I-Tree Eco Species List Sppcode Genus Species Name Common Name ABCO1 Abarema Cochliacarpos Abarema Cochliacarpos ABLA1 Abarema

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I-Tree Eco Species List Sppcode Genus Species Name Common Name ABCO1 Abarema Cochliacarpos Abarema Cochliacarpos ABLA1 Abarema i‐Tree Eco Species List SppCode Genus Species Name Common Name ABCO1 Abarema cochliacarpos Abarema cochliacarpos ABLA1 Abarema langsdorfii pau gamba AB4 Abarema abarema spp ABCH Abelia chinensis Abelia ABGR4 Abelia x grandiflora Glossy abelia AB1 Abelia abelia spp ABAM Abies amabilis Pacific silver fir ABBA Abies balsamea Balsam fir ABBR Abies bracteata Bristlecone fir ABCO Abies concolor White fir ABFR Abies fraseri Fraser fir ABGR Abies grandis Grand fir ABHO Abies holophylla Manchurian fir ABHO2 Abies homolepis Japanese fir ABLA Abies lasiocarpa Subalpine fir ABMA Abies magnifica California red fir ABPH Abies x phanerolepis Bracted balsam fir ABPI Abies pinsapo Abeto de espaÑa ABPR Abies procera Noble fir ABSH Abies x shastensis Shasta red fir ABLO Abies concolor v lowiana Sierra white fir ABNO Abies nordmanniana Nordman fir ABBO Abies borisii‐regis Bulgarian fir ABAL3 Abies alba European silver fir ABCE Abies cephalonica Greek Fir ABCI Abies cilicica Syrian Fir ABDE Abies delavayi Delavay's Fir ABFA Abies fargesii Farges Fir ABFI Abies firma Momi Fir ABFOGE Abies forrestii georgei Forrest's Fir ABKO Abies koreana Korean Fir ABNU Abies numidica Algerian Fir ABVE Abies veitchii Veitch's Silver Fir AB Abies fir spp ABBE Abutilon berlandieri Berlandier indian mallow ABER Abutilon eremitopetalum Hiddenpetal indian mallow ABGR3 Abutilon grandifolium Hairy indian mallow ABME2 Abutilon menziesii Ko'oloa 'ula ABPA Abutilon palmeri Palmer's indian mallow ABSA2 Abutilon sandwicense Greenflower indian mallow ABVI2 Abutilon virginianum Van dyke's indian mallow ABME Abutilon megapotamicum Abutilon megapotamicum AB3 Abutilon Indian mallow spp ACAN4 Acacia anegadensis Blackbrush wattle ACAN Acacia aneura Mulga ACAU Acacia auriculaeformis Earleaf acacia 1 Updated Nov 24, 2014 i‐Tree Eco Species List ACBA2 Acacia baileyana Bailey acacia ACBE Acacia berlandieri Guajillo ACCA2 Acacia caven Roman cassie ACCH Acacia choriophylla Cinnecord ACCO Acacia confusa Small philippine acacia ACCO2 Acacia constricta Whitethorn acacia ACCO5 Acacia cornigera Bullhorn wattle ACCY2 Acacia cyclops Cyclops acacia ACDE3 Acacia dealbata Silver wattle ACDE Acacia decurrens Green acacia ACEL Acacia elata Cedar wattle ACFA Acacia farnesiana Sweet acacia ACGR2 Acacia greggii Catclaw acacia ACKO Acacia koa Koa ACKO2 Acacia koaia Koaoha ACLO Acacia longifolia Sydney golden wattle ACMA2 Acacia macracantha Porknut ACME80 Acacia mearnsii Black wattle ACME Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood ACME2 Acacia mellifera Black thorn acacia ACMI Acacia millefolia Milfoil wattle ACMU Acacia muricata Spineless wattle ACNE4 Acacia neovernicosa Viscid acacia ACNI2 Acacia nilotica Gum arabic tree ACPA8 Acacia paradoxa Paradox acacia ACPA81 Acacia parramattensis South wales wattle ACPI Acacia pinetorum Pineland wattle ACPO2 Acacia podalyriifolia Pearl wattle ACPO3 Acacia polyacantha Catechu tree ACPY3 Acacia pycnantha Golden wattle ACRE Acacia recifiens Acacia recifiens ACRE9 Acacia redolens Bank catclaw ACRE2 Acacia retinodes Water wattle ACRE4 Acacia retusa Catch and keep ACRI Acacia rigidula Blackbrush acacia ACRO Acacia roemeriana Roundflower catclaw ACSA Acacia saligna Orange wattle ACSC2 Acacia schaffneri Schaffner's wattle ACSC Acacia schottii Schott's wattle ACSE Acacia semperflorens Aromo en flor ACSP4 Acacia sphaerocephala Bee wattle ACTO Acacia tortuosa Twisted acacia ACVE2 Acacia verticillata Prickly moses ACVI Acacia visco Acacia visco ACVO Acacia vogeliana Macata bourse bastard ACWR2 Acacia greggii v wrightii Wright acacia ACNI3 Acacia nigrescens Knob thorn 2 Updated Nov 24, 2014 i‐Tree Eco Species List ACTO2 Acacia tortilis Umbrella thorn ACSA3 Acacia salicina Willow acacia ACST Acacia stenophylla Shoestring acacia ACLOLO Acacia longifolia longifolia Sallow wattle ACLOSO Acacia longifolia sophorae Coastal wattle ACCA1 Acacia cardiophylla Wyalong wattle ACFL Acacia floribunda Gossamer wattle ACIM Acacia implexa Lightwood ACIT Acacia iteaphylla Flinders range wattle ACPR Acacia pravissima Ovens wattle ACVE Acacia verniciflua Varnish wattle ACBI Acacia binervia Coast Mayll ACFI Acacia fimbriata Fringed Wattle ACHO Acacia howittii Sticky Wattle ACIR Acacia irrorata Green Wattle ACLE1 Acacia leucoclada Northern Silver Wattle ACLI Acacia linifolia Flax‐leaved Wattle ACMA1 Acacia maidenii Maiden's Wattle ACPA1 Acacia parvipinnula Silver Stemmed Wattle ACPR1 Acacia prominens Golden rain wattle ACRU1 Acacia rubida Red‐stem Wattle ACSP1 Acacia spectabilis Mudgee Wattle ACSU Acacia suaveolens Sweet Wattle ACTE Acacia terminalis Sunshine Wattle ACPE1 Acacia pendula Weeping myall ACAC Acacia acradenia Silky Wattle ACAC1 Acacia acuminata Raspberry Jam Wattle ACAD Acacia adunca Wallangara Wattle ACAM Acacia amoena Boomerang Wattle ACAN1 Acacia anceps Two‐edged Wattle ACAN2 Acacia anfractuosa Acacia anfractuosa ACAR1 Acacia argyrophylla Silver Mulga ACAS Acacia assimilis Wodjil ACAU1 Acacia aulacocarpa Golden‐flowered Salwood ACAU2 Acacia auriculiformis Northern Black Wattle ACAX Acacia axillaris Midlands Wattle ACBA1 Acacia bakeri Baker's Wattle ACBA3 Acacia bancroftiorum Bancroft's Wattle ACBE1 Acacia beckleri Barrier Range Wattle ACBI1 Acacia binervata Two‐veined Hickory ACBL Acacia blakelyi Blakelyi's Wattle ACBO Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle ACBR Acacia brachybotrya Grey Mulga ACBU1 Acacia buxifolia Box‐leaf Wattle ACCA7 Acacia calamifolia Wallowa ACCA8 Acacia cambagei Gidgee ACCA5 Acacia caroleae Narrow‐leaf Currawang 3 Updated Nov 24, 2014 i‐Tree Eco Species List ACCE Acacia celastrifolia Glowing Wattle ACCH1 Acacia chrysella Acacia chrysella ACCO1 Acacia cochlearis Rigid Wattle ACCO3 Acacia colletioides Wait‐a‐while ACCO4 Acacia complanata Long Pod Wattle ACCO6 Acacia concurrens Curracabah ACCO7 Acacia conferta Crowded‐leaf Wattle ACCO8 Acacia coriaceae Wirewood ACCO9 Acacia cowleana Halls Creek Wattle ACCR2 Acacia craspedocarpa Hop Mulga ACCR1 Acacia crassicarpa Thick‐podded Salwood ACCU Acacia cultriformis Knife‐leaf Wattle ACCU1 Acacia currani Curly‐bark Wattle ACCU2 Acacia curvinervia Acacia curvinervia ACCY Acacia cyperophylla Red Mulga ACDE1 Acacia deanei Deane's Wattle ACDE2 Acacia decora Showy Wattle ACDE4 Acacia dempsteri Acacia dempsteri ACDE5 Acacia desmondii Des Nelson Wattle ACDI2 Acacia dictyophleba Sandhill Wattle ACDI1 Acacia difformis Drooping Wattle ACDO Acacia dodonaeifolia Hop‐leaved Wattle ACDO1 Acacia doratoxylon Currawang ACDU Acacia dunnii Elephant‐ear Wattle ACEL1 Acacia elongata Swamp Wattle ACEN Acacia ensifolia Sickle‐shaped Acacia ACEX Acacia excelsa Ironwood ACEX1 Acacia extensa Wiry Wattle ACFA1 Acacia falcata Burra ACFA2 Acacia falciformis Large‐leaf Hickory Wattle ACFI1 Acacia filifolia Acacia filifolia ACFL1 Acacia flavescens Red Wattle ACFR1 Acacia frigescens Montane Wattle ACGI1 Acacia gillii Gill's Wattle ACGL1 Acacia gladiiformis Sword‐leaf Wattle ACGR1 Acacia grasbyi Minni Ritchie ACHA Acacia hakeoides Hakea‐leaved Wattle ACHA1 Acacia harpophylla Brigalow ACHA2 Acacia havilandiorum Haviland's Wattle ACHE Acacia hemignosta Club‐leaf Wattle ACHE1 Acacia heteroclita Acacia heteroclita ACHO1 Acacia holosericea Silver‐leaf Wattle ACHU Acacia humifusa Acacia humifusa ACIX Acacia ixiophylla Acacia ixiophylla ACJE Acacia jennerae Coonavittra Wattle ACJO Acacia johnsonii Gereera Wattle ACJU Acacia jucunda Yetman Wattle 4 Updated Nov 24, 2014 i‐Tree Eco Species List ACJU2 Acacia julifera Julie's Wattle ACJU1 Acacia juncifolia Rush‐leaf Wattle ACKE Acacia kempeana Witchetty Bush ACKE1 Acacia kettlewelliae Buffalo Wattle ACLA Acacia latzii Latz's Wattle ACLE2 Acacia leichhardtii Leichhardt's Wattle ACLE3 Acacia leiocalyx Early Flower Black Wattle ACLE4 Acacia leptostachya Townsville Wattle ACLI1 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle ACLO1 Acacia loderi Broken Hill Gidgee ACLO2 Acacia longiphyllodinea Yalgoo ACLO3 Acacia longispicata Slender‐flowered Wattle ACLU Acacia lucasii Woolly‐bear Wattle ACMA3 Acacia maconochieana Mullan Wattle ACMA4 Acacia macradenia Zig‐zag Wattle ACMA5 Acacia maitlandii Maitland's Wattle ACME1 Acacia meisneri Blue Wattle ACME4 Acacia melleodora Waxy Wattle ACMI2 Acacia microbotrya Manna Wattle ACMO2 Acacia montana Mallee Wattle ACMO3 Acacia monticola Scratchy Wattle ACMU1 Acacia mucronata Narrow‐leaf Wattle ACMU3 Acacia muelleriana Mueller's Wattle ACMU4 Acacia murrayana Murray's Wattle ACMY Acacia myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle ACNE1 Acacia neriifolia Bastard Yarran ACNO Acacia notabilis Notable Wattle ACNY Acacia nyssophylla Prickly Wattle ACOB2 Acacia obliquinervia Mountain Hickory Wattle ACOM Acacia omalophylla Yarran ACOS Acacia oswaldii Umbrella Wattle ACPA2 Acacia papyrocarpa Western Myall ACPA3 Acacia pataczeki Wally's Wattle ACPE5 Acacia penninervis Mountain Hickory ACPE6 Acacia pentadenia Karri Wattle ACPE7 Acacia perangusta Eprapah Wattle ACPE8 Acacia peuce Waddy ACPH Acacia phasmoides Phantom Wattle ACPL1 Acacia platycarpa Ghost Wattle ACPO Acacia podalyriaefolia Queensland Silver Wattle ACPR2 Acacia pruinocarpa Black Gidgee ACPU Acacia pubescens Downy Wattle ACPY Acacia pyrifolia Kanji Bush ACQU Acacia quadrilateralis Acacia quadrilateralis ACQU1 Acacia quornensis Quorn Wattle ACRE1 Acacia retivenia Acacia retivenia ACRH Acacia rhigiophylla Dagger‐leaved Wattle 5 Updated Nov 24, 2014 i‐Tree Eco Species List ACRI1 Acacia riceana Rice's Wattle ACRI2 Acacia rigens Needle Wattle ACRI3 Acacia rivalis Creek Wattle ACRO1 Acacia rostellifera Summer‐scented Wattle ACRO2 Acacia roycei Acacia roycei ACRU2 Acacia ruppii Rupp's Wattle ACSC1 Acacia sclerosperma Limestone Wattle ACSE4 Acacia semilunata Moon Wattle ACSE3 Acacia semirigida
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