Vol 35 No 02: July - December 2018 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32678/alqalam.v25i3.1695 GERRIT BOS’ EDITION OF QUSTA IBN LUQA’S AR-RISALA WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE WESTERN SCHOLARSHIP1 Ayatullah Humaeni UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Email:
[email protected] Abstract This essay focuses on Gerrit Bos’ critical edition of Qusta Ibn Luqa’s Risala ila al-hasan b. Mahlad fi-tadbir safar al-hajj. This edition is one of Gerrit Bos’ works dealing with classical Arabic manuscript which was published by E.J. Brill publisher in 1992. As its title suggests, this work discusses unique insights regarding problems faced by the pilgrims in medieval times. The treatise is a concise, well-organized health guide for the pilgrims, who were lack of medical knowledge. It contains basic information about the best regimen to preserve one’s health and about potential major disease as well as their treatment. This essay also deals with the tradition of Western scholarship in editing and annotating classical Arabic manuscripts. In addition, this essay tries to discuss how Bos edited and annotated the classical Arabic text in accordance with the modern Western scholarship so that he could produce a reliable critical edition. In doing so, I refer to some relevant sources such as Rosenthal’s Technique, Witkam’s Establishing Stemma, Vrolijk’s Bringing a Laugh, GAL, GAS, EI², and some periodicals. The tradition of editing and annotating classical Arabic manuscripts have become concern of Western scholars for a couple of centuries. The works by Gerrit Bos (since 1992), Hans Daiber (since 1976), Frank Griffel (since 2000), Recha Allgaier (in progress), Martina Hussein (in progress), and Jessica Kley (in progress) are obvious samples proving that this tradition remain to continue for generations.