2018 LTA Annual Report
ANNUAL Report 2018 01 Annual Review 2018 Welcome 02 WELCOME It is my pleasure to welcome you to the LTA’s Annual Report for 2018. We made significant progress in our work to grow tennis in Britain last year, the highlights of which are outlined in this report. As you will read in my introduction to the Finance and Governance Report, it was a year of transition for the LTA, where we laid down the foundations for our new long-term strategy published earlier this year. I am proud to have been able to contribute to this work since commencing my role as Chairman in September. My appointment followed that of Scott Lloyd as our new CEO at the start of the year, forming a new leadership team for a new era for our sport. Since taking up his position, Scott has led the We won’t achieve this overnight, and we can’t do organisation in developing and launching our new it on our own. Only by working with counties, vision – tennis opened up. It’s just three words, clubs, and a whole range of individuals and but it is now at the heart of everything we do organisations have we been able to make the and will set the direction for our work in 2019 progress highlighted in this document. and beyond. I hope you enjoy reading about what we achieved They aren’t just words either. We are truly in 2018, and what we plan to in the future. Our passionate about turning our vision into reality, thanks go to everyone who has contributed in and are committed to achieving our long-term any capacity, however big or small, and we look ambition of making tennis a sport that is for forward to that continuing as we work together anyone – all ages, all backgrounds, and all abilities.
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