BC Related Unsubstantiated Stat^J at a Meeting Monday Night, Gloves Off," He Said
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v ; 7V . , ■ ■' -y- . ..'yv: : ■ 'i'': m S ervingl'ht Okbnogqii - Caniada's F ruit 12 Piq[M 1 0 ^ p ci copy m 88 Kelovn^ B ii^h Coliiinibia, Tuesday, Novemlwr 14, LONDON U P ) — Prince Charles celebrated his 19th bi]^d^y today outwardly un- concerned about' a storm grow ing around his royal head. Students in Swansea, Sou thampton Sind London claim the : uture king’s adnuttance Oct. 8 i» Cambridge University bn only two examination passes amounts to favoritism. On the Welsh front, highly-vo- c a r Welsh home rulers are against his officia||^ investiture as Princelof Wales at Caernar Townhouse Plan von Castlei in 1969. Plans are in hand for a £2,- 000,006 extravaganza of pagean try, flaming beacons oh moun tain tops and oth|sr celebrations to msirk the occasion. The nationalists see it as another move to keep the 2,-. 500,000 Welsh tied to central government in; London.,: They An application by Townhouse way we cari,” said AW. D. A. say they will sabotage the cele Developments to dump treated Chapman. “Even if it isn’t our brations. sewage into Lake Okanagan busine.cs, we must make it our None of this seems to have will be opposed by the Kelowna business.’’ upset Charles, an easy-going City Council. “We must come out with, our young man who is known to his 0 T T A W A (CP)-rTbe CBC related unsubstantiated stat^j At a meeting Monday night, gloves off," he said. “Even friend as “a nice chap.’’ board of directors flatly re ments. .’’ . the council voted to oppose the though it’s useless we should Conscious of the never-ending jected Monday Judy LaMarsh’s They come as a regrettable aipplication and send letters to send a letter to our MLA spotlight of publicity upon him, “rotten management’’ charge lapse, particularly from the the minister of health and the (Premier Bennett).** Charles hasn’t put a foot wrong against the corporation, calhng minister through whom the CBC minister of lands, forests and Dr. D. A; Clarke, medical in his first two months at col it unsubstantiated and offensive. reports to Parliament. General water resources. - healto officer will not issue a lege.- Although branding her state attacks of this nature on public Ray Perrault, B.C. Liberal sewage disposal permit for . the He is known to entertain a ment as the sort of provocation officials or thrown corporations party leader, told The Courier development. In a letter to few close friends in his college that “naay have deserved the are foreign to the Canadian po Monday afternoon he intends to E d w a r d Ashton, provincial rooms, but; so far there hasn’t response, of . a mass resi^ a- litical tradition.’’ take the matter up with Ray building inspector. Dr. Clarke been a girl friend in sight. tion,” they said they will re The statement said her re^ Williston, minister of lands, asked the buildin'g permit riot main- bn the job until new marks had “profoundly ; . dis forests' arid water resources be granted. broadcasting legislation comes tressed’’ the directors. and “demand an explanation.’ A letter read at the council into effect. ^ When, to: her charges against ‘Tt is unbelievable the per meeting said Dr. Clarke would They also criticized the gov management : and the directors mit was granted by a man in appreciate it if “ you (Mr. Ash ernment for remaining silent bn there ' has been added the si Victoria without notification to ton) would withold granting the the charges by Miss LaMatsh- lence of the government itself people in the area,’’ said Mr. building permit unless or until the state secretary ■who reports the; propriety of; her state-. _ ■ I intend to take the' sewage aspect has been to Parliament on the CBC. ments, the directors , as toe settled to the satisfaction of this public trustees for the corpora- the • opposition; The tough statement read staridppint. office.”;-'- in French and English to report tion feel it essential to speak WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. out.” I The application was granted “The sewage disposal pro (AP) — Two members of the ers by J. Alphonse Ouimet, posal based on the pollution Outlaws Motorcycle Club were president, of the ;publiclyTOwned 'Die directors’ statement was Nov. 2, ancf that moriring, only round No. 4 iri the ba;ttle that Brian Weddell, a Kelowna control permit information is ; accused today of nailing the corporation. contrary to public health in The statement, drafted during erupted when . Miss LaMarsh lawyer representing about 20 hands: of a shapely, freckled spoke of rotten management in property owners in the area terest and as such we will not 4.* redhead to a tree for withhold a day-long special Sunday nieet permit same to proceed under ing of the board, said the direc many areas of the CBC on the knew the permit had been ing $10 from a club member. Pierre Bertori TV program NoV:. granted, provincial health legislation,’’ Sheriff William Heidtman said. tors “reject categorically’’, the the letter stated. charge of mismanagement “and 1 Townhouse Deyelopments pro “She was nailed to a tree—we poses to erect a 26.siiite, two- “We should back Dr. Clarke GALLANT SCOUT might .even use the term cruci storey apartment building on a in his refusal to issue the per fixion although she wasn’t hung A yoiing girl of fourteen or fif Dean, is shown presenting one and one-half acre pennin- mit,” said Aid. Chapman, “and Monday at Government off the ground—but she was tell Dr. Clarke of the city’s ^^use in Ottawa, Governor- teen went first to the boy’s Scout Bordean with 1967’s sula site near Watt Road. nailed to the tree by both The permit was issued by C. loo per cent support of his eneral Michener will present aid but could not handle the first centennial badge for out hands/’Heidtman said. struggling youngster.. Scout standing achievement and J. Keenan, Victoria, director of efforts." ■toe Gilt Cross for Gallantry to Heidtman said iS-y e a r -nl d “We are trying to keep pollu James Michael Bofdean of Bordean, becoming aware of pointing to a scouting badge Christine Deese “was brought pollution control. the situation, swam out and award^ for gallantry with At the city council meeting tion out of the lake and now 16M Glenmore St., Kelowna. by gang members to a hospital more will be put in," said Aid. ’Ihe citation will read: “Bob took over the rercue effort, moderate risk, Scout Bordean last Friday night.’’ Monday night. Aid. L. A. N. which he effected with skill. will leave Kelowna Friday OTTAWA (CP) — State Secre- The bill already has approval in Pottertori said the Union Board J. W. Bedford. “AU Valley by Smith, age 11, whilst bath She persisted in the story councils should oppose this. ing in Okanagan Lake, got out Scout Bordean is commended morning with his parents, Mr. principle from toe Commons. of Health will oppose the per and Mrs. Michael Bordean. she had tripped and fallen on a tary Judy LaMarsh said today Terry Nugent (PC—Edmonton mit. “There are 15 days from Allowing this to happen is not of his deptoi became panic for his . gallantry ’ ’ District plank, with two nails sticking up. harsh statements about the CBC cubmaster, Mrs. W illi a, i (Courier Photo) Strathcona) said the minister’s the date the applicatiori is right." stricken and called for help. She had a hole^ through each j^p i^st week’s Com- “Chambers of commerce and hand in exactly the same posi- ivir-s, uiums iodi _ “lecture” to MPs was sheer ef-| approved for opposition to be tion and it seemed a little Te-ltno6s debate have caused, dis- frontry. He said there is uneasi voiced," he said, The deadline the people of the Valley must ness ainong Canadians about is Friday. unite to fight the government,’* mote.’’ tress in the country. said Aid. Potterton. Booked under $5,000 bail on Appearing before the Cbin- the CBC and it is the duty of “We must fight this every charge of aggravated assauU mons broadcasting committee, MPs, as representatives of the J N g w were Frank E. (Fat Frank) Miss LaMarsh said thp principle people, to bring these feelings B.C Act Link, 25, and Norman E. (Spi- of public broadcasting appears into the open. der) Risinger, 25. to be accepted by the Commons. Miss LaMarsh must have had Martin Denies 'Interlerence' Heidtman said the 5-feet-8, Yet there seemed to be univer- her torigue in her cheek in mak 135-pound girl suffered no per- sal condemnation of the public ing her remarks, he said. Her manent injury in what he broadcasting agency by MPs own comments on the CBC termed “the punlishment cere- during the debate. management were proof.of it. In mony.' “We must be careful not to He was referring to Miss throw out the baby with the LaMarsh’s statement Nov. 1 on TORONTO (CP) — No nation Martin said the same charga lems have originated out of Suggestions for changes in of sites bo left to the provincial bath water,” Miss LaMarsh told the-1___ Pierre Berton television*ft*r\4-4-An I has. the right_i« to _interfere ___ ___ in the___ could be made against the So legislatiori governing regional board, with final choice to be weaknesses in the legislation. the committee which is going show that there was “rotten matters of other countries ex viet Union and its allied coun colleges were, made at a meet determined on reccmniendation The basic flaw is that operation Malta Greets over the new broadcasting bill.