Carlsbad Current, 11-03-1900 Carlsbad Printing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-3-1900 Carlsbad Current, 11-03-1900 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 11-03-1900." (1900). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4f eonnty Biz ilo 1 4it M f tarC; s9 i . ! I . f V tan. ! !. v . ' - ., ., , - jffii . ,.,,1 ti . l mm VOL. VIII. CAttLSBM NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER a, 1900. ,.,$ i ,i We run In favor of providing home fifty Uio for tntlllann people n urjtl S 111 pnlrttlftl w nrt solicits tho . west, and It ahull bo my pleasure, n Territorial. patronage of japi.(,piMoii:arivit(i upon con Li 1& Che 0avl6ba'd Saloon well in my duty, 'to tiruo itml Kdjl nty, guarantying passage of u bill upproprlnt- - gress the ennrtrous trentmom mi u rsferlass service In ... l6 t- - Guy II. Herbert, or Hondo, Nutk the ItiU money fur conserving tho nil rosiipot. Wn H first prize uud blipj ribbon nt the IWn THE msmir,ithebettof all iters in tliu tttcnuu In tliu west kinds nr refreHiiment ittnlly nr medl It brpnd Held.' . well fair for the (argent onlonn grown mm Rcadduartcrs ! tRIfrlgatlon of col unethf rnnni: ey Whisky la Now. 1 were an irUbrnun, I rolnht I srttn seed this These onlonn .. fcr u iPadof Saloon unexcrlled. as itTWRinWUriho U. 3. gov sny that water is u very dry subject were grown no Air. iirrueria rnnuii in J ernment by lite c. Murlno Hospital will Hondo postoillrpiind it number ot them I Inn democratic convention, or if i testify. We also handle .Sherwood l'uro will weigh two pounds. Joseph Storms were uiiother Irishman, 1 might any j. W. CONWAY, ltye, the Innt and highest prlcod of Milt It-I- place on that s abutnlng quefttlnn to tho peo of the fame flrtt pilte l.k PfdprlcltiK class of goods an thn market. ple of New Mexico. Mr, Larrutino," ilellilnwrr apples and J. N. Uno of ditn't forget when you come to visit us (llencoo Fruit Furm Also took three Hint prlseH on apples. is a demon .. that this question of water must ha It I.vwuti rbi no, AhdorioaCo 1.1-- 4U kopt at tlio front, Iiouuuku It is the pirated fact that wlivrcvet Lltsoln I tip totmk hwni; . My utnnu w iT. , ONLY KIND tm lorusnni xinrmn W E f source of our wealth uud upon It de county rrulta und veiretublea.nre i lleipltnl nt WaOilruiloti, I), I , at in?iri unit WAVE IN STPOK 4 they take over A Iricil tiv llio ttnilnput rlminUt. W. tM Mew, over llrst premium - pends 'ho prJiperify of the entire O "lir6y trvnti Mtntile ol tho lenOJne 0fna ti .Ken- and you all competitors and ure the admiration hick) . iiiirrinnu nu l oiinxyiTumn. 11 mhiiuu - Territory, when touch our uoruc in mm. I la thin iivpartment m tiii itox- - -- ot all who aee theiu Linuolu county ammitnt ervlee thn Mmjplr npprar in Main butilcM. vrltbou atur ami tlin pocketboi.ks down thuro why tin C iorka ol kind, products uru ull wliuiers.('apl-tu- eircuuii ui iur iirnrcy- iiuh v iwo yrnr.'VJ nun !, on r mi-ru- ovrr ucn n inrtiH a rulu you don't Und uiiythlng in pm uumboroi prominent brnadii Un lfw dUtlll uiu snow, inn wn I Miner. lor the ttianufneturv ol thl whlikv u Irani ih noted Hulling serine In Anderson cmiitly, the in Kr., whlan standi nt a tamiifrr.turii of Mdecrie Hip year round, villi a supply Wiexlmui-lim- a. 1 TtiL Watlr U nt Ml oiuar. I v,Ti t novcr mm a ntnflla If can do any thing In this cam Constipation int-ut- accumula- ilinn iurtlir stnta timt huvo the uarrci rttameu. very Hrtcituiiy, j n, mi:aiiuy Barfleld & Cantrcll. paign to assist In the ulectiou of Mr. tion of vsnste uialli-- r that should be Larrutolo, 1 am where 1 have been la irtfir rfft. rfih Mk riV- tAh discharged datiy, and iltiletm thin S,i 4tii nif Ai K iia.i A A i.iflthiia A A. A, i. .ist or a good many jeurs, und 1 am ready done tliu foul mutter is itbsurbed untl to go out nod actively lend uid. polaons the eyitem. I'ne Ilerblne to 4 Wf are Not the Only Ptwple That ? AN nnd if you will ex- - 1 am an had bow-el- H, ADLB ADDRESS. the nomination, expansionist. If it nut bring about tliu regularity of the 4 S Keep Hirst-Cla- ss Goods cuae the language, the duvll'a tu pity been for expansion, this fair laud J'rleoM cts. For sale nt Jhu genernlly. lLiughlr.) would have been In the republic ot KUily Drug Co. Judge Las Cruces'i Per-fcctly- A. lit Pall, of Do ypu Hippos thut Governor Mexico; in that sense 1 nm uu expan- - But we Keep What ?, Col. J . FmnclMco Chavez of Valen tho Home In a Democratic Otero nominated IlodeyV WhodldV hlonlst I am nut an Imperialist. Some county fume, U making u euuvnaa Convention. Hon. Thqaiaa l. Uqtroul (Laughter) people have alleged because of cia People Want! that Lincoln county In (lid lulereata of r Do you Catron wants Itodoy my vlewtf'on the subject exputmlon of Below Is.ttio eloquent and enthim of wan Col. 4 ' 1 the republican ticket. It ( Hose Valley, Cunudlun Club. Ml. VefriOn anil 11. elected? (Laughter) That would be nnd Imperialism, which huvo Just astlc uudri of JudKC A. Vail, of Chuvex won two years ugo promised 4 inuny other brand nf Hrst-clu- ss llqtiors ? endorse (loveruor Otero! (Laugh briefly mentioned here, 1 um a repub- Luh Cruces. dellveiod at tliu terrlto-rlu- l the people at Lincoln that If tho re ' ter) Do you auppoto that Uuvoruor lican, but If you wunt me to help the AT THE Sr democratic convention In Santa publican ticket wuh elected ho would Otero wants liodey elected ? (Laugh- - democratic ticket mi) where In New Fr: Insure them thut wool would bo worth ; tei ) That would bo to endorse Thorn - Mexico, you nre at liberty to call on l Fellow Denincrrttrt. Members of the II ty cents a pound. Chaver. Is a sly Central Saloon. 1), Catron! (Ureal laughter) me, duy or night, nnd I will give you reiAtBt democratic convention politician hut ho will prolulHO anything .Now 1 don't intend to take up even all the help which It is In my power ? Kkmp & WouitNKti, Proprietors. SL that has evef been Ituii lpt 'the Ter. from u burro to u sunt In heaven for u live minutes of your time. (Crist of to give. I hope wo n III elect Mr. Lur rlluryofNow Mcxled, Ladle's uud vote for thn republican ticket, Henry do on, Fall!'.') When talking to a ru7.olo. Indeed, 1 bellevo we will elect (lenllemens , . Lutx hud him Itnper ed Into Lincoln audience 1 never know him, row ago he my lieufd nlghV democratic A hours wusnot Jit-.- You: have to spwh county from the Kingdom of Vuleiiclu ' i ii- - " " . 'I'll - iiuilllj demo-crutlt- r when to atop, and when J aco a repub choice. Now he Is ray choice over any from the standard beorbr of the to Instruct our people how to'vote. It Ilea n heud umotjaat them I uaually mun In New Mexico. potty, vrho has, prohilaed thut wus In Col. Chuvu7.' precinct In Yitleu- - want to take a crack at that bead Mr. Larrizoio, you will not liavo a lie will, tuku tho principles of ttio clui'ounty where mwi are lined for nut (LnuKhter) I seebttlt a number of more hearty aupporter in this cam- democratic party to tho tfhepherdB In attending republican priuiurlcH und paign than ymr humble servant! REAL ESTATE AND the fields, to.tlm.rcnldunbi of the cit- where a republican Justice of tho peace one HIU)Tpm .HI elm (u a detsvcratlu (Great Applause ) ies, Into uvcry product, hum let and married hlnmeif. It wan ulso over in e audience nothing. gives me greater town Territory. You have his county where about three thousand INSURANCE. pleasure than to tuko a lick ut him. Icrrltorlsl Assessment and Taxation. heuid li'tMjift'cli, undyou will ugreo bheep were once voted tor the republi (Luughter.I fjotno of our frleuds talk so lightly With rau'fliuUf lie can bo heard, the can ticket and the churge proven.:" Mr. Now, foiluwicltlrene, thorn Is ubout progress and prosperity that we verdict of tliu nconlo will be rendered anoth Chave! la a smurt man but tils promises ptyffocftfoit'jjb which X dealra to have come to wonder what they mean. almost iin4wjnmnjly In rlvor c'ntm, ef nru too Capltaii Mlnvrr . We suspect lougest thin. Wo have a 1argelist of choice ranch, farm' and throiiKh hltn, In favor of the par lidver? rw'TipinenU. W liave that those who tulk iov o ot prosperity do not kuow whereof It yiiuiiru suffering (rum drowslnesn property. ( ty which he reprefcuuts,' noininuied a canuiuui aeiegaie Irriuility uf temper, and town on the dem- they speak. Tho figures given below in the day time, 1 bellevo that tliu people ot --New cougreia and placed him neati-- i story: blenpleKs neghts, general ucbinty, aswjas Mexico will elect Mr.