Green. SOLVENTS and accessories: Water, Glass or Plastic Water Container, Palette [ceramic metal or plastic] Palette Paper pad {freezer wrap can be used} AND Brushes: Purchase Hog Bristle FLAT brushes. There are many good brands. Winsor & Newton, Princeton, Royal & Langnickel. Manufacturers have their own Sizing conventions so I will recommend approximate size numbers with dimensions. Purchase at least one of each. Additional brushes at your discretion. Numbered Sizes: 1 to 2: 3/16 to ¼ inch wide ½ inch long [optional] 2 to 3: ¼ inch wide 9/16 to 5/8 inch long 4 to 5: 3/8 inch wide to ¾+ inch long 6 to 7: ½ to 5/8 in wide to 7/8 to 1 inch long Round Synthetic Brushes: Size 2 or 4 Princeton “Good” Synthetic Sable Acrylic Brush Liner or if you can find the Ebony Splendor “Creative Mark” Size 2 or 3. : 2-3 , canvas boards or panels measuring approximately 16” x 24” Easel: French Easel (see picture below)

Or, if you prefer to work in chalk , purchase only the following: Paper: Canson single sheets or pad Basic Pastel Sets: NuPastels, Half Stick Sets: Rembrandt [semi hard] OPTIONAL: In addition to basic sets: ultra soft sets - half stick sets by Schminke or Easel: French Easel, similar to the one pictured below