UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 4VUKH`(WYPS The Student Voice Since 1967 ;Q`\P+WTTMOM\W)J[WZJ )VV]IT?IZZMV.M[\Q^IT three days in a row. The Warren Miscommunication Concert Commission was under the leads A.S. Programming impression that they would try to get a later date and that the contract to book Warren Live! wasn’t binding yet.” acts ahead of schedule. However, because Associate Vice President of Programming Garrett By Yelena Akopian Berg had already extended a formal Associate News Editor offer to the headlining musical acts after being given the go-ahead by Members of the Warren College Warren Concert Commission Chair Council voted yesterday to hold Eric Mendoza, A.S. programming a joint music festival with Sixth was no longer willing to renegotiate College instead of staging the the date of the festival. annual Warren Live! concert. Sixth “We had actually outbid another College’s fifth annual Kuncocshun venue in San Diego to get an artist, JOSEPH HO/GUARDIAN festival will take place on May 8 in and felt obliged to book the commit- Due to financial constraints and the rising cost of UCSD’s partnership with the San Diego Municipal Transit System, the campus transportation department is the Sixth College Quad. ments,” AVP of Athletic Relations reviewing several options to gather additional funding for shuttle services. One suggestion is a new campuswide student fee. Earlier this quarter, WCC Peter Benesch said. “It became an President Colin Scholtz and issue of reputation. One of the rea- members of the Warren Concert sons A.S. was helping out the college :[\KLU[Z4H`7H`MVY*HTW\Z:O\[[SLZ Commission decided to postpone councils was to improve its reputa- Warren Live! until next fall after tion, but Warren was taking actions Transportation officials Regents and campus-loop shuttle lines which would be decided by a student realizing the May 8 date was prob- that would hurt that reputation. — while taking into account the results referendum, could be either a specific lematic. [The decisions] were made behind seek new funding source of a campuswide survey of students, quarterly fee or added on to current “We discovered that the day closed doors. We didn’t know this for shuttle services, staff and faculty conducted by Parking registration fees. before was Warren Semiformal, and was happening; only the Warren and Transportation Services which All three options would help the day after was Transfer Admit president and concert commissioner consider eliminating indicated that most people would like offset budget shortfalls, as well as a Day,” Warren Senator Katie Buzas knew.” campus loop. to see the services continued. recent increase in ridership for the said. “The staffing would have been The committee will make a rec- Metropolitan Transportation System, shorthanded to do three events See FESTIVALpage 7 By Kelly Pleskot ommendation to the transportation according to last year’s A.S. represen- Staff Writer department next month to either enact tative on the Transportation Policy a $50 user fee, implement a campus- Committee Peter Benesch. He added An attempt to economize campus wide $15 student transportation fee or that public transportation is a self-sus- ,=,9@>6940:033<405(;,+ transportation services may result in to simply reduce campus transporta- taining system, and student fees have new student fees or the elimination of tion services. never been used to fund the depart- the campus-loop shuttle next year. The user fee would function as a ment. Parking citations and permit The Transportation Policy monthly or quarterly pass, and would revenues fund the majority of shuttle Committee met last week to consider be paid for by those who chose to and transit services, which cost more new ways of funding campus tran- utilize transportation services. A cam- sit services — including the Arriba, puswide student transportation fee, See SHUTTLESpage 3 ;]UUQ\5MZKILW\W+TW[MNWZ:MVW^I\QWV[ Marshall College will house additional dining facility featuring sushi bar, coffee.

By Victoria Banuelos Contributing Writer

John Muir College dining facili- ties Sierra Summit and El Mercado will shut their doors for renovation this summer, and will remain closed until 2010. Housing, Dining and Hospitality Director Steve Casad is currently JIMMY KAN/GUARDIAN settling logistics for the renovation students will have to seek out alternative dining options next year when Sierra of Summit and the relocation of Summit and El Mercado close for renovations. El Mercado will not return to Muir. Mercado. Casad’s vision for the eat- eries includes more seating space in Thurgood Marshall Academic Center Roosevelt College near Cafe Ventanas. Summit — one of the most trafficked by fall 2009. Unlike Summit, which According to Dolores Ramirez, lead dining halls on campus — and a new closes at 8 p.m., Goodies will remain food-service worker at Mercado, the restaurant to replace the Mexican- open until 1 a.m. new menu will feature Central and themed Mercado. The upper level of Goodies will South American fare, including tra- Summit and Mercado are the only feature a coffee area, sushi bar and ditional Salvadoran and Ecuadorian two dining facilities in John Muir Whole Foods-style self-service area. dishes. College that accept students’ residen- The lower level is designed as a retail During renovations, employees tial dining dollars. market, similar to Earl’s Place in Earl from both facilities will be reassigned ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN Although Summit will not Warren College. to other HDH locations on campus. Page 8: Researchers at Scripps Institution of be relocated, a new dining facility Upon the closure of Mercado, a READR EAD ONO N Oceanography hope to make biomedical advances called Goodies is set to open in the new restaurant will open in Eleanor See EATERIESpage 7 ▶▶▶ ▶ by studying the luminescent qualities of fireworms.

-6*<:Learning :769;: From Atop 05:0+, 65305, >,(;/,9 *VTPJZ Poll:Should students have to to Love the Standings 3PNO[ZHUK:PYLUZ pay for campus shuttle April 27 April 28 Students brush up on their Baseball: Entering their final )\YU[:V\W services? H 63 L 53 H 60 L 51 interpersonal relationship matchup of the regular season, 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY *SHZZPMPLKZ skills in the classroom with the No. 6 Tritons hold a two- April 29 April 30 *YVZZ^VYK Tell us at exercises like “soul-gazing.” 7(., game lead in their conference. 7(., H 65 L 52 H 71 L 54 5,>: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@(7903



Here’s a no-brainer: Free bicycle helmets for students

Word Pick up a $20 coupon at the Commute Solutions desk in the campus parking office.

on the Bring the coupon and your valid student ID to the Street UCSD Bike Shop and get a free Avenir Sonic helmet. The free helmet program is a partnership between UCSD’s Transportation Services Commute Solutions and Dr. Paul Mills from the Department of Psychiatry.

Transportation Services Supplies are limited to first 125 qualified participants; one helmet per person.

Winners A&PS Marketing & Web Communications 465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 5,>: LIGHTS & SIRENS )LUQV4WWS[\W)^WQL:ML]K\QWVQV;P]\\TM;MZ^QKM Friday, April 17 ▶ The residents of a Regents Road ▶ SHUTTLES, MYVTWHNL transportation through focus groups nation of the campus-loop shuttle. 6:55 a.m.: Noise disturbance apartment were reported as having “a than $7 million annually. and forums, in order to help reduce A.S. undergraduate representa- ▶ The residents of a Del Sol loud fan.” Will cooperate. The university currently pays just congestion around campus and lower tive for TPC and campuswide Senator apartment reported that their neigh- over $1 per day for each student who greenhouse-gas emissions into the Emily Chi said she thinks the all- bors were “moving things around” Monday, April 20 utilizes MTS, which is also facing atmosphere. student transportation fee is the most and “usually use their washer [and] 7:40 a.m.: Suspicious package budget constraints from state funding Although d’Autremont said the feasible option of the three. While dryer at all times of the night.” ▶ An unmarked eight-by-five inch reductions. Ridership costs are expect- the user fee would give students the 10:39 a.m.: Medical aid box was abandoned at the graduate ed to increase by 25 percent next year. option to decline public transporta- ▶ A 27-year-old was reported as offices in Pacific Hall. Director of Parking and tion, the student transportation fee “fainting in and out of consciousness” 4:07 p.m.: Suspicious person Transportation Services Brian Even if you don’t would require all students to pay for at the Center for Molecular Genetics. ▶ A 35- to 45-year-old black female d’Autremont said the burden of fund- the services. with red hair and wearing a light tur- ing public transportation unfairly lies take the shuttle and “Even if you don’t take the shuttle Saturday, April 18 quoise shirt was seen “pan handling” on those who pay for parking permits you are charged an and you are charged an x-amount fee, 9:37 a.m.: Vandalism to vehicle and “swearing when people [refused and citations, not on those who use it is for the greater good,” she said. ▶ An unknown subject was reported to give her] money.” Field interview shuttle services. x-amount fee, it is Chi said another option would be as keying a vehicle parked at Lot 406. administered. “We have to try to figure out how to completely cut the campus-loop sys- 1:22 p.m.: Medical aid 5:20 p.m.: Injury to do some cost sharing,” d’Autremont for the greater good.” tem, though she said there is “strong ▶ A 19-year-old female reported feel- ▶ A 19-year-old female reported hear- said. “My biggest concern at this point support against reduction in service” ing faint and “having trouble breath- ing “something [pop]” after tripping is that we are fair. My second big- ´·,TPS`*OP(:\UKLYNYHK\H[L among members of the committee. ing and swallowing” at Cafe Ventanas. on Library Walk. gest concern is that we are supporting YLWYLZLU[H[P]L;YHUZWVY[H[PVU D’Autremont said that Parking and 1:22 p.m.: Medical aid public transportation because it is so 7VSPJ`*VTTP[[LL Transportation Services is constantly ▶ A 50-year-old white male with Tuesday, April 21 important to pollution [control] and evaluating and seeking to improve a white beard and wearing sweat- 12:20 a.m.: Marijuana possession sustainability.” campus transportation services. pants was seen going through the ▶ Four people were seen smoking Two studies currently under way— department is “trying to make sure the “We are in a very solid financial trash at the Pharmaceutical Sciences marijuana at Harlan Hall. Field inter- one conducted by Transportation decision is made by the people that are situation, but we are trying to econo- Building. Field interview adminis- view administered. Services and the other by manage- affected by it,” Benesch countered that mize,” he said. tered. 11:09 a.m.: Smoke check ment consulting firm Sundstrom and the focus group involved in one of the 4:02 p.m.: Suspicious person ▶ A smoke detector went off in a Associates — seek to identify the most studies is comprised mostly of faculty, Readers can contact Kelly Pleskot at ▶ A disoriented 18-year-old male Thurgood Marshall College apartment efficient funding strategies for public and favors student fees over the elimi- [email protected]. reported that he had “no idea where after residents accidentally “burned a [he was] and how he got there,” and package on top of [a] toaster.” did not know what day it was. Checks 7:53 p.m.: Reckless driving OK. ▶ The driver of a dark blue sedan was WE ARE ASSEMBLING A TEAM 11:03 p.m.: Noise disturbance seen throwing a firecracker out of his OF CREATIVE, SELF-DRIVEN ▶ A 20-person party was reported at window while racing another vehicle. WEB DESIGNERS the laundry room of a Regents Road Unable to locate. WEB DESIGNERS TO BE PART community center. Wednesday, April 22 OF THE GUARDIAN’S NEWLY Sunday, April 19 3:44 a.m.: Noise disturbance EXPANDED WEB 12:12 a.m.: Drunk in public ▶ Loud violin playing was reported at ▶ An intoxicated white male wearing Kathmandu Hall. Will cooperate. DEPARTMENT. a sleeveless shirt was seen running in 1:17 p.m.: Forgery the middle of a track at the Spanos ▶ The Thornton Hospital cafeteria WANTED Athletic Training Facility. staff reported receiving a forged $10 2:09 p.m.: Animal call bill. ▶ Two dogs were reported as run- 4:56 p.m.: Suicide attempt APPLY TODAY ning off their leashes at the Spanos ▶ A female student requested to go to Athletic Training Facility, but the the hospital after ingesting 20 aspirin reporting party left the site because pills at the Muir apartments. APPLICATIONS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE AT WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG, he was “afraid the dogs might [bite] him.” Unable to locate. — Compiled by Sonia Minden OR E-MAIL [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION. 11:26 p.m.: Noise disturbance Senior Staff Writer week 5 DWWKH 8QLYHUVLW\ &HQWHUV





spring ’09 \UP]LYZP[`JLU[LYZ\JZKLK\‹    465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 5,>: ;]UUQ\-`XIV[QWV,M[QOVML\W )KKWUUWLI\M5WZM;\]LMV\[       

             !"  !  "   " #

DANIEL CADDELL/GUARDIAN John Muir College students will have to seek out alternative dining options next year, when Muir’s two dining-dollar eateries — Sierra Summit and El Mercado — shut their doors for renovations.    ▶ EATERIES, MYVTWHNL expands the dining area to accommo- They will have the option of either date more students.  reapplying to other dining halls with Mercado will be completely         priority over incoming freshman can- removed from campus. In the absence didates, or waiting until the comple- of its carne-asada tacos and notori- tion of Sierra Summit’s renovations to ous shrimp burrito — a recipe cre- resume their positions. ated by Ramirez — Comstock said Ramirez, who has served HDH she believes that traffic will increase at for 12 years and has eater- worked at Mercado ies such as Rubio’s, since its opening as will business for over five years ago, Most of us have the other dining said she is disap- halls. pointed to see the worked together for Muir College restaurant go. years, and we are freshman Susan UCSD Students Faculty & Staff “I love work- Park said she will ing here,” she said. very comfortable be inconvenienced “Most of us have by the removal of worked together for with each other.” both of her college’s years, and we are dining halls. very comfortable´ ·+VSVYLZ9HTPYLaSLHKMVVK “It’s going to be with each other.” ZLY]PJL^VYRLY,S4LYJHKV pretty sad because Sierra Summit I’ll have to walk Student Manager farther,” she said. ‡3ODQ$KHDG5HVHUYH1RZ Laura Comstock said there is cur- “[Compared to other dining halls], ‡1R6HFXULW\'HSRVLW‡)ULHQGO\6WDII rently excessive traffic in the dining Summit food is pretty good.” ‡&DOOIRU*XDUDQWHHG5HVHUYDWLRQ hall. During its peak hours, up to 300 Sierra Summit is featured on the ZLWK&UHGLW&DUG students flood the restaurant. online restaurant guide, with Comstock said the remodeling will many reviews ranking it among the make Summit’s interior less cramped. best dining halls on campus. FREE Truck to Move In! Its building frame will not change, but the redesigned floor plan puts the Readers can contact Victoria Banuelos entrance near the stir-fry area and at [email protected].


▶ FESTIVAL, MYVTWHNL on, and they hadn’t been offered the Scholtz said the heart of the opportunity to decide,” Cressey said. problem was miscommunication. “They said ‘no’ initially under false “Given the information present- pretenses, and due to lack of knowl- ed, we came to the decision that edge about what was going on.” we could postpone it, and we were Buzas and Warren College under the impression that there Senator Pam Sran called for an would be no financial repercussion,” informal meeting with Berg, Sholtz Scholtz said. “As much as I have to and AVP of Student Advocacy reiterate this, there was bad com- Frank Carroll on April 24. There, munication on all sides.” they decided that Warren College Late last month, Berg contact- should combine its festival with the WaiveIRU8&6'6WXGHQWV)DFXOW\ 6WDII Admin FeeIRU8&6'6WXGHQWV)DFXOW\ 6WDII 10% Discount ed Sixth College Coordinator of Sixth College festival. With payment of 3 months. Please present UCSD Coupon. Please present UCSD Coupon. Student Activities “It was a really Subject to terms and availability. Expires 07/31/09 Subject to terms and availability. Expires 07/31/09 Jenelle Dean to sug- messy situation,” gest that the Sixth Sran said. “It was College Council It was a really messy kind of a major co-sponsor the lack of communi- event with Warren, situation. It was kind cation on all three since Kuncocshun parties’ parts.” had been planned of a major lack of In accordance 8&6')$&(%22.(56 for the same date. with yesterday’s “[The Sixth communication on vote, the Warren College Council] all parts.” College Council reached out to will reimburse the -2,1RXU(;75(0(3,==$)DFHERRN Warren council-´ ·7HT:YHU A.S. Council for members a couple >HYYLU*VSSLNLZLUH[VY the money used of times and asked to pay for the IULHQGVDQG\RXFDQJHWXSGDWHVRQRXU if they would like bands, as well as to do a joint event,” pay for upgraded XSFRPLQJHYHQWVVSHFLDOVDQGFRQWHVWV Sixth Senator John Cressey said. stage and security costs. “We were denied at all times.” The Sixth College Council had Unsure of whether the Warren already booked several musical acts College Council was still opposed before the decision to merge with ENTER OUR CAPTAIN EXTREME to combining the two festivals, the Warren College festival, all of A.S. councilmembers voted last which will still be performing at Wednesday to allocate $13,671.26 Kuncocshun next month. VIDEO CONTEST AND WIN $500! from their mandate reserves to pay “Sixth planned the entire event,” the headliners they had booked for Cressey said. “We were offered the Create a video about the adventure of Warren Live!. opportunity to take those bands Captain Extreme and post it to our site. The lineup has not yet been and tack them onto the event. We released to the public. wouldn’t have the budget regularly EXTREME PIZZA 834 Kline St. La Jolla, CA 92037 “When A.S. funded the money to put those bands on.” for Sixth on Wednesday, it became completely obvious that most of Readers can contact Yelena Akopian at SEE OUR COUPON IN TODAY’S ISSUE ON PAGE 11 WCC didn’t know what was going [email protected]. Web poll Do you support the new student-organization  funding process? +76<)+<<0--,1<7: 12% Yes. )Ta[[I*MZMbVIS 53% I don’t know. [email protected] 35% OPINION No.

576,)A)8:14 !

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. 465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 6705065

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN By Niven Wilson -`XIVLQVO7V+IUX][8ZM[MVKM+W]TL 5ISM5MUJMZ[PQXIV)K\]IT0WVWZ ▶ NSCS, MYVTWHNL membership fee. membership dues to be reinvested NSCS has too many misleading on campus, joining the organiza- qualities to be worth joining. An tion could become honor society that worthwhile. NSCS calls itself selec- should give the An honors society tive while recruit- chapter funding to ing members with hold test-prep sem- that calls itself an academic record inars with actual only one quarter information about selective while long is a sign that test strategies, or something’s awry. create a truly dis- recruiting members Not only does NSCS tinct volunteer misrepresent how it program within the with an academic awards students for UCSD community. record only one academic achieve- But as it stands, ment, it doesn’t offer the entrance fee quarter long is enough support to is unjustifiable individual chapters. when other student a sign that While NSCS claims organizations can it can offer the provide alterna- something’s awry. world for a few dol- tives at lesser costs. lars, UCSD students The A.S. Council already have at their Volunteer Connection and UCSD’s fingertips — for free. Center for Student Involvement both provide ample opportunities to Readers can contact Omair Qazi at help the community, without a high [email protected]. .IK]T\a6MML1VKMV\Q^MNWZ)LLQ\QWVIT0W]Z[ ▶ SEMINARS, MYVTWHNL to convince faculty that teaching a seminars, perhaps the Office of Pluripotent Stem Cells: Science Hit senior seminar without receiving a Academic Affairs could reduce sti- or Science Hype?” stipend would be looked upon nicely pends while eliminating some funding Though faculty members can by merit-review personnel. Reviews for the freshman program. According still work with their departments to are based on teaching, research and to Sawrey, the freshman seminar 0PINION present a proposal for a senior-sem- service — no doubt teaching a semi- course offerings outnumber senior inar course, the associated $1,500 nar course. Sawrey said the Office seminars by three to one annually. research stipend will be eliminated. of Academic Affairs recognizes that Instituting creative funding com- While many faculty members teach every professor teaching a senior promises like this is but one way these seminars out of the goodness of seminar is doing so on top of his or the Office of Academic Affairs can WRITE WHERE IT MATTERS their hearts, students can expect a drop her normal workload. keep the program afloat — and in course offerings. According to Sawrey, Academic in order to do that, it must also At a research-focused university Affairs is currently considering four realize that the program demands AND GET PAID with merit reviews coming every few senior-seminar proposals for Fall greater respect than it’s currently years, the limited incentive to teach Quarter 2009 and she said there is being afforded. an extra class without compensation likely to be some reduction in the APPLICATIONS ONLINE AT WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG will likely convince professors to opt number of courses offered. Rather Readers can contact Brent Westcott at out of the program. One solution is than eliminate all funding for senior [email protected].


If you haven’t completed the 2009-10 FAFSA yet, you should do so as soon as possible. You may use the online application at ZZZIDIVDHGJRY You should also meet the May 1st deadline for documents and processing holds in the event funds become available for late FAFSA filers. 6705065 ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@(7903 3,;;,9:;6;/,,+0;69 that any ideas regarding the pos- over the last two years. us deliver this message to our state which is to serve its students. Faculty 9LNPZ[YH[PVU(YL-LLZ sible allocation of registration fees by UC campuses are curtailing fac- leaders. and staff have a much easier time +PZ[YPI\[LK(WWYVWYPH[LS` Student Affairs to departments not ulty recruitment, in many cases by 50 — Paul Schwartz trying to find parking. Almost five of usually considered for such funding percent or more. This reduces hiring UC Office of the President Gilman’s floors are dedicated to them, Dear Editor, under the CSF guidelines would first of nonteaching staff; severely limits spokesman in addition to three and a half floors The April 23 Guardian editorial be vetted thoroughly by the RFAC. spending on nonessential costs such as in Hopkins Parking Structure, three incorrectly suggested that Student — Ed Spriggs travel; consolidates or eliminates pro- floors in Pangea Parking Structure, Affairs was proposing to redistribute Associate Vice Chancellor of grams and looks for efficiencies, while :[\KLU[7HYRPUN:OV\SK Lot 207, Lot 206, half of Lot 406, Lot registration fees from their intend- Student Affairs working to minimize cuts to student )L4VYL(JJLZZPISL 510, Lot 502 and more. The worst part ed purpose of supporting student programs. is the amount of available “A” and “B” co-curricular services to “academic If a furlough were to be implement- Dear Editor, spots within these lots. Students pass components such as admissions.” The <**HU»[)HSHUJL+\[PLZ ed, it would not apply just to line staff The bureaucratic system that has by empty spots and floors in Hopkins opposite is the case. >P[O0UHKLX\H[L-\UKPUN — managers would also be included. plagued our institution has made stu- trying to reach the top floor. Similarly In these difficult budgetary times, Salaries for senior managers repre- dents suffer enough. So why is the with Gilman, students have to drive up indeed for many decades, Student Dear Editor, sent less than 1 percent of the universi- Parking and Transportation Services five floors passing many empty spots Affairs has sought to preserve the The Guardian news article (“Pay ty’s annual payroll. Reducing executive Office contributing to students’ to reach the half floor that is dedicated distinction between the registration Cuts, Furloughs Likely for UC salaries or not filling senior positions bureaucratic nightmare? to us. Why are the undergraduate stu- fee and its co-curricular uses on one Workers,” April 16) and editorial (“It’s would have very little impact on the It’s obvious that finding undergrad- dent spaces consistently more difficult hand, and state general funds and Time UC Execs Put Their Mouths budget deficit the UC system is faced uate student parking on West Campus to reach? education fee funds and their mainly Where Their Money Is,” April 16) raise with. is like striking gold. Desperate stu- This is not an issue of creating more academic uses on the other. some important issues, but both miss In the current economic environ- dents unwittingly waste an enormous “S” spots, but simply an issue of fair Student Affairs, it should be the central issue: the state’s responsi- ment, it is understandable and appro- amount of time and gas going from reorganization of currently available noted, is made up of units that utilize bility to adequately support the UC priate to be concerned about every one lot to the next, passing by the spaces. Parking and Transportation state general funds and other units system. institutional expenditure, and we wel- abundance of open “B” and “A” spots Services should consider changing that use registration fee funds as well First, the actions referenced in the come scrutiny of how the university in order to get a parking spot nearer many of the consistently empty “B” as campus-based fees in some cases. news story were not salary increases. is being managed. It is also important to the center of campus. This is unfor- and “A” spots at the various structures Each unit offers campus programs These were appointments for critical that people view financial decisions tunate because many students miss to “S” spots. This would enable stu- and services appropriate to its fund- positions. In one instance, an individ- in the proper context, and that the portions of their classes, which may be dents to park nearer to a campus that is ing sources. ual is filling two roles for the salary of public receives a balanced presentation vital for an exam, just because Parking supposed to serve the students, instead At UCSD, the Registration Fee one, saving the University of California of the facts. There are many questions and Transportation Services wants to of having students drive to campus an Advisory Committee plays a major roughly $320,000 per year. Another and some misconceptions about the make an additional buck with “B” and hour earlier just to wait for a parking role in the allocation of registration concerns the appointment of a chief university’s budget and why state sup- “A” spots. On a daily basis, a number of spot, or take the shuttle in from East fees. RFAC has 14 voting members, financial officer at a salary well below port is so critical. Guardian readers students spend more than 30 minutes Campus, which doesn’t allow students 10 of whom are students represent- the going rate for CFOs to ensure are encouraged to get the facts about in Gilman Parking Structure waiting to maximize their time! This would be ing the colleges, the A.S. Council and strong financial management and to these issues at universityofcalifornia. on the half floor dedicated to “S” spots. a small gesture in support of UCSD’s the Graduate Student Association. In identify more ways for the UC sys- edu/news/budgetmyths.pdf. That’s right, in a six-floor parking next generation of scholars. addition there is a nonvoting chair, tem to save money. A third individual The bottom line is that the state’s garage, there is only half a floor with — Kayvan Ghaffari who must be a student elected by the was promoted to fill a vacancy in our under-funding of the university has “S” spots and it’s at the very top! For Thurgood Marshall College members. The other RFAC members Washington office, which is a critical put the UC system in an impossible a student population of over 20,000 sophomore are staff and faculty. place for the UC system and California position: We’re expected to keep the this seems like an entirely thought- RFAC, with the consent of the to be represented. university running smoothly, accept a less arrangement by Parking and ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers. vice chancellor of Student Affairs Second, the editorial ignores what growing student population, graduate Transportation Services. The response All letters must be no longer than 500 words, many years ago, adopted and con- is being done to limit executive pay tomorrow’s leaders, hire the best peo- is simply, “Use Regents!” typed, double-spaced and signed with a name and tinues to adhere to the UC Council and control costs, and suggests that a ple, produce cutting-edge research and Telling students to park in the applicable title. Letters must also contain a phone number. We reserve the right to edit for length and on Student Fees’ Standing Policy on potential furlough might apply only to life-improving innovations and more Regents parking lot, although valid clarity. Letters may be dropped off at the Guardian the Appropriate Use of the University staff. Here are the facts: — all with fewer and fewer state dol- due to the abundance of available office on the second floor of the Student Center or Registration Fee, which lists the stu- The UC system has instituted a lars. That’s an unrealistic expectation. “S” spots, also shows how much this e-mailed. Send all letters to: dent service units that are inappro- systemwide freeze on senior managers’ The state has a responsibility to its institution cares about its students — The UCSD Guardian Opinion Editor priate for registration fee funding. salaries, cut bonuses and incentive pay, citizens to adequately support public by pushing us back and making us 9500 Gilman Dr. 0316 Included on this list are “enrollment/ and reduced the budget at the Office higher education, and we encourage park entirely away from the center of La Jolla, CA 92093-0316 registrar/admissions services.” of the President in Oakland by $67 all UC stakeholders, including stu- campus. This seems contradictory to e-mail: UCSD students may rest assured million and the staff by 628 employees dents and student-run media, to help the original purpose of any university, [email protected] Th.5/14 UCSD Reads the Saturday · May 2 Issue. 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+76<)+<<0--,1<7:  ,I^QL0IZ^Ma ▶ Number of landmines planted [email protected] FOCUS worldwide, which, to be removed, would cost an THE STUDENT OUTLOOK estimated $33 billion. 576,)A)8:14 !

A new study from Scripps Institute of Oceanography is shining a light on bioluminescent worms off the San Diego coast. fire under water

By Danielle Crawford Staff Writer


hortly after the sun dips below the horizon, puffs of team must isolate the protein in the mucus generated by the ▶ View of two small fireworms ▶ View of the fireworms using sparkling green light glow beneath the ocean’s surface. worms. using bright-field microscopy. blue-excited fluorescence, showing The worms are known for their green and yellow emission. This alluring spectacle, which occurs two days before Fifty to 60 years ago, scientists would collect the worms by bioluminescent mucus. Epifluorescence microscopy was S the quarter moon and lasts from 20 to 30 minutes, has finding the mating swarms and using a dip net, Latz said. They used to take the above image. long mesmerized voyaging sailors. What they may not know, would then take the bodies of the worms, grind them and then however, is that the source of this radiance is a tiny worm, shorter extract the chemicals responsible for the glow. in length than a single fingernail. Deheyn and Latz take a different approach. They gather Odontosyllis phosphorea, the luminescent fireworm, lives on worms from their tubular seafloor homes instead. When the the seafloor of tropical and temperate oceans and is known for its worms swarm near the surface, they easily deplete their mucus; mating swarms: Female worms swim to the surface and secrete a collecting them from their resting place ensures that the worms’ bioluminescent mucus that attracts males for spawning. ability to glow hasn’t been diminished. This mucus emits the green light, which has been observed In the lab, worms are exposed to potassium chloride, which by kayakers and seafarers in waters as nearby as Mission Bay. artificially triggers secretion. Dr. Dimitri Deheyn and Dr. Michael Latz, marine biologists at In general, a chemical reaction resulting in bioluminescence Scripps Institution of Oceanography, are working to uncover the requires oxygen; based on previous studies, if oxygen is removed, ▶ Green fluorescence, originated ▶ Fluorescence from the worm’s different purposes of the worm’s bioluminescence, as well as the no light should be produced. However, by testing solely the from epidermal cells spread over head was not associated with the fireworm’s body. This shows eyes (ey) or antenna (an). protein responsible for the light itself. mucus, Deheyn and Latz were able to trigger a glow without the worm glows internally, along “Hundreds of years ago, locals would say that this was the adding oxygen, which led them to speculate that the protein with their secreted mucus. ‘spirit of the ocean,’” Deheyn said. “It has been reported many responsible for the light is a photoprotein — a protein that con- times, but few studies have been done regarding the biology of tains oxygen within it. the light.” “When they studied the worm 50 years ago, the lack of oxy- Through their research, the scientists have already discov- gen would have reduced the bioluminescence,” Latz said. “They ered that juvenile worms are able to produce the light as an used the full worm, indicating that they might have analyzed the internal flash, rather than the secretion of mucus. Because sexu- internal flash instead of the mucus itself.” ally immature worms are able to achieve bioluminescence, the The scientists said that isolating the particular protein respon- scientists propose that this internal light cannot be for the sole sible will be a very difficult process. They will need to determine purpose of mating. the amino-acid structure of the protein through column chroma- “We hypothesize that the bioluminescence could therefore tography and gel electrophoresis, a standard method for separat- have two purposes,” Deheyn said. “One is as a means of defense ing proteins based on their size and charge. ▶ Green fluorescent organelles in ▶ Secretion of green fluorescent in the small worms, and the other as a visual signal for mating Latz said that a successful identification of the protein could epidermal cells of the fireworm, mucus from the epidermal cells a which can be seen glowing under few seconds later, which appears in the adults.” the ocean’s surface. brighter as the mucus is released In order to identify the protein responsible for the light, the See GLOWpage 10 by the fireworm.


ow much control do you have over your own When two people gaze at each other, they lower their love life? According to Dr. Robert Epstein, defenses and create a bond. H former editor in chief of Psychology Today The class reported finding a 45 percent increase and current visiting scholar at UCSD, love doesn’t in closeness after the gazing experiment. have to wait for Cupid to strike. “[Soul gazing] is the one experiment we’ve done In PSYC 158, an upper-division course on the so far this quarter that I can actually do outside of psychology of interpersonal relationships, students class,” Thurgood Marshall senior Jeffrey Jair said. “I are learning what exactly makes our heads spin can’t fall backwards into someone’s arms or hold up and knees weaken when the object of our affection my palm to someone else’s to feel their body heat, but is nearby. During each lecture, Epstein leads his I can look into someone’s eyes.” students through a 15-minute relationship-building Epstein’s idea that love can be learned was origi- exercise. And, according to Epstein, nearly every stu- nally derived from his research on the practice of dent has used one of the techniques from the course arranged marriages in Asia. Partners don’t necessar- to improve a relationship outside of class. ily love or even know each other at the start of the “Soul gazing” is a favorite among students, he marriage, but Epstein found that in many cases, both said. During the first lecture, several students volun- man and wife fell in love over time. teered to stand in front of the class and gaze into each “In the Western world, we tend to believe that other’s eyes for two minutes. love is something we entrust to chance,” Epstein said. Gazing is a form of mutual vulnerability that is “We leave it up to Hollywood producers to tell us the not to be confused with staring, Epstein said. To stare is to look at someone intently without permission. See INTIMATEpage 10 SANH LUONG/GUARDIAN 465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 -6*<: INFOCUS The Anti-Personnel Mines Project Scanning the Brain for Wisdom


isdom — once the mere subject of flowery poetry W and anecdotal religious f you fi nd yourself on the fi rst fl oor of teachings — has taken a giant leap Atkinson Hall anytime before June 10, into the realm of scientific brain I tread lightly. Visiting professor Carlos imaging. Trilnick has constructed an indoor art exhibit In a study published April 6, a team of UCSD researchers called — called the Anti-Personnel Mines Project, for a scientific review of the neu- part of the gallery@calit2 — to raise awareness robiology of wisdom, using lit- about the malicious use of landmines to kill erature on the subject as their enemy soldiers instead of targeting vehicles. starting point. “We need to have some consen- To simulate a landmine, the interactive sus on the definition of wisdom,” exhibit includes a series of sensors hidden said Dr. Dilip V. Jeste, professor beneath a bed of Astroturf. Each time someone of psychiatry and neurosciences at steps on a sensor he or she detonates an UCSD. Jeste is also the Estelle and Edgar Levi Chair in Aging and explosion composed of sound effects and director of the Sam and Rose Stein images including maps, statistics and phrases Institute for Research on Aging. projected onto a wall. The sensitivity of each The researchers decided to sensor varies from moment to moment so that focus on individual traits that experts had decided were the the explosions remain as unpredictable as ingredients to the widely accepted actual landmines. definition of wisdom — such as Trilnick hopes the exhibit will promote pro-social attitudes, social deci- dialogue and encourage countries including sion-making, emotional homeo- stasis, self-understanding, toler- the U.S. to sign the Ottawa Treaty, which bans ance and acknowledgement of (as the production and use of anti-personnel well as the ability to effectively mines.. deal with) uncertainty. The researchers studied this concept of wisdom with neuro- — JOANNA CARDENAS imaging, which uses small cam- ASSOCIATE FOCUS EDITOR 7/6;6:)@,9021,7:,5GUARDIAN See WISDOMpage 10


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For more information or to learn the JOBSEARCH how to participate in the Job Search Stimulus Package please STIMULUS visit PACK AGE Located On Library Walk | 858.534.3750. | YESYOUCANYESYOUCA -6*<: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5465+(@(7903 »0MIZ\JZMIS¼ )VKQMV\8PQTW[WXPa5MM\[5WLMZV6M]ZWTWOaQV?Q[LWU;\]La ▶ WISDOM, MYVTWHNL may help in treating certain diseases of Veterans Affairs. Jeste said he and India. The Bhagavad Gita, an ?IQ^MZ3MMX[ eras to view brain activity through or conditions in the future. believes their findings may even- ancient Indian religious text, con- changes in blood flow or metabolic “The goal of the research is to tually help a variety of patients, tains a particularly relevant defini- 4W^MI\*Ia alteration on live subjects — some- find ways to help people,” Jeste including the elderly and those with tion of wisdom: One must under- thing researchers were previously said. “This research is important, brain injuries and dementia. stand the differences between the ▶ INTIMATE, MYVTWHNL incapable of doing. The images because it has some relevance to Jeste stressed that other less fac- body — the field of activity — and story of how love works. This course helped Jeste and his team discover some patients we see with things tual, more spiritual methods and the soul — the knower of the body. is about empowering students. They where certain traits could be found like dementia, a life-Alzheimer’s beliefs about wisdom should not be Jeste said he hopes his research can have some control over the in the brain. For example, the pre- which consists of little memory loss, completely neglected. will encourage the scientific com- development of their relationships frontal cortex, the part of the brain just a change in personality.” “This isn’t biology versus cul- munity to take the concept of wis- outside of the classroom.” located just beneath the forehead, The scientists’ research was sup- ture,” Jeste said. “Many things are dom and other more abstract psy- Like most psychology courses at controls several traits associated ported in part by grants from the both. Culture can influence the chological traits more seriously. UCSD, students are assigned read- with wisdom — including emotion- National Institute on Mental Health, brain and effect behavior.” “Wisdom also has a scientific ing from a textbook for homework. al regulation, decision-making and the National Institute on Aging, the The study noted a strong cor- basis,” Jeste said. “We don’t do enough Students have the opportunity value relativism. U.S. Health Resources and Services relation between current definitions research on psychological traits.” to earn extra credit by marking the In the exploration of wisdom, Administration, the UCSD Sam and of wisdom, religion and philosophy progress of their own relationships researchers believe that isolating the Rose Stein Institute for Research and the definitions from ancient Readers can contact Sarah Smith at outside of the classroom. However, location of certain traits in the brain on Aging and the Department civilizations such as Greece, China [email protected]. grades will be determined by the appropriate application of course material rather than its success, Epstein said. In order to participate in the .QZM_WZU;\]La5Ia*ZQOP\MV\PM.]\]ZMWN+IVKMZ:M[MIZKP real-life assignment, students are ▶ GLOW, MYVTWHNL cent proteins. nificant in future medical research, her master’s degree from the required to sign a waiver ensuring prove extremely useful to biomedi- Joy Leilei Shih, who recently fin- and would build off previous stud- University of West Florida, also that the university will not be held cine. ished her master’s degree in marine ies. studies the parchment worm in responsible for consequences such “We hope to have it as a new tool biodiversity and conservation at “In the long run, if we are able Deheyn’s lab. as emotional heartbreak. for bioengineering and biomedical UCSD, has been a to identify, isolate “I think that the research is sig- “The things we are learning are applications,” Latz said. “It is impor- research assistant and get a good nificant simply because it’s interest- enhancing our relationships,” Jair tant because light is a really easy sig- in Deheyn’s lab It’s like thinking understanding ing to find out how animals work said. “This is one class where we can nal to measure. It could be used to for one year. She of this protein, and why they do what they do,” actually apply the things we learn to indicate changes in gene expression, studies a different that the world it would be very Enzor said. “This is a really interest- the real world.” ATP — a common energy source species, known as helpful in the ing adaptation, and we should look In January, Epstein signed a used by cells — and protein. In gen- chaetopterus, or is flat and then medical field, such at why they do it, how they do it and production deal with the Wolper eral, there is tremendous interest in parchment worm. as with things like what helps them do it — namely the Organization to produce a reality identifying and characterizing new Like the fire- figuring out that cancer research,” protein. Just learning about these TV series called “Making Love” — bioluminescent chemicals, which is worm, this worm it’s round.” Shih said. “The animals is reward enough; you don’t expected to air spring 2010 — in the reason why we are doing the releases biolumi- other thing that’s necessarily have to be looking for a which couples across the nation will project itself.” nescent mucus and exciting is that cure to something.” Today, the protein responsible can glow internally. previously it was Currently, Deheyn and Latz are participate in relationship exercises ´·1V`3LPSLP:OPOYLZLHYJO and measure their progress. for the bioluminescence in jellyfish However, it does thought that what still working to identify and isolate “I want to give them the tools is a valuable tool used in biomedical not swim to the HZZPZ[HU[:JYPWWZ0UZ[P[\[LVM makes it glow the protein in question. to strengthen their relationships,” research. surface of the water 6JLHUVNYHWO` was an enzyme- “The enzyme in the protein is Epstein said. “I want to show people According to Deheyn, over for spawning, as substrate reaction. not found anywhere else in the liv- out there that there are research- 30,000 scientific papers have been does the fireworm. But based on their ing kingdom,” Latz said. “That is based methods that are proven to published to date regarding this pro- Instead, its light is thought to deter experiments, we think that it is a what’s special and also what makes be successful in improving relation- tein, discovered by Noble Prize lau- predators and repel other animals photoprotein that creates the glow. it difficult to isolate. There is no ships.” reate Dr. Osamu Shimomura. The looking for a dark place to hide. It’s like thinking that the world is framework for what it could be.” protein that Deheyn and Latz are Shih said identifying the protein flat and then figuring out that it’s Readers can contact Gloria Wu at trying to identify could possibly responsible for bioluminescence in round.” Readers can contact Danielle [email protected]. complement other existing fluores- the fireworm’s mucus could be sig- Laura Enzor, who just received Crawford at [email protected]. PUBLIC NOTICE The current collective bargain- ing agreement between the University of California (UC), and the Federated University Police Officers Association (FUPOA), covering 227 Police Officers, provides for reopener negotiations in 2009. System-wide bargaining may begin following completion of the public notice meetings scheduled below. The University will convene initial public notice meetings on May 6, 2009 in room #1217 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and May 20, 2009 in room #1203 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, at 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, CA 94612. Copies of conceptual bargaining propos- als will be available at the meetings. Interested mem- bers of the public may secure copies of the conceptual bargaining proposals from both parties, at the main campus library, or online at PUBLISH A GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE GUARDIAN GRADUATION ISSUE! Copies of the procedures 6/4/09 governing the required public notice meeting may be Visit our website and requested in person or by mail look for the GRAD AD LINK from the University of Califor- nia, Labor Relations, 300 Lakeside Drive, 12th floor, SIZES PRICE Oakland, CA 94612-3550. Congratulations Casey, 2 column x 6” $100.00 on your Graduation We love you and For additional information wish you the greatest 2 column x 4” $65.00 BEN: success in the world. good luck in the real world! The Frostensons Love, regarding this bargaining, The Martinez’s 2 column x 2” $35.00 sample please contact Linda Ashcraft, sample You can include photos too! Chief Negotiator, UC, at (510) 987-9316; or, Dieter Dammeier, Chief Negotiator, AD DEADLINE IS 5/27/09 FUPOA, at (909) 985-4003. QUESTIONS? Call 858-534-3467  *(47<:*(3,5+(9 ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@(7903

Powered by the Chancellor's Office and the UCSD Guardian ddian Guardian Guardian Guar FEATURED rdian Guardian Guardian Guardi ardiana G Guardian Guardi ardian G CAMPUSCAMPUSGuardian Guardi Death Cab for Cutie is a Grammy nominated American indie rock band formed rdian Guardian Guardian Guardi in Bellingham, Washington in 1997. The band consists of Benjamin Gibbard rdian Guardian Guardian Guardi (vocals, guitar), (guitar, production), Nicholas Harmer (bass) and Jason rdian Guardian CALENDARCALENDARGuardian Guardi McGerr (drums). Their most WEEK OF APR 27-MAY 3 Guardian Guarddi recent album, , diand Guardian was released on May 12, 2008 in the United Kingdom and on May 13, 2008 in the United SUBMIT YOUR EVENT TODAY! States. General Admission $35. For more informa- majors are invited to hear about require- RIMAC. tion call 858-534-TIXS. MON APR 27 ments, deadlines, and the application pro- RECREATION cess. 2-3pm in the Career Services Center THURS APR 30 Horizon Room. WED APR 29 Common Dissent: Angels and Insects - A ARTS 19th-century British naturalist falls in love RECREATION Tentacle Session with Maya Beiser with the beautiful daughter of a wealthy 8pm RIMAC Arena Experimental Films (with a musical twist) - Intense, rich and powerful, cello god- aristocrat, but he soon discovers that her - Scott is an award winning local musician, family’s perfect facade disguises unex- dess Maya Beiser throws down the gaunt- UCSD alumnus, and outreach coordinator let in a genre-defying solo performance tra begins a program that features Maya Stress Management through Biofeedback pectedly grim secrets. Director and co- of the UCSD Arts Library. In case you missed Beiser performing Elgar’s heardbreaking and Mindfulness – Come participate screenwriter Philip Haas’s adaptation of A.S. that is at once haunting and electrifying. Scott’s live performance on April 2, he and Beiser’s relentless quest to redefine her Cello Concerto. Students: $15, Faculty/Staff: in this four session interactive wellness Byatt’s Morpho Eugenio eschews the usual his Tiny Tiny Pit Orchestra for Silent Films $20, GA: $26, Seniors: $22. 8pm in the group. Learn how to use increased body gentility of Victorian period pieces in favor instrument’s boundaries exemplifies the will play a live set again. 12pm at The Loft. Tentacle Sessions and ArtPower!’s commit- Mandeville Center. awareness to relax and feel better in a of subtle creepiness. 7pm at The Loft, free. fast-paced and stressful college environ- Thao with the Get Down Stay Down with ment to creating shared experiences of RECREATION Roma Nights: Michael Sweetman - British Sister Suvi and Samantha Crain artistic exploration. Students: $5, Faculty/ ment! Meets Wednesdays 3-4:20pm from - Until The Reader - 6pm & 9pm at Price Center international student Michael Sweetman Staff: $14, GA/Seniors: $15. 8pm at The Loft. Weeks 3-6. SPACE IS LIMITED! Contact Sean Hollywood gives us a good portrayal of Theater. $3 Student; $5 GA has a smooth folk sound that is all his the adolescent-leaning female, we have Cook, [email protected]. Presented by CAREER own. Since he’s been Stateside, he already Portland-based Thao Nguyen and her back- SPECIAL EVENT Counseling and Psychological Services and Obtaining an Internship - Learn strategies the Wellness Peer Educators. opened for Tyrone Wells and Colin Meloy of ing band the Get Down Stay Down, who Kappa Klassic - 5k Walk/Run sponsored by for searching internship and part-time job the Decemberists. Come check out one of specialize in galloping indie pop with sug- Kappa Kappa Gamma, The race will begin Can’t Hold Us Downe: Queer API Movie listings to find positions that will meet your his last gigs before he jets back to the UK. ar-coated hooks, a frosting of horns, and a and end at Marshall College Field; the race Night - Asian Pacific Islander American goals. 11-12:15pm in the Career Services 8-9pm at Roma Cafe. considerable dark streak. The 23-year-old course loops around campus. General Free: Heritage Month (APIAHM) is a time to cel- Center Horizon Room. singer-, whose expressive voice $25 ($20 per runner in a group of 10 or ebrate the diverse histories and cultures TUES APR 28 suggests an earthbound Beth Orton, sings Law School: Preparation & the Application more). 9-12pm at Thurgood Marshall Field. which come from the API people. This about such youthful concerns as ice cream Process - Find out from UCSD’s pre-law diversity not only explores difference in CAREER Water in Focus Reception - Water in Focus cones and cannonballs off diving boards, advisors how to prepare for and apply to religion, food, language, and dress, it also is a global photography project and multi- UCDC Info Session - Live and work in the but with unexpected maturity, dignity, and law schools and how the admissions pro- encompasses different personal identities media exhibition that calls youth to action nation’s capital while earning UC credit! All charm. GA: $10. 8pm at The Loft. cess works. Learn about the Law School including gender and sexuality. Join us as they document the use, waste, conser- Admission Test and the resources which in learning of these hidden stories of the Pub After Dark: Jon Foreman – Foreman, vation and pollution of our most precious can help you pick schools and write your Queer API community through the explo- along with the other members of resource through words and images. Water application essay. 2-3pm at the Career ration of film and documentaries on every Switchfoot, started their band while in Focus will be on view from April 22 (Earth Services Center Horizon Room. Thursday from April 23rd to May 7th con- attending UCSD. How appropriate that he Day) to June 3. 6pm at The Loft and the cluding with a dinner and discussion on is going to play our own Porter’s Pub. He LECTURE Cross Cultural Center. will be playing an acoustic set of both your May 14th. 7:30-9:30pm at the Cross Cultural Physical Burnout, Depression, and Suicide SPORTS Center. favorite Switchfoot songs as well as some - Part of the UCSD Biomedical Library UCSD Baseball vs. Cal Poly Pomona, 12pm of his own. This show will also feature San lunchtime seminar series - “Struggling in Veggie Wednesday - The UCSD Vedic and & 3:30pm at Triton Field. Diego singer-songwriter Lindsay Yung and Silence: Physician Depression and Suicide” Vegetarian Culture Society invites you to UCSD student group Luke & The Fox. Free (a 15- minute version will be shown during a vegetarian luncheon buffet of veggie admission. 8-10:30pm at Porter’s Pub. this presentation). This presentation fea- SUN MAR 3 dishes, rice, drinks, desserts, and vegan options. Every Wednesday from 12-2pm on Valkyrie - 6pm & 9pm at Price Center tures interviews with families and friends ARTS Theater. $3 Student; $5 GA. that have been touched by a physician’s top of the Old Student Center. Bird by Snow - Poet Fletcher Tucker will suicide, and practicing physicians with STUDENT HEALTH is open to ALL regis- SPORTS showcase his art. Part of the Viktor Sjöberg depression. Following this brief presenta- tered students, regardless of health insur- series. Students: pay as you can at the door, Barcelona vs. Chelsea - Europe’s best club tion, a video will be shown. 1pm in the ance status! Appointments can be sched- GA: $8. 8pm at The Loft. soccer tournament is back! Barcelona vs. Biomedical Library. uled online at http://studenthealth.ucsd. Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League The Latino Threat: Constructing edu or call 534-8089. Same-day appoint- Semifinals will be screened. Refreshments UPCOMING ment for urgent needs; walk-in Urgent Care will be served. 11:30am in the Great Hall. Immigrants, Citizens, and the Nation - A book presentation by Leo Chávez, Professor ARTS if you need immediate care (some access fees apply). Hours: weekdays 8am-4:30pm of Anthropology at the University of ArtPower! at UCSD Presents Compania WED APR 29 (Weds. 9-4:30pm). California, Irvine. This event is co-sponsored Nacional de Danza 2 - When renowned CAREER with California Cultures in Comparative choreographer Nacho Duato was appoint- FITstop at RIMAC - Evaluate your relative fit- Medical School: What Applicants for 2010 Perspective. 5pm in the Weaver Center in ed Artistic Director of the Compañía ness levels - Set goals & measure your prog- Admission Need to Know - If you want to the Institute of the Americas Complex. Nacional de Danza in 1990, it signified a ress. Trained Student Health Advocates test apply this summer to enter medical school The Rise and Fall of Blackwater in Potrero considerable change. From a traditionally your: Body Fat Composition, Grip Strength, next year, this session is for you! Find out - Hear from Ray Lutz, the man who dared to classical foundation, Duato transformed Step Test Recovery Rate, Blood Pressure, from the experts how the admission pro- stand up to Blackwater. Lutz, a San Diego the company into a ballet with a personal- Resting Heart Rate. A Free service for all cess works, how to prepare your applica- activist and former State Assembly candi- ity of its own, fusing contemporary style UCSD students. Walk in to RIMAC Wellness tion, how schools select you and how you date, will present the video, The Rise and with classical roots and adding some of Room any Mon or Wed 7-9PM. can choose schools. Learn about services Fall of Blackwater in Potrero, and talk about Spain?s essential characteristics‹passion, PEER EDUCATION PROGRAMS are pro- to help you get an edge in the process. the community resistance he helped to romance, and spontaneity. Duato?s own vided by Student Health Advocates on 1-2:30pm in the Horizon Room. organize in Potrero and Otay Mesa. 5pm at work is charming, whimsical, and some- Nutrition, HIV, Fitness, Stress, Sexual Health Biology Rm 1103 (Muir College). how epic and timeless. Prices from $29- & other topics at your res hall or student CULTURE $30. Monday, May 4, 8pm at Mandeville RECREATION org meetings! Call 534-1824 for info on Spreadin’ Threads - Come to the Cross- Auditorium. these FREE programs! Cultural Center ArtSpace to paint on your Snow in Sun God Lawn - AS program- own t-shirts, tote bags, or anything you ming is bringing the Cricket Campus Rail WEEKLY Men’s Clinic @ Student Health - Routine want to bring. Laugh with new people, Jam Tour to Sun God Lawn, a national male exams, STD checks, etc – every express yourself, and look good doing it. Snowboard and Ski tour which will bring UCSD Cares Week - UC San Diego Cares Wednesday @ 10:00am - NO visit fee - Limited t-shirts and tote bags available so in 25+ tons of snow, thousands of dol- Week is a community service campaign for NO appt - just walk in to Student Health come early! 7-9pm at the Cross Cultural lars of free products with the best skiers student organizations, campus centers, and Conference Room #111. More info? 858- Center ArtSpace. and snowboarders from all over California departments. The purpose of this annual 534-1824. event is to raise awareness and inspire Professional Science Master’s: Cross- competing to make the Finals in Portland, Women’s Health - Annual exams, STD tests, activism for local, national and global social Training Scientists for Industry Careers Oregon. 5pm on Sun God Lawn. birth control, ECP, and health education all - issues within the broader UC community. Interested in building your scientific knowl- at Student Health. Appts online at http:// FRI MAY 1 Organizations are invited to promote their or call 534-8089. - edge and practical workplace skills? Attend causes and showcase the impact of their this session to learn about the Professional Completely confidential - always. RECREATION community activism. Take advantage of Science Master’s degree which allows NUTRITION COUNSELING is available for Ben Lee and Low vs. Diamond - Having many opportunities to sign up for com- students to pursue advanced training in students at Student Health Service. One- spent half of his life in the music business, munity service activities, donate items to science or mathematics in an emerging on-one appt. with a Registered Dietitian Ben Lee?s quintessential niceness stem- charities, contribute to fundraising efforts, or interdisciplinary area, while simultane- includes a three-day computerized analy- ming from his Sydney-bred roots has never and engage with on- and off-campus phil- ously developing workplace skills highly sis of your diet. Make your appointment faded. Call it maturity, but it’s that natural anthropic organizations. This year’s 8th valued by employers through internships online at or ability to sing from the heart without losing Annual Care Week will target awareness for and “cross-training” in business and com- Rady Children’s Hospital. Cares Week 2009 call (858) 534-8089. munications. 3-4pm in the Career Services it in the process that makes Lee a true artist. will kick off with a campus-wide Hands WEIGHT MANAGEMENT CLINIC Center Horizon Room. GA: $12. 8pm at The Loft. - led by a on San Diego project, and culminate with dietitian and a physician. Every Thursday SPORTS SPECIAL EVENT Dance Marathon 2009. May 2-9, 8-5pm on at 3PM at the Student Health Conference Manchester United vs. Arsenal - Europe’s Cinco de Mayo Lunch - The International Library Walk. Room, 1st floor. No appointment - a FREE best club soccer tournament is back. Center Friday Cafe will be serving Colectiva Chicana presents ¡Habla Mujer, service for students. Mexican food for $5 including free refills Manchester United vs. Arsenal in the in the Habla! - ¡Habla Mujer, Habla! is a space BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS every UEFA Champions League Semifinals will for drinks.12-1:30pm at the International established by mujeres for mujeres to Center Cafe. Tuesday at 11am & Friday at 9am. be screened. Refreshments will be served. come together and talk about, reflect on Computerized analysis of your BMI, per- 11:30am at the IOA Complex Deutz Room. SAT MAY 2 and acknowledge our struggles and expe- centage of body fat, calculated basal meta- SPECIAL EVENTS riences as students, activists, womyn of bolic rate (BMR), fat mass, and total body color, partners, AB-540 students, victims of water. $10 fee. Sign up online at http:// Death Cab for Cutie - Grammy nominated ARTS domestic violence, and other pieces of our American indie rock band Death Cab for The DNA of Music: Passion - Beethoven’s identities. Every Monday from 4-5pm at the Cutie is coming to UCSD. GA: $35. 8pm at moving Elegy for chorus and string orches- Cross Cultural Center. 465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 *3(::0-0,+:

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Will up to 4 students. $2100/month. call (858)792- FURNISHED (5/4) JOBS be reimbursed $100 for completion of two clin- 6453 for more info. (5/7) ic visit study. Contact Dr. Broide, Department L.A. AREA SUMMER DAY CAMPS Swimming, Medicine (858) 534-2033. (6/4) Beautiful Studio Apt for rent! Walk-in closet, horses, sports, arts & crafts, beaches, ropes full bath, large room and great pool! Laundry, courses and more. Gain valuable experience Summer Day Camp - San Fernando & small kitchen and utilities included! Call working with children in a variety of fun camp Conejo Valleys. Counselors, Lifeguards, Gym, 619/252-4439 or see Guardian website for settings. (6/4) Horseback Riding, Music, Drama, & More. Earn more info! (5/11) $3275-$3500+ for the summer. 888-784-CAMP Good driver? Here’s the perfect part-time job! or (6/4) 3BR/2.5BA Townhouse Near UCSD Walk/Bike/ Earn $12.85/hour after paid training. Learn Bus to Campus (across the street from TGIF's) marketable skills, work on campus. Apply at SWIM INSTRUCTORS - $12-19/hr. FRONT DESK - 2 Car Garage, Community Pool Includes appli- $10/hr. Monday- Saturday. North County: 760- ances (washer/dryer, fridge, dishwasher, oven/ 744-7946. Pacific Beach: 858-273-7946. (6/04) range). Water and trash included. Address:3195 Summer Day Camp Job! Love kids? The out- Morning Way; La Jolla, CA 92037 Call James doors? Live in SD? We’re hiring enthusiastic, !!EARN EXTRA MONEY!! Students needed ASAP. 858-354-2106 for appt. or email jamesleepro- responsible students for the summer. Apply Earn up to $150/day being a mystery shopper. [email protected] Available July online: Or No experience required. 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Sailing Instuctors 19 Blues great James 67 Cinema pooch 32 Minute trace 20 Doctrines 68 TV journalist Frank 34 Altar constellation Surfing Instructors 21 Glossy fabric 69 On the Aegean 36 Biblical peak Windsurfing Instructors SUMMER DAY CAMP 22 Off the boat 70 Fired off 37 Safecrackers 25 Three consecutive goals 71 Hebrew letter 39 Poet Nash Kayaking Instructors San Fernando/Conejo Valleys 27 Hot spring 41 Recipe meas. 28 Ambulance grp. DOWN 44 90 degrees from vert. Rowing Instructors 30 Nearby things 1 Dashboard info 46 Yep 31 Recent walkers 2 Can or cup ending? 49 “__ Cannonball” Camp Counselors 33 Truly! 3 U.S. voter 51 Abridged version Receptionist 35 Full of worthless stuff 4 One hundred: pref. 53 Hopper of gossip 38 Golfer Mediate 5 Stick 54 McCowen and Guinness 40 A-Team guy 6 Used to be 55 Fracas 42 Pianist Blake 7 Math subj. 57 Backs of necks Counselors, Lifeguards & Instructors 43 In heaven 8 Lunges toward 60 Future D.A.’s exam for horses, arts & crafts, gym, nature, 45 Tempe sch. 9 Twisting turn 62 Possesses music & drama, animals & much more. 47 Chinawood oil 10 Leaves in a rush 63 987-65-4321 grp. 48 Fund a fellowship 11 Location of Southern Miss 64 Sturm __ Drang EARN $3275- $3500 + 50 Grad. degree 12 “Toys in the __” 65 You, to Yves 888-784-CAMP )LQGWKH&5266:25'VROXWLRQLQQH[W0RQGD\ V&ODVVLILHG3DJH FOR UCSD STAFF AND FREE STUDENTS ONLINE CLASSIFIEDS IN THE GUARDIAN Add your classified in PRINT: $5 for 30 words per issue UCSDGUARDIAN.CAMPUSAVES.COM :769;: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@(7903 /,5°@6<°65,°6-°,8<(3°69°.9,(;,9  °6-- =(3<,°(5+°°-6<5;(05°+9052: personal best. Readers can contact Liam Rose at lfrose@ 3924 Governor Drive, In the Vons Center s 858.587.1700 8750 Genesee Avenue, Costa Verde Center s 858.455.7229 On the men’s side, junior hurdler Leon You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 7bbQM?QTT0WTL1\

FRESH, ORGANIC EARTH FRIENDLY less than C.C. Sabathia’s weight in the off- knife fight. season, the Yanks continue to look weak due to a strange mix of egotistical all-stars and AL West ˆ°-<33°:,9=0*, stunted up-and-comers. The Rays again have Probable division winner: Los Angeles  °6-- )3(*2° °>/0;,°*670,: a chance to return to postseason play, though Angels of Anaheim in Orange County Near >0;/°:;<+,5;°0+ they no longer have the benefit of being over- the Hooters Off the Freeway. 3872 5th Avenue, Hillcrest s 619.278.0057 8650 Genesee Avenue, Ste. 200, Costa Verde Center s 858.457.9500 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 5/27/09 looked, and it will be interesting to see when Keeping Hope Alive: Seattle Mariners. the decision is made to call David Price to The Angels have dominated the AL West

56>°:,9=05.°)9,(2-(:; the big-league club. for much of the past seven Nonetheless, this division years, and things look to should return to the Red Sox remain the same head- -9,,°¹ and their legion of annoying, Nonetheless, the ing into the 2009 season.  arrogant and largely unedu- AL East should However, the team usu- 5@°70AA( cated fans. Even without ally built on pitching and >/,5°@6<°)<@°(5@ Manny, the Red Sox have return to the Red defense starts the season  ¹°;67705.°5@°70AA( 6-- spent wisely and should get at with three-fifths of its rota- >0;/°9,:,9=(;065: °69°¹°;67705.°*/0*(.6°70AA( least one surprise from their Sox and their tion on the disabled list. 4150 Regents Park Row, Ste 170 s 858.550.0406 2222 Avenida De La Playa s 858.454.1010 underpaid trio of newcomers Ervin Santana and John You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 6/30/09 in Brad Penny, Takashi Saito legion of annoying, Lackey led the team to a and John Smoltz. 2008 divisional champion- arrogant and largely ship, but have yet to pitch a AL Central game this year, while Kelvim Probable division winner: uneducated fans. Escobar is an unknown after Chicago White Sox. missing last season. And it Keeping hope alive: finally looks like Vladimir °6-- Minnesota Twins. Guerrero’s actual age might be catching up The AL Central is the least clear-cut in with him. The unlikely Mariners are off to =(9:0;@°/(09*<;  °6-- baseball. The Detroit Tigers continue to be a hot start this season, behind the awesome 8855 Villa La Jolla, Ste.401s 858.627.0225 4150 Regents Park Row, Ste 120 s858.678.0235 better on paper than on the field. The Kansas one-two punch of Felix Hernandez and Eric You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 City Royals will probably be better with Zach Bedard. Of course, awesome is probably just Grienke coming on strong, before settling an overstatement that deranged Mariners into their customary fifth-place position. fans (like Cameron Tillisch) would use, while ULTRAZONE The Cleveland Indians were banking on most reasonable individuals would refer to 7+(8/7,0$7(/$6(5$'9(1785(  Fausto Carmona, and he’s almost making the tandem as somewhere between solid and Chien-Ming Wang look good. It appears that fluky. the White Sox and Twins, having played a New manager Don Wakamatsu’s small-ball °(°.(4, °6 - - one-game playoff last season, are destined theory has also paid off early for the Mariners, to battle for the division crown once again who presently are sitting pretty atop the AL =(30+°(;°3(°1633( (5@°7<9*/(:, -90° °:(;°°40+50./;HT 36*(;065°653@ 6-° °69°469, this season. The Twins have the superior West with an impressive 11-6 record. While guys like Endy Chavez and Jarrod Washburn 3146 Sports Arena Boulevard s 619.221.0100 8825 Villa La Jolla Drive s 858.642.6700 pitching, with Joe Nathan in the bullpen You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 You must present the Guardian Green Card s Expires 8/31/09 and the most complete starting rotation of will probably not continue to produce at their any team — Scott Baker, Francisco Liriano, early-season levels, Seattle remains the divi- Kevin Slowey and the luxury of having pretty sion’s the best shot at challenging an Angels much anyone they call up being at least team that has been decimated by injury and decent. Even when they sell off most of their tragedy. 465+(@(7903  ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 :769;: `KYH golfers have a good chance of being didn’t wait as long to put up a the inning, junior outfielder Robert According to Wydra, Olsen was OLHKJVHJO that lone individual if they’re on top crooked number, following up a solo Sedin’s helmet was grazed by a pitch, most likely selected for regionals of their game. homer from junior catcher Kellen allowing him to take first base. due to his solid finishes at the last “The people who play the best Lee in the second inning with five Three batters later, Albitz drove in a two tournaments of the season, find his rhythm during competitive will likely be on advancing teams, scores in the third. Cantele’s double run with a single to centerfield and while Okasaki and Samra earned play and is coming off his lowest which is good,” he said. was the Tritons’ biggest hit of the Sedin scored on a wild pitch, giving spots based on consistency in com- finish of the season in the confer- That leaves nearly 80 individu- inning, scoring two in the rally. the Tritons a 7-3 lead. The Coyotes petition play over the entire season. ence championship. als vying for only one spot, forcing Lee added another solo shot rallied in the seventh, but only man- Okasaki is coming off a tie “Raj is not in bad shape,” Wydra Okasaki, Samra or Olsen to post a and Cantele homered in the game aged one run, giving Decker and the for eighth place at the CCAA said. “I think he had one of his Nakamura-like run to advance. But en route to a 10-4 UCSD victory. Tritons a big win. Championships, where he fired a worst tournaments of the year, but the difficulty of Wilderness Ridge Cantele’s home run was the 53rd of The Tritons (30-11, 24-8 CCAA) one over par 217. The finish is his based on his play all season, he was Golf Club will play into the hands his career, tying the record for home have now clinched a playoff berth best since finishing second at the selected. His stroke average is way, of the Triton golfers, according to runs as a Triton. and sit atop the conference stand- St. Edward’s Invitational in Texas way, way good enough to qualify for Wydra. UCSD capped off the CSUSB ings, two games ahead of second- Feb. 24 and 25. the national championships.” “The fact that it’s a tough course series with a little more history place Sonoma State University. The Sacramento native leads the Olsen qualified for the NCAA bodes well for us,” Wydra said. “We in the final game. Senior starting UCSD will face sixth-place Cal Poly Tritons with a 74.1 scoring average Regional for the second straight year specialize in tough courses by play- pitcher Trevor Decker earned his Pomona in a home and home series and has been one of the more con- with a consistent 75-75-72 at the ing the harder courses in town and 26th career victory, making him the April 30 through May 2 before sistent players during the regular CCAA Championship. After finish- in the tournaments we choose to Tritons’ all-time wins leader. the CCAA Tournament in Palm season. This is his first trip to the ing T-84 at the GCU/Thunderbird play.” The victory did not come easily, Springs. postseason. Invitational, Olsen posted a pair of however, as UCSD spent most of the Since transferring from Cypress top-25 finishes, including his 19th- Readers can contact Matt Croskey at game holding on to a slim 2-1 lead. Readers can contact Janani Sridharan College this year, Samra has estab- place finish at last week’s champion- [email protected]. After Decker pitched his last inning, at [email protected]. HOT CORNER  3MQ\P7SI[ISQ 4LU»Z.VSM +76<)+<<0--,1<7: ;PWW\QVOIWVMW^MZXIZIVL\aQVONWZ 2IVIVQ;ZQLPIZIV [email protected] SPORTS MQOP\PXTIKMI\\PM++))+PIUXQWV[PQX[ QV8I[W:WJTM[+ITQN\PM[WXPWUWZM MIZVMLPQ[NQZ[\KIZMMZ[XW\I\ZMOQWVIT[ 576,)A)8:14 ! *);-*)4416 )8:14"?0-6 ,:-)5;+)6 0)88-6 atching an early-sea- son game between the Wdefending American League West Champion Angels and the defending AL last-place Mariners provides an interesting preview of the opening month of the Major League Baseball season — even when your team has Russell Branyan hitting in the three-spot

CUP O’ JOE A TASTE& OF TILLISCH 1VL;L]LSV^P[a *HTLYVU;PSSPZJO JIMMY KAN/GUARDIAN FILE Q[L]LSV^'\JZKLK\‹J[PSSPZJO'\JZKLK\ Junior catcher Kellen Lee homered twice in the Tritons’ first game of the doubleheader against Cal State San Bernardino at home on April 25. UCSD posted a 10-4 victory in the game before winning the back end. and the guy who ate Ken Griffey Jr. hitting before him, there’s still hope that this could be the year. Thus, at this early-season junction, TRITONS CLINCH PLAYOFF BERTH AGAINST CSUSB it’s worth taking a division-by-divi- sion look at those teams that, one The first-place Tritons and we struggled to get it back,” losing its third straight contest, with month in, can keep hope alive and senior third baseman Josh Tanner the offense falling flat in the open- CCAA BASEBALL STANDINGS those teams that will probably end took three out of four said. “We weren’t as successful with ing match. Following the loss, the up winning the division. Starting our offensive approach as we usually Tritons responded with a 13-1 bash- WINS LOSSES with the AL and continuing with a games against the Coyotes National League preview next week, are and their pitchers took advan- ing of Cal State San Bernardino, 1. ^UCSD 24 8 last weekend, securing a tage.” breaking out of their mini-slump in the mission is to batter everyone spot in the postseason. Following the series, UCSD trav- a big way and clinching a California 2. ^SONOMA STATE 22 10 over the head with baseball articles eled to Cal State San Bernardino Collegiate Athletic Association 3. CSU LOS ANGELES 21 11 in hopes of convincing people that hoping to get back on the winning playoff spot at the same time. this is not a boring sport, or at least By Janani Sridharan 4. CSU DOMINGUEZ HILLS 19 12 Sports Editor track. The Tritons returned to Triton that it’s almost as exciting as watch- “We need to get back to doing Baseball Stadium and extended 5. CHICO STATE 17 14 ing seven hours of the NFL draft. BASEBALL — The No. 6 Tritons what we do best,” senior first base- their home winning streak to 14 6. CAL POLY POMONA 15 17 came out of Cal State Dominguez man Matt Cantele said before the games with two wins in a double- AL East 7. CSU STANISLAUS Hills on April 18 with their first- series with the Coyotes. “We need header on April 25. 14 16 Probable division winner: place lead in the conference stand- to play great defense, pound the In the first game of the home 8. CSU SAN BERNARDINO 13 18 Boston Red Sox. ings cut in half after dropping a strike zone and have quality plate and home series on April 23 in 9. SAN FRANCISCO STATE 7 25 Keeping hope alive: Tampa Bay doubleheader to the fourth-place appearances. If we do that then the San Bernardino, the Tritons put Rays. Toros. winning and everything else will fall together seven hits but stranded 10. CSU MONTEREY BAY 5 26 Last season, the Rays proved “It was a tough day because they in place.” ^ Clinched CCAA Tournament berth. seemed to have a lot of momentum But UCSD fell 4-1 to the Coyotes, See BASEBALLpage 15 See AMERICAN LEAGUEpage 14 Three Golfers Advance to =+;,8ZMXIZM[NWZ+WVNMZMVKM+PIUXQWV[PQX[ NCAAs While Team Falls Short

By Matt Croskey the postseason. Senior Staff Writer “[The changes] put a little more pressure on us,” senior Billy Olsen MEN’S GOLF — A hair’s breadth said. “It was a tough thing to deal away. with, and it was always in the back That’s how close the UCSD of our minds.” men’s golf team was to qualifying In a go-low-or-go-home situa- for the NCAA Division-II Regional tion, UCSD could only muster a Championship. sixth-place finish at the CCAA The Tritons entered last week’s Championships, finishing behind California Collegiate Athletic five of the nation’s top-10 squads. Association Championship believ- The Tritons concluded the regular ing they had already earned a season 11th in the West Region, one berth in regionals. But everything spot out of qualifying for the NCAA changed during the coach’s meeting Regionals. the day before competition, when Despite his team getting knocked head coach Mike Wydra learned his By Liam Rose team would need a victory to make See GOLFpage 15 Staff Writer

TRACK & FIELD — Even while resting during the April 20 and 21 week before conference championships, the Triton track CCAA MEN’S GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS Paso Robles, Calif. and field squad managed to place more athletes in the school’s record books. ROUND 1 ROUND 2 ROUND 3 TOTAL PLACE With conference coming up this week, the coaches KEITH OKASAKI 74 71 72 TIED EIGHTH 217 decided to sit many of the athletes at the invitational in BILLY OLSEN 75 75 72 TIED 19TH 222 order to put forth the team’s best effort when the races count the most. RYAN BAILEY 72 76 76 TIED 23RD 224 “We leave on Wednesday for conference, and some of JUSTIN GABBERT 76 73 78 32ND 227 the athletes compete as early as Thursday,” head coach Tony Salerno said. “We had people compete selectively RAJ SAMRA 80 77 77 38TH 234 or not at all.” DANIEL CADDELL/GUARDIAN TEAM TOTAL 297 295 297 SIXTH 889 Nevertheless, competing in the last invitational and After posting strong finishes at the Triton Invitational, UCSD will compete in the conference championships April 30 through May 2. The Tritons fared well in the Par: 72 Total Number of Golfers: 40 Total Number of Teams: 8 See TRACKpage 14 competition last season — the women placed first while the men finished third.