DID IT HURT? YOU KNOW, WHEN YOU FELL FROM HEAVEN? PAGE 16 VOLUME XLII, ISSUE XXXV MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG >/,530),9;0,:*6330+, Affirmative +IUX][:MIK\[\W:IKQIT;T]Z Action Under ▶ .7+=; ▶ -,1<7:1)4 New Review By Angela Chen News Editor ,QITWO]M Low minority representation at UC Two words aired on campuses motivates one organization Student-Run Television ;PW]TL*M to file a lawsuit against Prop. 209. Thursday night brought UCSD into the national -VIJTML By Hayley Bisceglia-Martin spotlight — and into yet News Editor another campus free- 6W\.ZWbMV speech debate. After Kris Fourteen years after Prop.osition 209 banned Gregorian, editor in chief i Kappa Alpha and the affirmative action in California in 1996, a pri- of humor newspaper the less publicized frater- Koala, marily student-based coalition called “By Any said that protestors nities responsible for Means Necessary” is filing a class-action lawsuit of last week’s controversial P the “Compton Cookout” are — which names Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger “Compton Cookout” party breathing a deep sigh of relief and UC President Mark Yudof as defendants — were “ungrateful niggers” right now, because — just in to overturn Prop. 209 and reinstate affirmative on Channel 18, the Black the nick of time — the Koala action in California’s public schools. Student Union declared a has dependably swooped in to The lawsuit, filed on Feb. 16, argues that Prop. “State of Emergency” and WEB POLL steal the spotlight. 209 is unconstitutional, as it violates students’ issued a six-page list of NO YES All anger directed toward 14th Amendment rights by mandating separate demands to the university. DO YOU the Feb. 15 Black History THINK THE and unequal procedures for minority students. In response to the out- Month-mocking frat party was The legal brief states that Prop.. 209 was “specifi- rage — expressed principal- STUDENTS RESPONSIBLE quickly shifted to the campus cally intended to decrease or hold down Latina/o, ly by the black population at FOR THE humor newspaper everyone black and Native-American enrollment.” UCSD, or about 1.3 percent COMPTON 49% lloves to hate on Thursday “We can’t allow the separate and unequal con- 47% I of 22,000 undergraduates — COOKOUT nnight, when Koala Editor in ditions that are not only continuing in California, A.S. President Utsav Gupta SHOULD BE DON’T CChief Kris Gregorian dropped but which are legally in place, and legally codi- immediately shut down PUNISHED? KNOW fied with Prop.osition 209,” Northern California SRTV. Then, on Friday OUT OF See MEDIApage 4 Coordinator of BAMN Yvette Felarca said. 117 VOTES 4% afternoon, he unexpectedly If successful, the lawsuit would allow public decided to freeze all student schools — like the University of California — to fees toward media organiza- reinstate affirmative action. It would not, however, tions. guarantee any university action. According to Party Foul See 209page 7 The Feb. 15 Cookout was a racially themed STATE UC fraternity party widely con- OF CA SYSTEM UCSD demned by the BSU and the Student Affirmative Action Committee, along with Whites 42.3% 33% 26% Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue. Asians 12.5% 38% 44% According to ABC 10 News, the party was held at the home of Pi Kappa Latinos 36.6% 16% 13% Alpha member Elliot Van Nostrand, who was also responsible for creating the Blacks 6.7% 3% 2% See COOKOUTpage 3 PHOTOS BY KEVIN WU/GUARDIAN :<5.6+ BEST OF THE MIDWEST A punk-hop P.O.S. +WTTMOM-^MV\[?QTT concert at the Loft on Feb. 20 was opened by Minne- apolis-based rapper 8ZMT]LM5IQV;PW_ Dessa with soulful spoken word. Dessa By Janani Sridharan Chirco, although the A.S. Council has was followed by MC Senior Staff Writer been working with the college councils Grieves on the mic, since Fall Quarter, details of the col- backed by Budo In an effort to bring an all-campus laboration are still being ironed out. on the turntables. feel to the annual Sun God Festival, “It has been brought up to our coun- Associate Vice President of A.S. Concerts cil at the Council of Chairs meetings, When P.O.S. took and Events Alex Bramwell announced and we are discussing the practicalities the stage around 11 plans to fund daytime events at each of of it,” Chirco said. “What we know is p.m., Grieves and UCSD’s six colleges at an open forum that [the A.S. Council] is going to match Dessa came back held on Feb. 18. us up to $500. So basically, if we spend out to perform the According to Eleanor Roosevelt track “Low Light College Council President Brandon See SUN GODpage 7 ERIC WANG/GUARDIAN Low Life.” :762,5 -69,*(:; 50./;>(;*/ :<9-9,769; .(:7,9.(3365 05:0+, LOW It’s always harder to MONDAY TUESDAY *VTPJZ Height: 0-3 ft. Height: 0-4 ft. $2.68 3PNO[ZHUK:PYLUZ MONDAY TUESDAY Wind: 8-13 mph Wind: 5-8 mph Costco, Chula Vista stay on the top than H 59 L 44 H 69 L 46 MONDAY TUESDAY Water Temp: 61 F Water Temp: 61 F 895 East H St. near Tierra del Rey ([>P[»Z,UK to get there." HIGH 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY- ;OL9P]L[LY TONY SALERNO Height: 0-5 ft. Height: 0-6 ft. $3.51 “ HEAD COACH, UCSD TRACK TEAM WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Wind: 3-8 mph Wind: 3-5 mph Kwik Stop, El Cajon *SHZZPÄLKZ H 66 L 52 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY PAGE 15 H 67 L 41 Water Temp: 61 F Water Temp: 61 F 2410 Fletcher Pkwy. & Garfield Ave. :\KVR\ 2 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 NEWS POORLY DRAWN LINES By Reza Farazmand ZZZSRRUO\GUDZQOLQHVFRP :PTVUL>PSZVU Editor in Chief (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Managing Editors 9LaH-HYHaTHUK :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors 2LSZL`4HYY\QV /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU News Editors (UNLSH*OLU (`LSL[)P[[VU Associate News Editor ;YL]VY*V_ Opinion Editor *OLY`S/VYP Associate Opinion Editor =PZOHS5H[HYHQHU Sports Editor 4H[[*YVZRL` Associate Sports Editor ,K^PU.VUaHSLa Focus Editor (WYPSSL4\ZJHYH Associate Focus Editor 1LUUH)YVNHU Hiatus Editor 4H[[OL^7LJV[ Associate Hiatus Editor ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor 1VOU/HUHJLR Associate Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editors 7OPSPW9OPL :HYP;OH`LY Web Editor 5PJVSL;LP_LPYH Training and Development Page Layout 9LNPUH0W,TPS`2\1VUH[OHU:OHU5HVTP:OPMMTHU ;LYLZH;YPUO:PTVUL>PSZVU Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY4VUPJH/HPKLY1VUH[OHU2PT 4HZOH:VRVSV]5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ1V`JL@LO Web Designers 1HRL:JOULPKLY1LUU`;>HUN :*0,5*,AND;,*/5636.@ 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager 4PRL4HY[PULa Advertising Manager (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director 9VI*VYLH Marketing Team Leader BMJZINQ[P4MIL;KQMV\Q[\[\W7ZQOQVWN ;\MU+MTT[ ,]HU*VVR Network Administrator understanding how to produce HSCs Student Marketing and Events By Megha Ram @LSLUH(RVWPHU+HYH)\2PYI`2VV Staff Writer from types of artificial stem cells that :OHUUVU>PU[LY:OH^U?\ RONNIE STEINITZ/GUARDIAN Business Assistant are either more readily available or ;PMMHU`/HU After identifying the location of more limited. These HSCs would Advertising Design and Layout stem-cell production in the blood then have the potential to create any )YHUKVU*O\,]HU*VVR2PT*VVWLY Distributors vessels of zebrafish, biologists at cell the body might need. (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa:HS.HSSHNVZ:JV[[/H]YPZPR UCSD hope to one day use the infor- “[Through imaging,] I could ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z mation to simplify human medical observe the ‘transformation’ of flat HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ procedures like bone-marrow trans- endothelial cells along the aorta into ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK HSS plants. Bertrand round [bone-marrow] stem cells,” YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL MVY[OLYL[\YUVM\UZVSPJP[LKTHU\ZJYPW[ZVYHY[;OL]PL^Z In the future, scientists will ide- said he thought Bertrand said. L_WYLZZLKOLYLPUKVUV[ULJLZZHYPS`YLWYLZLU[[OLVWPU PVUZVM[OL<*:+.\HYKPHU[OL<UP]LYZP[`VM*HSPMVYUPH ally be able stimulate the growth of zebrafish might Now that scientists have identified VY (ZZVJPH[LK :[\KLU[Z ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ M\UKLK a sick patient’s own stem cells, then be good cell providers the area where HSCs are produced, ZVSLS`I`HK]LY[PZPUN>O``V\Z[LWWPUNPU[OLZHSZH& .LULYHS,KP[VYPHS! re-direct them to the area where they because they have proven they can begin trying to produce editor@ucsdguardian.org are needed — such as the bone mar- to be a standard test model them independently of a donor. 5L^Z!news1@ucsdguardian.org row. This would greatly decrease the for other vertebrates, including Patients with blood or bone-marrow -VJ\Z!features@ucsdguardian.org /PH[\Z!hiatus@ucsdguardian.org chances of infection or graft-versus- humans. The zebrafish embryo is also diseases — like cancer or leukemia 6WPUPVU!opinion@ucsdguardian.org :WVY[Z!sports@ucsdguardian.org host disease, in which the donor cells more accessible in its developmental external in fish.” — would undergo a transplant with 7OV[V!photo@ucsdguardian.org reject or attack the body. stages than the traditional lab rat. The cells — more specifically HSCs that are already compatible (K]LY[PZPUN! The research team that discov- “[The formation of blood cells] known as hematopoietic stem cells with their immune systems. ads@ucsdguardian.org ered the location was headed by has been thoroughly described in (HSCs) — have the ability to gener- Because the zebrafish embryo is -H_! assistant professor of biology David the mouse embryo, but since mouse ate many types of cells.
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