GINGER IS THE NEW POMEGRANATE▶67050657(., UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org 4VUKH`(WYPS The Student Voice Since 1967 ;Q`\P+WTTMOM\W)J[WZJ )VV]IT?IZZMV.M[\Q^IT three days in a row. The Warren Miscommunication Concert Commission was under the leads A.S. Programming impression that they would try to get a later date and that the contract to book Warren Live! wasn’t binding yet.” acts ahead of schedule. However, because Associate Vice President of Programming Garrett By Yelena Akopian Berg had already extended a formal Associate News Editor offer to the headlining musical acts after being given the go-ahead by Members of the Warren College Warren Concert Commission Chair Council voted yesterday to hold Eric Mendoza, A.S. programming a joint music festival with Sixth was no longer willing to renegotiate College instead of staging the the date of the festival. annual Warren Live! concert. Sixth “We had actually outbid another College’s fifth annual Kuncocshun venue in San Diego to get an artist, JOSEPH HO/GUARDIAN festival will take place on May 8 in and felt obliged to book the commit- Due to financial constraints and the rising cost of UCSD’s partnership with the San Diego Municipal Transit System, the campus transportation department is the Sixth College Quad. ments,” AVP of Athletic Relations reviewing several options to gather additional funding for shuttle services. One suggestion is a new campuswide student fee. Earlier this quarter, WCC Peter Benesch said. “It became an President Colin Scholtz and issue of reputation. One of the rea- members of the Warren Concert sons A.S. was helping out the college :[\KLU[Z4H`7H`MVY*HTW\Z:O\[[SLZ Commission decided to postpone councils was to improve its reputa- Warren Live! until next fall after tion, but Warren was taking actions Transportation officials Regents and campus-loop shuttle lines which would be decided by a student realizing the May 8 date was prob- that would hurt that reputation. — while taking into account the results referendum, could be either a specific lematic. [The decisions] were made behind seek new funding source of a campuswide survey of students, quarterly fee or added on to current “We discovered that the day closed doors. We didn’t know this for shuttle services, staff and faculty conducted by Parking registration fees. before was Warren Semiformal, and was happening; only the Warren and Transportation Services which All three options would help the day after was Transfer Admit president and concert commissioner consider eliminating indicated that most people would like offset budget shortfalls, as well as a Day,” Warren Senator Katie Buzas knew.” campus loop. to see the services continued. recent increase in ridership for the said. “The staffing would have been The committee will make a rec- Metropolitan Transportation System, shorthanded to do three events See FESTIVALpage 7 By Kelly Pleskot ommendation to the transportation according to last year’s A.S. represen- Staff Writer department next month to either enact tative on the Transportation Policy a $50 user fee, implement a campus- Committee Peter Benesch. He added An attempt to economize campus wide $15 student transportation fee or that public transportation is a self-sus- ,=,9@>6940:033<405(;,+ transportation services may result in to simply reduce campus transporta- taining system, and student fees have new student fees or the elimination of tion services. never been used to fund the depart- the campus-loop shuttle next year. The user fee would function as a ment. Parking citations and permit The Transportation Policy monthly or quarterly pass, and would revenues fund the majority of shuttle Committee met last week to consider be paid for by those who chose to and transit services, which cost more new ways of funding campus tran- utilize transportation services. A cam- sit services — including the Arriba, puswide student transportation fee, See SHUTTLESpage 3 ;]UUQ\5MZKILW\W+TW[MNWZ:MVW^I\QWV[ Marshall College will house additional dining facility featuring sushi bar, coffee. By Victoria Banuelos Contributing Writer John Muir College dining facili- ties Sierra Summit and El Mercado will shut their doors for renovation this summer, and will remain closed until 2010. Housing, Dining and Hospitality Director Steve Casad is currently JIMMY KAN/GUARDIAN settling logistics for the renovation John Muir College students will have to seek out alternative dining options next year when Sierra of Summit and the relocation of Summit and El Mercado close for renovations. El Mercado will not return to Muir. Mercado. Casad’s vision for the eat- eries includes more seating space in Thurgood Marshall Academic Center Roosevelt College near Cafe Ventanas. Summit — one of the most trafficked by fall 2009. Unlike Summit, which According to Dolores Ramirez, lead dining halls on campus — and a new closes at 8 p.m., Goodies will remain food-service worker at Mercado, the restaurant to replace the Mexican- open until 1 a.m. new menu will feature Central and themed Mercado. The upper level of Goodies will South American fare, including tra- Summit and Mercado are the only feature a coffee area, sushi bar and ditional Salvadoran and Ecuadorian two dining facilities in John Muir Whole Foods-style self-service area. dishes. College that accept students’ residen- The lower level is designed as a retail During renovations, employees tial dining dollars. market, similar to Earl’s Place in Earl from both facilities will be reassigned ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN Although Summit will not Warren College. to other HDH locations on campus. Page 8: Researchers at Scripps Institution of be relocated, a new dining facility Upon the closure of Mercado, a READR EAD ONO N Oceanography hope to make biomedical advances called Goodies is set to open in the new restaurant will open in Eleanor See EATERIESpage 7 ▶▶▶ ▶ by studying the luminescent qualities of fireworms. -6*<:Learning :769;: From Atop 05:0+, 65305, >,(;/,9 *VTPJZ Poll:Should students have to to Love the Standings 3PNO[ZHUK:PYLUZ pay for campus shuttle April 27 April 28 Students brush up on their Baseball: Entering their final )\YU[:V\W services? H 63 L 53 H 60 L 51 interpersonal relationship matchup of the regular season, 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY *SHZZPMPLKZ skills in the classroom with the No. 6 Tritons hold a two- April 29 April 30 *YVZZ^VYK Tell us at www.ucsdguardian.org. exercises like “soul-gazing.” 7(., game lead in their conference. 7(., H 65 L 52 H 71 L 54 5,>: ;/,<*:+.<(9+0(5 465+(@(7903 (504(3:;@3, BY CHRISTINA AUSHANA 4H[[OL^4J(YKSL Editor in Chief /HKSL`4LUKVaH Managing Editors 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH :PTVUL>PSZVU :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors (SSPL*\LYKV 9LaH-HYHaTHUK News Editor 1LZZL(ST Associate News Editors @LSLUH(RVWPHU 2PTILYS`*OLUN (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Opinion Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Associate Opinion Editor 1HUHUP:YPKOHYHU Sports Editor ;>6*62,::/69; BY SAM PELLE 5LPS1VZOP Associate Sports Editor +H]PK/HY]L` Focus Editor 1VHUUH*HYKLUHZ Associate Focus Editors :[LWOHUPL;ZHUR :VUPH4PUKLU Hiatus Editor (SSPL*\LYKV Associate Hiatus Editors ,K^PU.VUaHSLa ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editor 7H[YPJR:[HTTLYQVOU Web Designer Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\4VUPX\L3HT:VUPH4PUKLU 1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU2H[OSLLU@PW Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY1VUH[OHU2PT2LSZL`4HYY\QV 5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ+HUPLSSL>HYYLU CURRENTS 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director [OPURP[SPNO[ZV[OLYZ\W[VV¹OLZHPK H^HYK^PUUPUN L_WLY[Z H[ [OL MVYL W\[LYTH`IL[HSRPUNPUP[ZZSLLW +HYH)\ Student Advertising/ +HSHP3HTH(KKYLZZLZ 1\SPH7L[LYZVU Promotion Managers ¸/LPZ]LY`JOPSKSPRLHUKOHZHQV`M\S MYVU[ VM [OLPY MPLSKZ ^P[O PTWYLZZP]L ;OLUL^¸ZSLLW[HSRPUN¹TVKLPZ 4PJOHLS5LPSS Network Administrator <*:):[\KLU[Z OLHY[HUKP[»Z^VUKLYM\S[VILPUOPZ [YHJRYLJVYKZMVYHJOPL]PUNZJPLU[PMPJ WHY[ VM HU LULYN`ZH]PUN Z`Z[LT MVY :OH^U?\ Advertising Sales Rep WYLZLUJL¹ TLKPJHS HUK [LJOUVSVNPJHS IYLHR WLYZVUHSJVTW\[LYZKL]LSVWLKI`H Business Assistants <* :HU[H )HYIHYH Z[\KLU[Z HUK [OYV\NOZ¹ [LHTVM<*:+JVTW\[LYZJPLU[PZ[Z :HS]HKVY.HSSLNVZ*OHYPZZH.PUU ;PMMHU`/HU4HNNPL3L\UN-YHUR7HR ]PZP[VYZ MYVT HJYVZZ [OL JV\U[Y` 9HURPUN JYP[LYPH PUJS\KLK WLLY *\YYLU[S`7*ZHS[LYUH[LIL[^LLU Advertising Design and Layout YLJLP]LK H SLZZVU PU )\KKOPZ[ ^PZ <*:+.YHK7YVNYHTZ9HUR HZZLZZTLU[Z Z[\KLU[ .7(Z HUK HU ¸H^HRL¹ TVKL · K\YPUN ^OPJO .LVYNL*OLU)YHUKVU*O\2PT*VVWLY1LUU`;PUN>HUN Distributors KVT -YPKH` · MYVT [OL +HSHP 3HTH /PNOPU<:5L^Z9LWVY[Z [LZ[ ZJVYLZ NYHU[ Z\WWVY[ MYVT [OL [OL`JVUZ\TLWV^LYL]LU^OLUUV[ (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa*OHYPZZH.PUU:JV[[/H]YPZPR1VZO6[[VZVU OPTZLSM 5H[PVUHS0UZ[P[\[LZVM/LHS[OMHJ\S[` PU \ZL · HUK H SV^WV^LY ¸ZSLLW¹ Marketing and Promotion Reps 0U OPZ [^V [^VOV\Y [HSRZ VU [OL <: 5L^Z >VYSK 9LWVY[ [VZ[\KLU[YH[PVHUKV[OLYZ TVKL^OPJOTHRLZ[OLT\UYLZWVU +HYH)\;YHJ`/\H4HNNPL3L\UN2H[OSLLU5NV3PZH;H[ ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK <*:) JHTW\Z [OL ZTPSPUN ZLSM W\TWLK [OL ;YP[VU LNV SHZ[ ^LLR .YHK\H[L :[\KPLZ +LHU 2PT ZP]L[VUL[^VYRHUK0U[LYUL[[YHMMPJ ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z KLZJYPILK ¸ZPTWSL TVUR¹ ZHPK [OH[ ^OLUP[YLJVNUPaLK<*:+NYHK\ )HYYL[[ZHPK[OH[<*:+»ZJVUZPZ[LU[S` HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ +VJ[VYHS YLZLHYJOLY @\]YHQ UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ JVTWHZZPVU HUK \UKLYZ[HUKPUN JHU H[L ZJOVVSZ KLWHY[TLU[Z HUK WYV OPNOYHURPUNZPU<:5L^ZHUKV[OLY (NHY^HS»Z<:)JVUULJ[LKOHYK^HYL ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK HSS YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL ZVS]L L]LY`[OPUN MYVT ^VYSK ^HY [V NYHTZ HZ
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