East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull City Council Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Consultation Document Regulation 25 (2008) Consultation Summer 2010 Notice This report was produced by Atkins Limited for East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council for the specific purpose of The Joint Minerals Development Plan Document. This report may not be used by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council without East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council’s express permission. In any event, Atkins accepts no liability for any costs, liabilities or losses arising as a result of the use of or reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council. Document History JOB NUMBER: 5049925 East Riding & Hull CC DOCUMENT REF: Draft Report JMDPD JMDPD v.1.0 For Client Comment AH, LT, AH, RB JD 03/04/09 RB, YP v.1.1 For Issue AH, LT, AH, RB JD JD 10/05/10 RB, YP Revision Purpose Description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date Joint Minerals Development Plan Document Preferred Approach Summer 2010 Consultation This report has been produced for the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Kingston upon Hull City Council by Atkins Ltd. If you would like a summary of this document in a different format such as large print, Braille of tape, or in a different language, please contact your Council’s Information Centre on East Riding of Yorkshire 01482 393939 Or email
[email protected] City of Kingston upon Hull 01482 300 300 Or email
[email protected] The Joint Authorities are keen to obtain the views of everyone with an interest in minerals planning on the issues raised in this Consultation version of the Joint Minerals Development Plan Document.