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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81954-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Galen Edited by R. J. Hankinson Index More information index Note: Works by or debatably by Galen are indexed by title in the form most commonly used in the text (usually English), and only where there is substantive comment or extended quotation (not for every citation). Latin titles and standard abbreviations are to be found in the Appendixes on pp. 391–403. Other authors’ works are indexed under the author’s name. Academics see Carneades, Academy of Alexandria, as centre of medical studies actuality/potentiality, Aristotelian 243–4, 259, 263, 268, 341 theory of 308–9 sixth-century Galenic syllabus 362–3, Adrastus 52, 327, 328 384–5 Aephicianus 335, 336 alphabetical ordering, arguments Aetius 359 for/against 320–1 agnosticism, as Galen’s philosophical Ammonius 88–9, 147 stance 178–9 anatomy on the nature of the soul 185–6, 196, ’adventitious’ 246, 259 198–9, 211, 233, 280 central role in medical study 242–3, on physiology 280–1 257, 276, 281 on theology 233 Galen’s training/predecessors 242, Agricola, Georg 370 243–4, 257 al-Biruni 364 Galen’s writings on 36, 41, 258 al-Farabi 350 historical development 256–7, 258, al-Razi (Rhazes) 356, 360, 366 262 Albinus of Smyrna 4 Renaissance interest in 372, 373–8 Alcinous 206 value denied by medical schools Didaskalikos 115 246 Alderotti, Taddeo 366 Anaxagoras 158–9, 294 Aldus Manutius/Aldine Press 367, ancient world, revivals of interest in 381 369–72, 386, 387 Alexander of Aphrodisias 24–5, 29, 93, ’ancients,’ Galen’s respect for 159, 107–8, 202, 203–4, 328, 329, 350, 180–1, 204 358 role in commentaries 330 Alexander of Damascus 12, 29, 44, 48, Andromachus (court physician to Nero) 180 312, 316 Alexander of Tralles 365 Andromachus (son of the above) 316 435 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81954-1 - The Cambridge Companion to Galen Edited by R.
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