VOLUME XLII, ISSUE XXXV MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG >/,530),9;0,:*6330+, Affirmative +IUX][:MIK\[\W:IKQIT;T]Z Action Under ▶ .7+=; ▶ -,1<7:1)4 New Review By Angela Chen News Editor ,QITWO]M Low minority representation at UC Two words aired on campuses motivates one organization Student-Run Television ;PW]TL*M to file a lawsuit against Prop. 209. Thursday night brought UCSD into the national -VIJTML By Hayley Bisceglia-Martin spotlight — and into yet News Editor another campus free- 6W\.ZWbMV speech debate. After Kris Fourteen years after Prop.osition 209 banned Gregorian, editor in chief i Kappa Alpha and the affirmative action in California in 1996, a pri- of humor newspaper the less publicized frater- Koala, marily student-based coalition called “By Any said that protestors nities responsible for Means Necessary” is filing a class-action lawsuit of last week’s controversial P the “Compton Cookout” are — which names Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger “Compton Cookout” party breathing a deep sigh of relief and UC President Mark Yudof as defendants — were “ungrateful niggers” right now, because — just in to overturn Prop. 209 and reinstate affirmative on Channel 18, the Black the nick of time — action in California’s public schools. Student Union declared a has dependably swooped in to The lawsuit, filed on Feb. 16, argues that Prop. “State of Emergency” and WEB POLL steal the spotlight. 209 is unconstitutional, as it violates students’ issued a six-page list of NO YES All anger directed toward 14th Amendment rights by mandating separate demands to the university. DO YOU the Feb. 15 Black History THINK THE and unequal procedures for minority students. In response to the out- Month-mocking frat party was The legal brief states that Prop.. 209 was “specifi- rage — expressed principal- STUDENTS RESPONSIBLE quickly shifted to the campus cally intended to decrease or hold down Latina/o, ly by the black population at FOR THE humor newspaper everyone black and Native-American enrollment.” UCSD, or about 1.3 percent COMPTON 49% lloves to hate on Thursday “We can’t allow the separate and unequal con- 47% I of 22,000 undergraduates — COOKOUT nnight, when Koala Editor in ditions that are not only continuing in California, A.S. President Utsav Gupta SHOULD BE DON’T CChief Kris Gregorian dropped but which are legally in place, and legally codi- immediately shut down PUNISHED? KNOW fied with Prop.osition 209,” Northern California SRTV. Then, on Friday OUT OF See MEDIApage 4 Coordinator of BAMN Yvette Felarca said. 117 VOTES 4% afternoon, he unexpectedly If successful, the lawsuit would allow public decided to freeze all student schools — like the — to fees toward media organiza- reinstate affirmative action. It would not, however, tions. guarantee any university action. According to Party Foul See 209page 7 The Feb. 15 Cookout was a racially themed STATE UC fraternity party widely con- OF CA SYSTEM UCSD demned by the BSU and the Student Affirmative Action Committee, along with Whites 42.3% 33% 26% Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue. Asians 12.5% 38% 44% According to ABC 10 News, the party was held at the home of Pi Kappa Latinos 36.6% 16% 13% Alpha member Elliot Van Nostrand, who was also responsible for creating the Blacks 6.7% 3% 2% See COOKOUTpage 3 PHOTOS BY KEVIN WU/GUARDIAN

:<5.6+ BEST OF THE MIDWEST A punk-hop P.O.S. +WTTMOM-^MV\[?QTT concert at the Loft on Feb. 20 was opened by Minne- apolis-based rapper 8ZMT]LM5IQV;PW_ Dessa with soulful spoken word. Dessa By Janani Sridharan Chirco, although the A.S. Council has was followed by MC Senior Staff Writer been working with the college councils Grieves on the mic, since Fall Quarter, details of the col- backed by Budo In an effort to bring an all-campus laboration are still being ironed out. on the turntables. feel to the annual Festival, “It has been brought up to our coun- Associate Vice President of A.S. Concerts cil at the Council of Chairs meetings, When P.O.S. took and Events Alex Bramwell announced and we are discussing the practicalities the stage around 11 plans to fund daytime events at each of of it,” Chirco said. “What we know is p.m., Grieves and UCSD’s six colleges at an open forum that [the A.S. Council] is going to match Dessa came back held on Feb. 18. us up to $500. So basically, if we spend out to perform the According to Eleanor Roosevelt track “Low Light College Council President Brandon See SUN GODpage 7 ERIC WANG/GUARDIAN Low Life.”

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:PTVUL>PSZVU Editor in Chief (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Managing Editors 9LaH-HYHaTHUK :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors 2LSZL`4HYY\QV /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU News Editors (UNLSH*OLU (`LSL[)P[[VU Associate News Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Opinion Editor *OLY`S/VYP Associate Opinion Editor =PZOHS5H[HYHQHU Sports Editor 4H[[*YVZRL` Associate Sports Editor ,K^PU.VUaHSLa Focus Editor (WYPSSL4\ZJHYH Associate Focus Editor 1LUUH)YVNHU Hiatus Editor 4H[[OL^7LJV[ Associate Hiatus Editor ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor 1VOU/HUHJLR Associate Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editors 7OPSPW9OPL :HYP;OH`LY Web Editor 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH Training and Development Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU ;LYLZH;YPUO:PTVUL>PSZVU Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY4VUPJH/HPKLY1VUH[OHU2PT 4HZOH:VRVSV]5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ1V`JL@LO Web Designers 1HRL:JOULPKLY1LUU`;>HUN :*0,5*,AND;,*/5636.@ 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director 9VI*VYLH Marketing Team Leader BMJZINQ[P4MIL;KQMV\Q[\[\W7ZQOQVWN ;\MU+MTT[ ,]HU*VVR Network Administrator understanding how to produce HSCs Student Marketing and Events By Megha Ram @LSLUH(RVWPHU+HYH)\2PYI`2VV Staff Writer from types of artificial stem cells that :OHUUVU>PU[LY:OH^U?\ RONNIE STEINITZ/GUARDIAN Business Assistant are either more readily available or ;PMMHU`/HU After identifying the location of more limited. These HSCs would Advertising Design and Layout stem-cell production in the blood then have the potential to create any )YHUKVU*O\,]HU*VVR2PT*VVWLY Distributors vessels of zebrafish, biologists at cell the body might need. (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa:HS.HSSHNVZ:JV[[/H]YPZPR UCSD hope to one day use the infor- “[Through imaging,] I could ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z mation to simplify human medical observe the ‘transformation’ of flat HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ procedures like bone-marrow trans- endothelial cells along the aorta into ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK    HSS plants. Bertrand round [bone-marrow] stem cells,” YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL MVY[OLYL[\YUVM\UZVSPJP[LKTHU\ZJYPW[ZVYHY[;OL]PL^Z In the future, scientists will ide- said he thought Bertrand said. L_WYLZZLKOLYLPUKVUV[ULJLZZHYPS`YLWYLZLU[[OLVWPU PVUZVM[OL<*:+.\HYKPHU[OLO``V\Z[LWWPUNPU[OLZHSZH& .LULYHS,KP[VYPHS!    re-direct them to the area where they because they have proven they can begin trying to produce [email protected] are needed — such as the bone mar- to be a standard test model them independently of a donor. 5L^Z!  [email protected] row. This would greatly decrease the for other vertebrates, including Patients with blood or bone-marrow -VJ\Z!  [email protected] /PH[\Z!   [email protected] chances of infection or graft-versus- humans. The zebrafish embryo is also diseases — like cancer or leukemia 6WPUPVU!   [email protected] :WVY[Z!   [email protected] host disease, in which the donor cells more accessible in its developmental external in fish.” — would undergo a transplant with 7OV[V!   [email protected] reject or attack the body. stages than the traditional lab rat. The cells — more specifically HSCs that are already compatible (K]LY[PZPUN!   The research team that discov- “[The formation of blood cells] known as hematopoietic stem cells with their immune systems. [email protected] ered the location was headed by has been thoroughly described in (HSCs) — have the ability to gener- Because the zebrafish embryo is -H_!    assistant professor of biology David the mouse embryo, but since mouse ate many types of cells. These include transparent, biologists easily observed Traver, postdoctoral fellow in Traver’s development occurs in utero, it is white blood cells, which affect the and studied the growth of the fish as ;OL<*:+.\HYKPHU laboratory Julien Bertrand, assistant not accessible for direct imaging,” immune system, and red blood cells they developed in their eggs. .PSTHU+YP]L like platelets, which help in clotting. professor of medicine Neil Chi and Bertrand said. “Zebrafish develop- 3H1VSSH*(   professor of biochemistry at UC San ment — on the other hand — occurs According to Bertrand, this dis- Readers can contact Megha Ram at Francisco Didier Stainier. in a petri dish, because fertilization is covery is an important step toward [email protected]. <*:+.<(9+0(569.


t&SBTFPSDIBOHFEBUFTPOQFSNJUT t1BSLJOIBOEJDBQTQBDFT t1BSLJOTUBò # BOEGBDVMUZ " TQBDFTXJUI Transportation Services POFEBZPSTUVEFOUQFSNJUT t1BSLBMPOHDVSCT JOVONBSLFETQBDFTPS OFYUUPöSFIZESBOUTBUBOZUJNF t1BSLJONJOVUFMPBEJOH[POFTBOENPWF DO UPBEKBDFOUMPBEJOH[POFTBGUFSNJOVUFT t%JTQMBZQFSNJUTWJTJCMZPOEBTICPBSE PSSFWJFXNJSSPS t.BSLQFSNJUTQSPQFSMZXJUIBQFO To Avoid t1BZBUUFOUJPOUPTJHOBHFJOFWFSZMPU t1BSLJOEFTJHOBUFEQBSLJOHTQBDFTPOMZ Parking Tickets... t5BLFBEWBOUBHFPG&BTU3FHFOUTMPUTXJUI DPOWFOJFOUTIVUUMFTFSWJDF Winners A&PS Marketing & Communications NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 3 LIGHTS AND SIRENS +WWSW]\3WITI<>*ZWILKI[\8ZW^WSM;\]LMV\7]\ZIOM ▶ COOKOUT, from page 1 training Panham Morini, this broad- press release with demands. Friday, Feb. 12 ▶ A “very large … definitely white” highly criticized Facebook event. cast inspired Gregorian to comment The next morning, Feb. 19, the 2:05 a.m.: Person down male was reported as “pulling down (The PIKE active roster has been on the Cookout during the Koala’s BSU released a six-page statement ▶ A white male was reported as his pants” by the dean’s office. Gone removed from the fraternity’s Web regular 10 p.m. show. declaring the campus environment unresponsive, lying on the Loft floor on arrival. site. Robby Naoufal, president of the “After the initial three guys left, the to be “toxic,” and issued a list of 32 at . 3:17 p.m.: Citizen contact Inter-Fraternity Council, said he had Koala made the topic Black History demands. These include the creation 9:06 p.m.: Suspicious person ▶ A 40-year-old Asian male wear- no access to fraternity rosters.) Month, and they started doing a show of a “safe space” for black students on ▶ A Latino male wearing a black ing a blue shirt and glasses was seen To complicate the matter further, a that was normal for Koala TV stan- campus, a permanent task force to jacket was seen at the Gilman “standing near the [Marshall apart- Youtube video has surfaced featuring dards,” Morini said. fund outreach efforts, funds to match Parking Structure. Detention only. ments] for approximately one hour.” black Internet personality Jiggaboo Over the course of the show, Koala those of S.P.A.C.E.S. and O.A.S.I.S. 9:26 p.m.: Suicide attempt Gone on arrival. Jones, in which he claims the party members made controversial com- and implementation of holistic-review ▶ A 25-year-old female resident of was a promotional event for his DVD ments, linking HIV to sexuality and admissions by 2011 — a system the Miramar apartments was report- Tuesday, Feb. 16 release. The video is widely linked in race, and attacking black protesters of that takes into account a candidate’s ed as “[locking] herself in her room,” 4:48 a.m.: Suspicious person comments on news stories and forums the Cookout. entire application instead of assign- possibly possessing “knives” and ▶ A white male wearing a red shirt — used to prove party planners “The material was not too differ- ing specific point values, like the refusing to respond. Field interview was seen sleeping on a couch at the weren’t being racist. ent from typical Koala fodder,” Morini Comprehensive Review system UCSD administered. Loft. Checks OK. Jones confirmed he was affiliated said. “But the timing for these state- currently uses. 11:08 p.m.: Assist other agency 11:12 a.m.: Suspicious person with the party. ments was definitely off.” In response to the Koala TV ▶ A female patient at the Thornton ▶ A black male in his 40s wearing “I am very upset that they would According to assistant professor of broadcast, the BSU held a protest at Hospital Emergency Room refused dark clothing was reported as “going pick out my fans to try to get back at ethnic studies Sarah Clarke Kaplan, 8 a.m. the next morning on Library to “show [her] ID,” and was suspect- through the trash” and “talking me and to start this madness,” he said. students returning from a second Walk. Approximately 200 people ed of “using a false name.” to himself” at the Pharmaceutical Though IFC adviser Emily Campus Black Forum — which dressed in black marched to the A.S. Sciences Building. Field interview Feinstein stated the incident was included dialogue with PIKE repre- Forum in Price Center, where they Saturday, Feb. 13 administered. neither funded nor sponsored by sentatives — were heckled by Koala held a two-hour conference with the 1:49 p.m.: Domestic disturbance 3:41 p.m.: Suspicious person any fraternity, PIKE has received members who wanted them to appear entire university cabinet. Students ▶ A male resident at the Central ▶ A tall black male in his early 60s much of the blame. An anony- on the show. Gregorian denied these called for awareness of their actions Mesa apartments was reported as was reported as “cussing and yell- mous member of PIKE said the allegations. on campus, and for the chancellor to having “low blood sugar” and “being ing” in front of Perks. Unable to fraternity is planning to sue the After the students declined to meet the BSU demands. violent” toward his wife. locate. university for slander. Both Naoufal participte, they returned to their resi- During the conference, BSU 3:26 p.m.: Suspicious person and Campuswide Senator Tobias dences and began to watch Koala TV. members went to the SRTV station ▶ Two Latino males and one white Wednesday, Feb. 17 Haglund, a member of PIKE, said Shocked by the content, they alerted to search for a copy of the tape, to no male were seen “spraying graffiti in 3:00 a.m.: Discharging a firearm they were unaware of this plan. A.S. Campuswide Senator Bryant avail. However, they did find a piece the hallway” at Mandeville Center. ▶ Three consecutive gunshots were Neither PIKE president Garron Pena to the broadcast, who then noti- of cardboard on the floor with the Field interview administered. heard at the Matthews apartments. Engstrom nor Van Nostrand could fied A.S. President Gupta. words “Compton Lynching” written Unable to locate. be reached for comment. According to Gupta, he immedi- on it. The note has since been turned Sunday, Feb. 14 ately called station manager Thomas over to police as “evidence.” 12:14 a.m.: Medical aid Thursday, Feb. 18 The N-Word Dadourian — who was downstairs According to fresh- ▶ An 18-year-old female was reported 12:51 p.m.: Suspicious person After an impromptu Campus at Porter’s Pub filming a live perfor- man Thieny Nguyen, the only avail- as “dizzy” and “vomiting” at Asia Hall. ▶ A black male was seen wearing a Black Forum was held Tuesday night mance — and asked him to inter- able recording of the show was made 3:22 a.m.: Suspicious person brown cape with “satanic lettering” and administrators instated the vene. Dadourian said he returned to by BSU Vice Chair Fnann Keflezighi’s ▶ A 20-year-old male wearing black and “mumbling to himself” at the “Racism: Not In Our Community” the studio and changed the subject on her cell phone. and carrying a laptop was reported Pangea Parking Structure. Unable to campaign, Thursday night’s SRTV of the show, although he thought it Both Vice Chancellor Penny Rue as threatening a passerby with a locate. broadcast revived campus upset. unwise to go off air mid-feed. and BSU member Grant White, a knife. Arrest misdemeanor. 10:42 p.m.: Suspicious person At 7:30 p.m., the station aired a “I just went on camera and got Marshall College freshman, said that 2:02 p.m.: Hazard situation ▶ A 25-year-old white male wearing segment in which Muir College junior them to change the subject with- Fox read each of the BSU’s demands ▶ Bees were swarming outside a hooded sweatshirt was reported Yelena Akopian interviewed three stu- out [them] knowing that they’ll be out loud, agreeing to meet many Goldberg Hall and “congregating in as entering the Internal Medicine dents who planned to throw a similar censored,” he said. “So I got them to of them instantly — like providing the drains,” but did not “appear to be Group building. Field interview “Black History Month” party. The stu- stop, but by then it was already too increased funding for the African- aggressive” at time of report. administered. dents went on air complaining about late.” American studies minor and ethnic the protests and defending their party Over text message and e-mail, studies programs. Monday, Feb. 15 — Compiled by Sonia Minden as protected by the First Amendment. members of the BSU mobilized 1:55 p.m.: Indecent exposure Senior Staff Writer According to SRTV manager-in- Thursday night, and began writing a See BSUpage 8

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DO YOU AGREE WITH A.S. PRESIDENT UTSAV GUPTA’S OUT OF CONTEXT DECISION TO FREEZE STUDENT-MEDIA FUNDING? You could come down there, put some shoe VOTE ONLINE. polish on, put some makeup on — and for that √ Yes night, you could be an honorary N-word.” √ No JIGGABOO JONES √ I don’t know 7816176+76<)+<<0--,1<7:"[email protected] “ ALLEGED MASTERMIND BEHIND “COMPTON COOKOUT” -,1<7:1)4 1\¼TT

my surroundings before that obliga- tory second cup, nor in any place to make observations more insightful than “Shit, I knew it was a bad idea to wear suede.” Today was a little different. ILLUSTRATIONS BY YUIKO SUGINO/GUARDIAN Passing through Muir College, I saw something to force me out of my mid-morning haze — something so uncommon here that I had little ;\WXXQVO\PM8ZM[[M[?WV¼\0MIT\PM0]Z\ choice but to stop and wipe the sleep out of my eyes to be sure that ▶ MEDIA, MYVTWHNL trouble within your kingdom. least open dialogue) at UCSD, and is what appeared before me was not a a drunken “ungrateful niggers” bomb Though he has made it clear the unfortunately equipped with absolute mere hallucination or sleep-deprived on what had to be the greatest viewer- A.S. Council is indeed doing every- power over the A.S. budget. Sure, he mirage: graffiti. ship Channel 18 has seen since Koala thing it can to legally defund the has promised the media-org funding The mere sight of the tagged TV’s pornographic glory days. It was Koala, his taboo Friday-morning deci- freeze will only last a week or two, building was almost startling enough a terrible judgment call, made all the sion was not a last-minute attempt to depending on the progress made to make me wonder if I was still on more cruel by its timing. The Black crush UCSD’s most controversial rag at a public committee meeting this our campus, and not in an alter- Student Union was fresh out of a — which can be counted on to bal- Thursday or Friday. (Vice President nate universe in which students Campus Black Forum and watching, loon the Cookout controversy to epic of Finances Peter Benesch and get angry enough to deface school waiting for an inevitable battle cry proportions. Anybody with a scrap of Associate Vice President of Student property and coffee shops are open from the Koala camp. institutional memory knows the Koala Organizations Andrew Ang, a known ,+0;690(3)6(9+ on weekend mornings. The text itself Koala Later that night, A.S. President will go to print, even if members have adversary of the , predict it will, :PTVUL>PSZVU was equally striking: The first bit Utsav Gupta shut down the recently to write the issue in their own feces on in fact, last into Spring Quarter.) But EDITOR IN CHIEF read “No Justice, No Peace” in red revamped Student-Run Television spools of toilet paper. In fact, they’d considering forum attendees will take lettering, and the other end of the (which he claims he didn’t know was probably love that. the form of both enraged BSU mem- (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR building read: “Know Justice, Know 9LaH-HYHaTHUK airing Koala TV, though it’s the chan- No, Gupta’s freeze is obviously a bers and First Amendment warriors MANAGING EDITORS Peace” in blue. nel’s most consistent programming) like the Koala, it’s safe to say there’s lit- lesson — one that contradicted his /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU At a time when both justice and in response. BSU Chairpersons David self-proclaimed undying commit- tle chance for peaceful understanding (UNLSH*OLU peace have come into question on Ritcherson and Fnann Keflezighi ment to enabling free student press. or resolution. Only destined to add NEWS EDITORS campus, the writing relayed a simple declared UCSD’s campus climate was Outraged Black Student Unioners are more fuel to the fire is Gupta’s posses- message — a call to action, really — Koala ;YL]VY*V_ in a “State of Emergency” by 7:30 a.m. demanding their fees not fund sive attitude: “I can ask at any time for OPINION EDITOR that, displayed brazenly in one of the the next morning. hate speech, so Gupta feels he has to anyone to leave the room,” he said. The UCSD Guardian is published most trafficked areas on campus, is twice a week at the University of The back-and-forth was to be demonstrate the widespread conse- Ironically, the freeze pretty much California at San Diego. Contents © also impossible to ignore. Though Koala 2010. Views expressed herein rep- expected, but then Gupta took an quences of making that dream come guarantees that commentary resent the majority vote of the edi- I’m not usually the biggest fan of torial board and are not necessarily unforeseen leap: He froze funding for true — seeing as, by law, the A.S. will be the only physical media avail- those of the UC Board of Regents, campus graffiti outside the infamous the ASUCSD or the members of all 33 student publications. “In any Council cannot choose to defund cer- able during the next week of turmoil, the Guardian staff. hipster confines of the Mandeville game where the players are getting tain publications based on content. as orgs without the same blood- Center stairwell, the lit major inside hurt, you hit the pause button,” he What we’ve learned: Gupta val- thirsty penchant to claw at open me had to admit: It’s powerful phras- said. Translation: If things start get- ues dictatorial, learn-the-hard-way wounds aren’t so likely to spill sweat ing. ting heated, you duct-tape the mouths parenting over the unconditional of all those who might cause more preservation of free speech (or at See PUBLICATIONSpage 5 See ENDpage 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

of the problem. It will not be enough specific groups. most embarrassing, racist, on-campus neously ignoring the racism spewed »+WWSW]\¼=VKW^MZ[6MML to oppose racist speech with “more We understand that in a time publications: the Koala. by the Koala, which is funded by the NWZ;\Z]K\]ZIT+PIVOM speech,” with lessons about the limits of budgetary constraints, some of The Koala, notorious for its A.S. Council. The administration of satire or even with well intentioned these proposed solutions will be dif- humorless and unintelligent satire, and the Black Student Union should Dear Editor, but ultimately symbolic campaigns ficult to implement. And yet these takes every opportunity to insult regularly come down on the Koala, as We submit that the so-called such as the proposed “Not in Our kinds of changes ought to receive the minorities of every race, religion and they did in response to the cookout. “Compton Cookout” incident has less Community” initiative. highest priority if we are to believe orientation. Though their offensive Finally, Associated Students needs to do with the racist culture of a par- This incident, and the potential for Chancellor Marye Anne Fox when rants are largely unread and ignored, to cut funding to the Koala. At the ticular fraternity or the Greek system others in the future, should convince she says the campus has a serious I must ask: Why there is a lack of out- very least, it can do this by citing the in general (although that is certainly a campus policymakers that serious commitment to diversity. What rage on behalf of the administration erroneous description of “Tabloid, factor) than it does with long-stand- structural changes are long overdue. is undeniable is that UCSD must or the Black Student Union regarding not offensive” on the Koala funding ing structural problems at UCSD — In our opinion, the administration change what it has been doing on the the material published in the Koala? request form. lack of a critical mass of faculty and should take immediate action and 1) diversity front up until now. It’s sim- The Koala receives its funding — William Wolfe students of color, generic (specific, commit to permanent and substantial ply not working. from the university through the Sophomore, community-neutral) approaches to funding and staffing for the African — Jorge Mariscal Associated Students. On Feb. 15, the Eleanor Roosevelt College improving campus climate, a very low American Studies Minor, 2) establish Professor, Literature Department Koala submitted yet another fund- — Patrick Velasquez profile and poorly funded African- an Organized Research Unit to con- ing request to the A.S. Council. They ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers. American and Chicano studies cur- duct research on local communities Director, Office of Academic declared themselves a publication, All letters must be no longer than 500 words, ricular programs, etc. Together all of of color that are underrepresented at Support and Instructional Services type: “Tabloid, not offensive,” and typed, double-spaced and signed with a name and applicable title. Letters must also contain a phone these institutional weaknesses pro- UCSD, 3) create a task force to study asked for no less than $3,471.15 (All number. We reserve the right to edit for length and duce a campus climate that embold- the desirability of rotating public art Dear Editor, of this information can be found on clarity. Letters may be dropped off at the Guardian ens the kind of racism we saw in the installations linked to underrepresent- The university was right to con- the A.S. Web site). Where does this office on the second floor of the Student Center or language and proposed activities of ed minority communities (preferably demn the “Compton Cookout” party. money come from? Tuition? Student e-mailed. Send all letters to: The UCSD Guardian the “Compton Cookout.” local) and 4) reorganize the office of It was both insulting to the African- fees? Who knows. Could this money Opinion Editor We urge the administration to the Chief Diversity Officer in order to American community, and degrading be better spent? Absolutely. 9500 Gilman Dr. 0316 avoid psychological interpretations of facilitate the writing of a campuswide to UCSD’s image. But the adminis- It is hypocritical for the university , CA 92093-0316 the incident. Individual behavior and plan for addressing campus climate tration’s response to this racist off- to come down so strongly against the e-mail: attitudes are not the primary source with a focus on how climate affects campus event ignores one of UCSD’s unaffiliated cookout, while simulta- [email protected] OPINION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 5

THE RIVETER By Ronnie Steinitz ,WV¼\8]VQ[P\PM5IVaNWZ\PM.M_ ▶ PUBLICATIONS, MYVTWHNL orgs will receive $440,000. On top and tears over finding advertisers, of that, “tradition events” — long- especially in time to print relevant standing org fixtures — will receive material. It’s another willing sacri- $105,000. KSDT Radio will receive fice by Gupta in a game of Daddy- $11,000. Six beer gardens will cost knows-best politics. (For instance, an over $90,000. The informative and refreshing article on will receive $550,000 — part of which the California Review’s Web site will may be sucked up by increased secu- unfortunately receive a fraction of the rity. Perhaps, being a newspaper, we’re readership it would if passed out on biased, but we feel journalism on cam- Library Walk.) pus is worth at least one-tenth of Sun Because Gupta is aware it’s near God — even if that includes the kind impossible to seek immediate alterna- that offends us. tive funds, he therefore must be aware Students should be equally wor- he is essentially censoring all existing ried if the A.S. Council — no doubt publications. The freeze will likewise guided by whispers from the Campus discourage the production of any new Council — does find a way to cut only media from members of the BSU, or the Koala’s funds, or require all media any other students in opposition to content to be pre-approved, as has the Cookout and/or the Koala. been suggested. The Koala may be an If there’s one thing the American unpopular extreme, but depending on Civil Liberties Union and Vice the council, the censorship threshold Chancellor of Student Life Penny Rue could fluctuate to include whatever (not to mention any good therapist) they find unacceptable at the time. can agree on, it’s that more speech — Isn’t it clear by now that the Koala not less — is most beneficial to a hurt- makes fun of everybody? And the ing community. more we get our panties in a twist, the So Gupta obviously went about nastier they’re likely to fight. Content this in the worst way possible. But is often in poor taste, but it ensures what he’s trying to show us is valuable: the rest of us continue to say what we Is it really worth winning back the want. Let’s instead focus on forming ;\QTT+ZaQVO»8MZKMV\¼'

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www.ucsd 24 )8I\PM\QK¸AM\.Z]Q\N]T ,Q^Q[Q^M)VVW]VKMUMV\ hours ¸8TMINWZ)\\MV\QWV ?WV¼\*ZQVO,M[QZML=VQ\a a day, n an interview with Parade maga- hough gay Jesus accusations may I zine last week, — ’70s T have netted Elton John a load of pop icon with a flair for sequins, press, it’s certainly not his first time. sunglasses and all things flamboy- “Instead of more violence, why 7 ant, in case you live under a rock isn’t there a meeting of religious lead- days a — ruffled the feathers of Christian ers?” John said in a 2006 interview leadership with a bold statement. with Music Monthly Magazine. “We week “I think Jesus was a compassion- are all God’s people; we have to get ate, super-intelligent gay man,” he along and the religious leaders have said. to lead the way.” Naturally, superimposing gay- But even if he really just wants ness on an individual from whom peace and love, John’s done a thor- millions of people derive their ough job of pissing off Christian lead- religious identity has gotten John ers. He’s been an especially easy target into quite a mess. But by insisting for outraged bloggers, mocking him on Jesus’ homosexuality, John had and citing verses from Leviticus in to have known he was fanning the condemnation of homosexuality. “He flames of controversy — and so he should not speak on things he knows got his wish. nothing about. Elton John’s lifestyle g Think about it: While twenty- speaks for itself,” one poster wrote on and thirtysomething celebrities fad- a Fox News blog.

uardian.or ing from pop-culture relevance have It’s clear not everyone appreci- February 2010 the luxury of sex tapes and paparaz- ates John’s religious views (or power zi crotch shots at their disposal, an ballads), but many of the statements FILM SUBMISSION WORKSHOP older icon such as John has but one made in opposition to his latest athe- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 / 11:30 AM / FORUM, PRICE CENTER EAST avenue to grabbing headlines (other istic horn-blow reveal that much of than death): spouting off irrelevant the Christian community is still — ArtPower! Film is extremely excited to present the first UCSD Up&Coming Film Festival opinions on contentious issues. surprise, surprise — unwilling to just Submission Workshop, led by instructor Larry Zeiger, award-winning writer, director, educator Or, in this case, creating one all get along. So, regardless to what he his own. and jury panel member of high profile international film festivals. thinks about And while Jesus’ sexual John’s homo- Mr. Zeiger will show examples of films to illustrate the variety of genres of film submissions– preferences, Jesus beliefs dramas, comedies, PSAs, documentary, Avant-Garde, Music Videos, etc. He will also discuss if it’s really haven’t won him the opportunities for filmmakers to build their resume, as well as Internships. religious unity much right-wing and peace Christian sup- John is after, This workshop is designed to assist the UCSD student filmmaker in submitting their film in a port, it’s a small alienating professional manner to the UCSD Up&Coming Student Film Festival ’10 as well as local and price to pay the Christian international film festivals. for all the free community RSVP BY FEBRUARY 15 TO THE ARTPOWER! FILM FACEBOOK PAGE Internet press isn’t the wisest he’s snagged place to start. MORE INFO AT ARTPOWERFILM.UCSD.EDU along the way. g —Arik —Trevor Cox Burakovsky Opinion Editor YUIKO SUGINO/GUARDIAN Staff Writer


May 20, an esteemed jury of film professionals will recognize excellence in UCSD student filmmaking at our Up&Coming Student Film Festival. The evening includes films, an awards ceremony, and a post-screening discussion. For submission guidelines, please email the ArtPower! Film Curator, Rebecca Webb at [email protected].


MORE INFO AT ARTPOWERFILM.UCSD.EDU NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 7 +Z]b"8ZWX!+I][M[8MZUIVMV\;MOZMOI\QWVWV=++IUX][M[ Every Monday Night at 9pm ▶ 209, from page 1 like the SAT, alongside GPAs, pro- favor since Prop. 209 passed in 1996. Steve Montiel, a spokesman for the vide an even playing field by which The 2003 Supreme Court case Grutter University of California Office of the colleges can judge all applications. v. Bollinger declared on a federal level President, it is too early in the lawsuit Felarca also said that opponents of that affirmative action was not only M__š8eWhZ]Wc[išI^k\\b[8eWhZ to reopen the discussion of affirmative affirmative action often believe that legal, but also necessary to reverse >eij[ZJh_l_W8_d]eD_]^t* action. He said the university will con- if students are accepted to a univer- racial injustices. This set a clear prec- 2 levels of fun with local guest bartenders! sider reinstating affirmative action in sity based on a combination of race edent, Cruz said, in favor of affirmative BITES til MIDNIGHT & DRINK SPECIALS ALL NIGHT! the future, if the lawsuit is successful. and academic achievement, they may action, though the decision did not )Il[ZaW:h_daiš)$+&8[[hIf[Y_Wbi “If this opens up another discus- be less equipped to handle their cho- mandate that states adopt the policy. Make it a double for only $2 more! sion, that’s well and good, but as long sen college’s curriculum. “The Supreme Court said that as Prop.osition 209 is the law, we’re According to Felarca, these argu- these measures are completely con- obliged to follow it,” Montiel said. ments are unjustified, and perpetuate stitutional and, on top of that, serve a According to Ronald Cruz, a low representation of minorities at national interest,” Cruz said. prosecuting lawyer with Scheff, California’s public universities. In addition, the strength of the Ǹɴ 4ɄȽȇ Washington & Driver, P.C., the poli- “The criteria that opponents of new student movement that protest- ѥ cies put in place by Prop.. 209 lead to affirmative action try to use to justify ed the 32-percent fee hikes helped $Ƚȇɤɕɜɑɴi[[YWb[dZWh\eh segregated universities. the exclusion of black and Latino and convince BAMN that now was the dates & times “The experience of California Native-Americans — and also poor time to file this lawsuit, Felarca said. has proven that this is just an unten- students of all races — are completely “The student movement that has able social policy, because one of the biased and racist,” Felarca said. “[The been built on the campuses — espe- results is that the UC system — after SAT exams] are not accurate mea- cially in the past semester, around trying everything, including con- sures or objective measures of their defending public education, and J^[J_fio9hemš:emdjemdI:"9ehd[he\+j^<šmmm$j^[j_fioYhem$Yec sidering socioeconomic class — has intelligence. And, of course, grade- higher education, and against the fee not increased the number of black, point averages are so subjective, and hikes and budget cuts — has com- Latino or Native-American students so weighted in favor of students who pletely strengthened the possibilities in the campuses,” Cruz said. “And have had more access to AP classes of winning,” Felarca said. “In the end, UNDERGRADUATES at many UC campuses, there is a and honors classes. And that isn’t the this lawsuit is an extension of that permanent de facto segregation as a reality of the state of California — movement.” into your direct result of Prop.osition 209.” that all students have equal access.” career Opponents of affirmative action According to Cruz, the legal climate Readers can contact Hayley Bisceglia- with a UCSD Extension Certificate have argued that standardized tests has changed significantly in BAMN’s Martin at [email protected]. LAUNCH is a program offered by UCSD Extension that enables UCSD Undergraduates to obtain a Specialized Certificate in one of a variety career fields at a reduced cost to the student. *ZIU_MTT");?QTT;]J[QLQbM+WTTMOM-^MV\[\W»=VKIOM¼;]V/WL ▶ SUN GOD, from page 1 other parts of the campus. the first year since Sun God has been ENROLL $500, they will give us $500.” “We are really trying to focus caged that it’s going to be uncaged, so CERTIFICATES: TODAY! In 2009, A.S. Concerts and Events on the event itself on RIMAC we’re taking baby steps.” ͻiotechManufacturing put on “nooner concerts” — midday Field, but there will be other A.S.- Bramwell also discussed effective Now accepting ͻusinessAnalysis applications performances by less-popular open- ͻClinicalTrialsAdministraƟon endorsed events, like the Junkyard wristband distribution methods, in A $2450 for Spring ing bands in Price Center — and Derby, which we are excited about,” response to student upset over long ͻFinancialAnalysis A $2450 quarter! ͻParalegal valuevalue other activities throughout campus Bramwell said at the open forum. lines in 2009. Although no final deci- for only during the week leading up to the Sun “There are also going to be college- sion has been made on the matter, ͻPatentandLawProtecƟon for only ͻProjectTeamManagement $650!$650!* * God Festival. However, on the actual specific events that A.S. has agreed Bramwell proposed that half of the ͻQualityAssurance/ControlSpecialist day of the festival, all council-funded to subsidize, but not necessarily have roughly 16,500 student wristbands ͻRegulatoryAīairs Extension courses events and programming took place their hands in programming.” be handed out on the Thursday after- ͻSustainableusinessPracƟces provide practical skills on RIMAC Field. Chirco said the “uncaging” could noon before the event, and the rest ͻTechnicalDocumentaƟon taught by instructors who According to Bramwell, the A.S. have a positive impact on the festival. be distributed on the morning of the * excludes Paralegal currently work in their industry. Council hopes that allocating a small “Honestly, I think it’s a good idea,” festival. certificate fraction of its $550,000 Sun-God he said. “I’d like to see more college- Readers can contact Janani Sridharan budget to the individual colleges may council participation. Obviously, it’s extension.ucsd.edu/launchͮ[email protected]ͮϴϱϴ͘ϴϮϮ͘ϭϰϲϬ help spread the Sun God Festival to going to need a lot of refinements. It’s at [email protected]. Introducing a few reasons to smile! Tooth Colored Filling: $99 Any Extraction: $99 Any Root Canal: $599 Crowns: $499 PRESENT YOUR UCSD STUDENT ID TO GET THESE GREAT OFFERS! 1st extraction only, treatment limitations are at the discretion of the doctor, and he may elect to refer. Good for 60 days. MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED!

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“Compton Cookout” held in the Regents apartments. Students Morning: Administration A.S. President Utsav Gu FEB bring matter to the attention of releases email condemning Night: Campus Black Forum 7:30 p.m.: First SRTV 10 p.m.: Koala TV revokes the SRTV chart 2010 UCSD Administration. Cookout. held in Price Center. broadcast is aired. begins broadcasting. freezes all media-org fu 1982 2001 2002 15 16 17 18

Koala Koala is founded by Revelle Administration charges the with disrupting university Adm 1982 TO 2005 College alumnus Josh Harris. activities after they take a photo of Student Affirmative Action boar Committee chair Ernesto Martinez and run it in their issue. 9


“Another reason why I took Koala in such good faith is last until the campuswide committee can decide on new ▶ BSU, FROM PAGE 3 they basically rewired the studio for us,” he said. “I don’t think language and criteria for the funding of student media orga- In addition, Associate Vice Chancellor of Admissions Mae SRTV would’ve been in function had Kris Gregorian not nizations. Brown has already established a pilot admissions program rewired the entire studio. The efficiency with which they did it Benesch said that the freeze was not a new idea caused that incorporates holistic review. was amazing and incredible, and we really needed it. And he’s by the SRTV incident, but had long been discussed by the “All violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be vig- been the best tech person we’ve ever had.” council. orously pursued and appropriate discipline will be imposed Gupta admitted that the rules of the charter were unclear. “We had been considering this before,” he said. “There’s in accordance with our policies,” Fox said in a statement. In fact, his own show, “Gupta Answers,” broached it as well. always been the problem that A.S. is using student fees to Members of the BSU refused to comment. According to Dadourian, there is technically nothing in the fund what many consider hate speech.” standing rules that prevents racially charged content. Benesch said the council is seeking legal counsel on how SRTV SHUTDOWN “When it comes to things like racial issues, there’s kind of a to define hate speech. He gave the example of the California Gupta responded to the offensive broadcast by imme- gray line there,” he said. “After 10 o’clock ... if HBO would show Review — a conservative campus newspaper that recently diately revoking SRTV’s charter at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday it, that means it’s OK. It’s hard to judge when it’s a good time to published a cartoon depicting a Muslim “underwear bomber” night. shut down a program, especially when it comes to race.” — as a publication some have called hateful. The station has a turbulent history — especially where the Dadourian projected the station will lose its ability to “The criteria for hate speech is tricky, and that’s one of the Koala is concerned. In 2005, it was shut down after former broadcast live, which he said is “the most important part of the things the campuswide committee hopes to address,” he said. Koala editor in chief Steve York aired a recording of himself station.” “We want to make absolutely sure that we are not funding having sex with an adult-film actress, garnering national “We’re going to lose all access to live shows — or if we do hate speech.” media attention and prompting a heated debate over free do live shows, then what will end up happening is there’ll be California Review Editor in Chief Alec Weisman said his speech. the late-night shows,” he said. “We won’t be able to have people paper — which is entirely funded by the A.S. Council — will Since its most recent relaunch earlier this quarter, SRTV call in or anything like that. [And what’s worse] is that we feel a strong impact from this freeze, and that it will hinder has aired 10 episodes of the show “Will It Chop,” as well spent thousands of dollars on equipment to allow us to do this the paper’s production process. as “Cooking With Dr. D,” “Beatendo,” “Home Suite Home” stuff, and it’s all just going to go to waste because we can’t do “This will create a large damper on productivity,” and “DVC Fridays,” along with a single airing of “Gupta live shows anymore.” Weisman said. “We were planning on distributing an issue Answers.” Between broadcasts, the station loops five Dadourian said the university is concerned with the ramifi- during ninth week, but it looks like that won’t happen.” hours of old content — such as past FallFests and cations of live programming. Weisman said that if the freeze continues, the paper might concerts — and had planned to start streaming “The thing with live programming is it can go from a PG be forced to move online or seek funding from external online by Spring Quarter. to a NC-17 in a matter of seconds, and it’s already too late,” he sources. Gupta said that SRTV’s charter has said. “A.S. is definitely overreacting,” he said. “This is getting been revoked indefinitely. The station’s Gupta said the option of using only prerecorded material out of hand, and they’re looking for an excuse to shut down future will be discussed at a public will be discussed by the public committee — which he said is free speech, which the school has tried to do for years. The committee meeting set for later not meant to be a content review board. school is taking it to extremes.” this week — the same one that “I hope the administration doesn’t get involved in any sort Gupta said that if the committee decides to change media will discuss the future of media of content regulation,” he said. “The purpose of the commit- guidelines, he will put a referendum up for vote on the organizations on campus, and tee is to review how A.S. reviews funding and how it sponsors Spring Quarter election ballot. rewrite guidelines for appro- programs on our campus TV network, on our student TV.” “I don’t think this is a decision that should just go priate use of A.S. Council fis- Dadourian said he has since received five death threats through A.S.,” he said. “If students recommend these chang- cal allocations. through the SRTV call-in feature. It is ironic, he added, for es, I want the student body to be able to decide on it as well.” “The committee is [a] students to both call for an end to hate speech on campus and However, Gupta said he hopes the committee will address good tool for us to work out simultaneously issue death threats. the funding freeze at the first meeting, so that media orga- and work with the student According to Dadourian, the BSU has not responded to his nizations can have their funding reinstated as soon as pos- body on what they like to see invitations to air their opinions on SRTV. Until SRTV reopens, sible — and then continue to discuss policy change at greater (BOTTOM) www.trtvucsd.com UARDIAN done with their student fees,” he is posting footage under the Web site . length. G / U Gupta said. “As much as I love free speech, my primary goal is to get Rose Eveleth, editor in chief of Mania Magazine, said K UARDIAN G He stressed that the station was not the television station ready to go,” he said. “There’s good con- “mass censorship” is the wrong way to deal with hate speech. / U MILY shut down solely due to Thursday night’s tent we produce that is not racially charged and not pushing She said she is seeking counsel from the Student Press Law W & E content, but also because Koala TV had the envelopes. ... We let [the Koala] get away with their name, Center as to the media organization’s legal options. EVIN not completed the necessary paperwork to but I don’t think Koala TV will ever be airing on SRTV again.” “I understand the pressure that Utsav is under since he Koala ANACEK broadcast on the station — which gave him the can’t legally cut off the , but this freeze is definitely H authority to revoke the station’s charter imme- BIG FREEZE not the answer,” Eveleth said.“Many of us were planning to (LEFT) & K OHN J diately. In addition to revoking the charter of the newly launched express our outrage over this incidence, and now we can’t Y B “The fact that the content was so intolerant and SRTV, Gupta has used his executive powers to freeze all even do that. This is detrimental, to not let student express UARDIAN G insensitive prompted us to review how it was on SRTV student-media funding, pending discussion by the campus themselves, especially since we have a diverse array of view- / in the first place,” he said. committee this Thursday or Friday (he is currently trying to points that are being suppressed.” Under SRTV’s new charter, any group wishing to reserve a room). This quarter, 14 media organizations have Although Gupta said he hopes to reverse the funding LLUSTRATIONANACEK I H broadcast a program must complete paperwork and receive requested funding from the council. Gregorian submitted freeze by the end of the week, Eveleth said Associate Vice

OTO OHN signatures of approval from both station managers: Dadourian a funding request of $3,471.15 from the council in order to President of Student Organizations Andrew Ang told her it’s H P J Koala Koala’ Y and Ali Haidan. The did not have Haidan’s signature. fund the s publishing costs. likely the issue won’t be settled until Spring Quarter. B S “Basically, their show is illegitimate, which is another rea- Gupta said he implemented the funding freeze in order “I’m not one to have faith about the power of committees

OTO son why SRTV was shut down, because they lied about that,” to bring media organizations and protestors together at in this case,” Eveleth said. “When there’s a lot of angry people Dadourian said. the meeting — to create a campuswide dialogue about free getting together to talk about something, good decisions Dadourian said that he and Haidan were in charge of the speech, student fees and funding. don’t get made. It’s going to turn into a yelling match.” paperwork, but had been unable to regulate it carefully due “When the players of a game start to get hurt, you need to Benesch responded to allegations that the A.S. Council is to busy schedules. He added that he had trusted the Koala press pause,” he said. shutting down free speech. because members of the publication had been extremely help- According to A.S. Vice President of Finance and ful in helping SRTV relaunch. Resources Peter Benesch, this freeze on student funding will SEE SPEECH, PAGE 10

8 a.m.: BSU issues a press release declaring Vice Chancellor of Student pta a ‘State of Emergency’ and stages a protest Night: Mike Randazzo creates Affairs Penny Rue will hold a er and on Library Walk, leading to a meeting with “Compton Cookout Part Deux,” to teach-in from 12 to 2 p.m. in unding. Chancellor Marye Anne Fox. be held on March 4. Price Center East Ballroom. 2003 2004 2005 19 20 21 22 23 24 ministration and all-campus judicial Koala creates international controversy over University shuts down SRTV after it airs pornographic rd drops charges against the Koala. an issue called “Jizzlam: An Entertainment material of former Koala editor in chief Steve York Magazine for the Islamic man.” having sex with an adult-film actress. 10 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 FOCUS

Eveleth said she will be work- the issue, which is that everyone is come together and put an end to the who created a Facebook group :IVLIbbW" ing to secure alternative funding for overreacting.” hatred to show that UCSD is not a called “UCSD Students Outraged Mania Magazine as long as the freeze In another act of opposition, racist place.” That People Are Outraged About remains. Sixth College senior Mike Randazzo Randazzo said he thinks the orig- the Compton Cookout,” agreed that 7ZQOQVIT»+WWSW]\¼ is hosting a “Compton Cookout Part inal Cookout crossed a line, but that the event wasn’t created with racist CRUEL INTENTIONS? Deux: Equal Rights” party on March it raised a cultural, not racial, issue. intentions, and said that the reaction 0IL6W:IKQ[\ According to Gregorian, the 4. He is requesting that guests come “It’s important to make the dis- was excessive. comments he made on SRTV were dressed as their favorite stereotype, tinction that the party was talking “People are saying that the people 1V\MV\QWV[ intended to provoke more discussion which he said will promote free about a culture, and not all black who join my group are racist, which on the issue. speech and show that the inten- people are part of this culture, and is absolutely ridiculous,” Vilitz said. ▶ SPEECH, MYVTWHNL “Sure, what I said taken out of tions of the original Cookout were the act of bringing stereotypes to life “Nobody thinks that black people “This is not an issue of ‘punish- context may be seen as horrible,” he innocent. Currently, 120 people have is completely innocuous,” he said. are actually like that — the party ing’ media organizations, although said. “But you have to understand RSVPed as attending. “People who are part of a culture like was just satirical. I cannot under- we realize that this moratorium will that it’s in the context of trying “I created this event to get people this obviously choose to remain part stand how people are outraged at the be difficult for them,” he said. “This to raise the debate, trying to raise to understand that the creators of the culture, because otherwise Cookout, and yet they are not pro- is just a realization that we need awareness. Right now, there’s only meant no ill will,” Randazzo said. they would immigrate to another testing MTV, Tyler Perry or rap.” to take steps before we continue to one side of the issue — it’s just BSU “It’s wrong that people are getting one.” fund them.” yelling at us. There is another side of outraged, and I want to help people Warren College senior Lisa Vilitz, See INVESTIGATIONpage 11 FOCUS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 THE UCSD GUARDIAN 11 )LUQVQ[\ZI\WZ[5Ia8QV8IZ\a8TIVVMZ[NWZ0IZZI[[UMV\ spring break ▶ INVESTIGATION, MYVTWHNL tion — especially with the pilot imple- COUNCIL RESPONSE TO ADVERTISE CALL Vilitz added that the BSU list of mentation of holistic review. A.S. Campuswide Senator Bryant TRAVEL ISSUE demands is unwarranted in light of “Discourses, ideas, representations Pena has already chartered an A.S. ON STANDS MON. MAR. 1 858-534-3467 state budget and faculty cuts. have the power to wound, are an act committee to draft a resolution “I think that this is an overreac- of violence in their own right, and concerning campus climate. He said tion, because we live in a society they incite physical and material vio- the committee would try to inspire where people passively ignore the lence,” Kaplan said. leaders to come up with ideas for real-life violence that we hear about Literature professor and director improving the climate and create a on the news every day, yet when of Chicano/a and Latino/a studies list of demands. Although there has something that may be considered Jorge Mariscal — alongside Office of been no official forum created by the Prints “offensive” occurs, the entire nation Academic Support and Instructional committee thus far, Pena said Greek is on fire,” she said. Services Director Patrick Velasquez fraternity members have already met — called on the administration to with several members of the BSU. 4 MY RIGHTS VS. YOURS provide increased funding and staff- “We don’t want to attack the Expires 3/22/10 Faculty members, the BSU and ing for the African-American studies Greek community, and we don’t even state legislators have publicly minor (which the Chancellor has want to focus on individuals and condemned both the original event since promised) and create an office these incidents of racism,” Pena and the comments made on SRTV. in which to address campus climate. said. “This is all just a symptom of a Associate professer of ethnic stud- Mariscal said that UCSD Chicano larger disease that has always been ies Kaplan praised the A.S. Council’s Concillo had asked the chancellor to present and that we need to fight.” decision to shut down SRTV and establish a task force to improve the He encouraged people to par- freeze media funding. campus climate four years ago. ticipate in the March 4 Day of Public “My initial thoughts are that — “In 2006, we thought the climate Education walkout, to protest and WORLD FAMOUS HAMBURGERS first of all — it’s absolutely appalling,” was a ticking time bomb with regard fight for equal-access education for all. Kaplan said. “It’s an egregious misuse to how uncomfortable it makes black of campus resources to spread these and Chicano students feel,” Mariscal ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION kinds of deeply insulting and degrad- said. “Our request was never followed According to Vice Chancellor of ing ideas and messages and images.” up on by the administration, and now Student Affairs Penny Rue, both she She criticized administrators for we have the current crisis.” and Fox met with members of the BSU their initial “tepid” response to the Marshall College freshman and on Friday to work on outreach efforts. Cookout. BSU member Grant White made an Rue has charged the Director of “I think that whether it intended impromptu presentation in his fresh- Student Policy and Judicial Affairs, to or not, it gave passive permission man Dimensions of Culture class on Tony Valladolid, with leading the students to continue to escalate into Friday morning. White said he should investigation of the students who increasingly violent speech and lan- not have to listen to hateful comments. planned the Cookout. The investiga- guage towards African-Americans,” “I’m not saying that they don’t tive process, which includes inter- Kaplan said. “And that’s exactly what have the right to freedom of speech, views of suspected persons involved, happened.” but where’s my right to be protected began Tuesday morning. She said the administration’s from that?” White asked. “I am a Rue said party planners are being e-mailed responses were more con- student in your class, and I have to investigated for potential violations to cerned with covering campus liability sit next to these racist kids. What the Student Code of Conduct. Section than addressing the larger issue of a kind of college is this?” defines harassment as the negative campus climate. The events at UCSD have use of gestures or imagery that creates “I think that the initial response received attention from state law- a hostile environment on campus. was so focused on issues of legality, makers. According to Terry Schanz, Another potential violation the policy and liability, that it really failed press secretary to Assemblyman university is investigating is section to make clear what I think they’ve Isadore Hall (D-Compton), Hall is, which condemns unlaw- made more clear now: the administra- calling for a resolution condemning ful or unauthorized use of any uni- tion’s strong commitment to changing the actions of the students, an inves- versity property. campus climate, and their responsibil- tigation into UCSD fraternities and Possible sanctions of these ity for doing so,” she said. for the charter of those fraternities to breaches range from a letter of cen- She fears that recruiting black stu- be revoked. sure to expulsion from the univer- Give Us the Old College Try. dents to apply and attend UCSD could Schanz said that Hall is attempt- sity. However, Rue said the investiga- nonetheless become more difficult, ing to obtain a recording of SRTV’s tion has not yet concluded. College students have been going to Tommy’s since 1946 for the as it now has the association of being Additional reporting by Hayley greatest burger in L.A., possibily the world. If you haven’t been Thursday-night broadcast. to Original Tommy’s World Famous Hamburgers you’re missing a “racist” campus. However, Kaplan “We’d love to get a hold of the Bisceglia-Martin and Regina Ip. a big part of the college experience. applauded the administration’s latest tape,” Schanz said. “That’s a game- actions in showing themselves to be changer in terms of the actions that Readers can contact Angela Chen at 7415 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. www.originaltommys.com more committed to fixing the situa- we will pursue.” [email protected].

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Week of 2/22 - 2/28 Monday Feb 22 Thursday Feb 25 CULTURE RECREATION CULTURE LECTURE Breather Series: All you need is PC Blockbuster: Twilight Saga— Queer Talks: What are your "The Return of Narrative to the (self)Love - Come join us for this The New Moon - Price Center identities? - A group discussion Historiography of the Early 20th breather series discussing self love Theater / 6&9pm / $3 Student; $5 where you come and talk about Century Arab World" - Using the and how we can express it. We will General your multiple identities with other life story of the Arab-nationalist also be discussin journaling and LGBT members. Hosted by Sonia soldier Fawzi al-Qawuqji as an Tribeca Film Festival: Rudo y you will even get a chance to make Rosado. Light refreshments will be example, this talk will present Cursi - Join us for the Loft's first and decorate your own journal provided. LGBT Resource Center / the historiography of the early "SKYPE CHAT" with Rudo Y Cursi's from scratch! Cross Cultural Center 5-6:30pm 20th-century Arab Middle East. music composer Felipe Pérez ArtSpace / 4-6pm RECREATION Social Sciences Building, Room Santiago! The Loft / 8pm / $5 Liam Boogar: Roma Nights - 104 / 4-5:30pm CAREER Advance, PAYC Door Student; $8 Take the UC San Diego Student Espresso Roma/8pm/Free Writing Your Personal Statement General Satisfaction Survey (Feb. 17-Mar for Health Professional School Up & Coming Film Workshop 17) - http://studentsat.ucsd.edu - - Come to this session if you're Tourco - - ArtPower! Film is extremely You might win one of ten $100 getting ready to apply to a health The LA/New York based excited to present the first gift cards! And they’re good at professional school. Learn about troupe that birthed improv lords Amy UCSD Up&Coming Film Festival UCSD Bookstore, bookstore@usd. the purpose of the statement, the Poehler and Horatio Sanz is giving Submission Workshop, led by edu, Perks, Sunshine Market, Birch content to include and how to the Loft a hefty dose of hysterics. The instructor Larry Zeiger, award- Aquarium at Scripps Book & Gift organize it. Career Services Center, Loft / 9pm / $5 Advance, PAYC at the winning writer, director, educator Shop, or North Break Market & Horizon Room / 2-3pm / Free door Student; $10 advance, $12 door and jury panel member of high Store. Regular Networking Night - Come profile international film festivals. to networking night and get Price Center East, The Forum / connected with professionals from 11am-1pm WEEK 8 various communication fields LECTURE Tuesday Feb 23 including broadcast, marketing, New Writing Series: Ben Lerner - This RECREATION law, non-profit, and more! Ben Lerner is a critically acclaimed PC Blockbuster Cirque Du Light refreshments provided. poet, former Fulbright scholar, and URL: Facebook.com/event. Week Freak—The Vampire Assistance - editor. He will be reading at UCSD Price Center and Student Center Price Center Theater / 6&9pm / $3 php?eid=322029294275. SunGod as part of the New Writing Series. Student $5 General Lounge, Red Shoe Room / 6:30pm More info @ literature.ucsd.edu Let It Flow - Join Sixth College HEALTH - Literature Building, DeDerteau Weight Management Clinic - Led featuring in celebrating Black History Month Room / 4:30pm LIAM by a dietitian, a psychologist and BOOGAR with a night of spoken word, soul Weekly UCSD Farmer’s Market IICAS PIA & IR/PS Joint Speakers a physician. Meets every Thursday. ✴ Monday, Feb. 22 food, dance, and art. The Loft / 7pm Series Present Muhammet Bas 8pm - Visit the Farmers' Market for Student Health Conference Room / Free - Muhammet Bas, from Harvard ✴ specialties like fresh seasonal #207 / 3:30pm / Students Free Espresso Roma LECTURE produce, flowers from local University, presents “Stochastic Free Jean Pfaelzer Muted Mutinies: growers, homemade tamales, H1N1 Vaccination Clinic - FREE Shocks, Bargaining and War.” Rebellions on Chinese Slave Asian BBQ and freshly made to all students, faculty & staff for Existing models of shifts in the Ships - Literature Building, room crepes. Town Square on Myers injectable or nasal vaccine. Student balance of power between two 155 / 4pm Drive / 10am-2pm Health Conference Room #225 / adversaries treat these shifts 10am-4pm (arrive before 3:30pm) deterministically. Social Sciences CIRQUE DU FREAK: Building, Room 104 / 12:30-2pm THE VAMPIRE ASSISTANT Tuesday, Feb. 23 6 & 9pm • Price Center Theater Wednesday Feb 24 $3 Students / $5 General CULTURE HEALTH Friday Feb 26 FAAAR Program: With Prof. Men's Clinic @ Student Health - CULTURE required. Limited seats. RSVP 858- Camile Forbes - "Introducing Bert Routine male exams, STD checks, Breather Series: Intro to Salsa 534-3750. Career Services Center, Williams" reveals a fascinating etc – every Wednesday at 10:00am. Class - Ever wanted to learn how Horizon room / 9-11am / Free figure, initiating the reader into NO visit fee and NO appointment to Salsa! Here is a chance to take the vivid world of nineteenth- and required. Call (858) 534-1824 for RECREATION an introductory lesson for free! REPLy ALL early twentieth-century popular more information. Student Health DJ Proper: The Jump Off - Round Instructor, Yolanda Vargas, from Table Patio / 1-4pm / Free Wednesday, Feb. 24 entertainment. Cross Cultural Conference Room #207 / 10am RIMAC will provide a workshop 7:30pm • Porter’s Pub • Free Center Comunidad / 7-8:30 / Free on basic Salsa. No experience Bear Garden - Matthews Quad / Greenovation Forum: Nature and Evaluate your relative fitness necessary. No partner needed. 2-5pm / Free Sustainability - The Greenovation levels - Set goals & measure RSVP at [email protected] - Cross Happy Friday Social Hour - It’s Forum series facilitates and your progress. Trained Student Cultural Center Comunidad / been a long week so let off some accelerates innovation, dialogue, Health Advocates test your body 12-1pm steam and get your weekend MAX BEMIS: and action in San Diego 's green CAREER started at February Social Hours fat composition, grip strength, PUB AFTER DARK technology sector. For more info step test recovery rate, blood Practice Interviewing - Make at the Loft. This Friday is Happy Thursday, Feb. 25 or to RSVP, http://ssi.ucsd.edu/ pressure, resting heart rate. Walk- the most of your interview! Get Friday featuring a live DJ from San 8pm • The Stage @ Porter’s Pub • FREE greenovation - Calit2 Theatre at ins on Mondays and Wednesdays experience with the interview Diego with a selection of tasty Atkinson Hall / 4pm welcome. RIMAC Wellness Room / process and tips from our expert food and drink specials. The Loft CAREER 7-9pm / Students Free advisors. Learn about interview / 4pm Peace Corp Info Session - Learn RECREATION protocol. Laptop with webcam about the adventure of a lifetime in Hare Krishna Weekly Lunch - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: one of 70 countries for education, Come to the Student Center for NEW MOON business, health, computer science, vegetarian all-you-can-eat Hare Thurs. & Sat., Feb. 25 & 27 6 & 9pm • Price Center Theater agriculture, and environmental Krishna lunch. Student Center Saturday Feb 27 $3 Students / $5 General projects. Career Services Center, Pation / 11am-1pm / $4 RECREATION PC Blockbuster: Twilight Saga— Horizon Room / 12-1:30pm / Free Replay All (Jazz) - Porter’s Pub / Max Bernis: Pub After Dark - The New Moon - Price Center Medical School: What Applicants 8pm / Free Porter’s Pub / 8pm / Free Theater / 6&9pm / $3 Student, $5 for 2011 Admission Need to We Were Promised Jetpacks General Know - Applying this summer to with Lonely Forest & Bear enter medical school next year? Hands - Following closely in the Find out from the experts how DJ PROPER footsteps of The Twilight Sad Friday, Feb. 26 • 1 - 4pm the admission process works, how and Frightened Rabbit, We Were Sunday Feb 28 Round Table Patio • FREE to prepare your application, how Promised Jetpacks are yet another Zee Avi - Zee Avi is just 23 but she's of Malaysia which remains an schools select you and how you hugely talented young Scottish an old soul. A huge talent in a petite untouched, natural paradise, an can choose schools. Career Services band added to the FatCat roster. frame bringing a universal message apt description of her songs. The Center, Horizon Room / 5-6:30pm The Loft / 8:30pm / $10 Student, from the unlikely birthplace of Loft / 8:30pm / $10 Student; $12 / Free universitycenters.ucsd.edu $12 General Borneo, an ancient island east General 14 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 CLASSIFIEDS

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š;HJH7?D?D= Carmel Mtn. Rd. OE=7MEHAI>EFI IJ7HJI<;8HK7HO(&'& Carmel Valley Rd. 5 4639 Carmel Mountain Rd. #102 San Diego, CA 92130 12 Minutes .+.$*,'$&/.&šmmm$iYkbfj\ki_edoe]W$Yec from UCSD! 16 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG/SPORTS NUMBER CRUNCHER HOTCORNER 238.75 STEPHANIE LEFEVER | TRACK & FIELD The length, in inches, of junior The junior long-jumper dominated at a four-way meet Stephanie Lefever’s jump on Saturday on Feb. 20 at Triton Field. She won her event by over a — matching the UCSD record set by foot, with a leap of 19’10.75” — earning her an automatic Whitney Johnson in 2008. ;87:<;+76<)+<<0--,1<7:"[email protected] bid to the NCAA Regionals in May. 8IQZWN 4I\M TRITONS REACH 62 STRAIGHT CCAA WINS .ZMMQK\WZa Staff Writer The No. 19 nationally ranked canceled due to rain earlier in the 19, where it won decisively 8-1. The By Wesley Cox Tritons defeated CCAA foes No. season. Tritons won three of three doubles Contributing Writer WOMEN’S TENNIS — The UCSD 44 Sonoma State and No. 17 Cal “It was a little scary, but the lineup matches and lost only one of six women’s tennis team stayed undefeat- State Stanislaus before losing to con- for these matches provided the level MEN’S BASKETBALL — UCSD ed against conference opposition in its ference opponent UC Davis. The of competition we needed,” LaPlante See W. TENNISpage 15 turned in a solid performance last Feb. 16, beating Cal State East Bay 67-48. They then saw a split road trip over the weekend, losing 61-50 to San Francisco State and beating Cal State TRACKANDFIELD 4I\M7\\MZ Monterey Bay 78-74. The Tritons, led by senior guard Tyler Acevedo and his season-high 19 ;KWZQVO:]V points, comfortably defeated the Cal State East Bay by 19 points in RIMAC Arena. Sophomore center Christian ;TW_[=+;, Hatch contributed a double-double of his own — 12 points and 10 By Liam Rose rebounds — to help lead the Tritons Such Staff Writer to their sixth conference win of the season. Hatch nailed big free throws WOMEN’S BASKETBALL — The throughout the game, hitting eight of Tritons were upstaged by the playoff- 10 from the line. bound Cal State Monterey Bay Otters Defense was once again key, as on Feb. 20. The Otters handed UCSD Great its mere third loss of the season — the Tritons held Cal State East Bay to 28 percent shooting and matched but the second in its past four games a season-best defensive effort set last — by a 68-57 decision. week by holding the Pioneers to only Outscoring UCSD 16-4 in the last 48 points. 3:15 of the game, the Otters used a After a confident win at home, Heights late surge to down the Tritons. the UCSD men traveled to San Junior forward Tiffany Hunter Francisco, hoping for a successful led the team with 18 points and nine road trip the second week in a row. rebounds, while sophomore guard However, the Tritons couldn’t close Chelsea Carlisle added 17 points and in on the Gators after a tight score four rebounds. of 27-28 at halftime. San Francisco Head coach Charity Elliott said went on an 8-2 run with 12 minutes she sees no particular trend in the to go in the game, leaving the Tritons Tritons’ recent troubles. behind. “We’ve just had a couple of tough After suffering the loss to San games, and we just haven’t met the Francisco on Friday, UCSD revved intensity and focus of our opponent,” up play Cal State Monterey Bay on head coach Charity Elliott said. Saturday night. The Otters’ win came a day after Though tired, the they beat Cal State East Bay to clinch UCSD men were able to their first-ever berth to the CCAA TRITONS edge out the Otters tournament. The Otters had never for a four-point before beaten the Tritons. Head  victory. coach Renee Jimenez called the win Points off Recently, the over UCSD “without a doubt the turnovers Tritons have biggest win in program history.” struggled with back- UCSD trailed by a point at to-back road games. halftime, but CSUMB’s Lindsay  However, leading Trout’s fourth three-pointer of the Points in scorer and guard game gave the Otters a seven-point the paint Jordan Lawley took advantage at five minutes into the it upon himself second half. Saturday to heave Though the Tritons were able to CSUMB the team to victory rally — and held a narrow 53-52 lead OTTERS with 28 points. with 3:39 remaining — the Otters Hatch also had a hit five of six free throws in the final great game, scoring minute to seal the win. ! 17 points and Cal State Monterey Bay was also Points off shooting a perfect ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN FILE able to take a 43-32 advantage in turnovers five-of-five from the Both the men’s and women’s track and field teams opened their season with victories. The women walked away with a convincing 108.5-point rebounding, including 14 offensive free-throw line. Off win over second-place finisher Claremont-Mudd-Scripps, and the men defeated Cal Poly Pomona by 67 points. the bench, freshman See W. BASKETBALLpage 15  forward Justin Brue Points in was a huge help, 5MVIVL?WUMV,WUQVI\M.QZ[\0WUM5MM\ the paint contributing six points in only 17 By Liam Rose had for the first meet of the year.” in both the 100-meter dash with minutes of play. Staff Writer Some of last year’s best a time of 11.92 seconds and the “It was their senior night,” Lawley female performers continued 200-meter dash with a time of said. “They had the competitive edge TRACK & FIELD — The Tritons to shine, getting the season off 24.78 seconds. Her performance and we wanted to take it from them.” started their season strong at a to an encouraging start. Junior in the 100-meter barely missed Head coach Chris Carlson said he home meet against San Diego Stephanie LeFever had an beating her own record of 11.85 was pleased with the performance by State, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal outstanding day, tying the school seconds. Lawley, as well as the rest of the team. State Dominguez Hills and record in the long jump with her In the throwing events, junior As a group that often struggles in the Clairemont-Mudd-Scripps on mark of 6.06 meters. She also Theresa Richards set a personal second half, he said it was important Feb. 20. The team claimed victo- placed second in the 100-meter best in the javelin throw with for the players to hold strong toward ry on both the men and women’s hurdles, and fifth in the javelin a mark of 136’3”, winning the the end. sides of the competition — the throw. event by nearly 10 feet. Senior “Execution was good,” he men totaled 152 points, and the Seniors Christine Merrill Marie Archer easily won the said. “The boys showed a lot of women 213. and Linda Rainwater — both hammer throw and placed third perseverance and mental toughness UCSD athletes hit 10 marks defending national champions in the discus throw. in the second half.” that were either provisional or — dominated their respective On the men’s side, reigning In order to make it to the playoffs, automatic qualifying marks for events. Merrill won both the conference champion and senior the Tritons must win their final two the NCAA Division-II Regional 400- and 100-meter hurdles, and Leon Baham won both the 110- games of the regular season this Championships. Rainwater placed first in the high and 400-meter hurdles, and weekend. As a senior and the team’s “We were pretty scared,” head jump. Rainwater also finished anchored the Tritons’ 4x400 relay leading scorer, Lawley has assumed a coach Tony Salerno said. “We third in the javelin, fourth in the team. Baham’s time of 53.67 in the leadership role. He said the team will were third in the nation last year, 100-meter hurdles and ran on 400-meter hurdles met the NCAA need to maintain defensive ferocity to but we graduated some and we the winning 4x400 relay team. provisional qualifying time. ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN are redshirting some. We were Junior Kelly Fogarty led the The Tritons lost their first-ever game against See M. BASKETBALLpage 15 amazed at how many qualifiers we way for the sprinters, placing first See TRACK & FIELDpage 15 playoff-bound Cal State Monterey Bay on Feb. 20.