Developmental , Vol. 8, 803–816, June, 2005, Copyright ©2005 by Elsevier Inc. DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2005.05.007 Polarity Proteins in Review Specification and Synaptogenesis

Giselle R. Wiggin,1,3 James P. Fawcett,1,3 which is also implicated in the regulation of polarity and Tony Pawson1,2,* (Guo and Kemphues, 1995; Watts et al., 2000; Izumi et 1Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute al., 1998). PAR-2 is a RING finger protein (Levitan et al., Mount Sinai Hospital 1994), PAR-5 a 14-3-3 protein, which recognizes phos- 600 University Avenue phorylated serine/threonine motifs (Morton et al., 2002), Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5 and both PAR-3 and PAR-6 are PDZ-domain-containing Canada proteins (Etemad-Moghadam et al., 1995; Hung and 2 Department of Medical Genetics and Microbiology Kemphues, 1999). University of Toronto Experiments employing the mammalian and Dro- 1 Kings College Circle sophila orthologs of these C. elegans PAR proteins Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8 have shown that they can directly interact with one an- Canada other to form larger multiprotein complexes. For exam- ple, PAR-6 associates with aPKC through its N-terminal PB1 domain, with GTP bound Cdc42 or Rac through The is a prime example of a highly polarized a partial CRIB motif, and with PAR-3 through its PDZ cell. It is becoming clear that conserved protein com- domain, to form a subapical complex in epithelial cells plexes, which have been shown to regulate polarity (Hung and Kemphues, 1999; Joberty et al., 2000; Lin et in such diverse systems as the C. elegans zygote and al., 2000; Garrard et al., 2003). mammalian epithelia, are also required for neuronal In addition to PAR-3, PAR-6 and aPKC also associate polarization. This review considers the role of these with the tumor-suppressor protein Lethal giant larvae polarity proteins in axon specification and synapto- (Lgl, a large protein containing 14 WD40 repeats), lead- genesis. ing to Lgl phosphorylation and functional inactivation (Plant et al., 2003; Betschinger et al., 2003; Yamanaka Introduction et al., 2003). PAR-6 can also bind the MAGUK protein The ability of cells to polarize is critical for complex Pals1, which is apically localized in epithelial cells (Hurd biological activities, such as the organization of the et al., 2003a; Wang et al., 2004). nervous system. Indeed, are among the best These dynamic PAR-6/aPKC complexes therefore examples of a highly differentiated and polarized cell provide a biochemical link between distinct sets of po- type, typically extending a long thin axon, which is en- larity proteins that localize along an apical-basal axis in gineered to propagate signals, and several shorter and epithelial cells. These include the apical Crumbs/Pals/ thicker dendrites, which are designed to receive signal Patj complex, the PAR-3/PAR-6/aPKC complex, and inputs. The transfer of information from a neuron to its the basolateral Scribble/Lgl/Dlg complex (Bilder, 2004; target occurs at the , which are composed of Macara, 2004). Consistent with the biochemical data, specialized pre- and postsynaptic structures. The pre- genetic analyses in Drosophila indicate that the PAR-3, synaptic terminal stores vesicles, which upon activa- Crumbs, and Scribble complexes have mutually inter- tion release neurotransmitters into the synaptic space, dependent functions (Tanentzapf and Tepass, 2003; where they act on postsynaptic receptors. The asym- Bilder et al., 2003). For example, the apical localization metric localization of proteins within the axon, dendrite, of the Crumbs/Pals/Patj complex is dependent on the and synapse is essential for a neuron to establish its PAR-3/PAR-6/aPKC polarity cassette (Nam and Choi, functional architecture. 2003; Hurd et al., 2003a; Tanentzapf and Tepass, 2003). A wealth of recent data has identified a number of The Crumbs complex in turn antagonizes the Scribble/ gene products that have the capacity to impose cellular Lgl/Dlg complex by regulating the size of the apical do- asymmetry, in part through their ability to form dynamic main and maintaining the position of the PAR-3/PAR-6/ multiprotein complexes. Here we will consider the no- aPKC complex (Tanentzapf and Tepass, 2003; Bilder et tion that such polarity proteins participate in axon specifi- al., 2003). Together these polarity complexes define cation, growth, and synaptogenesis, in part through sig- specific apical-basolateral domains of epithelial cells naling to the and microtubule . and the formation of specialized cell junctions. It is therefore pertinent to consider whether similar forces Polarity Complexes are at work in establishing polarity and specialization in The prototypic PAR (for partitioning-defective) genes neuronal cells. were identified in C. elegans for their roles in directing asymmetric cell division during early development Axon Specification (Cowan and Hyman, 2004), and they encode proteins The initial event in establishing a polarized neuron is with catalytic and interaction domains characteristic of the specification of a single axon. How does one, and cellular signaling. PAR-1 and PAR-4 are serine/threo- only one, neurite commit to become an axon, and how nine kinases, as is the atypical protein kinase C (aPKC), do the others remain as dendrites? Both the establish- ment and maintenance of neuronal polarity involve co- *Correspondence: [email protected] ordinated and widespread regulation of the cytoskele- 3 These authors contributed equally to this work. ton and membrane-trafficking machinery. Developmental Cell 804

Figure 1. Localization of PAR-3 and PAR-6 in Axon Development (A) Axon development and localization of PAR-3 and PAR-6. (B) PAR-3 staining (red) in a stage 3 hippo- campal neuron showing localization of PAR-3 to the axon and tips of developing growth cones. MAP-2 staining (yellow/green) is lo- calized to the cell body and dendrites.

The establishment of neuronal polarity has been alone to become an axon. An unstable, loose actin studied extensively through the culturing of pyramidal meshwork may therefore allow microtubules to protrude neurons from the rodent hippocampus. This in vitro dif- into distal areas of the growth cone, thereby promoting ferentiation process has been divided into five stages axon elongation (Bradke and Dotti, 1999). Proteins as- (Figure 1A; Dotti et al., 1988). Shortly after plating, neu- sociated with microtubules also influence axon specifi- rons form lamellipodia (stage one). Neurons then ex- cation, including collapsin response mediator protein- tend several short processes called neurites, which 2 (CRMP-2) and tau, which are preferentially associated grow to around 20 ␮m before undergoing a period of with axonal microtubules. extension and retraction (stage 2). Within 24 hr, one of Therefore, the regulation of both the actin and micro- the neurites (the future axon) begins to elongate very tubule networks appears to be a key determinant in rapidly, whereas the others (the future dendrites) un- axon development. The Rho family of GTPases play an dergo little extension (stage 3). After several days, the important role in controlling the actin and remaining neurites begin to grow and acquire the char- microtubule orientation, and the phosphorylation of acteristics of dendrites (stage 4). The axon and den- microtubule-associated proteins regulates microtubule drites then reach maturation, neurons form synaptic stability and polymerization. Recent evidence places contacts, and spontaneous electrical activity propa- the PAR-3/PAR-6 complex as a potential hub in both of gates throughout the neural network (stage 5). This in these processes. vitro system by no means recapitulates all aspects of neuronal polarization in vivo, where extrinsic signals from the surrounding cellular environment likely play a PAR Proteins and the Rho Family major role in axon and dendrite development. However, of GTPases in the Axon the culturing of hippocampal neurons is a convenient Before the specification of a single axon (stage 2), PAR-3 way to examine some of the intrinsic mechanisms that is localized in the cell body and at the tips of all nascent govern axon specification. processes (Shi et al., 2003; Schwamborn and Puschel, The neurite destined to become an axon shows a 2004; Nishimura et al., 2005). By stage 3, PAR-3 is lost number of particular characteristics prior to formation from dendrites and becomes selectively expressed in of the axon itself. For example, the axon-to-be de- the axon and developing growth cone (Figure 1B; Shi velops a larger growth cone and accumulates a larger et al., 2003). The spatial and temporal expression of number of organelles and a higher concentration of cy- PAR-6 during axon specification is similar to PAR-3, be- tosolic proteins and ribosomes (Fukata et al., 2002a; ing confined to the cell body and the axon by stage Horton and Ehlers, 2003). Since the motility of neurite 3 of development (Shi et al., 2003; Schwamborn and growth cones is a consequence of high actin turnover, Puschel, 2004). By contrast, when overexpressed in it follows that increased actin instability may also be a neurons, PAR-3 and PAR-6 fail to localize correctly, trigger for axonal specification (Bradke and Dotti, leading to defects in polarization (Shi et al., 2003; 1999). Indeed, global application of actin-depolymeriz- Schwamborn and Puschel, 2004; Nishimura et al., ing drugs results in the development of neurons with 2005). Most of these neurons fail to elaborate a single multiple , whereas localized cytochalasin D treat- axon, but instead contain two or more neurites of a sim- ment to an individual neurite causes this projection ilar length, which show abnormal microtubule organiza- Review 805

tion and do not express markers of mature axons (Shi have all the features of a mature axon, suggesting that et al., 2003; Nishimura et al., 2005). additional components are necessary for full matura- The Rho family members Rac1 and Cdc42 regulate tion. By contrast, the expression of a fragment of STEF distinct facets of the actin cytoskeleton and both can encoding just the central portion of the protein inhibits bind to the PAR-3/PAR-6 complex (Joberty et al., 2000; neurite growth, with most cells arresting at the stage 2- Lin et al., 2000; Qiu et al., 2000). Consistent with a role 3 transition. This fragment of STEF, although able to for Cdc42 in axon specification, a hyperactive Cdc42 interact with PAR-3, does not contain the GEF domain, mutant that autonomously cycles between GDP and so it is unable to activate Rac and thus may act as a GTP bound forms (Cdc42L28) induces the formation of dominant negative. These results suggest a model in supernumerary axons (Schwamborn and Puschel, which Rac activation, through STEF, is necessary for 2004). By contrast, neurons transfected with the consti- axonal specification and that PAR-3 functions as a reg- tutively active Cdc42V12 mutant show a reduction in ulatory molecule for this process. neurite number (Nishimura et al., 2005) or fail to extend The role of PAR-3 in activating STEF and hence Rac any neurites (Schwamborn and Puschel, 2004). Simi- could be neuron specific since, in epithelial cells, PAR-3 larly, the inactive Cdc42N17 mutant also decreased the appears to inhibit Tiam1 and Rac to stimulate tight number of cells expressing a single axon-like neurite junction assembly (Chen and Macara, 2005). Although (Nishimura et al., 2005). This suggests that the cycling it is possible that STEF and Tiam1 are differentially reg- of Cdc42 between the GDP and GTP bound forms is ulated by PAR-3, both Tiam1 and STEF yield multiple essential for its function in neuronal polarity, as is the axon-like neurites in cultured hippocampal neurons case for cell polarity in yeast (Irazoqui et al., 2003). Fur- when overexpressed (Kunda et al., 2001; Nishimura et thermore, RNAi-induced knockdown of Cdc42 leads to al., 2005; Hurd and Margolis, 2005). While there are im- a complete loss of polarity, such that the majority of portant mechanistic details to be uncovered, these re- neurons fail to form axons, although the number and sults are significant in linking the PAR-3 polarity protein size of minor neurites was unaffected (Schwamborn to a specific Rac GEF, and thus to a role in axon specifi- and Puschel, 2004). cation. A more detailed discussion of the role of Rho Do Cdc42 and the PAR-3/PAR-6 complex colocalize GTPases in neuronal polarity can be found in Govek et during axonal specification? This issue remains some- al. (2005). what ambiguous, since different studies have yielded distinct patterns of neuronal Cdc42 localization (Santos Potential Mechanisms for Localizing Polarity Da Silva et al., 2004; Schwamborn and Puschel, 2004). Proteins in Neurons Nonetheless, Cdc42 does appear to overlap, at least to The correct localization of PAR-3 and PAR-6 to the tip some extent, with PAR-3 and PAR-6 during neuronal of a developing axon appears to play a role in axon polarization. Rac1 can also bind PAR-6, albeit more specification. So, how is this complex, and other multi- weakly than Cdc42 (Johansson et al., 2000; Lin et al., protein assemblies involved in polarity, localized in neu- 2000), and as with Cdc42, both constitutively active rons to promote axon development? and dominant-negative Rac1 impaired neurite out- Phosphatidylinositol 3# Kinase growth and axon specification (Nishimura et al., 2005). One mechanism for directing the PAR complex to the In addition, the Rap1B GTPase has been suggested to axon tip may be via the localized activation of phospha- act upstream of Cdc42 in axonal specification tidylinositol 3# kinase (PI3K). Activated PI3K converts (Schwamborn and Puschel, 2004). PI(4,5)P into PI(3,4,5)P . This phospholipid recruits PH Interestingly, recent data suggest that the PAR-3/ 2 3 domain-containing proteins to the plasma membrane, PAR-6/aPKC complex may not only be a downstream target of Rho family GTPases, but may directly influ- such as PDK1 (which can activate aPKC) and several ence Rac activation by regulating the guanine nucleo- GEFs (e.g., Vav, P-Rex1) that in turn stimulate the activ- tide exchange factors (GEFs) that convert Rac from the ity of the Rho family of GTPases such as Cdc42 and inactive GDP bound state to an active GTP bound Rac1 (Chou et al., 1998; Le Good et al., 1998; Han et state. Two recent papers have shown that closely re- al., 1998; Welch et al., 2002). Both aPKC and Cdc42/ lated Rac-specific GEFs, Tiam1 and STEF (also known Rac1 interact with PAR-3 and PAR-6 and could there- as Tiam2), bind directly to PAR-3 (Nishimura et al., fore recruit them to localized regions of PI3K activity 2005; Chen and Macara, 2005; reviewed in Hurd and (Shi et al., 2003; Menager et al., 2004). Since Rho family Margolis, 2005), and one report indicates that this in- GTPases have the potential to activate PI3K (Weiner et teraction influences axonal specification (Nishimura et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2002), the recruitment of GEFs al., 2005). Previous work has shown that overexpression could set up a positive feedback loop, eliciting a burst of Tiam1 leads to the development of multiple axon- of PIP3 signaling at the axon tip, strengthening the like neurites in cultured hippocampal neurons, implicat- growth response locally to bring about axon devel- ing this GEF in axonal formation (Kunda et al., 2001). opment. Nishimura et al. (2005) found that STEF directly in- Indeed, active PI3K (detected by a GFP-tagged form teracts with the C-terminal region of PAR-3 and accu- of the Akt/PKB PH domain, or via the phosphorylation mulates at the axon tip in stage 3 neurons, where it of Akt/PKB itself) is enriched selectively at the tip of colocalizes with PAR-3. As with Tiam1, overexpression axons (Shi et al., 2003; Menager et al., 2004). A recent of STEF promoted neurite growth and generated multi- publication has demonstrated that localized TrkA activ- ple axon-like neurites, a phenotype recapitulated with ity, stimulated by the plasma membrane ganglioside si- the fragment of PAR-3 that binds STEF (Nishimura et alidase, can lead to the activation of PI3K at the tip of al., 2005). However, these axon-like neurites did not a single neurite (Santos Da Silva et al., 2005; reviewed Developmental Cell 806

by Jiang and Rao, 2005). PI3K inhibitors, such as LY PAR-3 and KIF3A fragments that disrupt PAR-3 binding 294002, delay the transition from stage 1 to stage 3 to KIF3A inhibit the accumulation of PAR-3 and aPKC neurons, affecting both axon formation and elongation at the tip of neurites, abolishing neuronal polarity (Ni- (Shi et al., 2003; Menager et al., 2004). When an imma- shimura et al., 2004a). Significantly, PAR-3, PAR-6, and ture neurite contacts a bead coated in laminin, a sub- aPKC also colocalize with KIF3A in MDCK cells, and it strate known to induce axon specification, PIP3 accu- is suggested that by binding to motor proteins, the PAR mulates in the growth cone, and this is followed by complex could regulate the polarized trafficking of pro- rapid neurite elongation (Menager et al., 2004). teins along microtubules (Fan et al., 2004). In addition, Overexpression of PTEN, a lipid phosphatase that PKCλ activity is required in 3T3-L1 adipocytes for the counteracts the actions of PI3K, prevents PAR-3 local- loading of KIF3A onto microtubules and the subse- ization to neurites and inhibits axonal formation (Shi et quent exocytosis of GLUT4-containing vesicles, sug- al., 2003; Jiang et al., 2005). Conversely, downregulat- gesting that KIF3A may be a PKCλ substrate (Imamura ing PTEN expression by siRNA increased the number et al., 2003). of axons, while reducing the number of dendrites (Jiang In nonpolarized cells, APC is found in the cell body et al., 2005). Interestingly, PAR-3 has recently been and at the tips of undifferentiated neurites, but be- shown to directly interact with PTEN in Drosophila epi- comes selectively enriched at the tip of the tau-positive thelia and neuroblasts (von Stein et al., 2005). Thus, one nascent axon following polarization, partially colocaliz- can envision an inhibitory feedback loop, whereby PI3K ing with PAR-3. The overexpression of full-length or recruits PAR-3 to the axon tip, which in turn recruits truncated mutants of APC prevented PAR-3 from local- PTEN to inhibit PI3K activity. This could either control izing correctly and abolished neuronal polarity. APC burgeoning PIP3 levels at the axon tip or suppress PIP3 could also be found with PAR-3 in puncta along the at surrounding sites to establish a sharp gradient of shaft of the nascent axon, suggesting that APC may be

PIP3 signaling. Furthermore, the PIP2 generated by involved in transporting PAR-3 to the tips of developing PTEN could be involved in regulating the actin cy- axons (Shi et al., 2004). In epithelial cells, APC can also toskeleton by binding directly to actin-associated pro- bind to Dlg, which genetically interacts with Scribble teins or to proteins such as WASP that stimulate actin and Lgl to influence the distribution of the PAR-3/PAR-6 polymerization (von Stein et al., 2005). complex (Matsumine et al., 1996). PAR Proteins and LIMK, a Regulator Growing data, therefore, suggest that proteins known of the Actin Cytoskeleton to regulate polarity in epithelial cells also have a role in LIM kinase 1 (LIMK1) is directly activated by PAK1, neuronal polarity. The localization of PAR-3, PAR-6, and which is itself a downstream target of Rac1 and Cdc42 their interactors to the axon tip in hippocampal neurons (Edwards et al., 1999). Overexpression of LIMK1 initially appears important in specifying which neurite is to be- accelerates axon formation and enhances the accumu- come an axon, and in the process of axon outgrowth. lation of phosphorylated Akt/PKB, PAR-3, and PAR-6 However, a recent observation has illustrated the at growth cones (Rosso et al., 2004). While the overex- necessity for further studies on the role of the PAR-3/ pression of PAR-3 alone led to defective neuronal po- PAR-6 complex in neurons. Drosophila null mutants of larization (Shi et al., 2003), the coexpression of PAR-3 Baz (Drosophila PAR-3), PAR-6, and aPKC show normal and LIMK1 induced the extension of a single, highly axon specification and outgrowth in mushroom body branched axon, with PAR-3 accumulated at growth neurons (Rolls and Doe, 2004). In contrast to the obser- cones and branch points, suggesting that LIMK1 is re- vations made in mouse hippocampal neurons, Baz and quired for the localization of PAR-3 to a single neurite PAR-6 were not localized to axonal tips in Drosophila, (Rosso et al., 2004). In addition, neurons overexpress- nor did the overexpression of Baz or PAR-6 have any ing a nonphosphorylatable mutant of the LIMK1 sub- effect on neuronal polarity in aCC or mushroom body strate cofilin failed to localize PAR-3 (Rosso et al., neurons. 2004), suggesting that the cofilin-dependent regulation One possible reason for this difference is that mam- of the actin cytoskeleton is required for correct localiza- malian neurons require PAR-complex proteins for axo- tion of PAR-3. In vivo, the activation of LIMK1 is likely to nal specification, whereas invertebrate neurons do not. be tightly regulated since its prolonged overexpression There is some precedence for such differences. For ex- induces axon retraction and growth-cone collapse ample, the expression of constitutively active Rac in (Rosso et al., 2004). Drosophila promotes neurite extension (Luo et al., Role of KIF3A and APC in PAR-3 Localization 1994), whereas in mouse hippocampal neurons the A potential mechanism for PAR-3 transport to the distal same Rac1 mutant impairs neurite growth and axon tip of the axon is through interactions with the plus end- specification (Nishimura et al., 2005). Similarly, in mam- directed microtubule motor protein KIF3A (also known malian epithelial cells, PAR-3 has no effect on adherens as kinesin II) and adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) junction function (Chen and Macara, 2005), whereas in (Nishimura et al., 2004a; Shi et al., 2004). The KIFs are Drosophila adherens junctions, Baz is required (Harris a large family of molecular motors that function as the and Peifer, 2004). main long-distance transporters toward the periphery Alternatively, mammalian PAR-3 and PAR-6 may be of neurons (Setou et al., 2004). APC also binds the plus less important for specifying axon identity in vivo than end of microtubules and stimulates microtubule as- is suggested by their role in hippocampal neurons in sembly and bundling (Bienz, 2002). vitro, cultured in the absence of external polarity cues. Two predicted coiled-coil domains in the C terminus In vivo, the process of axon specification will be of PAR-3 can bind to the tail region of KIF3A (Nishimura strongly influenced by contact with surrounding cells et al., 2004a). The expression of dominant-negative and by signals that these cells generate. In order to Review 807

curs via the phosphorylation of a key N-terminal resi- due (Ser-21 in GSK-3α and Ser-9 in GSK-3β). The mechanism by which the Wnt pathway inhibits GSK-3 is not fully understood but is believed to be distinct from that used by the PI3K and MAPK pathways (Jope and Johnson, 2004; Patel et al., 2004). APC and GSK-3 exist together in a multiprotein com- plex, including axin and β-, that is regulated by Wnt signaling and thought to be inaccessible to the PI3K pathway (Bienz, 1999; Frame and Cohen, 2001). However, recent evidence suggests that PI3K activity may be able to regulate components of this complex in neurons (Zhou et al., 2004). As described above, PI3K and Akt/PKB are activated specifically at axon tips, which coincides with the localization of inhibited GSK-3. Akt/PKB directly phosphorylates and inactivates GSK-3 and thus would seem a likely candidate in mediating Figure 2. Signaling to Microtubule-Associated Proteins in the De- GSK-3 inactivation at the axon tip. Indeed, treatment veloping Growth Cone of neurons with the PI3K inhibitor, LY 294002, at least partially blocked the phosphorylation of GSK-3β at Ser-9 (Jiang et al., 2005). Similarly, the BDNF- or NT3-induced further elucidate the role of the PAR proteins in mam- phosphorylation of GSK-3β could be prevented by an- malian neuronal polarization, it will be necessary to ex- other PI3K inhibitor, wortmannin (Yoshimura et al., amine this process in vivo, or in brain slices, where the 2005). native cellular environment is maintained. Neuron-spe- A PAR-6 Complex in GSK-3 Regulation cific knockouts of the PAR proteins and their interac- PAR-6 and aPKC have been shown to regulate migra- tors in mice should prove to be informative in this re- tion in astrocytes and cerebellar granule neurons by spect. In addition, the use of real-time imaging would controlling centrosome positioning (Etienne-Manneville allow the dynamics of this system to be visualized. and Hall, 2003; Solecki et al., 2004). Interestingly, GSK-3 has been placed downstream of the PAR-6/PKCζ/ Cdc42 complex in the regulation of astrocyte migration Protein Kinases, Microtubules, (Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003; reviewed by Har- and Neuronal Polarity wood and Braga, 2003). In these cells, the inactivation Signaling pathways can directly regulate the microtu- of GSK-3β is independent of PI3K but dependent on bule dynamics required for neuronal polarity by regulat- Cdc42 and PKCζ activity. PAR-6 and PKCζ interact with ing the phosphorylation of microtubule-associated pro- GSK-3β to position the centrosome and control the di- teins. Here we focus on the role of GSK-3 and the PAR-1 rection of cell protrusion. Phosphorylation (i.e., inacti- family of kinases in this process. vation) of GSK-3β occurs specifically at the leading GSK-3 Signaling and Neuronal Polarity edge of migrating astrocytes. This causes GSK-3β to Phosphorylation of APC by GSK-3 prevents the interac- dissociate from PKCζ and induces the interaction of tion between APC and microtubules (Zumbrunn et al., APC with microtubules, which promotes cell polariza- 2001). At stage 2 of hippocampal neuron differentiation, tion (Etienne-Manneville and Hall, 2003). β GSK-3 protein is uniformly distributed throughout the Therefore, this process appears to be similar to the β neuron; however, the inactive form of GSK-3 (which is regulation of APC at axonal tips. Indeed, hippocampal phosphorylated at Ser-9) is concentrated at the tip of neurons treated with a specific peptide inhibitor of each neurite (Shi et al., 2004; Jiang et al., 2005). By PKCζ showed defects in APC localization (Shimomura β stage 3, phospho-GSK-3 is enriched at the tip of the et al., 2005). However, there is no direct biochemical axon, rather than the dendrites (Shi et al., 2004). There- evidence that PKCζ inhibits GSK-3. Although PKCζ has fore, at the tip of axons, where GSK-3 is inactive, APC been shown to (weakly) phosphorylate GSK-3β in vitro, would remain unphosphorylated and therefore able to this phosphorylation did not occur at Ser-9 and was interact with and stabilize the growing ends of microtu- not sufficient to inhibit GSK-3 activity toward a peptide bules (Figure 2; Zumbrunn et al., 2001; Zhou et al., substrate (Oriente et al., 2001). In addition, the treat- 2004). This was also observed in dorsal root ganglion ment of neurons with the PKC inhibitor, bisindolylma- (DRG) neurons, where a pool of phosphorylated, in- lemide I, did not prevent the phosphorylation of GSK- active GSK-3 is localized to the growth cone, colocaliz- 3β at Ser-9 (Jiang et al., 2005). However, caution must ing with both APC and F-actin (Eickholt et al., 2002; be taken when interpreting data obtained with bisindo- Zhou et al., 2004). lylmalemide I since, in addition to PKC, it also inhibits Regulation of GSK-3 Activity GSK-3 and a number of other protein kinases (Hers et So, how is GSK-3 inactivated specifically at the tip of al., 1999; Davies et al., 2000). axons? GSK-3 is an unusual kinase, being active in un- LKB1/PAR-4 and PAR-1 in GSK-3 Regulation stimulated cells and inactivated downstream of a num- The LKB1/PAR-4 polarity kinase has been shown to en- ber of signaling pathways, including Wnt, MAPK, and hance Wnt signaling and regulate GSK-3 activity. In PI3K (Jope and Johnson, 2004; Patel et al., 2004). Inhi- Xenopus, LKB1, GSK-3, and PKCζ can be coimmuno- bition of GSK-3 by the PI3K and MAPK pathways oc- precipitated, suggesting that they form a complex Developmental Cell 808

(Ossipova et al., 2003; reviewed by Clements and Ki- far has been shown to convert axons into dendrites (Ji- melman, 2003). A reduction in LKB1 levels led to a de- ang et al., 2005). crease in GSK-3β phosphorylation at Ser-9, rendering GSK-3 Regulation of CRMP GSK-3 more active. This suggests that LKB1 promotes APC is not the only microtubule binding protein regu- the inhibition of GSK-3, perhaps via PKCζ (Ossipova et lated by the localized activation of GSK-3 in neurons. al., 2003). However, two other studies have implicated CRMP-2 binds to tubulin dimers and promotes their as- LKB1 in the inhibition of the Wnt pathway and subse- sembly into microtubule polymers (Fukata et al., quent activation of GSK-3 (Spicer et al., 2003; Lin-Marq 2002b). At least four serine and threonine residues in et al., 2005), so further investigation is required to de- CRMP-2 can become phosphorylated, and phosphory- termine the role of LKB1 in this pathway. Another polar- lated CRMP is less able to interact with tubulin. It has ity regulator, PAR-1 (also known as MARK), has been recently been shown that CRMP-2 can be phosphory- reported to be a Dishevelled-associated kinase and a lated by GSK-3, following the addition of a priming positive regulator of the , result- phosphate by DYRK or Cdk5 (Cole et al., 2004; Yoshi- ing in the inhibition of GSK-3 (Sun et al., 2001). mura et al., 2005). Interestingly, PAR-1 itself can be activated by LKB1 Overexpression of CRMP-2 increases axonal length (Spicer et al., 2003; Lizcano et al., 2004), as well as by and branching (Fukata et al., 2002b; Yoshimura et al., Tao1/MARKK, a Ste20 family kinase (Timm et al., 2003). 2005). It also induces the formation of multiple axons Significantly, there is considerable interaction between and can even cause aberrant axons to sprout from LKB1, PAR-1, and the PAR-3/PAR-6/aPKC complex. As established dendrites (Inagaki et al., 2001; Fukata et al., mentioned above, aPKC can interact with LKB1 (Ossi- 2002b; Cole et al., 2004; Yoshimura et al., 2005). This is pova et al., 2003). aPKC phosphorylates PAR-1, leading the same phenotype observed following treatment of to the binding of 14-3-3 proteins and the relocalization neurons with GSK-3 inhibitors. A truncated, dominant- of PAR-1 from the membrane to the cytoplasm (Kusa- negative mutant of CRMP-2 led to the formation of neu- kabe and Nishida, 2004; Suzuki et al., 2004; Hurov et rons with short or absent axons (Inagaki et al., 2001), al., 2004). This phosphorylation of PAR-1 by aPKC may and reducing CRMP-2 expression by siRNA caused a also inhibit PAR-1 kinase activity (Hurov et al., 2004). marked inhibition of NT-3- and BDNF-induced axon PAR-1 in turn phosphorylates PAR-3, creating binding elongation and branching (Yoshimura et al., 2005). sites for the 14-3-3 protein PAR-5 (Benton and St John- The expression of GSK-3-insensitive CRMP-2 mu- ston, 2003; Hurd et al., 2003b) and thus altering PAR-3 tants also promoted axon outgrowth and branching in localization. As noted below, two kinases closely re- addition to stimulating the formation of supernumerary lated to PAR-1 (SAD-A/B) appear to be important for axons (Cole et al., 2004; Yoshimura et al., 2005). How- axonal growth in vivo (Kishi et al., 2005) and are poten- ever Cole et al. (2004) show that a nonphosphorylatable tially regulated via these interacting pathways (Figure 3). mutant of CRMP-2 is less efficient at increasing axon Effects of GSK-3 Inhibitors on Neuronal Polarity length compared to wild-type CRMP-2, suggesting that As inhibited GSK-3 appears to be confined to a discrete GSK-3 phosphorylation of CRMP-2 stimulates axon region of the growing axon, what would be the effect of growth. On the other hand, Yoshimura et al. (2005) find applying pharmacological inhibitors of GSK-3 globally that a nonphosphorylatable CRMP-2 is actually more ef- to neurons growing in culture? Two recent papers re- fective at stimulating axon growth than wild-type port that the inhibition of GSK-3 by a variety of pharma- CRMP-2, while a phospho-mimicking CRMP-2 mutant cological agents, or an shRNA-induced reduction in is less effective than wild-type protein. This suggests GSK-3 expression, significantly increased the number that GSK-3 phosphorylation of CRMP-2 has a negative of neurons with multiple axons (which tended to be effect on axon growth. The reason for these contrasting shorter than usual), with a consequent decrease in the results is not clear, but could be because different number of dendrites (Jiang et al., 2005; Yoshimura et phosphorylation sites were mutated in the two studies. al., 2005). Time-lapse microscopy showed that the However, the situation in vivo is highly dynamic and GSK-3 inhibitor, SB 415286, reduced the time neurites it is likely that both phosphorylated and unphosphory- spent retracting but increased the time spent on lated CRMP-2 are required to generate the cycles of growth, leading to the net effect of promoting neurite microtubule extension and retraction that bring about elongation (Jiang et al., 2005). Significantly, constitu- axon outgrowth. During stage 3 of axon development, tively active, myristoylated Akt/PKB (which would be CRMP-2 would remain unphosphorylated at the axon expected to constitutively inhibit GSK-3) also led to the tip where GSK-3 is inhibited and thus be more able to formation of multiple axons (Jiang et al., 2005). interact with tubulin. In the remainder of the neuron, Multiple axons were also observed even if the GSK-3 CRMP-2 would be phosphorylated by active GSK-3, inhibitors were not applied until stage 3 of neuron de- which would therefore downregulate microtubule as- velopment, by which time one neurite was already sembly. Nonphosphorylatable CRMP-2 mutants can “selected” to become an axon (Jiang et al., 2005). This rescue the lack-of-axon phenotype brought about by indicates that inhibiting GSK-3 can influence both the the expression of active GSK-3β (Yoshimura et al., formation and maintenance of neuronal polarity. It also 2005). This suggests that regulating CRMP-2 phos- demonstrates that GSK-3 inhibition can convert a pre- phorylation is one of the major functions for GSK-3 in existing dendrite into an axon. This leads to the sug- determining neuronal polarity. Significantly, Numb has gestion that axon formation is the default state, which been identified as a CRMP binding partner in the has to be actively and continuously suppressed by central region of axonal growth cones in hippocampal GSK-3. Indeed, several mechanisms have been re- neurons (Nishimura et al., 2003). Numb also interacts ported to transform dendrites into axons, but none so with α-adaptin (Santolini et al., 2000), one of the four Review 809

Figure 3. Signaling Pathways Regulating the Cytoskeleton Leading to Axon Specification and Synaptogenesis

subunits of the endocytic AP-2 complex, and it has onal outgrowth through its phosphorylation of tau and been speculated that CRMP-2 may contribute to the other MAPs on KXGS motifs. Mutating the KXGS sites establishment of neuronal polarity by regulating polar- to KXGA in tau almost abolished the outgrowth of neu- ized Numb-mediated endocytosis at the axonal growth rites following application of a differentiation stimulus cone (Nishimura et al., 2003). (Biernat et al., 2002). Transfection of wild-type (but not Regulation of Tau and MAP1b by Phosphorylation kinase-dead) MARK2 (PAR-1b) spontaneously triggers Tau is a microtubule binding protein that has an estab- neurite outgrowth, whereas cotransfection with a KXGA lished role in axon outgrowth and neuronal polarity mutant of tau prevented formation of these extended (Mandell and Banker, 1996a). Tau phosphorylation by neurites. These data suggest that the elaboration of GSK-3 reduces tau binding to microtubules and thus neurites is achieved by MARK2 phosphorylation of the impairs microtubule assembly (Stoothoff and Johnson, KXGS motifs on tau. MARK2-induced phosphorylation 2005). MAP1b can also be phosphorylated by GSK-3, causes tau to be released from microtubules and to and this results in the destabilization of microtubules partly associate with the actin network during neurite (Goold et al., 1999; Trivedi et al., 2005). There is a spa- outgrowth (Biernat et al., 2002). PAR-1 has recently tial gradient of tau and MAP1b phosphorylation along been shown to be the trigger for the temporally ordered the nascent axon, suggesting that the phosphorylation phosphorylation of tau (Nishimura et al., 2004b;re- may be regulating neuronal polarity (Mandell and viewed by Fortini, 2004), with phosphorylation of Ser- Banker, 1996b; Trivedi et al., 2005). 262 and Ser-356 by PAR-1 being a prerequisite for Although there is a correlation between GSK-3 phos- downstream kinases, including GSK-3 and Cdk5, to phorylation of various microtubule binding proteins and phosphorylate several additional sites. neuron outgrowth, these proteins are in fact phosphor- Direct physiological evidence that a kinase regulates ylated by several different protein kinases at multiple neuronal polarity through microtubules was recently residues. It is more likely that the different combina- provided by the analysis of SAD knockout mice (Kishi tions and permutations of phosphorylation events act et al., 2005). Mammalian SAD-A and SAD-B (also together to regulate microtubule stability and neuronal known as BRSK1/2) are protein kinases with a catalytic polarity. Of significance, PAR-1 is also implicated in ax- domain most closely related to PAR-1. Expression of Developmental Cell 810

these kinases is largely restricted to the nervous sys- region, called the active zone, where they dock and tem and occurs early in the program of neuronal differ- fuse with the plasma membrane (Dresbach et al., 2001; entiation. In wild-type mice, SAD-A and SAD-B can be Ziv and Garner, 2004). The released neurotransmitters found in both axonal and dendritic compartments. Mice cross the synapse to the postsynaptic region, which lacking both SAD isoforms show little spontaneous is characterized by an electron-dense area, also highly movement or response to tactile stimulation and die enriched in actin, called the postsynaptic density (Ziff, within 2 hr of birth. Neurons from these mice fail to form 1997; Rao and Craig, 2000). This postsynaptic region distinct axons or dendrites either in vivo or in culture. contains many different scaffolding proteins, such as This observation indicates a cell-autonomous require- PSD-95, which binds directly to glutamate receptor ment for SAD-A and SAD-B in neuronal polarization family members and is important for localizing these (Kishi et al., 2005). This regulation of polarization may receptors at or near the plasma membrane (Kim and be accomplished through the phosphorylation of tau Sheng, 2004). Much of our understanding of the role of and other microtubule proteins. The overexpression of polarity proteins in controlling synaptic structure and SAD-A increases tau phosphorylation at Ser-262, a site function comes from work involving the Drosophila lar- also targeted by PAR-1. Tau phosphorylated at Ser-262 val neuromuscular junction (NMJ). The NMJ presynap- is concentrated in the dendrites of wild-type cultured tic terminal contains a large microtubule hairpin loop, neurons, and there is a decrease in this tau phosphory- and microtubule-associated proteins can control syn- lation in SAD-A/B-deficient mice (Kishi et al., 2005). aptic architecture and growth (Dresbach et al., 2001; This suggests that SAD kinases act in vivo to regulate Schaefer and Nonet, 2001). Thus, the regulation of actin polarity in neurons of the mammalian nervous system, and microtubule dynamics is required for the develop- through the phosphorylation of tau and the consequent ment and maintenance of the synapse. alterations in microtubule organization. Since SAD iso- Fragile X and Synapse Development forms are found in both axons and dendrites, their ac- Synaptic plasticity can be regulated by local events tivity must be regulated differentially in these two com- within the synapse, including local transcription and partments; upstream kinases such as LKB1 and Tao1 translation, which occurs both during synaptic devel- are likely candidates. It will be interesting to determine opment and as a consequence of synaptic activity. whether PAR-3 and PAR-6, which are known to interact Proper synapse formation is critical for the function of with PAR-1, also play a role in regulating SAD-A and the nervous system, since disruption of the develop- SAD-B. Mutants in the C. elegans ortholog, SAD-1, ment or architecture of the synapse leads to profound have defects in synaptogenesis (Crump et al., 2001). It neurological deficits, such as that seen in Fragile X syn- will therefore be important to determine whether the drome, the most common form of inherited mental re- SAD knockout mice are also unable to form proper syn- tardation (Chiurazzi et al., 2003). Fragile X syndrome is apses. caused by the loss of Fragile X Mental Retardation pro- It can be seen, therefore, that the modulation of tein (Fmrp), encoded by the FMR1 gene. Fmrp is microtubule stability, via the phosphorylation of micro- enriched at the synapse and is thought to control tran- tubule-associated proteins, is a major regulator of axon scriptional and translational events (Zhang and Broadie, specification. Polarity proteins appear to have a role in 2005). Morphologically, patients with Fragile X syn- this process. This can be a direct effect, in the case of drome have profound changes in synaptic architecture, the PAR-1 and SAD isoforms, or an indirect effect, via including much longer dendritic spines and larger syn- the modulation of GSK-3 activity, for example. Indeed, aptic boutons. Drosophila Fmrp (dFmrp) is highly ex- GSK-3 is proving to be a key player in neuronal polarity pressed both in the pre- and postsynaptic regions, and through its actions on cytoskeletal dynamics. Interest- loss of expression leads to the abnormal development ingly, just as SAD mutants have been shown to affect of dendritic spines and an increase in synaptic surface both axon specification and synaptogenesis (Crump et area (Zhang and Broadie, 2005), similar to the defects in al., 2001), the Drosophila ortholog of GSK-3, Shaggy, the murine knockout (Kooy, 2003) and human disease also affects synaptic growth and development (Franco (Chiurazzi et al., 2003). et al., 2004). We now go on to consider the role of other dFmrp is an RNA binding protein and interacts di- polarity regulators in synaptogenesis. rectly with Futsch mRNA, which encodes an ortholog of mammalian MAP1b (Zhang et al., 2001). Functionally, Synapse Development Futsch expression is downregulated by the overexpres- are sites of cell-cell contact specialized for sion of dFMR1 (Zhang et al., 2001), and Futsch loss-of- the transmission of chemical and electrical signals be- function mutants suppress loss-of-function defects in tween neurons and their targets, activities that require dFMR1 mutants, suggesting that Fragile X protein neg- the asymmetric distribution of proteins and mRNA atively regulates Futsch expression (Zhang et al., 2001). within the pre- and postsynaptic compartments (Mar- dFmrp has been implicated in synapse formation in tin, 2004). Converging evidence from a number of Drosophila by binding directly to cytoplasmic Fmrp- studies suggests that polarity proteins modulate actin interacting protein (CYFIP/Sra), itself a Rac binding pro- and microtubule dynamics at the synapse. Here we tein (Schenck et al., 2003). The Rho family of GTPases consider some pertinent examples of polarity regula- are known to be important regulators of synaptic devel- tors acting on the cytoskeleton to regulate synapse ar- opment (Ramakers, 2002; Govek et al., 2005), and when chitecture and function. GTP bound Rac binds CYFIP/Sra, it releases dFmrp At the presynaptic terminal, synaptic vesicles con- from CYFIP/Sra, thereby allowing Fmrp to bind Futsch taining neurotransmitters translocate to an actin-rich mRNA and downregulate Futsch expression in the syn- Review 811

apse, leading to marked changes in synaptic architec- Postsynaptically, aPKC has been shown to affect the ture (Schenck et al., 2003). dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, leading to changes Intriguing new data link Lgl to this pathway, since Lgl in GluRII localization, consistent with changes in syn- has emerged as a suppressor of dFMR1 gain-of-func- aptic efficacy (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). Hypomorphic tion mutations (Zarnescu et al., 2005). In both Drosoph- aPKC mutants caused a reduction in actin localization ila and mice, Lgl forms a stable complex with Fmrp, but an increase in microtubule localization to the peri- and in Drosophila, this complex can modulate the size bouton. By contrast, expression of constitutively active of the neuromuscular junction (Zarnescu et al., 2005). PKC postsynaptically led to an opposite phenotype: an As noted, Lgl associates with PAR-6 and aPKC, and increase in actin and a decrease in microtubules within indeed mouse Fmrp can be phosphorylated by aPKC the peribouton space (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). in vitro (Zarnescu et al., 2005). Genetically, aPKC loss- Do aPKC-interacting proteins, in addition to dFmrp, of-function alleles suppress the synaptic hyperplasia Lgl, and Futsch, also play a synaptic role? The binding observed in dFMR1 homozygote null flies, demonstrat- of PAR-3 and PAR-6 can, respectively, suppress or en- ing that aPKC and dFMR1 function together in vivo to hance aPKC activity (Lin et al., 2000; Yamanaka et al., control synaptic development (Zarnescu et al., 2005). 2001). Both PAR-3 and PAR-6 are enriched in the syn- Importantly, phosphorylation of dFmrp affects transla- aptic fraction of mammalian brain extracts (Lin et al., tional events (Ceman et al., 2003), suggesting that 2000). In addition, Baz, PAR-6, and aPKC coprecipitate aPKC can regulate translation within the synapse, alter- from Drosophila NMJs, suggesting that these three pro- ing microtubule dynamics and hence synaptic archi- teins can form a complex at synapses (Ruiz-Canada et tecture. al., 2004). Immunocytochemical localization reveals Do PAR-3 and PAR-6 also function with Fragile X pro- that both Baz and PAR-6 are highly expressed presyn- tein? At the Drosophila NMJ, a fraction of PAR proteins aptically in the Drosophila NMJ, with PAR-6 partially have been observed to cosediment with an Lgl/dFmrp colocalizing with aPKC along microtubules (Ruiz-Can- complex (Zarnescu et al., 2005). Baz (Drosophila PAR-3) ada et al., 2004). Postsynaptically, Baz and PAR-6 are and PAR-6 mutations enhanced Fragile X gain-of-func- found within the peribouton region, a region devoid of tion mutations, suggesting that Baz and PAR-6 may act aPKC (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). to antagonize dFmrp function (Zarnescu et al., 2005). Furthermore, reduced levels of functional aPKC Whether Baz and PAR-6 have an effect on the de- cause a significant loss of both Baz and PAR-6 expres- veloping synapse by regulating dFmrp remains to be sion within the NMJ. A loss of actin localization at the tested. postsynaptic peribouton region is observed in Baz mu- aPKC in Synapse Development tants as well as aPKC hypomorphs, and alterations in As well as regulating Fmrp, aPKC may have other Baz or PAR-6 levels lead to a loss of synaptic boutons targets in synaptic development and function. For ex- (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). Together these data impli- ample, an autonomously active aPKC isoform, PKM, cate aPKC in the development of the NMJ and suggest regulates long-term potentiation (LTP) in mice and per- that Baz and PAR-6 also play a significant role in defin- sistent memory in Drosophila (Sessoms et al., 1992; ing the architecture of the synapse, potentially by regu- Drier et al., 2002). Evidence from the developing Dro- lating aPKC activity and hence the actin and microtu- sophila NMJ suggests that aPKC directly regulates bule cytoskeletons. Further work will be required to microtubule dynamics presynaptically and both the ac- elucidate the molecular details and to determine if tin and microtubule cytoskeletons postsynaptically these proteins have similar roles in mammalian syn- (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). Drosophila aPKC protein is apse development. enriched both pre- and postsynaptically, particularly at Scribble and the Synapse microtubule-rich regions. A reduction in the number of Observations from Drosophila epithelial cells have newly formed synaptic boutons is evident in the neuro- shown that Lgl functions genetically with two other tu- muscular junctions of flies carrying either hypomorphic mor suppressor proteins, the MAGUK protein Discs alleles of aPKC or overexpressing PKM (Ruiz-Canada large (Dlg) and the LAP protein Scribble (Bilder, 2004), et al., 2004). Since both hypomorphic and constitutively which can interact through a third protein GUKholder active forms of aPKC cause a reduction in bouton num- (Mathew et al., 2002). Mutations in Drosophila Dlg lead ber, normal synapse formation likely requires a very to pronounced defects in the size of the synaptic bou- precise regulation of aPKC expression and activity. ton, the number of active zones, and changes in the Reduced aPKC activity causes microtubule fragmen- postsynaptic membrane of the NMJ (Lahey et al., 1994; tation in the presynaptic bouton (Ruiz-Canada et al., Budnik et al., 1996). In Dlg mutants, there is a loss of 2004), similar to defects observed in Futsch mutant Scribble localization to the synaptic region (Mathew et NMJs (Hummel et al., 2000; Roos et al., 2000). Con- al., 2002), whereas in Scribble mutants, Dlg localization versely, overexpression of constitutively active aPKC is normal (Roche et al., 2002). Scribble mutants also resulted in longer microtubules and increased Futsch show a less severe defect in synaptic morphology than binding to microtubules in the presynaptic region, im- Dlg mutants (Roche et al., 2002), suggesting that Dlg plicating aPKC in Futsch-mediated regulation of synap- acts upstream of Scribble in synaptogenesis. A more tic architecture (Ruiz-Canada et al., 2004). This is sup- extensive discussion of the role of Dlg in synapse de- ported by biochemical and genetic experiments velopment can be found in other reviews (Fujita and showing that Futsch recruits aPKC to tubulin (Ruiz- Kurachi, 2000; Montgomery et al., 2004). Canada et al., 2004). Together these data suggest that, The Scribble protein has N-terminal leucine-rich re- presynaptically, aPKC interacts with Futsch to regulate peats followed by four PDZ domains, through which microtubule stability. it binds a number of proteins including β-Pix, a GEF Developmental Cell 812

for Cdc42, and the G protein-coupled receptor kinase- determine the role these polarity proteins have in the interacting protein 1 (Git1), an Arf GTPase-activating development and maintenance of dendrites. It will also protein (ArfGAP) (Audebert et al., 2004). be interesting to examine the relationship between Git1, Scribble, and Pix localize pre- and postsynapti- axon and synapse development, since the same ma- cally in mammalian neurons (Kim et al., 2003; Zhang et chinery appears to govern both processes. The influ- al., 2003; Audebert et al., 2004). In PC12 cells, domi- ence of external signals is likely to trigger the switch nant-negative mutations in either Scribble or Pix inhibit that induces synaptogenesis. It is therefore critical that Ca2+-dependent exocytosis, suggesting a role for this such studies be carried out using neurons in their na- complex in neuronal transmission (Audebert et al., tive environment. 2004). This phenotype is recapitulated by loss-of-func- An additional phenomenon that is yet to be examined tion mutations in Drosophila Scribble, which lead to a in neuronal polarity is the role of myosin in controlling redistribution of synaptic vesicles away from the active actin dynamics. This has been shown to be regulated zone (Roche et al., 2002). Functionally, these synapses by PAR proteins in the C. elegans zygote (Munro et al., show defects in several forms of plasticity, including 2004). It will also be of interest to assess whether the loss of facilitation and posttetanic potentiation, and Crumbs/Pals/PATJ or Dlg/Scribble/Lgl complexes, also have defects in vesicle recycling (Roche et al., both of which are critical for , are re- 2002). Git1 interacts with Pix, liprin-α, FAK, GRIP1, and quired in axon specification and if they interact in the Piccolo, raising the possibility that these proteins may same way in this system. Dlg, Scribble, and Lgl do have form a complex to regulate the organization of the cy- roles in synaptogenesis, and mice lacking Lgl1 have toskeleton matrix assembled at active zones (CAZ) defects in neuronal differentiation, resulting in neonatal (Kim et al., 2003). It will be interesting to determine lethality (Klezovitch et al., 2004). whether Scribble is a part of this larger complex and Proteins identified as interacting with polarity regula- can modulate the organization of the CAZ. tors in other systems may also play a role in neurons. In addition to its presynaptic role, there is evidence For example, PAR-3 directly binds nectin-1 and -3 at that Scribble regulates postsynaptic architecture. Dro- the in mouse neuroepithelial cells sophila Scribble mutants have a decreased bouton size (Takekuni et al., 2003). Nectin-1 and -3 also have an and a thickening of the basal lamina at the NMJ, sug- important role in synapses, being localized to the pre- gesting that there are defects in the regulation of the synaptic and postsynaptic membranes, respectively actin cytoskeleton (Roche et al., 2002). In addition, re- (Takai et al., 2003). These nectins, along with N-cad- cruitment of β-Pix to synapses along with Git1 is neces- herin, are involved in the formation of puncta adherens sary for the formation and stabilization of synaptic junctions. It is therefore possible that PAR-3, by binding spines, which are actin-rich processes (Zhang et al., to the nectins, is also playing a role in this process. 2003). A mutation in α-Pix, which prevents its interac- It is becoming clear that polarity, in a wide range of tion with Git1, has been linked with human mental retar- different cell types, is regulated by a conserved set of dation (Kutsche et al., 2000). Affected individuals have proteins. 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