NDO Integrated Community Development Fund Quarterly Report to USAID/Bolivia Integrated Alternative Development Office October - December 2009 Award Nº: 511-A-00-05-00153-00 December 2009 Contact: Treena Bishop Team Leader ICDF Calle 11 # 480 Esq. Sánchez Bustamante Calacoto La Paz, Bolivia Tel/Fax: (+591) 2 – 2793206 E-mail:
[email protected] ACDI/VOCA is the implementer of the Integrated Community Development Fund, financed by USAID. __________________________________________________________________ La Paz Office: La Asunta Office : Palos Blancos Office: Coroico Office: Washington, DC Office: Calle 11 # 480 Esq. Sánchez Av. Oswaldo Natty s/n Esquina Plaza Principal Calle Tomás Manning 50 F Street NW , Suite 1075 Bustamante, Calacoto La Asunta – Sud Yungas Colonia Brecha Area 2 s/n frente Convento Washington, DC 20001 La Paz, Bolivia Cel.: 767-65965 Palos Blancos, Bolivia Madres Clarisas Tel: (202) 638-4661 Tel/Fax: (591-2) 279-3206 Tel/Fax: (2) 873-1613 – (2) Coroico - Bolivia http: www.acdivoca.org
[email protected] 873-1614 Tel/Fax: (2) 289-5568 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 3 I. ICDF IN NUMBERS........................................................................................................... 7 II.1 Activities by Component and Region........................................................................... 14 II.2 Cross-cutting Activities ................................................................................................