The Daily Egyptian, March 23, 1988
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 3-23-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 23, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 74, Issue 118 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 23, 1988." (Mar 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, March 23, 1988, Vol. 74, No. 118, 24 Pages Campus crime index Congress saves civil rights bill tops statewide list WASHINGTON (UPl) - ------------------ Congress, despite last-ditch Bush, Dole By John Mohler efforts by the ad Staff Writer battery, burglary, theft and Gus Bode ministration and the Moral records rapped arson. Tue annual "Crime in Majority, voted over· Criminal activity on the SIU Illinois" report is a com wbelmingly Tuesday to -Page 18 C campus in 19116 was the pilation of index crime override President highest among state univer statistics reported by law Reagan's veto of a major sities outside the Chicago area, enforcement agencies in civil rights bill. The Senate, acting first, according to a 1986 Illinois Illinois, including campus Within a few hours of each voted 73-24 for the override, index crime report. police from state univ~ities. other, the Senate and House well above the two-thirds Only University of IIlinois The U of I-Chicago is in a voted to override Reagan's margin needed to overturn Chicago campus statistics high-crime district and had a veto, reinstating broad Reagan's decision. A few surpassed the SIU-C total, the 1986 enrollment of 561 more coverage of federal anti bours later in a much closer report said. students than SIU-C. U of 1- discrimination laws that vote. the House voted 292· Index crimes include Chicago reported 970 incidents Gus says1& Campus Insecurity had been narrowed by a 1984 homicide, criminal sexual thinks Sill-C means Southern Supreme Court decision. See RIGHTS, P.g. S assault, robbery, aggravated See CRIME, PagllS illinois Is Used to Crime. Hall, Camille disagree on stude"t status By Steven Starke StattWrrter The Universit\"s financial aid office has failed [0 tell st:Jdents' that they can. challenge their status as dependents if they are having trouble getting financial aid, said a student represen tative to the Financial Aid Advisory. "U a student has financial needs over and above the amount SIU has detEcrmined is needed, the student has a right to arply for special c0n sideration," Bill flall, 0 the Undergraduate Student Organizr. ·'.un, said. Hall charged the Office of Student Work and Financial Assistance Joasn't done enough to in form students who don't receive enough fmaociaJ support from their parents that help is Civailable to determine their needs. But Joe Camille, director of the Office of Student Work and Financial Assistance, said students receiving financial aid are sent letters stating their budgets n.ay be adjusted under certain circumstances. Hall also charged that the office bas failed to inform it... own staff that they may help students. Many students with questions regarding their RolI'em dependency status are often told that further assistance is not available to them, Hall said. Todd Johnaon, Junior In cln... end photograph" shoot Iocetlon faotqe with • Super' am.. for The allegations follow statements made last took advanfalge of Tuaday'. lC).degree w_ther 10 hi. film production c ..... semester by state education officials that dependent students may appeal their status if they believe their parents are not provi~ them with adeqaate support. Students, who are cfaimed as dependents by their parents, often have a Thompson to reveal tax plan difficul~ time qualifying for financial aid. According to Internal Revenue Servicl: rules, SPRINGFIELD (UP!) - Gov_ Pavers Associaion. bad to get its general revenue parents must provide more than half of a child's James R. Thompson said Tuesday "I'll have a specific proposal on budget in order fnt. living expenses for the child to be legally he expects to unveil a specific in the income tax and gasoline tax," Tbompsoo said be might not dependent. come tax hike proposal sometime in Tbompson said. "People can take a reveal both plans at the same time. A student's eliglbilty for federal and state aid is May and that the plan might be shot at that and tell me if I'm right But be said while an income tax based on an amount that the University deter linked to a boost in the gasoline tax. or wrong." increase could be approved by mines is needed to attend SIU-C and the amount "I guess sometime in May we'll Tile comments were a shift in lawmakers on its own, a gasoline that a student and her or his family can contribute know what the price tag is and we'll focus for the governor. Last fall tax bike would have to be linked to towards fr,e educatio~. have a specific proposal," the Thompson indicated he was putting Republican governor said following hope of raising the gasoline tax on See AID, Page S a speech to the illinois Asphalt the back burner, saying the state SeeTAXE5,P.g.S i This \1orning ! Hearing on Hammond'sjob changed By Curtis Winston I of scheduling difficulties with CommiSSion OKs Staff Writer dismissed, claiming the merits allowed to cballenge the the judge. of the case wouldn't hold up in decision of the School of : postal price hike Music professor William Hammond's employment federaJ court. Music's promotion and tenure Hammond could lose his job contract expires at the end of - Page 19 committee. with the University if a the semester. University at· Both lawyers say they are preliminary injunction in his torney Shari R. Rbode said the unsure of the probable out· Robert Roubos, music school Gateway honors tenure suit is not granted. injunction would keep Ham l"OIIle of the bearing. Ham· director, would not say why Saluki shortstop mond employed until a fmal mond said, "It depends OIl Hammond's contract isn't Steve Yokich, the attorney decision is made in the suit. what the judge had for being renewed. "I've been - Sports 24 representing Hammond, said breatfast.'· adivised by the University the injunction bearing was set The suit against tbe legal counsel to refrain from for today at the Benton University was filed Jan. rI. In the suit, Hammond making comments OIl the Partly cloudy, 70s. any Federal Courthouse but it was Since then, the University bas charges that be was unfairly matter as long IU. the case is in I pushed back to April 4 because filed a motion to have the case denied tenure and was not court," besaid. Ic'r::'". KiMg5 W01{ Newswrap Broccoli Beef Lunch Special world/nation Soup~Eggroll~Fried Rice $ 2 95 It isn't jw.t low priced tasty food, it's healthy for your heart. Gen. t~oriega's opponents Bring your own liquor. continue general strike 1 mile S. of SIU Arena on S 51 549.7231 PANAMA CITY, Panama (UPI) - Opponents of Gen. Manuel AntOnIO Noriega pressed a 2-day-old general strike in the newbalanc:e nation's capital Tuesday to force the military strongman's ill ouster and scoffed at his conditional offer to resign. In the United J'SLIQUORS Court Shoe States, U.S. officials and attorneys for Noriega exchanged bitter 1224 W. Main-------1 words after acting President Manuel Solis Palma proposed that Noriega could help end the country's crisis by resigning before ~5 : the May 1989 elecaon, if opposition parties participate in an ,-••.~··I8\J Coors or ~.-- __ L ___ ~3) undefined national dialogue. "----- _. - Latin American nations want U.S. military out kth-~- '1 Coors Light 99 reg. '50 $34 UNITED NATIONS (UPI) - A group of Latin American nations called Tuesday for the immediate withdrawal of the 3,200 $8.99 . .._5V.·1 .....•• American troops sent to Honduras by President Reagan in a $ 7·11 ....... show of f"rce against Nicaragua. Colombian Ambassador Enrique Penalosa, reading a statement, said the Contadora ts \toes'ltS countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Mexico called ~ for the serious athlete for a cessation and immediate re, ersal of escalation of foreign Island Movie Library1s ~: Hours: 9·7 Mon.·Sat. '·5 Sunday military presence in Honduras and in Central America. W Acr055 From Old Troin Depot ~ 1065.111. ~~~~Vi'O Iranian gunboats h!t Greek, Norwegian ships Hvw Location! MANAMA, Bahrain (UPI) - Iranian gunboats attacked a Greek supertanker and a Norwegian gas carrier Tuesday, Downstairs next to Kinko's Resunle killing two crewmen, setting the vessels ablaze and releasing an invisible cloud of toxic ammonia over the soulhern Persian Gulf. On the Island $14.95 U.S. and British forces aided the burning ships after' the gun-' 715 s. Universit 549-0413 Compiete* boats fired OIl ambtJJane<! ships and tugboats coming to the aid of Tuesday ancl Wednesday are Dollar Days tile Havg1imt.a. }lJOl'Wegian-owDed gas tanker. °1 Page. u.= Primed all G thru R rated movies adult titles 51. 00, 52.00 ':1 p.~l'" ""ume. S 14.95 . SovIet Union Jifts Import ban on Bible, Koran ... S'()rcd tNl tlitd;. foc.C41Sy rcviwon *AI!o.o:Jv;ti!ahlc: MOSCOW (UPI) - The sOviet UDioo 6fted iinpon resbicti.ous J'!~~~ r--WELCOMEBAcKi-l OIl the Bible and Koran in a major ceasonbip review and also • C()n ..