2011 October Graduation Programme

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2011 October Graduation Programme October 2011 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised The University’s motto, Ko Te Tangata/ fern frond or pitau – symbolises new For the People, refl ects our intrinsic belief birth, growth, vitality, strength and that people are central to the institution achievement. Inside the border is and are its most valued resource. the University’ss coat off arms. The open bookk surrounsurroundedded byy thee four stars of theheSo Southernuthern Cross is a symbol of learning.arning. TheThe crescrestt design is in thee UniUniversity’sversity’s colocoloursolouolours of black, red andnd ggold.old. WaiataWWaaiaata KoKo Te WhareW Wānanga o Waikato Ko Te Wharere WāWānanga o Waikato e tū nei ‘KoKo te TaTangata’ngaata’ te tohu TīhTīhei mauri ora!! Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka. Ko Te WhWhareare Wānangananga o Waikato e tū nei Ko te tino kaupapa he hora māmātaurangaranga kki te ao. KŌKKŌKIRI! TheTh University U i off Waikato ThisTh s is the UnUniversityUniiverrsittyy of Waikato presentingti tot you ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live!! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents UNIVERSITY OFFICERS 2 WELCOME 3 CEREMONY SPEAKERS 4 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 5 HONORARY DOCTORATES 6 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE » WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER 20110 1 – 9.30AM9.330AM 8 FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRETRRE » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 10AM0AM 12 » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 22PMPM 21 » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 55PMPM 28 HILLARY SCHOLARS 32 QUALIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CONFERRED/AWARDEDONFERRRED/AWARDED 334 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO ACADEMICDEMICC LEADERSLEAEADDERS 5151 SPEAKER PROFILES 54 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITYTY 55 OUR COMMITMENT 56 CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS 57 'GOD DEFEND NEWW ZEZEALAND'ALAND ANDD 'GAUDEAMUS'GAUD AMUS 588 HONORARY AWARDS 59 Due to the nature of the graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. This publication uses vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers. The document is printed throughout on Media Satin,which is FSCTM certified and from sustainable and Well Managed Forests, manufactured under ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems. The University of Waikato is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF EDUCATION Rt Hon J Bolger ONZ Te Kura Toi Tangata Professor R Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd PRO CHANCELLOR PhD Waikato Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA DEAN OF LAW Te Wāhanga Ture VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor B Morse BA Rutgers Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc LLB British Columbia LLM York Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ DEAN OF SCSCIENCEIENNC & ENGINEERING DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORR TeTe Mātaurangatauranga Pūtaiaot me te Pūkaha Professor A Jones BSc Otago MScc PhDD WaikatoWaikato ProfessorProfeProrofessorfef B ClClarksonarkso BSc MSc DPhil Waikato DipT MRSNZ DEANDEANN OF WWAIKATOAIKA MANAGEMENT SCHOOL PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEANMĀĀORI)/DEAAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENTLOOPMENT Te Raupapa RRaaupapa Te Tumuaki Māori/ Te Pua Wānangaa kki te AoA Professor F ScrScrimgeourim BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln PhDPhD HawHawai’iwai’i BBD MMelbourne College of Divinity Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auckuck DipTpTT DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING)(ACTING)G) Te Kura Kete Aronui Dr D Lumsden BA(Hons) Londonon MA PhD Princeton DEAN OF COMPUTINGUTINNG & MATHEMATICAL SCSCIENCESENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao Pāngaraungara Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons)Sc(Hons) PhD Southhampton 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Welcome I welcome you to this University of Waikato graduation ceremony where we acknowledge the hard work of graduands. Our graduates are sought after, and many hold important roles around the world. Today’s graduands are leaving the University with a world-class qualification, ready to add value to the area they choose to work in. We are a ygyoung universityy but we are beginning to mmark someme importanimportantp nt milemilestones.s Already we have celebrated 50 years offft tteachere education, 404 years off sciencescien educaeducationtionn and 20 years ofo teachinghingng law. law.wW WWee now llookookk forward to the University’sU sity’sy’s’ 50th0thh anaanniversanniversaryn arya in 2014. I am honourednouredoureourredto to be part of thtthese ceremonies; plepleaseease joinji me iniki acknowacknowledging k wleddg our latest graduates. Rt HHon Jimm Bolger ONZ ChanceChancellorceeellor UniverUniversityty off Waikato I amm proudprp oud to be hohostingsting youyou totodayy aas ththe wider UnUniversityver ity oof WaWaikatoikato ffafamilymil cecelebratesbrates the acachievementsvements of oour grgraduands.uands. ThesThese ceceremoniesmonie are an importantpo ant part of university life. Not only are they a public acknowledgement ooff students’sst denntsts hharhardrd wowork,ork, ththeyey area e ann opportunityoopppo to thank family and ffriends for their support during their journey. On behalf of the University, I congratulate our graduands and I look forward to hearing about your successes. I encourage you to stay connected to your University – successful graduates are our best ambassadors and we take great pride in showcasing your achievements to the world. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor University of Waikato GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER – 9.30AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waikato Management School at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae Keynote Speaker: Sir Tamati Reedy KNZM Student Speaker: Whetu Anthony Taukamo THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 10AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Socialociall Sciences,S ences FacFacultylt of Education, Ed cat , TTe PirPiringaPirin - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Developmentopment at Founders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speakers: Lynda and Joolsls ToTopppp Student Speaker: Kimberley Janee JordanJordan THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 2PM2PM Ceremony for Faculty of Computingingg & Mathematicalmaticalaticaal Sciences,Scienceencees Faculty of ScSScience & Engineering, Waikato Management School at Foundersouunders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speaker: Dr Mark Harris Student Speaker: Catherine Louiseuise Bryanann THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 5PM5 Ceremony for Waikato Managementnagementt SchoolSScho at Foundersnde Memorialrial TheatreTh Keynote Speaker: Wayne Walfordord Student Speaker: Ian James Stewart For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 54. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER » Pōwhiri » The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the theatre » After the pōwhiri The Chancellor will open the proceedings » A karanga will be performed to welcome the official party into the theatre » The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » The proceedings will commence with a mihi » The keynote speaker will be introduced and will address the assembly » The New Zealand national anthem will be sung (page 58) » The Deans, or their representatives,, will present to the Chancellor for tthehe confeconfermenterment » The ChaChancellorhancello wwill open the proceedings of their qualifications, graduatestes ffromom eacheach » TThehe Vice-Vice-ChancellorChanc will address the assembly Faculty/School of Study » TThehe kkeynoteeynote spspeakere will be introduced and will » The student speaker will be introducedntroduced adaddressaddress theth assassemblye and address the assembly » ThThehe Deans willw ppresent to the Chancellor for the » Graduates will be invited ontoo the marae coonfermennfermentt of ttheir qualifications, ātea for a group photo ggrgraduatesraduates fromm each Faculty/School of Study » The proceedings will conclude withwith » The studstudentdent sspeaker will be introduced and a karakia whakawātea addreaddressess thehe assembly » TThe proproceedingsrorococceedings willw conclude with Following the marae ceremony,y, an invitationon a porporoporoākroporoāki is extended to all graduates andnd guests to joinjoi University staff in the marqueeee for refreshments.refreshmentsreshhm » Thee assemblyem will ststand to sing Gaudeamus (pa(page(pagegee 58)585 ) Mā te Mārie » OffOfficial procession from the theatre Mā te mārie a te Atua » Graduates' procession from the theatre Tātou katoa e tīaki (please remain standing until the procession Māna anō e whakaū hhass leleftft thehe theatre)theat Ō tātou ngākau ki te pai. Followingwing thee ceremoceremony,ny, an inviinvitation is extended Mā te Atua Tamaiti rā to all gradugraduates andan guestsuests to jojoin University staff Mā te Wairua Tapu hoki in the marquee marque for rrefreshments.shmen Rātou, Atua kotahi neiei Tātou katoa Āmine GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 5 Honorary Doctorates An Honorary Doctorate is the most prestigious award that the University of Waikato can bestow. For their signifi cant contribution to the University, the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand community, the University is pleased to award the following worthy recipients: LYNDA AND JOOLS TOPP
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