Little Hadham Parish News April 2019 St Cecilia’s , Little Hadham Rector of Parish: Revd. Steve Bate 01279 842609 e-mail:
[email protected] Churchwarden, Mrs Karin Green 01279 - 771532
[email protected] Log on to for issues dating back to May 2006 Letter from the Rectory Revd. Steve Bate I was going to write an article looking forward to Easter but then I heard the news of the atrocities that had just taken place in two mosques in New Zealand. Forty-nine people, loved by God, had been killed while attending their Friday Prayers in two mosques. Accounts have been emerging of communities coming together to share in mourning with their Muslim friends and neighbours. Vigils have been taking place around New Zealand. In one of these at a beach, flowers were laid on a heart of sand with the words “We stand with you” written with shells upon it. Meanwhile, here in the UK, I read of a man called Andrew Graystone, who stood outside a mosque in Manchester holding a sign that said “You are my friends. I will keep watch while you pray.” He offered a suggestion to other people via Twitter, saying “Can I suggest that Christians and others who are available gather outside their local mosque during Friday prayers today (about 12-1) to stand guard over our Muslim friends while they pray?” What a fantastic gesture of love and solidarity! We’re still in the season of Lent and we look forward to Easter. Reading our ‘Lent Pilgrim’ Church of England daily Lent reflections, I was drawn to one particular verse from the Bible passage known as The Sermon on the Mount.