A Guide to Notes and Citations
A GUIDE TO NOTES AND CITATIONS All items in the Somerville Collection deposited in the Bodleian Library are arranged by a shelf number and a filing code as follows: 'Dep' plus 'b.205' or 'c.NNN', where NNN = 351-378. Since the designation 'Dep.' is common to all items, it is omitted in the citations, which are thus made in this form: 'c.359,17,MSIF-3', followed by the identification of the item and its date, if any. The 'c.359' represents the shelf-mark. The '17' is a box number. 'MSIF' is a code identifying the nature of the contents of the box, e.g., inner family papers. The last number, '3', identifies the folder in which the item is located. Other abbreviations used are: MS - Mary Somerville WS - William Somerville TS - The Reverend Dr. Thomas Somerville WG - Woronzow Greig Martha S - Martha Charters Somerville Mary CS - Mary Charlotte Somerville OCPS - On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences (various editions, each identified by date) PR - Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville, with Selections from her Correspondence (Lon don, 1873) Lit. Gaz. - Literary Gazette (London) BE - Biblioteca Estense (Modena, Italy) BL - British Library (London) NLS - National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh) RS - Library of the Royal Society of London Names in brackets (e.g., [David Brewster]) are based on internal evidence or reputable attribution. Dates in brackets (e.g., [1832]) are based on internal evidence. NOTES Chapter 1 - Scottish Beginnings pages 1-10 I. The Morning Post (London). 2 Dec. 1872. 2. Martha Somerville (ed.), Personal Recollections from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville (London, 1873), p.
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