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m S ervingl'ht Okbnogqii - Caniada's F ruit 12 Piq[M 1 0 ^ p ci copy m 88 Kelovn^ B ii^h Coliiinibia, Tuesday, Novemlwr 14,

LONDON U P ) — Prince Charles celebrated his 19th bi]^d^y today outwardly un- concerned about' a storm grow­ ing around his royal head. . Students in Swansea, Sou­ thampton Sind London claim the : uture king’s adnuttance Oct. 8 i» Cambridge University bn only two examination passes amounts to favoritism. On the Welsh front, highly-vo- c a r Welsh home rulers are against his officia||^ investiture as Princelof Wales at Caernar­ Townhouse Plan von Castlei in 1969. Plans are in hand for a £2,- 000,006 extravaganza of pagean­ try, flaming beacons oh moun­ tain tops and oth|sr celebrations to msirk the occasion. The nationalists see it as another move to keep the 2,-. 500,000 Welsh tied to central government in; London.,: They An application by Townhouse way we cari,” said AW. D. A. say they will sabotage the cele­ Developments to dump treated Chapman. “Even if it isn’t our brations. sewage into Lake Okanagan busine.cs, we must make it our None of this seems to have will be opposed by the Kelowna business.’’ upset Charles, an easy-going City Council. “We must come out with, our young man who is known to his 0 T T A W A (CP)-rTbe CBC related unsubstantiated stat^j At a meeting Monday night, gloves off," he said. “Even friend as “a nice chap.’’ board of directors flatly re­ ments. . . .’’ . . the council voted to oppose the though it’s useless we should Conscious of the never-ending jected Monday Judy LaMarsh’s They come as a regrettable aipplication and send letters to send a letter to our MLA spotlight of publicity upon him, “rotten management’’ charge lapse, particularly from the the minister of health and the (Premier Bennett).** Charles hasn’t put a foot wrong against the corporation, calhng minister through whom the CBC minister of lands, forests and Dr. D. A; Clarke, medical in his first two months at col­ it unsubstantiated and offensive. reports to Parliament. General water resources. - healto officer will not issue a lege.- Although branding her state­ attacks of this nature on public Ray Perrault, B.C. Liberal sewage disposal permit for . the He is known to entertain a ment as the sort of provocation officials or thrown corporations party leader, told The Courier development. In a letter to few close friends in his college that “naay have deserved the are foreign to the Canadian po­ Monday afternoon he intends to E d w a r d Ashton, provincial rooms, but; so far there hasn’t response, of . a mass resi^ a- litical tradition.’’ take the matter up with Ray building inspector. Dr. Clarke been a girl friend in sight. tion,” they said they will re­ The statement said her re^ Williston, minister of lands, asked the buildin'g permit riot main- bn the job until new marks had “profoundly ; . dis­ forests' arid water resources be granted. broadcasting legislation comes tressed’’ the directors. and “demand an explanation.’ A letter read at the council into effect. ^ When, to: her charges against ‘Tt is unbelievable the per­ meeting said Dr. Clarke would They also criticized the gov­ management : and the directors mit was granted by a man in appreciate it if “ you (Mr. Ash­ ernment for remaining silent bn there ' has been added the si­ Victoria without notification to ton) would withold granting the the charges by Miss LaMatsh- lence of the government itself people in the area,’’ said Mr. building permit unless or until the state secretary ■who reports the; propriety of; her state-. _ ■ I intend to take the' sewage aspect has been to Parliament on the CBC. ments, the directors , as toe settled to the satisfaction of this public trustees for the corpora- the • opposition; The tough statement read staridppint. office.”;-'- in French and English to report­ tion feel it essential to speak WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. out.” I The application was granted “The sewage disposal pro­ (AP) — Two members of the ers by J. Alphonse Ouimet, posal based on the pollution Outlaws Motorcycle Club were president, of the ;publiclyTOwned 'Die directors’ statement was Nov. 2, ancf that moriring, only round No. 4 iri the ba;ttle that Brian Weddell, a Kelowna control permit information is ; accused today of nailing the corporation. contrary to public health in­ The statement, drafted during erupted when . Miss LaMarsh lawyer representing about 20 hands: of a shapely, freckled spoke of rotten management in property owners in the area terest and as such we will not 4.* redhead to a tree for withhold­ a day-long special Sunday nieet permit same to proceed under ing of the board, said the direc­ many areas of the CBC on the knew the permit had been ing $10 from a club member. Pierre Bertori TV program NoV:. granted, provincial health legislation,’’ Sheriff William Heidtman said. tors “reject categorically’’, the the letter stated. charge of mismanagement “and 1 Townhouse Deyelopments pro­ “She was nailed to a tree—we poses to erect a 26.siiite, two- “We should back Dr. Clarke GALLANT SCOUT might .even use the term cruci­ storey apartment building on a in his refusal to issue the per­ fixion although she wasn’t hung A yoiing girl of fourteen or fif­ Dean, is shown presenting one and one-half acre pennin- mit,” said Aid. Chapman, “and Monday at Government off the ground—but she was tell Dr. Clarke of the city’s ^^use in Ottawa, Governor- teen went first to the boy’s Scout Bordean with 1967’s sula site near Watt Road. nailed to the tree by both The permit was issued by C. loo per cent support of his eneral Michener will present aid but could not handle the first centennial badge for out­ hands/’Heidtman said. struggling youngster.. Scout standing achievement and J. Keenan, Victoria, director of efforts." ■toe Gilt Cross for Gallantry to Heidtman said iS-y e a r -nl d “We are trying to keep pollu­ James Michael Bofdean of Bordean, becoming aware of pointing to a scouting badge Christine Deese “was brought pollution control. the situation, swam out and award^ for gallantry with At the city council meeting tion out of the lake and now 16M Glenmore St., Kelowna. by gang members to a hospital more will be put in," said Aid. ’Ihe citation will read: “Bob­ took over the rercue effort, moderate risk, Scout Bordean last Friday night.’’ Monday night. Aid. L. A. N. which he effected with skill. will leave Kelowna Friday OTTAWA (CP) — State Secre- The bill already has approval in Pottertori said the Union Board J. W. Bedford. “AU Valley by Smith, age 11, whilst bath­ She persisted in the story councils should oppose this. ing in Okanagan Lake, got out Scout Bordean is commended morning with his parents, Mr. principle from toe Commons. of Health will oppose the per­ and Mrs. Michael Bordean. she had tripped and fallen on a tary Judy LaMarsh said today Terry Nugent (PC—Edmonton mit. “There are 15 days from Allowing this to happen is not of his deptoi became panic for his . gallantry ’ ’ District plank, with two nails sticking up. harsh statements about the CBC cubmaster, Mrs. W illi a, i (Courier Photo) Strathcona) said the minister’s the date the applicatiori is right." stricken and called for help. She had a hole^ through each j^p i^st week’s Com- “Chambers of commerce and hand in exactly the same posi- ivir-s, uiums iodi _ “lecture” to MPs was sheer ef-| approved for opposition to be tion and it seemed a little Te-ltno6s debate have caused, dis- frontry. He said there is uneasi­ voiced," he said, The deadline the people of the Valley must ness ainong Canadians about is Friday. unite to fight the government,’* mote.’’ tress in the country. said Aid. Potterton. Booked under $5,000 bail on Appearing before the Cbin- the CBC and it is the duty of “We must fight this every charge of aggravated assauU mons broadcasting committee, MPs, as representatives of the J N g w were Frank E. (Fat Frank) Miss LaMarsh said thp principle people, to bring these feelings B.C Act Link, 25, and Norman E. (Spi- of public broadcasting appears into the open. der) Risinger, 25. to be accepted by the Commons. Miss LaMarsh must have had Martin Denies 'Interlerence' Heidtman said the 5-feet-8, Yet there seemed to be univer- her torigue in her cheek in mak­ 135-pound girl suffered no per- sal condemnation of the public ing her remarks, he said. Her manent injury in what he broadcasting agency by MPs own comments on the CBC termed “the punlishment cere- during the debate. management were proof.of it. In mony.' “We must be careful not to He was referring to Miss throw out the baby with the LaMarsh’s statement Nov. 1 on TORONTO (CP) — No nation Martin said the same charga lems have originated out of Suggestions for changes in of sites bo left to the provincial bath water,” Miss LaMarsh told the-1___ Pierre Berton television *ft*r\4-4-An I has . the right _i« to _interfere ______in the___ could be made against the So­ legislatiori governing regional board, with final choice to be weaknesses in the legislation. the committee which is going show that there was “rotten matters of other countries ex­ viet Union and its allied coun­ colleges were, made at a meet­ determined on reccmniendation The basic flaw is that operation Malta Greets over the new broadcasting bill. management” in the CBC. cept under the auspices of the tries, such as Poland. ing of the Okanagan Regional of the regi(jnal council. , of regional colleges comes un­ United Nations, External Af­ Poland is a meriiber of the In­ College Council Monday night. TAX STRUCTURE der the Public Schools Act. fairs Minister Paul Martin said ternational Control Commission H The legislation committee pre­ A re-examination of the tax “The experience in the Okan­ Royal Couple Monday. along with. Canada and India. sented a brief which was ap­ structure for regional colleges agan seems to Illustrate quite V A LETT A (Reuters) The 64-year-old minister told Is urged by the report. If the clearly it is virtually impossible, DESTINATION UNKNOWN proved, with one member. Dr, Queen Elizabeth and Prince the Canadian Club that he has Mr. Martin told reporters that J . M. Turner of Vernon, voting present method of taxation is except under extreme difflcul Philip arrived here by plane always supported the UN and retained, the report suggests re­ ties, to develop a regional col­ he was “not aware at all" that ll^inst the report, The report today for a three-day state visit the League of Nations before it the U.S. is using Canadian-made WU be “serit to the appropriate vision for specific provision for lege within the provisions of to Malta. They were greeted by in their peacekeeping efforts. present legislation. arms in Vietnam and repeated authorities.’’ a method of local taxation and thousands of Maltese. He reminded his listeners that elimination of the present pleb- “Formation on a voluntary several times that Canada is not H. O. puchanan, chairman of Tlie visit was originally sched-] OTTAWA (CP) — The House ho is the only living Canadian selling arms for direct trans-, the committee presented the re­ iscite-refcrendum system of vot- basis leads to patochial squab­ uled for May, but was post­ bling which will cripple all ef­ of Commons approved a bill who took part, in establishing shipment to any theatre of war. port, which suggests a separate ing poned because of tension over a the league. The report suggests increased forts to arrive at decisions ac Monday night to establish an , He said that under Canada’s regional college act be estab­ gradual pullout of British forces advisory body of private citi­ Commenting on North Viet­ defence-sharing agreement with lished, with the province being authority for regional councils ceptable to all.” on the Mediterranean island to control budgets, expansion Dr, Turner asked if the coun­ zens for the minister of manpow­ namese charges that Cpnada is the U.S. going back to 1945, “we divided Into regional districts The Maltese claimed the with er and immigration. This group, selling arms to the United iiriport over $300,000,000 worth with regional council. There proposals and similar items. cil had "analyzed the defeat of drawal would lead to massive the referendum and drawn con­ to be called the Canada States for use in the war, Mr. of arms ourselves” annually. should be a provincial college These would be submitted di­ unemployment fo r civilians Manpower and Immigration board to assess needs and make rectly to the minister or the clusions?” working on the bases. Since provincial board. “People I have talked to ob- Council, is to have not iriorc recommendations to the minis­ then, they have been mollified than 15 members. ter of education, Each regional council should .ectcd to the total cost,” said }y British offers to help develop Mr. Buchanan, “but not the ap­ The bill was passed after the Colleges should bo established be able to borrow funds for cur­ the Island’s industry. Commons rejected by a vote of Great Train Robbery 'Lure' rify direct order of the minister rent expenses, within the torms portionment of costs." The Queen opens Malta’s par­ of an approved budget, if a re­ “How does the total cost 3 to 64 an amendment by Rob- ori recommendation of the pro­ liament Wednesday. o r t McCleave (PC—Halifax) vincial board or by submission vised system of taxation is not originate from legislative weak­ introduced, the report suggests ness?” said Dr. Turner. that would have required the of, ,» single proposition to the council to report to Parliament For U.K.'s $3 Million Gang el^||^rs of n district. ’The report points out "in al­ Dr. Turner, a member of the report suggests the choice most every instance the prob legislative committee, said he Strikes Widen once a year. LONDON (AP) - Loot from covered from the $7,800,000 'didn’t know” he was on the It now goes to the Senate, Britain’s Great Train Robbery train robbery. committee and wasn’t aware of which resumes sitting Nov. 21 Aug. 8,1003, may have-been the U.K. Trade Gap Debate on the bill to establish Police saifl a large share of the meeting. lure for a gang of crooks who the loot is still stashed away— Chairman Qiiarlcs Finch said IXINDON (Reuters) - Britain a manpower and ImiplRratlon robbed a London safety deposit Vernon's School Board council arose unexpectedly on probably in private safety dei^s- (he minister of education said in disclosed today that its trade I strongroom during the weekend it boxes. 1064 If there were any recom' gap widened to £107,000,000 third and final reading. JEAN MARCHAND of a possible $3,000,000, police mcndations made about region­ ($321,000,000) in October In the Manpower Minister Marchand . , . gets his way Police found their first possi­ had already, during debate on said t^ a y . ble clue to the raid today: a al college legislation, they would wake of wildcat dock strikes Police said the crooks, who Pulls Out At Year's End bo given a hearing. that blocked exports. second reading, rejected the (PC — Airgenteull - Deux Mon- quantity of safe-cutting gear tagncs). It was also sujwortedil^ rtc d I worked to spllt-sccond timing. dumped In a roadside ditch in ij^ h e Vernon district school The Penticton Iwnrd said It (Sec also Page 3) Tinde ministry figures Ideri of an annual report to Par- showed exports slumpedslumped from from I llamcnt. In speeches by Andrew Brewin gave indications by the pattern Essex near London. board will not suPFMirt the Oka­ did not want to hold a refcrcn (NDP —Toronto - Greenwood) of their raid that they knew nagan Regional College Council dum now because of a schoo £422,000,000 to £356,000,000. But Mr. McCleave revived the Imports fell proportionately argument and his proposal was an d Cliarles-Arthur Gauthier what they were after. ler the end of the year. board referendum Dec. 0 and (Creditlste—Roberval). Less than $2,000,000 was re­ At a college council meeting the board didn’t want to take WORLD NEWS 1 e 8 s —f r 0 m £529,000,000 to | sectmded by Roger Reglmbal flli»iday night, a resolution from an unnecessary risk of a multi' Crosswalks th« Vernon board 'was read. The tude of referendums." resolution said “unless there is IN A MINUTE MISS CANADA WINS A CAR TOO STUNNED TO CRY concrete evidence there Is pos- ■lUe agreement lietween partlcl- Airmen Missing To Re-appear piAng dlstrleti, there would^ no* purpose in continuing the GALVESTON, Ind. (AP) The Strategic Air Command re- 1 Haven't Even a Driver s Licence Two of three crosswalks ellm- council after Dec. 31." natcd when Bernard Avenue The board of trustees of ixrrled three airmen ml.ining today In the crash of an $8,000, Prince County Hospital, a bloqk tltlon with a bilingual speech on was re-surfaced will bo replac­ iKhOol District 23 (Kelowna) has TORONTO (CP) - Carol plans to give to her father, Sgt ed. ., J, , /j,,.. 000 B-58 Hustler bomber Mon- A. P. MacKinnon of the Sum- away from her home,.. ... y v vfe’ Confederation and Canada’s in­ ^ a d y sAid It win not supt)p« MacKinnon, a 19-ycar-old stu­ ternal problems. She said she The city’s staff administration the council after Dec. 31. day night in a corn field mln mcrslde air base. “I’m going back next year, if uU's after takeoff. dent nurse from Summcrslde, they’ll take me.” enjoys reading, particularly committee recommended to the s’Thls Is notyitew.” said chair- “1 don’t even have a driver’s city council last\weck that the |n Charles' Finch about the P.E.L, needed only one word to During her one-year reign, books Involving personal histo­ licence,” she said. Miss MacKinnon, who stands ries crosswalks, near Abbott and at ^tfnon letter. "If one starts, »,um up her feelings M ond^ Runner-up was Mcrrllyn St. Paul and Bertram streets, thay Iall do 11." Liner Burn^ five feet, 4H inches and weighs In a contest in which theMl girls DURBAN. South Africh (AP) night after winning the 19M Gann. 19, of Vancouver, a sec themselves ware the ]Judges. not be replaced. Counctl received a letter Miss Canada Pageant—“Won­ ond-year student In education at 110 pounds, will live in Toronta the Kamloops school -Passengers aboard the 24,756- except during three scheduled Miss Hill was selected asIS Miss Opposition from merchants at derful," the University of British Colum­ CionganlaUty. the Monday night council meet­ baard suggesting a meeting to ton British liner Northern Star Miss MacKinnwi, a brown- bia. Other finalists wtnre Betty cross-Canada tours and trips to dlecuss “representation for the evacuated the ship Monday night several countries. Her travpls Mezzoaoprano Carol Ann ing resulted in the council vot­ when fire broke out next to the eyed, dark-haired beauty who Bruce of Edmonton, Sandy Hill Griffin and Miss Gann won tal­ ing to replace the St. Paul and dipartment of education In con- was chosen Miss Centennial of Muskoka, Ont , and Debbie will Include a two-week stay In ctlon with legislation changes" passengers' smoking room. Czechoslovakia. ent contests in preliminary Bertram crosswalks, P.E.I. at the annual Summer Burkhart of Toronto. judging. _ ^dde—Lobster—*Carnival*Jn™«Jnl3L. She was crowned ^ last colleges. ffinaTiiti in H n jN g am t waiti ■AT*lis~Altatk ------w o n the nationally-televised chosen from 2.0()0 entries in mended elimination of the eroaa- Odiege president Norman pageant over 24 other contest­ • I Just hope 1 can live up to i.ynne Kelly, 20. of Vancouver JhWaUtrr told the council no meet- TEL AVIV (Reuters) — Arab the title," Miss MacKinnon said and Mmicton, N.B.. who coverct competitions across Canada walks. bolh l*«t week and after sabotetirs fired a bazooka shell ants. They were Judged on a basis ol a revTiwllfliwl^. mg has l)een arranged, but an "I can’t believe It, that’s why in an Interview. "It’s a great re- 75.000 miles In two round-the- ^'exchange of Information” will Into an Israeli Army camp dup world promotion tours. 20 per cent for talent. 40 per The trtlHc iwort was keyed ing the night and damaged an I can’t cry.” she said. sponstbllity, but I’ll do my to the movement of vehicle and be made. With the crown went $2,S,0(W in b e lt,” Miss MacKinnon, 35-25-35 cent for poise. InteDect and A letter from the Penticton w ilt tfiir! TIty'ra automobile assembly plant with won the swimsuit conlesl am. charm and 40 per cent for ap- padestrian traffic in a changing an exploiive charge, an army cash and gifts. Imhiding a 1968 A native of Montague. PEI. commtmity. schtMl tioard letdylng to a let* ncaiiig Mr car!'* model car which she said she she entered training this fall at placed high la the talent compa- p^MTsnce in a swimsuit. 1 ^ ter\m from tha council mas read. 1 Kiiokesman said today. T4 J' r :

f p Ag B 2 K^WNf DAILT 1967 RUTLAND — The annual Roman Catholic Church supper arid bazaar was held in the parish hall at St. Theresa’s With BETHEL STEELE Church Saturday and toe at­ RUTLAND — ’The Remem­ toe secondary school, marched Dragoons a n d .cadets; tendance reached the 600 mark brance Day serviCe at the Rut­ to the school grounds, led by toe SbCOuts, Wolf Cubs, Girl Guidea, at the supper. The local Catho­ Saturday : evening, Jeunesses , Musicales presented the land War Memorial was well Canadian Legion Pipe Band Brownies and the pathfinder?, lic Women’s League catered for Parade Marshal was Liegion- second recital of this season's series of four. c m attended on the lawn at toe from Kelowna and foUpwed bjy the supper,, and there were Our Community Theatre must have been specially built Central Elementary School. A members of toe Legion and the naire Normnn Hilborn and toe for chamber music because Saturday, the Prague ^am M r parade formed up in front of Ladies’ Auxiliary; the B.C. parade was ' formed into a booths with fancy work, home Orchestra filled the building with, some of the most beautiful hollow square around ’ t h e By FRANCES DOBSON The three representatives of baking, etc. and a fish bowl and jwrformances of chamber music it has been ray pnyuege memorial. The Last Post Was toe Royal Canadian Legion other games were played. sounded by. trumpeters John Last week was an event­ were Mr. B. Baker, Mr. A. to hear. And ho matter where we sat the sound came through ’The overall plarining of toe with startling clarity. 7 . j T.*- Slater and Jamas Jurome; then ful one at George Elliot School, Green and Mr. J. Green, ’Tri­ The andienee was a large one made'up mostly of stodents two minutes’ silence, followed Winfield, in both sports and bute was shown to toe fallen arrangements for this bazaar, and those favored few aduits who are aUdwed to privuege by Reveille; after this came the academic activities. soldiers of toe two great wars one of the most successful in of joining the young people in their enjoyment of live music. placing of wreaths and then toe In toe field of athletics, by toe lowering of toe flag, years, was in toe hands of toe The Prague Chamber Orchestra we heard was made up Lament* played by Pipe. Major George Elliot has dominated playing of the Last Post and completely of strings . . . one stringy bass,^^twp violas, two Campbell. The address was by the scene. On Nov. 4, the, Reveille a n d two minutes Parish Council. 'cellos and seven tooiins . . . four first and three second. We PEACHLAND — A good turp. School Students’ Council and Rev. Howard B. Hall. teams of George Elliot fought silence. Deep-felt thanks and wish they had brought their harpsichord for the continuo put of veterans, L.A. members. Miss Lora Enns bn btoalf of 'The Rutlhnd United Church on home territory. Firstly in appreciation runs through the Perfect Bodywork and then this Baroque music would have been finished per- Girl Guides and members of toe Peachland Teen Town. choir, conducted by Mrs.. W. grass hockey, toe junior girls’ mind of each student -as he Peachland Community Junipr C. H. Inglis provided and team won the Valley chanipion- stands with head bowed in fection.^t ^a^ we heard two movements of the Handel Con­ Drinkwater, led in the singing ChoirTgathered Saturday at the operated the public address of the hymns. ship by defeating Vernon 2-0, reverence. certo Grosso, Opus 6, no 5 in D major, It is one of 12 concertl Cenotaph to take part in the. system and the junior choir and Penticton 3-0. ’This re­ It was truly a significant and Grossi by Handel wkich this group is prepanng to record The placing of wreaths cere­ turned the Valley championship memorable way to end a week Royal Canadian Legion services led the singing. mony commenced ' with the and if for no other reason thaii that this music is the ensem­ to commemorate Remembrance Open house was , then held in to the school after a year’s at George Elliot. ble’s favorite we should have heard all the D major. _ . placing of a Wreath at toe absence. Secondly, in volley^ Day. Rev. Dr. R. D. Mitchell the Legion Hall before the memorial by Mrs. Katherine The D major Concerto has four movements . • • heard took as his theme “Do You drive to toe Peachland Ceme- ball, both the junior and senior the allegro . . . a three part fugue and the minuet .The voic­ Schmidt, whose son, Nick, was boys’ teams' won their tourna­ Remember?’’ teryi where further services killed in Italy while serving ing ol the fugile was for four and three yiohris m d toe wolas, The Last Post and Reveille were held and poppies were ments which determined the i t All Collision Repairs 'cellos and bass. It was all so exquisitely articulated and with toe 9th Armored Regt. zone. George Pringle placed was spiinded by bugler E. Ross placed on all veterans’ graves. (BCD) Aug. 31, 1944 and by ■A .Fast and B jendable. balanced; each part had a crystal clear transparency which During the afternoon, yetp second after Elliot’s first. one might associate with an organ fugue given clarity by Oatman. Mrs. Ernest Hepton, whosf son, Ambulance Fund Wreaths were laid by most erans and visitors gathered in Meanwhile, the more serious RUTLAND — ’The Rutiand Over 40 years experience. toe proper use of stops. / , ... . j-.. John, was also killed in battle side of George Elliot has been organizationsi Legion and L.A. the had. some came from Kel­ in Italy, with the Loyal Edmon Lions Club gave their ambu­ The minuet sounded as a minuet should with toe melodic owna, Summerland and other showing its shiny face. Last line given in broad sweeping phrases. Vu finJ president; Reeve H. ThwaUe on ton Regiment, on Feb. 28, 1945. lance fund a good boost as the D. J. KERR These Handel Concertl are masterpieces , . - they are rich behalf of the municipality, Mrs. parts of toe Valley. . year the George Elliot annual result of a successful dance A social evening was held. The Canadian Legion, repre­ was entered ih a centennial Auto Body Shop in musical ideas and are noble in vCOnception. ^wo were pro­ L. B. Fulks for the Women’s sented by Comrade Whitehouse held in the new Rutland Cen­ gramed .. . a pity our students; did not hear them ^ to . ^ Institute, Mrs. A. Kopp for toe Winner of the L.A. money doll competition. . Wprd has just tennial Hall recently. The 1110 St. Paul 762-2300 and— Parade----- Marshal Hilborn, “ — "> arrived th at we have won an The conductor . . . Eduard Fischer, even though he had Anglican Church Women, Mrs. was Mrs. L. B. Macpherson, dance was well attended and R. D. Mitchell on behalf of the Next social event to be held then placed wreaths. F. y. honorable mention in our class language difficultiesmade himself well understood aM d^ Stevens placed a wreath on Lf which there were 63 entrants, the club has already booked toe scribed the music for toe students with unusual clarity and United Church Women, Peter by Branch 69 will be a stag hall for a big New Year’s Eve smoker on Dec. 8. behalf of the Rutland Chamwr Three cheers for the annual of brevity. Furthermore with the exception of one or two lapjes Murray for the George Pringle of Commerce and Mrs. Arthur jg 0g.i 9 g 7_ - dance, Dec. 31. The heating problem at the hall for the we did hear the compositions in Jheir jn U re tr ._. .mnd toe Gray on behalf of the Rutiand Qreer, our principal. Is young audience attention was held which upholds my com recent dance was solved by the tention, th a t. . . given beautiful music exquisitely P l ^ wUh Women’s Institute who_ j ^ r e hospital, following an use of portable kerosene hea­ no attempt to play down any audience . . . OBITUAillES largely Mstrumental im harin^^ operation. The whole school ters, but indications are that accordingly. Saturday night the cor^umcahon was the memqnaL stone rila _ _ expresses its wish for a speedy the natural gas heating will be Seldom does one have the opportunity to hear the Yivalto MRS, JOSEPHINE BAKER July when she went to Vancou­ more than 40 years ago. recovery and looks forward to available in plenty of time for Seasons Uve. Most music lovers know this masterpiece of i^ s i- VERNON — Friends ,from ver. \ 1Wilson placed „ his return to bur hallowed halls. the coming dance,'for the gas She was born in Roseneath, Senior Citizens and these were cal imagination through records. . . • ® other Okanagan points and followed by placing a number of ^eu soon, sm. company' was busy installing that this muric should be given complete. .Because it was not, elsewhere,, joined relatives and Ont., moving with her parents the line Saturday. to Red Deer, Alta., where she wreaths by youth groups and On Friday, we held our Re- the artistic loss to oiir students is, m the case of tnis en- local residents o n ' Nov. 11 in inHivirfiin)*! membrancc Day ceremonies, The objective set by toe local paying a final tribute to Mrs. received her early education. mdividuais. ^ _ Audrey Kobayashi gave a talk Lions is a fund of $4,000, presi­ seinble^ tra ^ c ^ ^ ^ Baroque music is given_ immature Josephine' “Jo” Baker, in All The family first came to Kel­ dent William Newman says and rendering by incapable performers Iwcause it is, by its o ^ Saints’ Anglican Church. owna iri 1908 returning to Red toe ambulance, when purchased You can have this amazing transparent framework, seemingly^ simple, and Rev. CanOn C. E, Reeve con­ Deer in the spring of 1909. and equipped, will be stationed I riew washer-spin dryer dem­ Nothing is farther from the truth and the Playets ducted the last rites for Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd-Jones in toe Rutiand Fire Hall. onstrated in your own hoirie I gave us a breathtaking performance of Summer and winter . . . Baker, a former well-krtown were married in Red Deer in wars had been fought, and j _y ^ ' 'i.....';;--— _ with absolutely no obligation. Spring and Autumn weremissing. / . . j resident Of this city and Kel­ 1909 and returned to Kelowna many minor ones, with few As Mr. Fischer stated . . . this music does nol^ describe owna, who died , in Vernon to live. Mr. Lloyd-Jones was real years of peace. Wars had anything definite but uses Rs effects, to evoke fee^s^m ^ Jubilee Hospital on Nov. 8. associated with his cousin been waged as “a War to end to provoke the imagination of some speciat world we com Born in Lewisham, England, David Lloyd-Jones in the Kel­ War” , but only planted the not enter without it. For that matter Mr. Fischer has yety Mrs. Baker came to Canada as owna Sawmill firm. Mr. Llyod- seeds of future conflicts. He aptly given us the basis for toe right kmd of musicto Usten- a child with her parents. She Jones died in 1956. urged the need to work harder was a rerident of KeloWna for Mrs. Lloyd-Jones was a mem­ to seek peaceful solutions to T heaolm X ^ of Miroslav Lastovka anf concert master about 20 years, where she was ber of the First United Church world problems. SERVICE and an ardent worker in church Jiri Tomasek gave us a taste of the virtuosity of a nurse. Coming to Vernon in M E A S U R E D Ensemble, blend and unanimity were perfection m support of 1948.' ' circles. She was a member of the solo instruments. The Winter Largo as one of V»valocb Ltd. 14% 14% Laurentklt 4.45 4.50 cing for Canadian Bualneoa", all winter longl Massey 17*ii 17% MacBIUlait 21% 16 I H I ^ LET US INSTALL YOURS lODAY! Molpoa'a " h r 11% 19 ni/lKED RUnilVER lour mmmi- Evenlnga 7 and 9 p.m. « « • “MimiOFOLIS IN MINIATURE" DEmOPMEHT BAHK 0 ^ TERM flNANCINO FOR CANADIAN 9USINESS(| 5.19 1.6S,; HERVYH® MOTORS , M M ouil au.owHa. 6 c.: m iiw msii. siMst Cssii - lu n n Growth roM 19.11 i i . e i 1 JRaoismount 1575 Water SI. u d . Phone 2-2307 1 Inttniatlonal 7.15 i . i i 1 ! - 4 ------■IZ' ■ ■: ,

Something ' should- -be done “Why Cbhtiune with the lease dealing witoi fids problem. Cbnununity identity is the stores donated the girls' ward­ “ What do we use for toonoy robes, in others, ciar dealers about to Okanagan Regional if there is> ho chance of a xe- f keynote of sticcess for any event College lease situation, says Dr. ferendum?’’ h« ®shed. "If we when the. lease is due?'* asked staged to attract visitors to a supplied t o qimen with a car Dr. Turner. during the event. J. ’ M. Turner of Venato. go to another site, we don’t city. . .. Dr. Turner, a member of the need the" lease. 1 suggest we This has already been bud« This is the message brought The Kelowna group felt more geted," said Mr. Pinch. ?T do; could be maide of t o crowning college council, asked what was do somethi^/* back to Kelowna by three men being done about the lease with not want to . curtail the . discus* atten i^ g a Tacoma meeting of Kelowna's Lady of the Lake Chairman.Uharles F to ^ sug­ sion, but perhaps these raattersi event. A film of t o 1966 Port^ Westbank Indians during a during t o weekend. meeting of the council Monday gested the site committee ap­ tould be dikcussed at the site Visitor and conventira bureau land Rose Festival will be preciated the problem and was committee level, then recom­ co-Ordinatot W, J. Stevenson, shown at t o annual Regatta night. •' •' mendations could be presented junior clmmber of commerce meeting Thursday. at the next council meeting.” president Morio Tahara and re­ Fund-raising suggestions to Dr. Turner is a member of gatta association representative eluded selling memberships with to site conunitfee. , Pat Moss attended a northwest special privileges attached, and it festival workshop, broster buttons to firms and to- Attending were 106 represen- ddviduals. Some charged admis­ : tatiyes from communities in to sion to igrandstands during par­ Page 3 ades.,' ■ tdesday, Nov. 14, 1967 Pacific northwest, from Hawaii, Float suggestions IncludM Kelowna and Penticton. having one permanent chassis During the exchange‘of ideas and changing the motif, (toe the Kelowna group learned a community had a float that foW- community must be involved in ed for travelling and had dts The Okanagan Regtonal Col­ any event ^ g e d . Some cen- own housing cover. Materials lege Ciouncil Monday night 'a<> tres had a board of directors used to decorating should be cepted the resignation of Mrs, who sold the event to the com^ fireproof. The average float Flora Eckel, a member of to . munity and who worked at year cost was from $3,000 to $5,000, office staff. President Norman lll^round promotion. but design was stressed rather ada and hunting and fishing are Walker and one office girl are The topics discussed were thsm cost. Some places used in­ By RAT SHELLARD now the only remaining coUega Courier Staff Writer ; • | probably better. floats, royalty, fund-raising and terior decorators for design In 1912 the boundaries of staff. , ^ publicity. work. ^ - .. For many people the map of Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec ) Those attending were told Mr. Stevenson suggested the A committee meeting will be Canada ends at the 60th paral­ were pushed north to their pres­ held to decide what to do with : there is no better promotion meeting be held to Kelowna in lel, said Col. P. D. (Pat) Baird ent locations. This was an un­ available than a royalty con­ the next year or two and offi­ money accumulating from to speaking at the regular month­ fortunate event, said Col. Baird, Walrod Memorial scholarship test. There shoiUd_be only one cials agreed to consider the as it isolated northern regions idea. The workshop was spon­ ly dinner meeting of the Can­ fund. These funds are tax-free group, involved in handling adian Club of Kelowna Monday from the rest of Canada. only if 90 per cent of the bal* tt^riining arid, subsequent tours sored by the Puyallup, Wash., (Courier Puoto) Uight in the Royal Annq Hotel. “We are suffering to the world Qaffodil Festival Association. ance is distributed each year, of royalty. In some areas The well-known Arctic author­ today from a tremendous ex­ therefore some of the money TWO GROUPS GET CHEQUES ity said a recent economic sm:- cess of nationalism and region­ must be spent this year. vey of Canada by an English alism,” he said, referring to an­ T. M. Pfliger, centre, presi­ with, supervisor of the Sunny­ accepted the donations from newspaper made no mention of other northern problem. “Peo­ The next meeting of to col­ dent of Locall99, Letter Car­ vale Workshop Centre and to the letter carriers on behalf the Canadian north. Many Can­ ple who live in the north want lege council will be Dec. 11. Ken Cooper, publicity director of the groups they represent. adians share this view of their more self-government.” riers of Canada, presents $50 A special meeting will be held cheques to Mrs. P. M. Tren-, of the Kelowna Boys Club. ’The. presentations were made country, so outsiders, see Can­ ’There are 40,000 people living Mrs. ’Trenwith and Mr. Cooper today. ada as ending at to 60th paral­ 1 the Canadian north, half with the nine participating lel, he said. white and half Indian and Eski­ school boards to t o regional Col. Baird defended the area, mo. Col. Baird said an Eskimo college district and the college saying northern regions were was recently elected to the council to decide t o fate of the Two youths were each fined D. M. White, ’’and if you have far from being just ice and Northwest Teritories Council college coimcil. “It is up to this $50 to magistrate’s court today a conviction I will suspend your snow. He said the scenery there while an Indian was appointed group to decide to fate,” said for speeding in a school zone licence.’’ is as fine as anywhere to Can- to the council. chairman Charles Finch, “not Nov. 3. ‘ ‘There is no necessily to drive The time has come to regard one board or one member.” No T h ^ were each clocked by past a school at this speed,” he the Indian as the town mayor date has been set for t o meet­ radar at 50 mph to the 20 mph 'said.'- - rather than the town drunk,” he ing. school . zone op Black, Mountain Paul Thomsen of Rutland was said. Col Baird said, “1 wonder, Road. David Marzinzik, 18, RR fined $35 for crossing an toter where the early French explor- T*ie sertion when unsafe Nov. 8, at ers would have been without than an hour to topenra with all 1, Winfield, has his driver’s li­ Indian culture ” the regular busmess, before re- cence suspended for two months. 12:45 p.m. at Lawrence Avenue He had two previous speeding and Ellis Street. Speaktog for the Eskimos, he tiring into a committee meet- said, “I have been caught ini tog convictions this year, Joseph lafancesco of Kelow­ the seven-foot strip could be I on land he had dedicated. D. M. Busier of Kelowna ob­ na pleaded not guilty to a Conditions of re-zoning are severe blizzard condittons and' charge of common assault. The causing a delay to the start of used for a sidewalk. j Mr. Olafson said any Wide^ i The Kelowna Junior Chamber would have froze r if I hadn’t jected to a previous conviction But, he said if the land was ing of Harvey Avenue would commerce formed a commit- and told the court this was his trial will be held Nov. 21. construction of a $700,000 known how to build an ig to .” Milinko Minic of Kelowna Travelodge on Harvey Avenue., dedicated the developers did bring his motel even closer to tee Monday to formulate “a new Both have a place to any­ first conviction. “I will check not want to pay the cost of con- the traffic and he suggested a image” for the group. your record,” said Magistrate was fined $35 for failing to turn The 74-unit Travelodge and body’s society, especially ours, left from the proper lane Noy. restaurant was among four structing the sidewalk, as the a bylaw to regulate motorcy- The committee was formed to he said. “We can’t turn our 13 on Ellis Street. Minic turned matters considered by the city city would require under the 1 cles and trucks, transform the aims and means backs on these people . . . we’ve left from the curb lane and was council Monday night at a conditions of re-zoning. EXTRA EXPENSES of the association at the local got to integrate them into our struck by a car to the centre public zoning hearing. Greg Stevens, t o city’s di- j Commenting on the Travel? level. "The committee is to de society as painlessly as pos­ bate for four weeks and bring lane. _ , . All four matters toyolypd the rector of planning, said only situation after the public sible. , . ,1 School patrols will start some- Donald and Robert Taylor of south side of Harvey Avenue, about 8600 was involved and kgaring, Mr. FroehUch said his recommendations to the next Col,. Baird said the federal Uime this week at to Glenmora Rutland were each fined $25 for between Water and Abbott the city would probably not gj,gup already faced extra general meeting for approval government has done a tre- Elementary School, having deer when the licence approve the re-zoning bylaw if expense to meet city require? and action by members. mendous job of ettocation to Const. Dave Roseberry of t o tag was not can :elled. the sidewalk conditions were ments. At the meeting Monday, mem­ Much of the re-zoning hear­ bers agreed not to hold the an­ northern Canada, with severM Rgio wto a RCMP detachment They were charged Nov. 10 in ing involved changing the area not met. This would mean the jjg said new building plans Indians and Eskimos completing patrols will begto as soon Kelowna Teen Town members the Beaverdell area. nual apple pack campaign at high School. _ Additional ^(^ as are painted from multi-family residential developer paying the entire called for 74 units instead of Christmas this year, because of raised $345 at their bicycle “ I don’t think they were try­ (R-3), to city centre, visitor cost of sidewalk construction. I^jje original 77, so the required lems ^ve arisen fromrihis, he Glenmore Drive at to marathon during the weekend ing to get away with jmything,’’ increasing shipping charges. said. There isn’t enough workLgjjggj oriented (M-1). AGAIN AN ISSUE set back could be arranged, ■The Jaycees conducted a year­ for the March of Dimes cam­ said conservation officer D. B. Drew Properties Ltd. applied The sidewalk appeared in an- He said his group' considered for the educated People •This is t o first time patrols paign. , , Steuart, “but many hunters are ly campaign, selling apples to they find it difficult to return j,gg„ tfie. school,” he Members kept two bicycles_on not cancelling the tags and they to have the land to be occupied other of the four re-zoning ap- “pulling out” as recently as Kelowna, to be shipped else­ by the Travelodge changed to plications, this, one regarding three weeks ago, because of where as Christmas gifts. to the old way. said. “They are needed be- a stand in continual motion can be used again.’’ the Parkview Motel. problems in' negotiations with from 5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. “I don’t know why people the city centre visitor oriented Jaycee president Morio Tahara JOBS REDUCED cause traffic moves quickly on Sunday. Donations for the don’t take the time to read their classification. Here the city applied to have I the city.. and Jaycee senator Pat Moss Automation is reducing the the street.” hunting licences,’’ said Magis­ The city approved moving the the Parkview property switched Mr. Stevens said the City has attended a meeting to Tacoma number of jobs available to the Const. Roseberry warns mo- crippled children’s hospital to the city centre, visitor ori- also made concessions, some of ____ ^ north, said Col. Baird. As an torists to watch for crossing were accepted at the A and W trate White. "Any hunter who application to the bylaw stage, during the weekend, bringing providing certain conditions ented classification, to bring which he didn’t agree with and lback'neW ideas on how to im- example he used a hydro-elec- guards at t o school. Motor- ■ite. .. hasn’t got a knife to cut the date out and cancel the lag is in were met. the property into the “correct pvhich were not in keeping with pr(jve the annual Regatta par- triC plant in the middle north ists and pedestrians must obey The youth group set $1,500 as 0. L. Froehlich, a spokes­ which, through automation, was signals given by school cross- the amount to be raised this trouble.” zone for the established use good planning practice. |ade. man for the developers,, said of this land.” He said the situation regard- operated by six men. I tog guards. year for the March of Dimes The cost of sustaining six A slave day held earlier realiz­ dedication of a section of land Helgi Olafson owner of the ing the sidewalk cost were not teven feet wide, by 200 feet long, Parkview, said he supported the the same for the ’Travelodge families proved too high and ed $110. further automation was effect­ Future projects Include a along Harvey Avenue, could de­ re-zoning application and would and the Parkview Motel, ■ ' -a. lay construction. dedicate seven feet of land Tbe Parkview, an established ed. The plant is now run by one Coping, Crying Teen Town dance in Centennial man. Hall Nov. 24 from 9 p.m. to 1 POSTPONED for a sidewalk, but he would business, would pay, only one- Cloudy with a few showers Is not pay any portion of the. third the cost, while the 'Travel- Col. Baird said people; are a.m. and a second slave day He said construction was to the forecast for Wednesday. needed to insure a future for Topic For Series begin in September, with com­ sidewalk construction cost. odge, a new development, must Little change is expected in Nov. 25 in the Ogopogo Room in the Canadian north. Incentives There are two sessions re­ the Memorial Arena. ^ pletion in January. He didn’t mind giving up the pay the entire cost, under con- the temperature. Winds should land, he said, but he didn’t dltions of re-zoning., similar to those in the Soviet malning in the film discussion Teen Town is a social club Minor damage was done to a Mr. Froehlich said the devel­ be light, rising at times to Union should be provided, he series for mothers of young for bbys and girls, 13 to 20 opers were willing to have the think the city was fair to ex- _ . southerly 15 in the main valleys. parked car in a hit-and-run ac­ pect him to, pay one.third o t \ » l said. There; northern employees children, sponsored by t o adult The. group meets every Sunday cident Monday evening. Travelodge set back the requir­ The low tonight and high Wed­ receive a basic Salary plus a education department of School at 7 p.m. in the arena. New A car owned by Gunner Flint ed 37 feet from Harvey, so the sidewalk construction cost|,,^„ dealing with nesday are forecast at 35 and percentage based on their loca- District 23 (Kelowna). 48. members are welcome. of Rutland was parked at Doyle the Royalite serrice station on tloj}- , , J The series is caUcd Coping or Avenue and Ellis Street when the south-west corner of. the The low and high in Kelowna Engineera are needed to Crying, phase two, and is held in NANCT AGAIN it was struck by another car. COUNCIL AT WORK Harvey Avenlie-Water Street in­ Monday were 37 and 49, com­ with northern developm^ent he the United Church haU, Bern- , ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. (CP) - About $15 damage was done, tersection was not considered at pared with 33. and. 38, with .03 said, especially mintog ®P8H|ird Avenue. The Amateur Athletic Union of No estimates are available in the meeting, so those connected inches of rain on the same date Canada has given the top Can­ a one-car accident Monday af­ with the station could speak a year ago. nof®;J«f"SL"aTnd *f®® baby«ltt|n8 service is adian male athlete award to, ternoon. ' , ♦ rAnf nf thp couif P^vided in the chyrch kinder- City's Police Protection to the application. There were Wn the courses are Andy Boychuck of Toronto, A car driven by F. C. Buck of no Royalite representatives at STARTED AGAIN ! held from 9:45 a.m. to 11:30 Ont., and the outstanding fe­ West Vancouver went out of I the meeting. After pausing for one week male amateur athletic award control on Gienrosa Road near The application called for Okanagan Lake has resumed tmnr'ovements '^^® co^M®® «re *re® wWh to British Columbia’s Nancy Westbank and struck a tree. No changing the station’s zone to its downward movement. ’The ln^.ra“rtt“‘onl Sbtlbly to * . I injuries were reported. Will Cost More In M shipping materials ii)to northern Wednesday, Frances ’Tread- Greene. I gas station commercial (C-3), level Monday was 99.18 feet, The City of Kelowna’s share The city clerk’s office jvas from the present multi-family compared with 99.20 feet the rAoinnn nnd Bhloninc oroducts 1 geld» primary supervisor for. of municipal RCMP policing commended for a good Job of residential zone, (R-3) previous Monday and 99.53 fee'; out, are needed, “[^e building o* S{,ool and*Dr^ costs will Increaso next year. preparing the 1967 city list of The fourth application, by the on the same date one year ago. roads and airports will r ® The cost this year td the city electors. The municipal election ^hich was approved, calls The level is measured near the age visitors to the north, said|p®^teg children for entering THE VALLEY SCENE Kelowna’s 12-man section takes place Dec. 9, amendments to various sec- entrance to. Kelowna’s City Col. Baird, who sees a surge to- school * ^ “®“; _ „ was $83,092 and this will rise to P a r k ; ,______wards tourism in the near fu- Nov. 22, Mrs. Lillian Bailey an estimated $87,265 next year. Slx bylaws were given various m l ture. Mrs. Betty Anne Green- years and Phil Rammage (now readings, including one oppos-l®*'!®"^'^ ^®*'® clarify tlm He concluded by saying, "We wood will talk on budgeting, * Both t o Okanagan Boundary If the additiotial two men ap­ ed by Aid. W. T. L. Roadhouse. Uront, side and yard r^ CANADA’S HIGH-LOW at head office to Montreal), one proved for the city arrive the Lethbridge must make the north a place I'The film. My Financial Career* Liberal Association meeting In ■The bylaw, authorizing accept- u I will be shown. PtMiticton and a luncheon meet- year. cost could go to about $103,000.. ance of money to bo applied to laogle of daylight obstructions. Churchill ...... -3 that isn’t a handicap.” The cost is based on $5,361 for ^ g of the KolCwnn end District At least ono hunter had a 1968 taxes and for interest to be lib e r a l Association to be held each of the first five men and successful weekend. Magistrate $8,041 for each additional man. paid at five per cent on all pay­ Wednesday have been can­ D. M. White was seen driving ments made before Aug. 31, was t*'' ’jViy > celled. Pat Moss, president ol This will Increase to $5,630 for along Doyle Avenue early Mon the first five men next year and opposed by Aid. Roadhouse be­ n r the Kelowna Liberals, said the cause he thought the interest 'T-i. j iwHtponemcnt was nwossarj day with a deer tied to the top $8,445 for each additional man. of his vehicle. He bagged the rate should be five and Ono half in is';:' f y*’' because Senator John Nlchol animal Sunday. The Okanagan Watershed Pol­ per cent. Aid. Roadhouse sug­ president of the Liberal Fcdcra lution Control Council will again gested the city “give the tax­ tion of Canada, will be unable The seventh regional annual receive a $500 grant front the payers a break.” Aid. D. A. , to speak at either meeting. meeting of the Interior region city, to continue testing lakes Chapman said any increase in council. Boy Scouts of Canada In the Valley. early tax payments would not ^ The Kelowna Kinsmen Club will bo held In Vernon Saturday offset the cost of raising the • will hold an advertisement and 'The meeting will be highlighted The Kelowna Secondary School Interest rate. City comptroller bosses night at thu Capri Motor by the official opening of the Music Association was given D. B. Herbert said the five per . Hotel Thursday. The meeting new regional headquarters a1 lermisslon to conduct a ticket cent rate was high for such q will be the regular general one 4705 20th Street, commencing at jlitz Nov. 28, between 3:30 and short term, about 60 to 90 days. for November. 2 p.m. ’The annual business 9 p.m. to sell tickets to the Dec. The Interest Is paid only until Drivers appear to be forget­ meeting will be conducted anc concert in the Community Oct. 21, on payments made prior ting about the push button sig­ at 6.30 p.m. the annual banquet Theatre. to Aug. 31. The bylaw wps given first three readings w i P m r nal light at Bernard Avenue and will be held in the National The Kelowna Buddhist Society Burtch Rond. During the last Hotel, with provincial commis­ was successful In an apvdicatlon Given final readings were by sioner for the B.C. • Yukon few days students have pushed for a church tax exemption for laws permitting Arena Motors s i f f S ...... the button to change the light Gordon Crane, guest speaker the Borden Avenue church. Ltd. to operate a garage and ■ from (lashing green to red and Another guest will be provincial car sales business at 1634 Har­ cars have l>een continuing scout executive. J. Percy, Ross The Ellison Centennial Com- vey .Ave. (Ihe old Tony’s furni­ ft through. In most cases UiO, of Vancouver. The meeting wil mlltce was glycn P®fm‘»«‘on to ture business) and for a resi­ in-destrians were forced to 1)0 chaired by regional president hove two poles erected on City dential building to iMJ moved ry back to the curb. William Cleaver, formerly of of Kelowna property to service from 1928 Bandosy St. to 1567 Kelotvna. \ the new Ellison Centennial pro- Bedford Ave. 1^^, L fi'- 'I'J The earhslde postal box, miss­ Ject. Chrlaimaa Klfto for patients Alse given final reading was Ai' !'a'. ■ j.Vy* ing during renovation of Bcr- Tax prepayments to date for niird Avenue, has been replaced in mental hospitals are slow in a bylaw authorizing Ihe bor­ arriving at the health centre In the current year total $2,540,370. rowing on a short term basis of i m m M m It) Its ustial position on Ellis an Increase of $441,778 from the Sueel at the tH>st oKicc, Kelowna. The Kelowna branch $450,000 to meet hospital pro­ of the Canadian MentaKHealth $2,098,592 figure at the same gress estimates which becoftie Rli Kelowna men were among Association opened Its Vnnual time last year. due before Dec. 31. Under terms th>»se receiving national quality campaign for gifts Oct. 18. ’The The Kclewiw Chamber of of the Central Okanagan Re­ awards for "good conservation deadline for donating Is Nov, 30 Commerce wrote the council ex- gional Hospital District the dls- Mro,--4llaUew«ay™lliemaoo,--to pr«fitnirthniilai“ to " a-eowncll '4i4a4"*wlll-bs>—rosponalhla™.4o(pvr-pll. charge, of the campaign, said practice of listing proposed zon­ financing effective Jan, 1 and cent meeting of ihe North today the reswnse to date has ing changes fiy address and the city will be reimbursed by Okanagan Ufa Undcrwritcn been slow. The gifts help to “ common namr* In addition to to district tor all of its tem­ EUISON PROUD OF NEW RINK boost the morale of patients In porary borrowing. Association. ’They are Arthur the legal descriptiofi. wtn ha devalopdl to include • mental hospitals and clinics lo­ Finishing touches are put to the pavement firing to rtnli; tanteer cHorts at ERIsen d th Jackson, 16 year record; Russel cally and In the province. Gifts, The cHf co)incll will support Given flrsl three readings a white base, Kxrepl for pav- sens—men, women and cWI- plenie area and idavground, Hawley. 10 years; Robert Swlr- the Union Board of Health m ' were two bylaws dealing with a Ellison's centennial project— complete with a baswaall dia­ for men and women, should be a skating rink, A mixture^ of Ing, the rink and Burroundlng . dren. The vM unle^ alto hun, six years; George Aqulkm unwrapped and left at the health Its bid to have a health lab to-j road allowance east of Raymer bootda built through vof | atortod 'work an a park, whleh mond. Road to Okanagan Mission. hma and cement is applied to wan four years; Glen Rat, fbur emim on Queensway. cated “anywhere to t o Valley. ;/■ rr HAPPENED IN CANADA : /' ; TOYOUF^ Plenty Of Questions Piibi^bed by fhoinsoii 6 .C. Ncwspajw.Limited* 492 boyle Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. R. li Mwteto B y DR. JOSEPH B . M6LNEB TVESI^ NGVera iClMI •- PAGE 4 Dear Dr. Molner: 5^As with virtually anytiting I have seen teenagers snit- else except potent pbispns,; ling glue and would like to' there is no way to specify •the, know: length ol time before the 1 — Is glue shitting ' habit- ris harmed. In a sense, the Po­ forming? tential harm doubtless begins 2—What harm does it inflict -with the first sioitting. " upon the brain? What we doknow is that after 8—Can it cause death? repeated sniffing damage ap­ 4—Why is there no laW to pears in the liver as well «s in convict glue-sniffers? ; the blood. Treatm ent can/help 5—How long does it take to but cannot altogether repair the rates average about 45 per cent more • damage once it his occurred. {Hamilton Spectator) inflict harm on the human than American calls. As distances m? body? — M.B. As with any other form;'of th ^ latest United States long dis­ crease, the price gap widens. I can’t fiiid hard and fast an­ damage to the body, some ittdi- tance telephone call rate reduction iSeveral factors account for a dif­ swer to all your questions but viduals suffer harm sooner wan ' OF here are some: others. , , ■ ought to ring some bells in Canady ference between Canadian and Amer­ MAMIUroN.OMT, B A tU A K 1-i-Glue sniffing doesn’t ap­ In any event, the fumes ftom Canadian regulatory authorities should ican long distance charges. For ex­ these products are known to be WA5TilB 0RIVIM6 FORM Tho U^AMO^o F pear to cause addiction the way. be finding out if the difference in ample, many Americans pay more BEMIMO TIK FOUMOIMO oK CAME PROM Til BRITI6 M 14t6E narcotics do, but it seems to so dangerous that they cwfy chargesi i between Ctmada and the than Canadians for local telephone rA MATIOMAl COlJNCIf. oF W W BH / INldBEARLVlBpOj . ^ cause a strong habit in some warnings on .the labels, temng iH 'fU osgm yifisof’tsM A u users-rthey need larger and people to use them only in well- United States are really necessary. . service. One company controls a •<1$ VWCA, VON, larger amounts to get their ventUated areas.This is to pro­ A Kcw Yorker is now able to tele­ higher percentage of the telephones IMffilUTE AT OUELPH.OWyANOm I8M HM SAPBAUitrfo/t m ’‘kicks” and some then turn to . tect the health of people who phone a Los Angeles nuinber at 1 a.m., in the United States than any one 10! WOMEN AT Jlb N E V CRBBN,ONr. m tK^sM rncam m more dangerous drugs, including are using the glue or other pro­ for a three-minUte call, for a charge utility does in Canada. The greater IM5PIREDB/HER FDRMBO Tk W0MEM6 u i m s u M t» t heroin. The glue seems to lead ducts for legitimate purposes. of 75 cents. For the same price, at the number of telephones in the United to a psychological dependence Yet foolish youngsters do' the same time, a Hamiltonian could rather than physiological addic- exact opposite and suck the States iPwcrs pcr-call operating cx- tion. perilous fumes, into their lungs a three-minute call no farther afield dcnses. 2—1 don’t know of any deter­ deliberately. Result; Accidents; than Kingston or Windsor. The fact remains that 75 cents buys mination of the amount of brain crimes; sometimes death; some­ Seventy-five cents will become the a -Hamilton telephone customer 200 damage but we know that heavy times “ graduation” to more maximum cost of a three-minute sta- use can- Cause hallucinations, vicious drugs; often liver or miles at the most, while an American stupor, or wild actions. ’There other damage which may not tion-to-statipn call between any two will be able to get 3,000 miles. have been stabbings and such reveal its i frue severity for points m continental United States be­ It may be granted that volume and crimes by young people under years. How' many cases of cir­ tween, midnight aiid 7 a.m. on Novem? dperatiPnal differences would bring the influence of glue fumes. One rhosis Of the liver, years hence,; her 1. The present ceiling is $1. , boy, thinking he could fly, will have been started by glue- American long distance telephone call plunged off a roof top. Another sniffing? We don’t know, but it U.S. and Canadian rates vvill be NEW YORK (AP)—The spirit initiated by a young Swiss sur- modernization program to train prices below the Canadian minimum. young African natives, improve lay down on a railroad track IS likely to be many, many further apart than they already are. ftif Albert S c h w e i t z e i' still geon. with a train approaching. It cer­ thousands, Harnilton-to-VanCouver station-to-sta­ But shPUld the price spread be sp preventive medical care, intensi-. imbues the jungle hospital he In the twd ® fy the tuberculosis health ser­ tainly goofs up their thinking. Glue sniffers are mix^-up great? Does a proportionate gap exist founded in West Africa. But Schweitzer died at me age of^M. ^..-There have been cases of tion calls, cpyering a much shorter dis­ between the United States and Canada vice and construct a new thera­ .persons who need phychological tance than a New Yprk-Lps Angeles manv things have change d his hand-picked medical succes- death from glue sniffing, usual­ '■ 'help.,./' in the prices of other services and there since his death—changes sor has embarked on a 10-year peutic centre. ly when heavy users sniffed it conversation, are $1.95 from 6 p . ^ ; commodities? Can Canadian long dis­ For most men; following in by the dangerous method of Dear Dr. Molner: Can thick to 4.30 a.m. and $2.85 from 4.30 tance telephone rates be reduced with­ the footsteps of the Nobel pouring the stuff in a plastic lips be corrected by plastic sur- a,m. to 6 p.m. The lower rate is stdl Prize-winning doctor, musician bag and breathing from the gery?--H.H. out impairing service or increasing and philosopher might seem an two-and-a-half times more than the bag. ''7.; ' Yes, it is being done if really some other part of the customer’s tele­ TETTERS TO THE impossible task. But not to Dr. 4.,-Many glue-sniffers have necessary. American coast-to?coast call. , ,, Walter Munz. . . wound up in juvenile court, and phone bill? . . , Note to Mrs. W.I.C.: Neither According to the Bell Telephone Canadians who compare their Ipng COMICAL An analyris of the ideas p r^ ^ y jjjg own admission, he is some have been put in hospitals Company of Canada, the rtiajor tele­ sented shoWs a variety of possi- jjot another SchWeitzer. But he to try to______straighten____ them put. I arteriosclerosis nor his medica­ distance costs with those in the United 'Sir:' - bilities. It becomes apparent, |g committed,to the 53-year her- .^ould think it would be most tion would have had any rela? phone service in Ontario and Quebec, Reading a letter in the Cour­ tion to your husband’s lung can- States would like those questions an- ier dated Nov. 8 by Cyril Tay- however, that we must establish age Schweitzer left in,the jun- difficult to write—and . enforce-- . United States intra-state long distance swered by the federal authorities re- i what ^ the desired end result is gigs of Lambarene at his death. raws' against glue-sniffing.^ For cer. It was, an independent at rates are about the same as those in soonsible for setting telephone rates, yes indeed we are salad, just as to be. What sort of a^ commu^^^ “ pur duty is to maintain the one thing, many products’'con- fliction, the two Canadian provinces on calls One^^ the great hUtoric^ factors, in were all of the old countries ity doyou wish,to wmk a ^ sense of devotion anti, ^ fhe tain hydro-carbon solvents giv- Note to S.J.R.: The threats in? What would .you like the human quality of this heritage :ing off the dangerous fumes. up to 100 miles. Over the 100-mile to a d a V development, t to and abuse obviously are a dan­ distance, Canadian rates are about 10 area which we now refer to,as and to bring the hospital at the not only the “airplane-type ger to your health and I would ^ . the Central Business District to the burdens imposed by great East of good mixture except Que- same time into a modern and giues. Enforcing the law would judge that your husband is in per cent higher. ^ » iu West" distances,^should W brought to -bac"™^^e*min^^^ hice j h ,^88? Or, shall, w^^ functioning state,’ the 34-year- be harder than enforcing pr<> Comparing trans-Canada calls with ■ - i , just sit back and see what hap- hibition. The better course, it most serious need of psychiatric who went to visit England and old surgeon said. treatment. However, your safety U.S. interstate service, the Canadiian bear. pens and not plan at all? Already, the hospital has a seeffls to. me, is to , try to te^ch on his return he was asked how young people how much they is the immediate need, and for he liked the country. His reply Your advisory planning com­ hew sanitation system, electric this you must consult an _ at­ was there was too many Eng­ mission could consider and rec­ lights, a radio, a telephone and harm themselves by indulging torney rather than a.physician. lishmen there. ommend any number of inter­ rows of renovated houses. But, the habit. ’ esting proposals. What would '.V: Further he goes on to say says Dr. Muhz, this is only the you say if the commission were beginning. , that to please everybody, every to suggest that Kelowna should ten words in the English Ian- Sitting in an office overlook­ and would patronize lounge areas, coin be: . ing the bustling traffic of mid­ Mr. Ernest Shauer of Vancouver guage should be French. Well (1) A financial centre or laundries and playgrounds. let me tell this pbor non-affluent town Manhattan, Dr. Munz saw has told the B.C. Motels and Resorts (2) an industrial centre or the new therapeutic centre in The motel-resort speaker suggests that every ten words in the (3) a retirement centre or day-^in 1942—B r 11 i s h 8th y English language is already terms of a modern city hospital By THE CANADIAN PRESS Association meeting here that one of his industry cater to the camper to (4) a tourist trap or —complete ,with two operating Army reached Gazala, .40 -J French, but this is no cause to (5) a major shopping centre miles west of. Tobruk, in T every three tourists on British Colum­ attract him away from B.C. govern­ be jalouse as they were put theatres, laboratories, an x-ray Nov. 14, 1967 . . . , ment campsites. This is a reasonable (serving all of B.C.’s institute and intensive care President 'John F. Kenne­ pursuit of Axis forces; the bia highways last year was a camper, there by smarter men than we. Southern Interior) or Australians continued a . suggestion that may be appreciated ward. . .. , . dy and Gen. Park Chung and he suggests the motel and resort Further down he goes on to (6) ----- a convention.. centre . or , Whether Schweitzer would Hee, head of the South Ko­ steady a d v a n c e toward interests. d)at and hig^^^fetime, the hospita^^ issued a communique at the E d d i e Rickenbacker, fa­ Mr. Shauer has a legitimate inter­ 'and maple leaf or a big nose in Branch has as much Us it can^kee^^ the other, this prompted me to trailer sales and service Lambarene was often criticized end of a meeting at the mous United States pilot, est in revenue from the motoring centre or lost on an army mission in mg up with the type of accominoda jqqJj down to whom was the.de- for its antiquated methods and White House six years ago vacationer and his inquiries have led (9) an orderly combination of relative lack of modern sanita­ today—in 1961. The commu­ the South Pacific since Oct. tion it provides and would douotlcss signer of this new flag, T was two or more of the above nique said the United States 21; was rescued from the him to believe that most campers not surprised to see by Blimy. tion. . who are unable to finance holidays m be happy to avoid any responsibility • '■ ’ or . Local conditions made some would continue to provide sea by a navy flying boat. for the sort of service Mr. Shauer says I believe that all the people (10) anything else (good or problems unavoidable. But oth­ South Korea with economic motels would pay for washroom facili­ of this country are pleased and bad) you might think of. commercial interests should offer. ers were due to. Schweitzer’s aid and that it would send e a t e n b y SNAILS ties as good gs those in their, homes, find a relief , that the Blimys. The commission could make armed forces to aid South any nymber of recommenda­ strong belief that some reforms BLAGDON, England (CP)— > are becoming a thing of the were too far removed from the Korea in the event of a An angry Somerset householder Y past very quickly. tions to the council of the city. Communist attack. It might be suggested that a primitive living conditions of his complaining about a tattered Further on he tells us that, African patients. 1665—The London Gazette this fellow Sharp Is taking drastic change in the boundaries letter delivered by the post of­ Many of Schweitzer’s tradi­ first appeared. fice was told it was eaten by money from the west for those of the present business district 1935—Robseveil declared be undertaken or, in fact, that tions are still maintained at the snails. , monkeyshines back east, there hospital, especially his love for the Philippines a free com­ whether they want to or not, Cana­ I smell a little prejudice. In an entirely new commercial Ron Basford, Liberal MP for Vari- centre be developed out at High­ music. But Dr. Munz said, “We monwealth. dians have reached the end of the spite of all the above I find Mr. do not do these things because First World War WISHED TO STAY ABED couvcr-Burrard, is quoted as saying Taylor’s letter very interesting way 97 and the Benvoulin Road. MANCHESTER, England rOad. Freedom is no more. There is Perhaps the majority of down- he did them, but because they Fifty years ago today—in that if private lenders will not lend and very comical in other parts. carry their value in them­ 1917—Italians made a stand (CP)—A 65-y e a r -old foundry no longer any incentive for anybody I sometime wonder, if some town Space should be deyoted and checked Austro-Ger- worker with an ambition to stay ' money for building of homes, the fed­ to save his money. Why save any­ other groups numbering about to office space for financial selves." in bed when he retired did just firms and stock brokers; head The tall blue?eyed bachelor, mans on the Ptove River; eral government will force them to thing, if the government is going to 34 per cent of our population or who says "the hospital is my the, Jaffa-Jerusalem railway that—for seven years. He be­ roughly 7,000,000 and had been officers for insurance compan­ was cut by British forces in came so weak that it took six do so. He told the Young Liberals’ come along and take it away? invaded would be less trouble, ies; or distribution companies family,’’ \?as in the United States to receive the Lions In­ Palestine; British destroy­ months of therapy to restore j| convention in British Columbia, “You The next step in the housing prob­ that is if we call it trouble. with warehouses In other cities. him to health in hospital, He lem may be that people with bigger Mr. Taylor if you study eco- In order that expensive reno­ ternational humanitarian award ers and a monitor were can take that as a threat.” for service to mankind, sunk in the Mediterranean. was one of the cases investigat-' Nominations in opposition to Mr. houses than they need will be forced nomlc and diplomacy you will vation and maintenance of Second World War . ed in a survey of leisure habitg; to let others liJe with them. That’s at Engand fias no downtown buildings might be Twenty-five years ago to- in different age groups, ./ Basford’s place in Parliament might avoided the entire area or part also be taken as a threat. what they do in Russia. Would Mr. states appears to be on the sur- of it could be converted to If the Liberal government is going Basford want Canada to copy Russia but there it reiAains) warehousing. U.S. Sows in this regard also? France and England have big Apartment bousing is covering to force owners of money to lend it deals together. To name two, a lot of ground these days. Prob­ CANADA'S STORY . the large plane now under con­ ably someone could be interest­ Wild Oats struction and the channel tun­ ed In building good quality WASHINGTON (AP)-The nel. One could go on and on. (maybe even high rise) apart- U.S. government is literally Personally I can’t understand mont blocks to cover one-third sowing wild oats in hopes of de­ Bob Edwards Viewed all the name calling. or one-haU of the downtown veloping a grain yielding more TARRY BROWNLEE area. Merchants then should not quality protein than other crops. 10 TEARS AGO Istlce Day was marked by the hoisting Vernon be concerned with parking pro^ These oats were found ini­ November 1957 of flags and by the silence of two min­ lems. The customer would be tially in Israel and later in As Great Canadian utes at 11:00 a.m. now generally adopt­ ADVISORY PLANNING other Mediterranean countries. The Glenmore Centennial committee right at, their back door. By DOB BOWMAN ed as an appropriate method of i>ertal dispatches h ereto era also re* ' tog vs. loooo zoning. City Hall, Kelowna. »ei\rd. mifibt be. The rules are simple and you can be a winner. All of the 180 names appearing in the adver­ tisements are eligible for the Granid Prize of $100.00^ Shop at these busihess estabhshments and fill' . ; . doubled to $200.00 if a sales slip from one of out a Lucky Shopper Stopper coupon. No obligation the participating firms is attached. Note! the Grand to buy, but a sales slip attached to Grand Prize Cou­ Prizewinner will be asked tp answer a simple quali­ $ pon will double your;prize money. fying question. ^ Read every advertisement every week . . . see Each week, for 9 weeks, 20 coupons will be if your name appears making you eli^ble for the Attached A FOR drawn. The names on tiiese coupons wfll appear in the advertisements and from these one name will be Grand Prize. drawn to determine the winner of that week’s $20.00 ■ Employees and families of Kelowna Daily Courier are not eligible for tWs contest. ; 9 •pnzt. $ 1 0 0 This Week’s Winner of $20.00 L. S. BIELERT 1889 Chandler St. frota Ladywear.

Buckerfield’s PANDOSY MUSIC YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR Sawyer's Projectors The most reliable and versatile Projector there isl WMfrJir • Takes 100 Slide Circular tray — Sawyer ‘Easy-Edit’ 2 5 c ea. tray (36 rildes)— Univer­ sal Tray — Stack Loader PORTABLE TV from 159.95 FISH BOWLS 59c up Manual and Automatto The Quality goes in before the Name goes on. HONEY-DIP Priced from A complete selection of Zenith radios and portable stereos. GOLDFISH FOOD . . . ^ . . . 25c 8 9 .95,0 2 2 9 .9 5 Only — doz. ® Buckerfield’s le s V / L * M I T C C' 1623 PANDOST ST. PHONE 2-3050 2979 S. Pandosy - 763-2400 _ /1553 Harvey Ave., Hwy. 97 N. — Phone 762-3515 Open Mon. - Tues. - Wed. to 5:30 ( Open Monday • Satnrday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 1 Block from Bernard 511 Bernard Ave. Phone 2-2399 fw Home DeUvery IiobeMiODClejr, RR 1> Wutb.nk . Thors., Fri., Sat., till 9 p.m. L. Stolan, M03 Cherry Crei. B Fetcr Hnshta. BR 1. Kelpwiw Ken CninpbcU, 8»S Fandosr St You, Too Will Enjoy You’ve Never Seen Such a Complete Selection of Give Your Furniture a ■n\ on SLOT CARS Let our experts rebuild, reupholster your favorite chairs, We have in stock for the at BART'S sofas, with skill and care. Racing Fan new models of • Quality workmanship and materials. Slot Cars plus a full line of Full line of groceries , O Wide range of colors and materials avauahle. accessories. meats and confections. • Free estimates — In store^r at hoine. ALSO SEE EVERYTHING FOR KITCHEN AND HOMEI Electric Shavers Open 7 days per week Famous popular name Our large selection of Brands. H.O. GAUGE 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Repairs Also Made. MODEL TRAIN FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES No Down Payment EQUIPMENT Screens — Tools — Wood Carriers — Ornaments

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ft SCHROEDER'S SDelicatessen S TOYLAND Select Your Fur WILD! WHO! WIU>! f From the finest selection. You’ll Everybody is now love the way our furs feel to th* Likes it touch of tho hand. Treat yourself REVION BIONDSILK TvillN-KIT Everybody , . . come on In and try one on. Lotion Hair Lightcner nnd Shampoo—In Toner. OPEN Regularly 5.00. O C A Shops at A Small Deposit Wni Hold SPEaAL Both For Only ------...... O .JV Choose Now While Selection Is Best It UntU Chvlftmii S(hraad«/i /orA B deaueii — Tillofa ■lONG"SUPER~BRUGS-LrD MARSHALL WELLS H i BMuard Dial 2-2781 847 BKBNABD AVB. fnors CApBi (A. A T. ILLICHMANN P R O P .) . , TelertiNM 7614199 Telephouo 7I^211I 1911 Cknmore fM. H L. WIrkiativrt. VaH« 1M. FawlMT Corner of Bernard and Par Miy O.HI. Mm4.I. Bn a. B«.v.r*ia Rmm* W..6.rbri3. •• M. *, r»bi- >rvtr At*. n '-n -n yn r.

NIVTinED <0F DEATH IVoice Of The KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Letters to the tax collector pro* Toastmistress smUes as well as prob* George Lehr, Jackson Penticton Toiastmistress Club collector, recently re- members were visitors to the a letter which said: “As recait meeting at . Kelowna I have hot notified your office Toastmistress Qub held at the before, I have been deceased Royal Anne Hotel when the since Nov, 1965. Please remove theme of the meeting was “The my name from the tax rolls.’’ WUMEIVS EOnVRi njORA EVANS Voice of the People* . ' In keeping witn the theme PAGE 6 SEUnm A DAH.V CODUEB, TUES.. NOT. U. IWI Table .Topics Mistress, Mrs.. S. ' .• Pittendfigh introduced six of the members who projected W/ym themselves for .two zmnutes in­ Concerts to the role of leading National SUSPECTCAUSE Wmrm figures ranging from Lester mm 'M' wm Pearson to Ottawa's controver­ mi sial Charlotte Whitton. OF BACKACHES For AAusic Lovers Of Every Age May Be simply PS By FLORA EVANS the sizb of Kelowna , could afford A round tabid discussion was m mrmnr/rn-?' >/ ^ held programing and other as­ Sluggish Kidney Action Saturday evening, for the first to present these travelling art­ ists without this support; yet pects of International Tbast- s pity to put up with this eommoa ' time, I attended a Jeunesses niistress organization followed bseksehe bcckuse you juat don't know Musicales Concert to hear the with it; even such small towns tke' MUSS, and the medication that as Clearwater can also enjoy by a question and answer per- may help you. You eee, it kidneys Prague Chamber Orchestra So­ od, with President Mrs. J. A. become sluKsiab, urinary irritation W^ who have the mistaken idea the smooth young heads of the Ifiomek and the Merit Awart. Uie backache. Take Dodd’s and See If that Jeilnesses Musicales Con­ teenagers; and to realize how you don’t feel better, rest hetter.-XJaed went to Mrs. S. Pittendrigh. succeeafully by millions for over 70 ^ ' t certs are a form of glorified many of Keloyma’s true niusic The next meeting will be held years. Kew large slxe saves money.. music lessons for the yoiuig, lovers have discovered that not on November 15th when the nothing could be farther from only the young are welcome to program will consist of a forum tiie truth. The few words of become members of Jeunesses on Parliamentary Procedure. explanation given by the artists Musicales. are of interest to eveipyone, and The theatre was not full, but HOLDS PERFORMANCES FOR until such time as the students the audience made up in enthu­ The Stratford F e s t i v a 1 at * fill .' the Kelowna Conunimity siasm what it lacked in num­ bers, and at the conclusion of Stratford, Ont., gives 46 per­ Theatre completely there is no formances in an eight-week Sensitive Skin reason why adult music lovers the concert gave a standing season. should not enjoy the concerts. ovation to the Prague Chamber Backed by a Canada grant, Orchestra Soloists. A and a grant from the province The next Jeunesses Musicales If Hearing THERE'S of Quebec, Jeimesses Musicales Concert will present Gaye Al- Is yonr J® makes it possible for even the, cock of Vancouver on February Problem . smallest towns across Canada 3. Miss Alcock, who is 15 years Is yohr ANSWER hear the finest in music. old, won first place in the Cati in or phone MARCELLE Talking to members of the exec­ Jeunesses Musicales Canada- Beltone Heiring Servlee utive; at the reception for the wide competition for modem 1559 BlUs St Phohe 763-2335 musicians Saturday evening, I piano unter thie age of 30. See A Hypoallergcnic Cosmetic was told that not even a city'you there! See the all new ROYAL TOGETHERNESS 1968 SNOWCRUISER Queen Anne Marie of Greece their side at the Tatoi Royal Greek Air Force made a visit St, Michael Day. Saint Mich­ TODAY to present the Crown Prince ael is the patron saint of the holds six - month • old Prince Palace in Athens, Friday, The quiet Sno when a delegation of the with a silver serving set on Greek Air Firce. Paul with King Constantine at Wonder fea­ Miss Pam Norton of Prince Membera of the Kelowna tures auto­ Golf and Country ClUb foimd George returned from UBC to ANN LANDERS the hew clubhouse a very pleas­ spend Armistice Day weekend matic ant place to spend a Saturday with Miss Stringer’s parents transmissloB evening with their friends at the Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Stringer. and reverse. Dial 2*3333 first of the weekly dances on A surprise party was held at Order now. Nov. ll. Tables were set up in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W For Mbtorlzed Delivery the mixed lounge and the dining Wm. Treadgold & Son M area, and dancing took place to P. Kitchener, Abbott St., on at NO EXTRA COST Nov. 10 in celebration of their 538Leoo 763-2602 the music of Don Warner’s or­ 30th wedding anniversary chestra.' Guests at the party included tell him to go home and get the Among t h o s e entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lange Dear Ann. Landers: Several Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson months ago I read a letter in real thing? I’ll bet his wife and friends at the club dance were kids would be happy to see Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lew- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Farrell RENTACARTODAY! your column froih a 16-year-old Miss Burny Williams and Miss girl who signed herself “sour ,him.;".- thwaite, whose guests included from Scottish Cove, Mr. and Theresa Kitchener. All types of cars and Sixteen.” She said she hated trucks at your service. her/father because he was a Dear Ann Landers: I am Mrs. Donald 0 a rk and Mr. and girl lS and have been bugged by SILVER ANNIVERSART druink and embarrassed her in Mrs. Lee Nevraumont. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Giggey • DAILY or WEEKLY something for the last three RENTALS front of friends. It took until Guests of Mr. and Mrs. An­ were the guests of honor at now to get up the courage to years. My girl friend has the same problem only not as bad. drew Makinson were Mr. and recent surprise silver wedding • LONG TERM answer her. I hope you will Mrs. Gordon McLeod and Mrs. party held at the home of Mrs LEASING print my reply. I do babysitting and save my money to buy gifts and things A. Johanson. Mr. and Mrs. Giggey’s brother and sister-in- Dear Sour Sixteen: I am really need.: Tliree times since Dan Watkin’s guests were Mr. law Mr. and Mrs.. Donald sorry for you, but- not because! January my mother has asked and Mrs. Robert Dunlop and Smith, Spall St., where the ap­ Capri Motor your fatheir has caused you em­ me to lend her money ,(the Iasi; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Hanna; and propriate number of 25 friends Ph. 762-0877 Hotel Lobby barrassment. I am sorry for Mrs. Jean Flynn entertained and relatives gathered to sur­ tinie it was $6). She promisee prise and congratulate the cou­ you, because you are filled with she would pay it back by Sat-, Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Hayes and hate and bitterness. This wiU urday. Well, that was three Mrs. . W, Burnett from Edin- ple. ■ . cause you more harm than any­ Saturdays ago and I still don’t [burgh, Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Giggey, who thing your father could do or have my money. This morning were married at St. Michael say, when I reminded her again she 1 A no host party enjoying the and All Angels Church in 1942 I am also 16. My father died mumbled something about a' included Mr, and Mrs. by Rev. C. F. Davies, were pre­ last year ffoih a liver disease. Ernest Zerron, Mr. and Mrs. sented with an inscribed clock light bill. Now I’m sure she and Mrs He was an alcoholic as far back will never /.ormw Vhn Gordon MoKelvey, Dr. and Mrs and many other lovely gifts. as I can remember. My father I’t e’i Scramstad, and'Mr. and The room was attractively as she didn' repay the $4 t. Scramstad. of course It and said and did some disgraceful the $7. decorated with pink, white and things, too, but he never dis­ silver streamers and a buffet graced me, poor man, only Is there a solution? Please I Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- supper was served following himself. And I know, top, that come up with something.—NEW art Jamison were Mr. and Mrs which the bride and groom cut after he sobered Up he was MEXICO. Chris Bonogofski, Mr. and Mrs the wedding cake, and a toast miserable and ashamed. Dear New: Bank your money John Van Hees, Mr. and Mrs. was proposed by Harold Bailey instead of letting it lie around Noel Workman, Mr.- and Mrs. Now that my father is gone the house. of East Kelowna. I remember the few kind and Donald Ottoson, Tony Hopkins Almost the biggest surprise of V thoughtful things he did for me. and Miss Shirley Chaplin. the evening was the presence of There are so many little things A small reception was held at the Giggey’s daughter Shirley, that you don’t notice but once Two Engagements the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ who had kept her flying visit they are gone yoii will , miss don Smith in honor of the from the University of Victoria them. Prague Chamber Orchestra So­ a complete, secret. Their son I am sad knowing that when Are loists, following the second Bruce was also present for the I marry I will not walk down happy occasion. LEE - SCHNEIDER Jeunesses Musicales Con cert the aisle bn my father’s arm, The engagement is announced held at the Kelowna Community I am sad, too, knowing that my of Sharry Rose Anne; daughter Theatre Saturday evening, FACTS SAVE PAIN father will not be here to see Pregnant women in labor DENTAL ASSISTANT TRAINEE mb become the woman I will aniflh!.- Spending a few weeks in Kel- require less sedation and some day be. Airwoman C. Joanne Acres, nation’s largest military pnnvir nn^ Pon+iMnn visitlng Dr. and Mrs. WaL anesthesia when they know the training centre where more Please give your father a kiss of to Mrs. O’Don- facts of childbirth. insurance 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. for me because I cherish the Schneider of Fort Qu AppeUe, L^ji-g mother, Mrs, J. K. Mac- Frank Acres, DeHart Ave., than 200 trades and career memory of the few kisses my aigicaiitivgwicRiviigimigitRigiiMB Kelowna, is undergoing a nine courses are taught, amonj own father gave me and I will The wedding will take pldce P""®® week course designed to train the subjects she studies are never know them again.—ALSO in Kelowna on Dec. 7. Miss Lee, Recent visitor to the Okan- because you want independencel personnel to be chair assistr basic sciences such as Dental who is a 1966 graduate from agan was Edward Goodall ol Anatomy; Lab Procedures, SIXTEEN. ants and to assist dental offic­ Dear Friend: You speak of UBC with a B.A. degree, is Victoria who was the guest of ers in all phases of dental and Dental Clinic Administra­ Freedom from money worries needn't bo the woman you will some day presently serving with the Cana- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moned in Best in Children’s Books treatment. On course at the tion. - dian_ Manpower at Dqwson Oyama, and visited Mr. and expensive. . . particularly if yoM're young. be. You are already more of a and Hard Covers woman than many who are Creek as a testing officer. Mrs, Richard Graham in Kel- Excelsior Life perma/renf perdooa/policies ORDERS TAKEN three times your age. Such METTLEWSKY - KRAATZ steadily build your "nest-egg’’ and protect compassion and insight is rare you too. Phone your Excelsior Life District President WCTl) at any age. I salute you. Mr. and Mrs. John Mettlew- Mr. and Mrs, Cedric Stringer sky of Rutland are pleased to entertained at their home Fri- KELOWNA BOOK representative today. Dear Ann Landers; For those announce the engagement of day ivening prior to the Fire- He's a good man to know, Gives Interesting Address married men who have gotten their youngest daughter Marri- man’s Ball, when their guests At a meeting of the Wom-'ness Is rampant and death from themselves messed up with an­ anna Margaret to Alton IjConard were Mr, and Mrs. Garnet & GIFT SHOP en’s Christian Temperance exposure is frequent. other woman I would, like to re­ Kraatz of Kelowna, son of Mr Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tay- 549 Bernard Ave. 7024116 EXCEIiSIOR LIFE ffSyway Union held on Nov. 6 at the Palestine — in our Bible we nte this little incident: and Mrs. Herbert Kraatz of Cal- lor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Acres. home of Mrs. M. Toopfer, the have 160 texts to point to drunk­ 1 work in a restaurant nnd I ®’ hir. and Mrs. Les Orsi and Mr iiiwtiaihSiiisixiisoiamwaiwwiiWB)* district president Mrs, J. W enness as a sin. The principles meet all kinds of people. This The wedding will take place and Mrs. Ken Cooper; Reeves gave an interesting ad­ are carried on in our present rather attractive but depressed on Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. In St, The- . dress,, and showed replicas of WCTU work as in Bible times. looking man came in at 8:00 resa’s Church in Rutland. Newcomers to Kelowna are homes from several of the 60 a.m. for breakfast. I knew him ^ hir. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod In South America there is a HAH SMALL START I from New Westminster who different countries where WCTU great need for more Spanish and I knew his history. He was Your Afew Home In Kelowna work is carried on. married but llvina apart from world’s cocoa pro- kgye taken up residence at the translations to make clear our duction comes from the modest sycamore Apartments, - First, in India, alcoholic hits wife and three nice kids A few choice lots still available temperance materials. two to five acres of small farm- with beautiful views of the City drinks are forbidden, but In the Mexico has an anti-alcoholic Tho reason: a bottle blonde who Cl’S in Africa. Miss Deborah Stringer and cities visitors frpm other lands day proclaimed. works in his office. and Lake. demand and are served liquors This particular morning he In one province of Africa a Fatly Bervloed with Paved Roads, In Java, Burma and Korea sat down at a corner table and converted queen brought in anti­ with sort of a catch in his Street Lighting. the work in evangelism Is cn liquor laws. couraging, but in Burma very voice said, “Td like a glass of Ladies! Long Drug Store Underground Power, Telephone, young people are smoking. In Norway and Sweden have anti warm orange juice, two slices Natural Oaa and TV Cable. alcohol slogans In their buses. of burnt toast, two cold fried Korea there arc SCO members Has A . . . Construotlon now eommenolng In in the WCTU. What of Canada and the U.S.? eggs, and a cup of warmed-ovci We are challenged by our coffee. And please sit down Stage 2. In Egypt and Turkey the sad wrong-doings—gambling, drunk­ and nag me. I’m homesick.’’— effects of drug addiction are to enness, drugs, lawlessness MR. B. SURPRISE GIFT! be seen. In ’Turkey tempernnre drunken drivers, children smok Dear Mr. B.: Why didn't you MOUNT ROYAL work stems from one household Ing and drinking in tender where one young girl went to years, and our Indians drink Yes, It’s true! Here Is England and returned. nnd neglect their children while the most luxurious of SUBDIVISION In Japan tho world convention those Indians who stand (or the fine soaps . , . French- of tha WCTU is to bo held next right are persecuted. milled, velvety - rich, Wllh This View Moontain Avenue year. long-lasting and fra- :rnnce scented with in the great frozen land of MASSES GET GOUT ? visit Ihe area, cheek the (aollltlea, then have a talk wtlli one of ear 16 Balldlng the Eskimo there Is a crying list enough Royal LONDON (CP)-Gout, once Contractor Membera. need for instruction as drunken- status symbol, is on tho in Secret. crease among the masses. The It Is new In Canada and Ibelr Aim . . . To Build . . . To Pleas* Kennedy Institute of RheumatiH will bo our gift to you All ire m(*mbcrs Of the National House Bullderii Assoolailoni QUEENIE logy hcri^ rc>pdrt« the ailment la with your Germaine spreading bccnu.sc more people Montcll purchase of For further details call Mr. A. A. Blackford 762-5202 - 701-4116 can afford plenty of meat and 1.1,.50 or more, on per­ \ alcoholic drink, ui chief causes ^B ygivm g sonal presentation of PREFERENCE FOR OtlT OF TOWN aO olibri this announcement in our cosmetic depart­ Wa are pleated to announce that we have acquired the remaining land in the ment. HOLLYWOOD DELL SUBDIVISION THE LABEL t e y w i GERMAINE MONTEIL di}d are continuing to develop thIa delightful wuntry area. Giiaraniees the gift (ib(K» Offer Good Moaday Watch for further aanonneemente on this and ether areae ef development when it comes from U u a M I Nevembcr 13tli te Uth, 1167 Okanagan Builders Land Development |icttOWW LONG SUPER DRUGS LTD. Ltd. “rn tall yea erne thing abcot 107 Bernard Ave. Telephenc 7«-2lM 435 Bernard Avenue, Keifliirna, B.C. the Dovea and the Kawka— ISI7 PsMleai 81. Ph. 7634111 there are waives aaaoag them.'* . mOia m .

. -< , X.' ♦ I


(Closed All Day # A GigHn^ic Storftwido Sale Of Regular Quality Stock Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats Men's Suits A splendid selection of the finest quality — lovely The finest all wool English worsteds, 12 only, Sizes colors and styles to chose from — fancy weaves, 36 to 44, O O q f l 7 S plains, tweeds, fur trims in mink, grey, and black iox, Reg. 69.50 to 110.00, Sale O T eJy to / •/•I etc. All coats interlined and chamois lined. Sizes MEN’S SPORTS JACKETS — All wool EngUsh and 8 to 18. Reg. 29.M to 135.00. n r M Cash 6 nly — Sorry No Rehinds Or Returns - - Scotch tweeds. Sizes 36 to 42. ' Regular 35.00. Please— No Phone Calls Until After 3 P.M. Thursday LADIES* COATS -—fancy tweeds and plain in tgOr- 1 Reg. to 49.95. o r A A Reg.to 59.95. ed styles. Many colors and styles to choose from. f SaleSale ...... Warmly lined. Regular to 69.95. QQ QIJ t Special * . [ CO-ORDINATES ^ Jacket, Vest and [ Pants — 2 only. Reg. 69.95...... Sale LADIES’ SUITS — in fine all wool t v ^ s ^ TOP COATS and OVERCOATS & plain crepe, etc. Reg. to 65.00. I : Special ....i...-.;...... *— * , .0 75.00.: sa,. 2 9 ,9 5 tb 4 9 .9 5 'S ' SKIRTS — fine all wool fancy tweeds and , ; MEN’S DRESS PANTS — Worsteds, gabardines, DOOR OPENING SPECIAL (Mezzanine) } plain worsteds. To 24.95. ------Sale ■ ■n ? I whipcords. R e ^ a r Sale 12*95 I SWEATERS — finest quality cariKgans w d puU- to 19.95. , 9 a . m . I overs. To 25.00 ...... Greatly Reduced Reg. to 35.00. 2 2 5 5 I ?'S-“ “ :” n j y j Safe WOMEN’S SHOES. - Broken lines of regular 9 A.M. THURSDAY \ ., ■ " ^ HOUSECOATS ' 5 English flannel in tmlored styles. . I (Alterations extra on above garments) top quality shoes. d r y g o o d s d e p a r t m e n t Special at pr. To 19.95. S“ ® ... 2 5*71 FABRICS — Assorted cottons, rayons, flannels, Tartans in fine flannel, BAROAlN.ItACK',-/ silks, etc. Suitable for dresses, suits, dressing tailored stylesi 29.95. - Sale SPECIAL GROUP Women’s Shoes — Heel Hugger gowns, blouses, etc. 36”, 45” and QQi* VVinter Jackets, Dressing Gowns, Shirts, and Naturalizers. Broken size range. 54”. Reg. to 3.29 Special, yar^ 7 7 V SPORTS COATS — All wool and suedene with pile Overcoats* etc. Special or quilted lining, Ya length, excellent OA D / WOMEN’S GTYLE SHOES — Broken sizes. WOOLENS — in dress, suit or coat weight. Many Items at ^ PWGR or U*ss Boucle weaves, checks, with co-ordinating selection. To 35.00...... All at A V /O Values to $14. Sale, pr. WOMEN’S SNO BOOTS — Red leather. plains, wool worsteds and flannels. Beautiful d r esses fabrics of the finest quality. 54” to 60” MEN’S SKATERS .^ Pullpvers and Cardigans — Small heel. Reg. 13.98. Sale.pr. Fall and winter in fine wool crepe. A AO/ wide. Reg. 4.98 to 10.98. y A vronderful range. V . ^ WOMEN’S SEAL SKIN BOOTS. To 35.00...... Af Reg. to 22.50. .L....,Sale, pr. 'Special 2lt'. Broken lines JL QC - c i 8 95 , Fine all wool crepes, fall shades. to 15.90. Sale 0 * V J O . / J BOYS’ 5 EYELET RUBBER BOOTS CHILDREN'S WEAR SWEATERS — Pullovers, cardigans, assorted To 34.95 ...... Pullovers 1 0 nw Sizes 4 to 8 . Reg. 5.98 ...... Sale, pr. tpl9-95*Sale lo 21.95. Sale iw* colors and styles. Sizes 1 to 3X, 2 to 6X, 7 to Nylon Jersey in dark florals. 14. Regular 2.95 to 6.98;' O Q Q To 19.95. w ------sale Button Vests (small only) Saturday Morning - 9 a.m. Special All at— ...... ■ W Reg. 11,95. -S ale GIRLS’ COATS — Wool checks in blue, green, nylon pyjamas — luU length tailored _ 78 PAIR MEN’S SHOES FAMOUS NAME SHraTS — W ii« t o t o t o tan and rose. Sizes 8 to 12 years. Q AQ style. To 10.00 ...... -...... lAy2 to 17j4. (Make ideal Christmas Gifts), ^ Famous Name Quality Shoes. Regular 16.98...... — ..... Sale 0 # “ 7 PEaGNOR SETS -- finest quality tereylene, Regular to 6.95...... - Sale • Values 14.00 to 25.00. Special at, pr. t e e n GIRLS’ 3-PCE. COAT SETS — The lace trim. 29.95 ...... ® ® STRIPED SH IRTS^B roken lines. ^ new “Total Look” (coat, skirt and pullover). RAYON GOWNS - Full length, gale 3 .4 9 Reg; to 6.50...... O"® CHILDREN'S WEAR DEPT. Sizes 10 Teen to 14 Teen. ■■ • blue and pink. Reg. 5.00 ...... —--—- WHITE SHIRTS with Flair coUar, ^ Q A C 29.98.' Sale ^ BLOUSES — tailored styles in rayon 3 ,4 9 crepe. Regular 4.95, — —-i.--- french cuffs. 5.50...... —...... Sale • GIRLS’ COATS in wool, Melton, Heeksuede, tweeds KNITTING WOOLS — Mary Maxim, 3 and BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS — Sizes small, large -^ondetfnlseleetton. g Q ® /, , „ 5 Q % Q F F 4 ply super fingering, assorted colors, limited quantities. Reg. 67^. 0 1 00 SM andX-large. ^ „ Sale ...... A for ■ •w w R«g.to6,50, A ig ToJ .5 0 . Sizes 4 to 6X. A 0 0 SUMS — Knitted stretch tor casual wear.^ 10.00 Reg. 13.98 to 20.98... Sale U * 7 7 to SCOPE YARN — Red, yellow, A T C O 12 - 16. 16.95 ...... —...... - CoIa i 9 jalC •••••••••••••••• Dale Sizes 7 to 14X. ft AO I pink, white, etc. Reg. 98^. .... A for ■ • JV b lo u ses — Cotton and Dacron, plains \L I MEN’S SOCKS ^ ^ . Reg. 16.98 to 36.98. .. Sale O . t T to and fancy. To 8.95 ...... -—— Wool dress socks. Reg. 1.50...... !>ai® DRESSES — 50% OFF STRETCH HOSE - for the Teen - fancy . ^ 9 5 c Lovely dresses for the festive season or school in DRY GOODS DEPT. I Reg. 1.75. V I O el®’ Sattern. *tc. Reg. 1.50. Sale, pr. Sale...... sizes 3 to 6X, 7 to 14X. Q AO A DRAPERY — 25% discount on all orders for “cus­ i NYLON GLOVES - «4 shirred length. _ _ |^ 3 9 Reg. 4.98 to 12.98 ...... Now A**t7 to W -t' ' MEN’S TIES — Large selection. -I A Q tom made” drapes from stock on floor. Many colors. Reg. 2 . 5 0 . saie, pr. Ideal gifts. 1.50 to 5.00. Sale I nW 7 to INFANTS’ DRESSES BLANKETS — “Surprise". Viscose, rayon and NYLON GLOVES - FaU and winter shades. Q g^ ' t ie and HANDKERCHIEF SETS (boxed) A A A 1...... -...... sale, pr. Charming fashions for wee tots. Lovely colors nylon blend. Warmth withoutweight. Doublebed Reigular 2.95. [ Reg. 3.50 to 3.95...... — ®®^® * _ 72 X 90 — rose, blue, white, green, <) 7 0 0 and styles. 6 to 12 months. n Q Q ray on b r ie f s Special 1 «D9 I MEN’S JACK SHIRTS 12 to 24 m. Reg. 3.98 to 6.50. Sale A .7 7 pink, beige, gold, etc. Reg. 5.98. X for f • v y Fancy lace trim. r BATH m a t SETS — Chenille type rug and^lid ) (Short Sleeve), Reg. 6.95. Sale NYLON BRIEFS and PANTIES. covers. Several styles and colors. Regular 3.25 Tailored styles. 1.59...... - Sale ; UNDER SHORTS (Mid-way) PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS — wools, wool blends, orlons. Many colors and styles, y p D l f C to 5.98. NYLON PANTIES — Sizes med.; large, combed cotton. Reg. 2.50. ... Sale 1 00 3 30 Sale 1 « 4 9 Reg. 2.98 to 14.98...... All at / / T lVIVfc Clearing a t ...... - I*## to w a w v Q.S. Regular 2.50. COTTON LONGS — Elastic waist. GIRLS^ BLOUSES — A ' tVonderful selection in ORLON PLUSH RUGS — 24” x 36”. A Q O Sale Reg. 2.75...... plains and prints. ^ ^ Assorted colors. Reg. 7.98 ...... Sale • t a w w GIRDLES, PANTIE GIRDLES, CORSEL- : m a t c h in g VESTS 2 to 6. Reg. 1 0 0 Reg- ^ ^ , 0 Q Q BATHROOM RUGS — Terry — orange,A AQ ETTES — A splendid }/ p D i r C f Reg. 2.25...... , Sale 2 99 ..Sale l « 7 # 5 . 5 0 . Sale A « 7 7 moss, blue. Reg. 3.25 ...... Sale A .T 7 selection...... All at /2 rlY IV GIRLS’ AND BOYS’ DENIM JEANS MEN’S WORK GLOVES „ I/3 OFF LINENS — Luncheon cloths, bridge sets, place mats, Lined and unlined...... 3 to 6x . 1 0 0 / 9 A Q white aiid colors. 0*%^ O K f ' Reg.,2.98 to 3.98 ...... Sale l« 7 7 to A * T 7 Reg. 3.98 to 5.98 ...... All at LJ /O I/IJV . BRASSIERES - Good selection in the \L p f t l Q DANTE IDEAL GIFTS - spray talc, after A A Q shorter length ...... at •have, Cologne; Reg. 5.00...... Sale 0 . GIRI^* RIDER PANTS 7 to 14X. Reg. 4.50 ...... FABRICS LONG LINE BRASSIERES - Excellent g Q C ; MEN’S HATS.»d CAPS P R IC E Reg. 6.98. quality. Regular 10.00 ...... -...... Reg. 4.98. 0 Q Q ORLON PILE FABRIC — 50” wide, Q AQ Broken lines ...... Sale ...... U . 7 7 Sale PYJAMAS - plain and floral in 3 ^ 4 9 SPORTS SHIRTS — Long sleeve, pcrma h g C red and white. Reg. 4.98 ...... Sale tailored broadcloth, Reg. 4.50. . . j . . —-— Sale f Iron. Reg. 8.95...... Sale GIRLS’ STRETCH SKI PANTS — Teen sizes q u il t e d f a b r ic s — Cotton and ’I Q Q g o w n s - Waltz length in dainty florals. 2.89 ' 11 to 18. Broken size range — brOwn, green, corduroy. Reg. 2.98 ...... Sale, yard 1 * 7 7 Regular 3.95...... -...... ” “*• ' PLAIN COLORS 5 .9 5 SPRINGMAID COTTON PRINTS ? - Drip J Q Regular 8.05...... a n c wine, black. \U P P i r F g o w n s — Full length in fine cotton 2.29 Regular 5.98 to 9.98. All at /2 riY lV l. dry. 36” wide. Reg. 98f( ...... Sale, yard U 7 V and seersucker. Reg. 8.25 ...... Sale S...... 3.95 S./”' ...... 4 .9 5 SURRAH SILKS, Magic Crepe, Amels, Sheers, N I,« N G0WN8 - W.1U In ro Z1.V3, Cuf Velvet in a variety of paltems and colors. 2 /l(1 Reg. 4.05 QC BOYS' DEPT. r a y o n s lip s - White with built up f MEN’S WOOL scarves n 36” and 45” wide. Regular 1.98 to 4.50. 0.89 .0 7 Sale JEANS shoulder. Regular 4.95...... Sale I Reg. 3.95 All Clearing at */a FrM or I'®** 7 to 12 yrs. Q 0 0 13 - 18. KITCHEN PRINTS and short ends drapery NYIGN SLIPS - Finest quality, ; MEN’S GIFT ITEMS (Special Group) 2 9 5 3 ,9 5 Reg. 5.95. Sale Special 4,49 4.05 to 7.95 ...... M 4.95 Sale 0 « U 7 fabrics — plains and florals. 36” and 45' wide. lace trim. To 9.00. SLIM CUT JEANS ..s.,.10.95 SUMS - Top quality wool worsted, 1 Q QC Ages 12-16. Reg. 3.95 ...... Sale belled top. Regular 18.98 ...... Sale ^ BOYS’ SPORTS SHIRTS K ! ’...... ’A PRICE MENS FANC* TORVra , AO to »» 2 A 9 Reg. 2,98. 1 Q O Reg. 3.95. SLIMS - All wool English worsted. Reg. 2.05 ...... - Sale ( TOWEIA — Hand, bath and face towels. tMteM and plains. To 16.95...... Sale 8.95 n m LION SPECIALS - wide wale cords wlrt Regular 2.49 ...... -- ...... — ...... BOYS’ WINTER CAPS..... CORDUROY SUMS - Excellent quality. ^ A 0 5 wide bell. Size* 28 lo 34. Reg. 14.9 j ...... Sn)e TEA TOWEIJS - linen in Rejiular 9.95. ; Sale v .# * a SLIM JEANS - aiW» ,M 10 34, wide f^ngc 3 ^ 9 5 1.09 f assorted colors,,Reg, 75c, lo chooie from. Hcg. 5.95...... ^ S 4 9 c S Y- t e r r y TEA TOWKI.h 2 1 2 9 flannelette gow ns - Waltz and lull IcnBh’ 2 ^ 7 9 BOYS’ “HUSKY” DRESS PANTS Blue, rose. gold. Reg. B9c ...... r to r Regular ^3l25 ...... - • S®'® S .'i;- 4.95 S ...... I 2 1 .iQ 35 waists. 10.95. 6 .9 5 to w els - Broken sizes 3 0 % , 5 0 % PYJAMAS - Flneat quality flannelette, BOYS’ TWEED SPORTS COAl S and palterns...... Reduced /O m J U /O Sale 3 . 8 9 SLIM CASUAL PANTS - 3044 in ^<1 J tailored. Regular 5.00. - Reg. 17.95. b e d s p r e a d s - D.B, size qullUd. . A 0 0 1 rose, mauve, gold. Ucg. 16.50 ...... S a l e j ! HOUSE COATS — TOp quallly quilted nylon. O QC '"«■ 4.95 S.7.'' : 6.95 Sale ...... 8 .9 5 10 .9 5 Sole fciiWrtiiiMiwaHimiinsuastsimifcsiSismRfcatSiartiiRiisaaiiwaiiim I Regular to 12.85 Sal# 81.IM CUT DRIC 88 PANTS .. Sale 7 .7 I NURSES’ nawBNBA UNIFORMS — Fin# poplin 7 « 0 5 Regular lo 16.05...... I and broadclolh. To 12,88 ...... rOROUROT JACK SHIRTS QC 10.»5. A QC A Rale . A3.7.J Sale hleevei .ess surf RlllR're c„r9lF Regular l.M) ...... -...... Too NuiMious to Monlim t u r t l e NtX'K 8 .8 . ALPINE SmRlR ^^^9 Rffpdar 2 50 ...... in All DepirtinsnU ..,„E SlUKi: 01 QI'AI.IIY AM) I KlhNDI.V StRVICE” IN DOWNTOWN K1 LOWNA tapered SHIRW ” Assorted O O l ] 95 4.98 MSiiwaiimmiiiRRiaRRSi patterns. 6 (H). Sale ' h’r Serving Kcloun.i and Disifitl I aiuilics for 69. )c ari MMM Ing n ^ , located at 838 SjniU Ave.. /la now operational and will be in use today when rei lar shooting begins at 7:30 p. _ THE ROCKS T «E Y DESERVED THEM* Shooting nights are also held every Thursday. Personis ip( ested in learning/the pr* method of shooting a l»w _ The SUvettip. Atehei® «rf rKel' arrow are welcome to attend owna are moving indoors. Free instruction' to beginUi ^ ^ g S e S S m 'sh o o t- is given every Tuesday, / g surprise to me. They certainly Football Conference eiubs a meet the Eastern champion in By THE CANADIAN F R l ^ toe game Dec. 2 at deserved them. We’re reM eipan sweep of the awaids an­ proud and very happy.” By WALTER HOBBS ■TCiTy - Evansnen’s^ first .“'reaiB- Ottawa, ■' ' . nounced Monday night in Mon^ McQuarters, named top line­ While the westerners were tion on learning he had Wpn'_« ticlded pink, ^pf For many years here in Kelowna, 15 to Ite exact, it has real; man of the year, vtomV avail­ 1967 Canadian football awOT able for comment but Saskat­ Hamilton Tiger-Cats was de- been left to me to, more or less, look ^ te r “ was to turn to his wife Lorrame Quarterback liske was "very school cutiers. During that time we happy but hot as happy m the chewan coach Eagle Keys, sMd spondent, and yell; . , toe 260-pound defensive tackle provincial champions dnd runner-up “Yahooo. We won it honey. trip down to Ottawa would •EIDICULOUS’-SAZliB ^ ^ health and age has caught up Evanshen, star end wito Cal­ make me.” . had nbt had “a bad ball game “ That’s ridiculousl Im been forced to discontinue my wprk m gary Stampeders, joined team­ Calgary and Saskatchewan all year. . . ' amazed at three Westertt play­ H o w e v e r . I am very glad to report that both of the h i^ clash Saturday in the first game schools havfe now come forward with Interrat^teM hera^ mate Peter Liske and Ed Mc- OUTVOTES OTTAWA PIVOT ers being selected. 1 jusvcant Quarters of Saskatchewan of a best-of-three Western finM understand i t . . . this certainly carry bh this work.’I4«fd Green along with Bex.M^ensie to determine which club will Evanshen, named Canadian have taken Over at Dr. Knox. They were also Roughriders in giving Western player of toe year, was “really is shocking.” . , honored” to have beaten put Otp Sazio said he remembered hdping materially to bring in the^w ^ovmcial G to McQuarters “only y a g u e 1 ^ ' PlflvdoWn Then we have Tom Gregory, along with_t^ara tawa Rough Riders quarterback S S fS J S . to Gle. Bnm . world.g wiu. t o Russ Jackson in the 15th annum McQuarters was cut m poll of football writers and from St. Louis Cardinals of the High students. John Stringer is president j)f *e_ KelOTma National Football League and School Qub (Curling) and Lyn Perry for the Knmt School. broadcasters. . joined the Riders for the last I. believe, was also president last year. “I feel pretty good. It s some­ thing I worked hard for, though nine games that season. _ A FEW DAYS AGO I witnessed the windup of the La»■“• MONTREAL (CP) — Ted hearted,” Workman sSid in (to an sclK»Vtoer, »m give due to}tlO T ;^e statement issued after the own­ your coaches are imparting toj^ou. for it^is now, a t^ ^ Workman’s long and futile fight bottle. with thiis city’s football fandom ership announcement. that you must obtain toe correct procedure^Md deUveirdf toe ’Furthermore I tod it no cmling stone, otherwise you wiU pick is at an end. , , longer sane or sensible to be hard to knock out once they get started. I c a n ^ y w m e ^ y The feud, that sputtered and b I a z e d intermittently since identified with a game to which advise you to watch some of the top ®'*ri®“and » also some ® of toe Workman took over control of a man’s character can be assas­ DISTILLED AND BOTTLED Montreal Alouettes: after toe sinated publicly by a few misin­ IN LONDON, ENGLAND students who have already receiv^, ® fvli^of^d^veS formed and prejudiced among Then endeavor to copy their particidar style of drtyegr._ ^ team’s 26-25 Grey Cup loss to toe news media.” Evanshen of Calgary and Ed to one Sng ttat I H eK ut K e Edmonton Eskimos in 1954, C A L GARY (CP)—Calgary This advertisement is not published or dispioyed by the ended abruptly Monday. The de­ Atwell said the saile became Stampeders and Saskatchewan McQuarters of Saskatchewan and I mean please, just do not make shding righ^ut tp toe final Sunday. No board of direc­ Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. hSg in e ^ u r m aii objective, to my opuuon a g o ^ stiaight mise came in the form of a Roughriders last met to a West­ won national awards as the top four-minute announcement by tors meeting was necessary ahd ern Football Conference final in players of 1967. sUde cut short at ^®®®^ Sance*to^ covert your Weight. Otoer- club president Joe AtweU of toe no approval of the sale was 1948 and 1949, and Calgary Quarterback Liske, who set Alouettes. needed from the Canadian Foot­ coach Jerry Williams wishes he four all-CFL records and one Atwell, a former director of ball League. could roll back the calendar. WFC mark this year, was named player of the year. Split Hamilton Tiger -C a t s of the OUTLINES PROGRAM He doesn’t feel that way just Eariem Foptball Conference end Evanshen was named top Atwell outlined a four-point, because toe Stampeders went to Canadian and defensive tackle aiid co-owner of the Ala with off-field program to get the club the Grey Cup game in each of Workmian since December, 1965, McQuarters top lineman. tip on delivery. This is most important. ; off to a good start for the 1968 those years and won it in 1948 The Stampeders defeated the said he was buying out his part­ season. ; He favors the scoring system NOW IT IS MY understanding that again £® ner’s share of toe cliib 'and toat Roughriders to two of three Souto Okanagan pla:^own will b e ^ h ^ t ^ —One of his first steps will be that was then in effect. games this season but Mc­ Workman would resign as vice-, the appointment of , a fully-quali­ Sristm as hoUdays. You wiU ^ president as of Dec, 5. The WFC final was a tw(^ Quarters’ rushing moved Liske Atwell had originally held 46 fied general manager to hantoe game, total-point system, as it to say: “ I hope we can find administratibn and promotion now is- in the four-team Eastern some way to keep him out of per cent of club stock and while Kay Dalton remains to conference, and Williams fig­ Workman 42 per cent with toe firm control of player personnel there.” remaining 12 per cent spread ures he has the perfect ball club to his position as head coach. for such a series put among toe board of direc­ —The acquisition of “two or tors./. The Stampeders, he says, can three sports-minded Q u e b e c explode for a healthy lead in the $400,000 DEAL businessmen” as shareholders. first home game of such a se­ Monday’s transaction, for a —Immediate improvements to ries and then use its defence— reported $400,000 cash, now stadium facilities, with an eye the toughest to the Canadian Suppose you had a serious illness.Or an accident. gives Atwell, 88 per cent and an to leasing Expo 67’s now vacant Football League this year—to Autostade. Suppose you couldn’t work for 6 months, a year, you, ou.y opportunity to bring to other protect it. partners. —Establish a permanent or a lifetime. Would you have to change your honie for himself to Montreal. The final series opens here at The fortimes of the team on 2 p.m. MST Saturday. The sec­ Relieve naggihgpaingHicfc/y with the field hit their lowest ebb He currently divides his time way of life? Move to a cheaper home? Sell your between Hamilton, Ont., Fort ond game is at Regina Nov. 22 liquid OUTGRO. After a few who what t ^ o r r ^ t o yov this season, as the Als won only and third, if necessary, at Cal­ car? Cancel plans for your children’s education? two of 14 games and fan support Lauderdale, Fla., and Montreal ipplications, GllTGRO toughens He has business interests to all gary Nov. 26. dropped accordingly. Each club Monday night re­ tender skin and pushes the nail There is no guarantee that you’ll always be able The fans and news media three cities. up for safe, easy cutting. Workman, now 37, purchased ceived a little added boost: to work. But Manufacturers Life can guarantee were at war with Workman as P e t e r Liske and Terry advantage. To the teachers, thank you. the losses mounted to nine to a the Als at age 24 for a reported : you a regular monthly “pay” check which will row. , ■ . ■' ■' ■, $250,000. He was visibly shaken help yoii maintain the standard of living you’ve “Forces beyond my control by the turn of events, but re­ Memberships are now open for the Kelowna have caused me to become an fused to elaborate on the mi­ worked so hard to achieve. meographed remarks that re­ Ski Club. This will entitle you to extra increasingly negative focal savings and Ski Club privileges. point in the Alouettes, providing vealed some of his resentment Call the Man from Manufacturers. He can help a public crutch bn which to and some belief ' he has been Membership Dues Before Dec. 15th: you set up a plan to meet your needs and your hand all blame, and people in falsely accused of miSmanage- Family 15.00, Senior 10.00, Intermediate pocket-book. A plan that is guaranteed renewa­ football an excuse to be half-' ment by the fans and the press. 7.50, Junior 14 yrs. and under 5.00. ble to age 65 and which in the interval cannot be After Deo. 15th; Initiation Fee. Family changed or cancelled by the Company no matter MONTREAL (CP) - Bobby 30.00, Seniors 25.00, Intermediate 10.00. Hull, Chicago Black Hawks left MINOR HOCKEY SCOREBOARD what happens to your health. The cost is rea­ winger, continued his goal-a- ■ Plus Membership Dues sonable; return of peace of mind starts the mm Kelowna Bantams needed four ers—G. Turner 2, G. Saver, R. game pace to the National Bock- Stewart, G. Clark. Available from Treadgold’s Sporting Goods, moment your plan is in effect. ey League last week and leads goals to the third period Sunday Montie’s Four Season’s Sport, Kelowna Esso Servlca the individual scoring race. to defeat Vernon 5-4 and keep Rovers 6 Rangers 2 their perfect record intact. Rovers— J. Harland 3, Hull, who needs only 16 goals Vernon jumped to a 2-0 lead Beger 2, J. Hann. Rangers—K. to reach toe 400-goal mark, has to the first period before Kel­ Wolfe 2. , 21 points on 14 goals and seven owna hit the scoresheet. PEE WEE , . assists to 14 games played to B. parrigah scored two goals Engineers 3 Legion 2 for the winners while M. Her­ Engineers-P. Walker 2, B. t a t i s t i c s issued hy N fL ron, J. Stefanyk and B. Brooks Wenlnger. Legion—T. Lavell. headquarters today glvd Hull a adted the others. Mounties 7 Hawks 2 three-point lead over veteran J. Shirley, L. Breners, D. Mounties D. Brooks 2, T. mohawk Gordie Howe, Detroit Red Anderson and J. Brown scored O’Reilly, D. Clower, M. Mac- Wings perennial all-star. Howe for Vernon. Kenzle, G. Gehm, D. Thiessen. i l * has scored 10 times and added Both teams managed 21 shots Hawks—T. Senger, D. Brownlee. eight assists for 18 pointo, on goal but Vernon took four K. of C. 3 Firemen 1 This Week's Shop Special V Y v a n Cournoyer, Montreal of the five penalties assessed. K. of C .-B . Kyle 2, D. Schultz. Canndiens’ right wlnter_with toe PUPS A Firemen—M, Ritchie. left-hand shot, is third in the , ... Regals 2 Aces 0 . Lions 5 Kinsmen 1 race with seven goals, 10 assists Regals—Di Davies, B. Ellis. Lions-D. Bromley 2, D. Ellis, and 17 points. Jean Ratelle (4-12 Spades 5 Royals 1 :B. Ashley, J. Sherstoblttoff. LUBE JOB -10) oLNew York Rangers is GORDIE HOWE Spades—B. Ewing S. Royals— I Kinsmen—D. Abrams, A. Nel­ WHY PAY MORE one point behind Cournoyer. . . a close second 1 '' Veteran Andy Bathgate, now P. Polman. . ' son. John J Qartal Oyees 4 Canucks 4 Representative t e l i / 14 BANTAM with Pittsburgh Pengujns and McKenzie, Bos 3 11 14 Ovees—B. Bostock 2, C. An­ Hawks 4 Canadiens 2 KELOWNA Bill Hlcke of Oakland Seals, 0 Gilbert, NY ^ 3 11 14 drews, W. Hall. Canucks-^C. Hawks-M. Crouch, L. Cur­ WINTER TUNE-UP Tel: 762-4733 S to to tee expanded West^^^^ Delvecchlo, Det 1 13 14 2 Nyull, G, Koga, D. Fraiser, T. rie, L. Kaiser, D. Hlldebaugh. Division, fohow with 1.5 points. 0 Esposito, Bos 7 6 13 Turner. Canadiens—R. Furrer 2. I “Ruts” Hawley, C.L.U Both have scored eight goals Oliver, Tor 4 9 la 2 PUPS B Rangers 6 Seals 1 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER 6 Representative and assisted on seven. Pulford.Tor 4 9 13 Warriors 11 Flyers 0 Rangers—K. Wenlnger 2. A. KELOWNA Ellis, Tor 8 4 12 0 WBrriors--K. Kirschnlr 4, E. Tozer 2, B. Chapman, D. Fox. HULL, ALEX LEADERS 8 Mansfield 3, R. Wallace 2, J. Tel: 762-4733 Hull is toe goal-scoring leader Bellvcau, MU 7 5 12 Seals-K. Blacke. $6.95 $9.95 Bucyk, Bos 6 6, 12 0 Hamilton, D. Nelson. ^ Leafs 7 IFlyers 4 with his 14. while Alex Delyec- Bruins 4 Monarchs 4 PLUS PARTS Goyettc, NY ® 5 1 a 2 Leafs—J. Cundy 4, P. Angus 2, chlo, Detroit’s veteran captain 2 Bruins—B. Claggett 4. Mon- B. Graff. Flyers-J. Walker 2, and centre. Is too assist leader Irvine, LA 5 5 lo Prentice, Det ® ® 1" 4 archs-B. Naka 2, K. Schlslor 2. J, Gcrk. S. Robertflhaw. LO LO GAS PRICES WE NEVER CLOSE wito 13. 1 6 Cougars 5 Stampeders 5 Wings 12 Bruins 0 aic-47 Bernle Parent, who went from 1 Hampson, Dot 8 7 12 I Nesterenko, Chi 2 10 12 12 Cougars-T. Gllhooly 3, F. Wings—N. Franz M. Han­ MOHAWK Boston Bruins to Philadelphia 22 Thorburn, I. Leitch. Stamped- son 3, R. Taylor 3, B. Owens 2, Flyers in last Jiino’s expansion ;3nlon, Minn ® 5 1} Ncvln, NY 5 6 11 4 T. Martin. draft, has become virtually un­ 10 KELOWNA beatable to recent games. ^ Joyal, LA 5 5 11 Conacher, Tor 5 6 il' 17 /WMAWX MANVFACTURHS UFE The Montreal native allowed FIGHTS INSURANCnCOMPANY only three goals last week as RECORD OP GOALKEEPERS Broncos Lead SERVICE the Flyers stretched their unde­ GP MP GAAv* By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SOS HARVEY AVE. - PHONE 76^2822 feated streak to four games. Favell, Phil 7 420 14 2.00 ‘Prices Are Bom Here and Raised Elsewhere” Since giving up nine goals In Parent. Phil 5 300 10 2.00 New Orleans — Percy Pugh, their first two gsmes, the goal- Phil totals 12 720 25 2.00 Junior league 145, New Orleans, outpointed tending duo of Parent and Doug Bower, Tor 10,. 600 22 2.20 Tougher competition provided Eddio Pace, 148, Los Angeles, Favcli have moved the Flyers Gamble, Tor 5 300 11 2.20 by the formation of tho B.C. 10. from last to a Bccond-placc tic Toronto tolals 15 900 34 2.20 Junior Hockey League apparent­ Secaucus, N.J.—Luke Erwin, In the Western Dlv sion with a Worslcy, Mtl 5 260 8 1.85 ly hasn't fazed the Penticton 133, Bayonne, N.J., outpointed combined goals-agalnst total of Vachon, Mtl 10 580 26 2.69 Broncos. Tony Cruz, 128, Jersey City, 8. 25 — * 2.08 goals-agalnst aver- Montreal totals 14 840 34 2.43 The Broncos, who walked Sydney, Australia—Bobby Cheevers, BoS 12 720 30 2.50 away with first place in the old Dunlop, 178%, Australia, **Veteran Johnny Bower and Boston totals 12 720 31 2.50 Okanagan Junior Hockey Lea­ stopp^ Fred Sullivan, 180, Sa­ Bniee Gamble of Toronto Maple 380 14 2.21 ANNOUNCING M.Trtln, SIL 7 gue a year ago, have a seven vannah, Ga., 8. Leafs are second to nelminding Hall, RIL 7 400 20 3,00 IKiint lead atop the B.C. Uagtie with an average of 2.27. Bt. Uuls totals 13 7B0 34 2.62 standings. Boston defenoeman Glacomln, NY 13 780 34 2.62 They have won nine games to TURN YOUR JUNK INTO Green took over tho Indlvldi al Manlngo, Minn 9 4.53 18 2.38 10 starts, running up the best CASH OPENING OF THE lead to penalties with to mln- Bauman, Minn 6 267 14 3.14 offensive and defensive record utes. one more than Ed Van TPn Prices Paid Mian totals 12 720 32 2.67 In the league. for All Scrap Metals , Basson, Pitts 5 300 » 2,60 Tied for foptth spot with three *®Mdhea3®^^^^ 10 600 '31 2.80 wins and seven tosses are the Fred I. Shnmay • Binkley, Pitts 1043 Richter 762-3046 ty list with 201 minutes served Pitts tolals 1.5 900 41 2.73 Kelowna Buckaroos who have in 16 games. , Rutledge, I.A 9 489 21 2.58 played two more games than (Abbreviations: Sawchuk. M .0 351 21 3..59 every other club to tho league Del—Deti-olt. . ^ U s Aag totals H 840 42 3.00 except Penticton. KINDERGARTEN Pitts-Plttsburgh. O ak -O a Edwards, Det 2 120 2 l.OO Thus their hold on third place SUPPLIES AND laixi, NY-New York Bo«-Bo^ Gardner. Del .5 247 14 3,41 is a shaky one. Complete Veterinary Service ton, Ttor-Toronto, LA-l-os An­ Crosier, Det 9 473 28 3.55 Next action for the Buckaroos geles. Mlnn-Mtnnesota. 8 t^ bttHcd Is Saturday when they host the Oial keepen’ average Victoria Cougars. A victory St. Uuls, Phll-Phlladelphla) on each 60 mlmitea played. All The Leaders! „ would give Kelowna sole posses­ - DOCTOR W. H. HENDERSON - a A Fts. p»"* goals against a team to any sion of third place. .»14— —.Jl .e are charged to the Indi- 18 Howe. Det 10 8 for purpose______of awanllug thesl«A V«s- 17^-1 W L ■ T (14 GP gniA OA Pts ■> Office lioure 8 lo 12j 1 lo S IRvTrnlnginiiF^P^ Ooummrer. Mil 7 10 17 1 0 65 27 18 PRE-SCHOQL I t 18 ibui Trophy. Penticton Rlttll«,ll¥ 6 BimtoHla: Favell, Bower. Wor- New Wcitr 2 45 46 11 educational TOYS TELEPHONE 765-5132 Bathgato. Pltti 8 7 15 4 37 44 T LEATHEAD ROAD, RURAND, B.C 7 IS tley, Cheevers, Glacomln, B!nk- Victoria Hleke. Oak 8 ley, Croder. Hodge. 1. Empty- Vci-non 4 27 39 6 Wm. Treadgold ft Son Hadfleld. NT t 7 14 7 43 .55 6 14 ■el geaiti Favell, Drydcn. Kelowna 136 Lee* 163-2662 fitsnnekl. Bos 4 10 Bower. Cheevers, I. I Kamloops 6 37 40 4 Keon. Tw 4 to 14 A ' ■ ■. y ' ■,. 'V'■ ■ '■. ^ ; (■! / 'n n y,, n ' t.r r 'n y r / im M miA BAILT WUiUOBBt II* MW FAOB t N/MES IN NEWS WwrtMrimm^ mm- _vemr ■ww, wmsenp •iff t 1 c0 7»m

% Six persons; including one, \ juvenile, will appear in Que^ nel court Nov. 18 on chargM cd possession of marijuana. RCMP T*'pR8^^1lWT BEMJiy s^d Peter Tony Gills. 21, Frank ROSE H ia COU.ESE IN THE BRONX. Hy., Peter Einfield. 22, Stephen WHICH LATER BECAME FORDHAM Wayne Conner, 21. Dennis Rich­ iwwERSnry, appeared to muiam ard Horler, 20, and a 15-year- MNUBLOF BMffilA, M A OREAM old youth, an of Quesnel, were 80 WIDLY THAT HE TRAVELED arrerted in a raid. Gil Cameron THHomeammmumfKAKt Morrow, 21, of Quesnel wiU ap­ m m iis.msouKH»iT pear Nov. 18 on a charge of he fOONO rT N 1846-34YEARS possession of marijuana for the ARER HIS DREAM-AMD BECAME purpose of trafficking. /■-/' J A MEMBER OP ITS FACULTV More than 50 students walked WUPSfpETDUR AN OIL out of ParksviUe Junior High VRIL TRY TO RICK UR THAT SECOND AHEAP. School Monday to protest not ] ^I9 @; being given a day off in Ueu of BEARIN6 . Remembrance Day/ Principal Norman Trim ordered the stu­ { ^ • R E lOCKEP P N (J dents back to their classrooms, A,A ' a'L ST' ■ blit 56 Grade 9 and 10 students left school for. the afternoon. BEfUAMIM F. BUTIER (w tta ) WOODEN v u i e ° LOCKS President Johnson and Japa- WAS THE ONLY MAN W U.S toSTORY PREMIER SATO TO SERVE IN 2 CABINET POSTS ARE STILL USED ON DOORS riese Premier Eisaku Sato start \ SIMULTANEOUSLY- IN SOUTHERN ARABIA talks today that could prove de­ . , . frhnk exchange cisive in determining the,future i W E TO MONTHS IN 1836 AND 1837 ‘ UHCHAmo Since im u e /ie FIRST useo IN of Okinawa. Sato said on arrival the greatest living intert)reter of • HE WAS a tto r n e y 6ENERAL AND Bach, had been ill for a short ■ ALSO SECRETARY OP , , AU aeN T TIMES in Washington Monday‘liight he h*. IHT- .VaU '11*14 intended to have “a frank ex­ time; She would have been 66 change of views” with Johnson Dec. , 2. during his twteday stay. In Preston, Ont. Judge Harry Judgment was reserved Mon­ By Wingert day in Victoria in the appeal of Waisberg Monday adjourned the the United Fishermen and Al­ Timbrell judicial inquiry untd lied Workers Union against a Nov. 27 when it wiU resume in IP t h a t WAS SORRY TO KEEP YOU WAITIMGi $25,000 fine for contempt of I CAMT60BSS, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AfiE, MR.POOLEY-HelLEE W1THYC3U Toronto with counsel present­ lllir CAGWOOR I HA/E ytSU'LL NEVER BE AS OLD SUPPOSED TO 8 6 court, aiid in the appeal of two ing- arguments. The / adjourn­ A BIRTHtW but may I RAY VOU A COMPLIMSNi; IM A AAOAAEWr- ^ UFAWU officials sentenced to tom orrow — A COMPLIMENT ment came after the last of the MR. OTHERS irsu p 6cAH6our one year in jail for the same witnesses had testified. ©UESSHOWOLD PUNNY offence. In the concluding hours I'LL BE V of the appeal hearing, Vancou­ The northern development de­ ver lawyer Harry Rankin told partment has 24.883 Eskimo- the court the $25,000 fine is “the made ookpik doUs waitmg to i highest imposed on any union be disposed of through a whole­ in Canada o r : possibly the saler, the Commons learned British- r Cominonwealth.” Monday from a written reply iR nf tabled by Ndrthern Development ^Daniel Joseph Easy 16, of Minirter Arthur Arthur Laing. Lalng. The 'The Quesnel was sentenced to one ookpik is an Arctic owl doll year definite, and one year ihde- made of stuffed sealskin. It sold terminate Monday in Salmon briskly for several years but Arm, when he pleaded guilty in is reported to have hit resist­ magistrate’s court to nine ance in the last year because of charges. Easy pleaded guilty to a campaign against sealskin OH,THATS ALL KIGWT-IM FIMiSHNG car theft and theft of a motor­ products. THE AAAGAZKJE ARTICLE I STARTEP cycle in Quesnel, da“ 8 ®teuB WHEM I WAS IN A VEAR A G O . y . driving in cohnectiori with a Finance Minister Sharp told fatal traffic accident in Salmon the Commons Monday he is con- Arm and six counts of -breaking sidei'ing making an interim and anteripg, five in Salmon statement soon on his procedure IPEIMONICOIS PAST HIS NHATB7HAT Arm and one in Quesnel. . for dealing with the / Carter OWN 30-YARD MNE.^HE'S 6UY0FV0URS royal commission recommenda­ PICKlNft UP BLOCKERS...! TRYMETOPUa., # William Winston Walker, 26, DON'T BELIEVB WHAT'S COLONEL? of Hines, Alta., was remanded tions for tax reforrh. Mr. Sharp HAPPENlN6...BUrn IS 6-dRANDSTAim to Nov. 20 when he appeared in was asked by Eidon Woolliains HAPF’ENlNS/f* MR.TWWEtl.„^ (PC-Bow River) whether the A REAL TALENT FOR Prince George magistrate’s government , would submit the MAKIN' BELIEVE/ court Monday charged with non­ Carter report to a Commons capital murder. Walker was ar­ committee for review before rested at Fort St. John in con­ nection with; the beating death the. cabinet decides on tax-re- of Leonard Percy Gauthier Oct. form policy. 20./'- Prime Minister Wilson has called on individual European Derek Edwin Bryant, 21, of countries to join with Britain SCRAM8UN6IN A SR/M HOK OF Port Alice was killed when the in building powerful industrial PtCkmUP YAiaiASe, GReOP£tMON/eO car in which he was riding over­ machines to fight the threat of MmcuLousLY escAPEs THEaumm turned hear the city. Bryant United States domination _ of h an d s o f two tacklers . .. iH f was a passenger in a car driven strategic European industries. by Lawrence Kenneth Gaylor, “We are ready to talk in the 23, alsorof Port Alice. fields of computers, electronics Harriet Cohen, internationally and civil application of nuclear known concert pianist, died energy,” Wilson said in a Monday in a London hospital speech prepared for delivery at Miss Cohen, who was , acclaimed the annual lord mayor’s dinner in London Monday night. BUT IT KEPT aRANpM \ / u^ at the height of her career as 1 NEVER HEARD OF NEITHER HAVE I / FROM THUMPINtS ME WITH ) V-7 FISTFUL OF B IU .V / THIS 6 PECIALVVBEK h e r BROOM CONTRACT BRIDGE BEFORE By B. JAT BECKER est only; it’s the third one that almost always offers a chal­ ^ 3 u tiS a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' lenge to your skill, as well as IndiTldual Championship Flay) some measure of excitement. South dealer. For example, take this hand Both sides vulnerable. where South cannot tell at the start how he will Ultimately «.'a» NORTH fare. Let’s say West leads a ♦ QJ72 ’ (P*Kini FmIutm Syndittlt. Inc.. H&7. WoilJ rftlit* tw«rr*J. I I*l4' diamond and East wins with V A Q 1083 the king and returns the ten, ll-M SC ♦ 8 ... * * "Ida’s Just being dramatic-—pretending that an off ice 4*963 which South covers with the J joD ind houacwork are too much for her. WB8 T HAS* jack. ^ 4964 4 8 5 3 If West makes the proper de­ 4 9 7 6 4 K 6 S fensive play of ducking the 4 A 9 7 5 3 4 K 1 0 4 jack. South eventually goes 4 J 4 A Q io s r down. East is bound to come SODUTH into the lead with a heart or a 4 A K 1 0 club before declarer can take ROSSWORD PUZZLE nine tricks. Whenever this oc­ «J4 HE'S DUE HERR ANY : QJ6 S curs, he returns a diamond and AN AK62 MINUTE I } 19. Black­ West cashes three diamonds to | ©OOF’Y'a SOT A 40R088 3. Strings □UU nL4[!l defeat the contract one trick. JOB SELLINS T 1. BoniUniM 5. Beard en bfi!iL=ii!]id m a m The bidding: BUT WHAT PIP of rj'i 20. Keltic iJiautou utokiisu East But if West slips at trick two m I'D BRUSHES I 1 B.CoiUy UlUliU DO unuilii Boutk Weet North and takes the ace of diamonds YOUCQWETO ] ».“BatU* 4. Born 22. Mend lidniiiEs m 14* Pass Paas WARN MB « Hymnot 6. Breaks, 23. Greek I;iqb4l:t iiaUUtlM Pasi —which he shouldn’t because he 2 1 ^ Pass ■II has no entry card outside of ABOUT? * Rapubllo** as day Inland HSUUM MWUtlll 3NT ’ author 6 . Ardor 24. Festers liUUIulL-iy UIDL-iU diamonds — South c r a s h e s | Opening lead — five of dla- through with ton tricks. 110. Gorman 7. Man’s 25. Land UQlij Qld UL414 I rlvor nickname meaa- am s\ auidiziu I mends. ^ ■ . However, West should not be flLWWlbatUt 8 . Cigarettes urea cl NE The first thing to do when given the chance to beat the .13.Brittlo 11. Crowd 20. Dis­ dummy comes down is size up contract. When East returns the | , {• cooklo IS. Bast figure Ycilerdsy's Aaiwer ypur chances of making the ten of diamonds at trick two. )4,ll4.Qu«or Indian 28. Caul­ contract. South should play the six on it. JlAHostol cereal dron 30. Glide Generally speaking, when you Tills ducking play insures the .lAMusio grans: var. 30. Cods 38. Candlenut do this, you com* to one of contract. L note 13. Irl.sh 31. Uacupe tree three conclusions: 1. You’re South should be willing to Icl ■tl7. Arouses rebel 32. .Stories 39. Chinese sure to make the contract. 2. the defense win the first three ®20. Dowel group 33. Bnemy pagoda You’re sure to go down. 3. You diamond tricks because ho can MCOUt 40. Free )3L Preaciip- 18. ClHtem may or may not moke the con­ then safely lead the jack of I tion term tract, depending on how the ad- 2. a i" r u hearts and finesse, not caring J 23. Ventura verso cards are divided, or on very much whether tho finesse | 133. Winch how well or badly you or the HM-M-M-MAYBE D.OUCK 0 I wins or loses. For practical HH'fi OOT i36. Mlnlstor’s opponents play the cards. purix)sos, ' he guarantees the * house: Vi The first two possibilities are SHE LOOKS 'PO, SOMBTHINO It contract by playing this way- , Scot II \ prcsumaMy of academic Intcr- stand - o f f is h ! fS7. Listen D.DUCK D iiim ii IS to »36. Golf 14 ESCORT % A score % 20 SERVICE .JMLThoeeln IT 14 i( YOUR HOROSCOPE j office ^ 130. Stinging at t t FOR TOMORROW three weeks of March, the last Y I Insecta % % % Don’t waste time on non- week of September, the first 1 34. Correct 24 24 21 2* eiEcnUals during Wednesdays three weeks of October and all *33. Place % early hours. Tho aspects then of next November. Do b* con­ 36. Sip II 24 will be highly propitious for servative In business matters • 37. Quench % f, getting “big” things done, _ so during Juno, however. i i *39. Sincerely lo make the most of them. During Personal relationships should m be exceptionally harmonious % i f ]i4LMaa’a II H th* P.M., there is a possibility name of receiving some good news during the next 12 months, with very strong emphoals on .senti­ U l. ;Aeelsiant M to from afar. >43.1- Houston, It ii FGR t i ie BIRTHDAV mental Interests. Best periods along these lines: Tl\e latter 4 i If tomorrow is your hlrthdny, ♦1 » 41 yduri "chart shows fine Indica­ part of this month, June, late *64. Beversgca October and next November. w t 44 % tions which should net monetary I DOWN Don’t take May or September i gains, career advancement and M ’ 3. Shadow i t Increased prestige before an­ "romances” too lerloufly, how­ and *Mtu»eo ever, Creative workers in all NO VJONDRO, ^ DAILT ORWlOQUOn — H m ’i h m to work lit other bit thday has rolled DAO,YOU KNOW I NtVtR rORCaCr TO BE AN OLO around. Yovi may have to work lines will be star-blessed this A FACC,ANDYOUPS ME'STMC. IMAfjC GIOL f ttlENO a x t d l b a a x r year, with exceptionally profit HOWARD, Mf THINK o r MIS MOrMKQ- !• I. O N fl P r. L I* O W a little harder than usual lo DATE VJE'Vt 15 fAMlLIAQ .' OF Y0UB8- gain all these benefits, and alile i)crio<1s indicated next May One letter simply standi for another. In this sample A Is used shoulder a few more rcstxmsl- June and September. Star* V Mr th* thro* L’s. X for th* two Os, etc. Bing I* letters, ap«^ bllltles, but th* extra effort don't promise much In the way E trophim, th* iMtfrih and formation of th* words aro all hint*. should not prove too burden­ of travel, except for short trips, Esch day th* cod* letters aro different. \ some and th* results will be during the next 12 months, but 'ipyry~tnwh”W*ir|hwhile*~F*n*“4o* A tYyptogram tjuolii stance, there’s promise of both journey, the first three weeks of May, September and Novem- BUZUO OLAGLZLV GLUUFL b progress and financial gain I O R L (tween w w and the *nd of tier will b* highly auspiclou* ! T ’M L LMLZ ALO BLRL OLUGFL. eMarch: further monetary prog- For• "taking off ress In late April, the first three A child born on this day will A/ B R if W 8 LB ORLC BL*L BZU 8 *. weeks of September and l)e endowed with ■ the qualities Ihroughoiit Octoljer and Novcui- needed to make a highly suc­ ITPDUB ATXBL7. cessful jfminaUst. musicisn 01 V*a 6Mslay*a Crypt******! PLKASIIRB IS NOTHING ELBB ber. Further good cycle* on the j occupational front, Th* first jut ist, b u t t h b umatMisaioN o p p a ih —jo h n bluden 'V:

19 KEi4ivnc4II iiiiiiiMiLr ti mwm w^ m> »W


I I . Business Personal i s ; Rooni and Board 21. Property For Sale For Sale COMPLETE CARE F OR 3 Drapes; Upholstering, Furniture elderly perwms avalilahle. Pri­ A HOME OF DISTINCTION OKANAGAN MISSION Repairs and Refinisbing vate and semi-private. Practical This is the Chatdaine prize winning design for 1964, over Top quality seirvice, materials 4 00 FEET OF LAKESHORE PROPERTY and czaftismiansliip. nurse in charge. Tetephone 765- 1800 sq. ft. of appealing floor area on the .main Rner. Gra« Over one acre of land in Poplar Point area with building dous broadloomed living room with open brick fireplace, OKANAGAN DRAPERIES & 6783. site commanding a panorandc view of the lake.. Includ­ 14’ X 21’ broadloomed dining room with c a t o e ^ S®T,® rwrcsTRRFlELD HOUSE ed is a well bvdlt summer cottage with fireplace, city overlooking enclosed exterior court surrounded by double 3013 Pandosy St. ^ater, and furniture. Private beach area suitable for glazed windows. Modern kitchen including corlon floor^ Phoie 763^18 20. Wanted To Rent GOODS & SERVIGES — WHERE TO FIND THEM T, Th, S ti swimming and boat moorage.^ built-in range, oven, and refrigerator. I^rge b ro ^ w m e d f u r n is h e d b e d r o o m w it h FULL PRICE $25,000. MLS. master bedroom ensuite; plus 1 large dividable bedwm IN KELOWNA DISTRICT DRAPES EXPjBRTLY MADE kitchen facilitiea or light house­ and a 3rd bedroom ensuite with exterior ^tran ce, plus a and hung. Bedspreads made to keeping room, by lady. Central For further particulars call Phil Moubray 3-3028. 4 pc. tiled vanity. The lower floor comprises a 14 x 2\> measure.' Free'estimates. Doris or Southgate area. Telephone recreation room with fireplace, batoroom and cedar BUILDING SUPPLIES MOVING AND STORAGE Guest Draperies, telephone 763- 762-7084. 90 clothes closet. Double carport. See tlw interior of this 2124, 505 Sutherland Ave. tf WANTED TO RENT BY B u si­ & Son Littii new quality home today. Priced at $41,000,90. ins Cartage Ltd. ness couple, no children, un­ LUMBER JORDAN’S RUGS - TO VIEW furnished house or duplex by 547 BERNARD AVE R e a l t o r s DIAL 762-3227 Agents fcw samples from Canada’s larg­ December if possible. Telephone & DcUmM Anywhere in North American Van lines LM est eaipet selection telephone 762-7308. “ J. Klassen 2-3015 C. Shirreff 2-4907 Keith McDbugald, 764-4603. Ex­ P. Moubray 3-3028 M. Sager 2-8269 ESTABUSHED 1902 Local, Long Distance Moving pert installation service, tf WANTED TO RENT—MODER- KELOWNA o t VERNON “We Guarantee Satisfaction’' ately priced 2 or 3 bedroom - Kelowna’s Oldest Real Estate and Insurance Firm PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR- house. Prefer north side. None 364 BERNARD AVE. 76^2127 ;:V'a R ^ '•/'"'.7 1658 WATER ST. 762-2029 drinking family. Tdei9ione 763- ing. Licenced and certified. ■ EVENINGS Professional guaranteed work 3571 after 5:00. - *9 Phone mderi collect Geo. Martin ..— >4935 Louise Borden — - D. CHAPMAN & CO. with reasonable rates. Tele­ LAKESHORE LOTS 7 Buslnes»r54244U phone 762-M29. tf Uoyd Dafoe 762-7568 Darrol Tarves —? ALUED VAN LINES AGENTS Widths vary from 80 x 135 ft. frontage on sandy beach. Be8idencer-64^2452 or 54^7843 21. Property for Sale Carl B riese 763-2257 Local—Long Distance Hauling FOR COMPLETE ORCHARD Power and water available. l i operation and mahagemrat. Prices range from $4,000 - up. LAVINGTON PLANER Coznmercibl - Household Telephone Carl Jentsch, 765- Storage 5322. T, Th, S, tf Terms available — Exclusive with: MILL LTD. PHONE 762-2928 Revenue Property FAMILY OR RETIREMENT HOM E-Justfew blocks from FOR BEAUTY COUNSELOR PAINT SPECIALISTS RESTHOMES For sale or trade; located on ROBERT H. WILSON REALTY LTD. Safeway. 2 bedrooms, goo< . day it appears. Wo wiil not bo reapon- announce the engagement of P.S. Give us the nurhber of the ad you are Interasted mm. from town centre. 3 bed­ in, and we Will mail you all the details and send you field set, two bedroom suites, Kelowna Daily Courier. 90 dbie for more than one incorrect In- her daughter Donna-Lee, to rooms, fireplaces, den, family '. ,serUon.. Thomas Hancock; son of Mr. Okanagan Realty : a picture as well. lawn mower, rototiller, etc. Ex­ WANTED — 1 OR 2 BEDROOM / BOX REPLIES and. rec rooms. $175.00 per clusive. Price $16,800. Call home, reasonably priced for*-i and ms.Mrs. Fr^HancocKFred Hancock of01 West 754^942 OPEN T il l 9 p .m . ; tSc charge for the nae of a Conrler Vancouver. The wedding is to Ltd. Larry, 762-8818 or Ernie 762- cart. Apply to 528 Parkview . box number, and 25c addiUonal if T-Th-S-tf 5208, Johnston Realty. replies aro to be maUed. . be held in West Vancouver on Li— — • • ' '.' /V,——------551 Bernatd Ave. 2-5544 D rive, Medicine Hat, Alberta. ; 91 '' Names and addresses of Boxholdera December 2nd. 8 8 1 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY— FOR SALE OR TRADE — 16 at* held confldentiaL 2 bedroom home, Rutland-, $100 Uoyd Bloomfield 2-7117 Art D a y ...... 4-4170 acre beauty spot on Highway 97 As a condition of aCceptanc* oi a box per month. Call Okanagan north, large fully modern house, CALL 762-4445 nnmber advertisement, while every en- Realty Ltd., 762-5232 or 762-5544^ Hugh Tait 2-8169 . deavor vriil be made to forward replies 6. Card of Thanks George Trimble 2-0687 car sheds, large barn and stor­ FOR to file adverUser as soon as possible, George S ilv e s te r2-0070 age sheds. Year round creek, wa accept no Uabiilty in respect of KELOWNA REALTY LTD. artesian wells and fish pools, COURIER CLASSIFIED " loss or damage alleged to arise I MERE WORDS ARE INADE-1 GOING SOUTH? 15 FT. DE- Bill Hunter - 4-4847 through either failure Or delay in quate to express Our gratitude luxe holiday trailer for rent A. Salloum 2-2673 zoned commercial and indust­ forwarding such replies, however to each and every one who has Propane refrigerator and stove rial, value $75,000. Will take a '# 1 eanied, whether by neglect or other­ Harold D enney ...... 2-4421 762-4919 g o ^ 3 bedroom, full basement helped us through these days of Will sleep six. Telephone 762- Peachland Branch Office, wise. ■ '' sorrow with beautiful flowers, 12958. ______house in on trade. Telephone 23. Prop. Exchanged RepUes win be held for 30 days. Hilton Hughes, Mgr. 767-2202 765-5594. 93 deeds of iminite kindness froin 2 BEDROOM WITH DEN WILL TRADE HOUSE, VALUEJ, CimQfPIPTinM PATF^ new subdw rent $110.00 SOUTHSIDE REVENUE HOME $6,000, Edson, Alberta. Close to, O U u v ^ l'lr 11V'^ KM I LO I thanks to nurses and d^tors at pgj, j^ionth, water included, no —2 bedrooms on main floor and natural resources, railroad. Any Cartier boy deUvery « o per week. iu® pets. Telephone 765-6355. 90 Collected every two weeka. the pallbearers and Rev. Go- £------■— ------a self-contained 2 bedroom suite type real estate or trailer in Motot Route lightly for his comforting words. 13 BEDROOM SUITE, 1% baths, Do You W ant? J. C. HOOVER REALTY LTD. in basement. Spotless and in Kelowna area. Telephone after 11 monlha $It.OO —Mrs. Harvey Nye and Family refrigerator, stove, TV cable. beautiful condition! Asking $24,- 6 p.m. 762-3929. 91 • month* ...... 10.00 washing facilities. Telephone 3 large bedrooms $ 9 5 00.00 700.00. Phone Mrs. Olivia Wors­ • month* ... 0.00 762-6870. ' tf fold evenings 2-3895 or office of MAIL RATES MRS. G. McINROY WISHES large kitchen with eating CLEAN vacant 2 bedroom Hoover Realty, 2-5030, MLS. COURIER PATHRN > Kelowna City Zone to send a special thanks to Dr.®. STATIONARY TRAILER FORj area Trailer Court home on Southside. For 88-90 ' 12 math* ...... $20.00 rent, suitable for single or details phone Mrs. Olivia Polloch and Ranklne and staff large double lot, 100’ x 150’, C m onth* ...... 11.00 at Kelowna Hospital for making couple. Telephone 762-5114. tf I For 25 trailers in the City Worsfold evenings 2-3895 RETIREMENT SPECIAL 3 month* ...... ; 0.00 with lawn and fruit trees. which wiU show a 12% Net Close to town, 2 bedroom home B.C. outside Kelowna City Zone mv stay more pleasant. Many or office 2-5030. EXCLU­ 12 month* . . 110.00 thanks for all get-well cards and close to schools and Income. Excellent loca­ SIVE. with a full basement. Nice live- 4 month* ...... 0.00 flowers from my many friends 16. Apts, for Rent churches tion. For details phone aWe living room and bright kitr I months ...... 400 and neighbors. 88 m e— Mrs. Olivia Wors- chen. This home has to be seen Same Day Delivery UNFURNISHED 3 BEDROOM • 2 blks from downtown fold evenings 2-3895 or o be appreciated. Exclusive 12 m onths 112.00 shopping Choice Residential . 6 months ...... 7.00 [apartment with 1 and % baths, office 2-5030. EXCLUSIVE. with Alf Pedersen 4-4746 or Cliff 3 month* ' ...... 4.00 1 stove nnd refrigerator, $148.00 Then call us today on this District - Perry Real Estate Ltd., 3-2146. . Canada Outside B.C. 8. Coming Events per meath includes heat, water EXCLUSIVE property. M moiith* ...... $20 00 and cable TV, located on Bern? Brand New ' 0 months ...... 11.00 THREE CHOICE BUILDING i hrd AVenue. Telephone 763-2063. Alta Vista 3 m ouths ...... 0.00 IkELOWNA SECONDARY Don’t miss this outstand­ lots, ideally situated Just off 1 ' tf U 8.A Foreign Gountiie* School, Music ’67, featuring LUPTON AGENCIES ing value! 3 B.R. home Beautiful 3 B.R. split- Black Mountain Road, Rutland. 12 months ...... $30.00 senior and junior bands, or- TWO BEDROOM BASEMENT 1 LIMITED situated on Burne Ave.— level home with sweeping Lot sizes 75' x 137’. Serviced • months ...... 10.00 Ichestras and choirs, Friday, 3 months ...... $.00 no. suite with living room-kitchen Your MLS Realtor within walking distance to view. Owner will trade for with domestic water, gas and p e c . 8 , 1967, 8 p.m., Kelowna combination. No children downtown. FULL BASE­ smaller home or acreage. power. Special reduction for All inail payable in advance, Community Theatre. SHOPS CAPRI t m KELOWNA DAILY COURIBR fl* on no please. 'Telephone 762-6320 be- MENT. Only $21,950.00 $17,000.00 Mortgage is at anyone interested In nil three Box 40, Kelowna, B.C. I $1.00, students SOc. tween 6 and 8 p.m. ,9 1 with a 7% Mortgage. For 6V4% interest!! Further lots. Telephone 765-5094. 1021 THE BAHA’IS OF KELOWNA I LARGE 2 BEDROOM SUITE, 762-4400 more details phone Ed­ particulars phone Mrs. mund Scholl evenings Jenn Acres evenings TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW, invite you to be their guest at bath and %, wall to wall carpet­ P. Plerron 768-5361 fireplace, carport, carpeting, 1. Births the showing of the film "And ing. Close to downtown. Tele­ B. Fleck ___ — . 763-2230 2-0719 or Office 2-5030. 3-2927 or Office 2-5030. Hia Name Shall Be One’| whjchj MLS. MLS. bulltrlns and full basement. phone 762-3698. tf| E. Waldron 762-4567 Located in Lombardy Park j A LITTLE GIFT IS RICHLY SnSr** Room°"caprl®MS ONE BEDROOM 1 D. Pritchard — 768-5550 area. 7% NHA mortgage. Brne- treasured by your child. A clip­ Hotel N S.ieT b il^T^ M Jakeshore cottages.| Capri Area Home with Basement Suite mar Construction Ltd., 702-0520. ping of his Binh Notice from Weekly and monthly rates. No B. Juroma — . 765-5677 After hours 763-2810 or 762-5512. The Kelowna Daily Courier will I children. Telephone 762-4225. tf Be H|ire to see this good 3 B.R. family home In one of be appreciated In the future the best districts in the City I Large living room, dining years. Extra clippings of this 10. Prof. Services UNFURNISHED APARTMENT room, kitchen with lots of cupboards and a good suite POSSIBLE 3 DUPLEX LOTS notice can be had for friends In Rutlond. 'Telephone 763-2808, and good home, in Bonkhead 93 Chateau Homes Ltd. in the basement. Full price ONLY $22,500.00. For details and relatives, too. The day of REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS phone Joe Sleslnger evenings 2-6874 or office 2-5030. EX­ area. Sub-dlvlslon subject toj city approval. MLS, Call Al Bos- birth ...... be sure, father, grand-„----- AND CONSULTANTS , Now in production. Manufac­ CLUSIVE. mother or someone Is Instructed ' 1 T D a a im c tA r Ponf slngthwalghlo 3-2413 for more tures of copiponet homes, information Or Cliff Perry Real to place a notice for your child. CARRUTHERS & MEIKLE IROOnlS 104 ROIII motels and multiple rental These notices are only $1.75/ ■ ' ------— ------— - Estate Ltd. 3-2146. 88 j LTD. FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR projects. Serving tho Okanog­ Telephone 762-4445, a trained ad. 364 Bernard Avenue an and B.C. Interior, Separatq J. C. HOOVER REALTY LTD. LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, writer will assist you In word a Indy in a private home. Kit­ Kelowna, B.C. chen facilities. Close to hospital. truss orders also avollable. 426 BERNARD AVE. PHONE 2-5030 fireplace, full basement, gas ing the notice. ______762-2127 Telephone evenings 762-5429. Factory located. heat, well landscaped. Close to , B. M. Meikle, B. Com., F.R.I., 88 school nnd bus. No agents. Tele­ CALL 762-4445 phone 76,3-2(131. 031 Knit a warm, handsome zip- ” Notary Public — L. W. Snowsell BERNARD LODGE — LIGHT 376 Cawston Ave. per jacket now; send a boy to FOR T-Th-S-tf housekeeping and sleeping THREE BEDROOM HOME, school in style. COURIER CLASSIFIED [rooms. ’Telephone 762-2215. Oil WE NEED LISTINGS situated on large landscoped lot, Knit warm jacket from neck Bernard Ave. ______tf Telephone 763-3221 On homes, businesses, land, Business has been good, and 5 years old. Comfortable home, nice shade trees, pntio In back­ down In one piece—sleeves,’ 111. Business Personal NICE WELL f u r n is h e d I ______tf we have clients looking for tho above properties in all too! Baby cables, knit, purl surrounding areas. Call in or phone us today. yard. Telephone 762-0738. 91 HtltchoB give texture. Pattern 2 . Deaths I sleeping room for resectable r e l OWNA SCHOOL DISTRICT person. Telephone 763-2136. i . ------w.. 13 SUITE GARDEN APART 6; sizes 4-6; 8-10; 12-14. .. offers for sale, by tender, ap- ment, showing good return. NYE — Nqv. 5, 1967, Harvey ARGYLL WELDING JZ proxlmately 1 acre of land FIFTY CENTS In coins (no Milton Nye, aged 74 years, pass­ NHA eVsC., T«ip location. By stamps, please) for each patteru' WROUGHT IRON RAILING, SLEEPING ROOM - GENTLE- known as the ^uch^ MIDVALLEY REALTY LTD. owner, 7026870. tf ed away a t Kelowna General man only. Low rent by the Site, Ix»t 13, Koek 8,1790. BOX 429 196 RUTLAND RD. RUTLAND; B.C, to Laura Wheeler, care of Tha Hospital, late of 461 Birch Ave., steel fabrication and Kelowna Dally Courier, Needio- ' general welding. month. 1851 Bowes St. Tele- Tenders w U be accetoirf up to PHONE 765-5157 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE, gas Kelowna, B.C. Formerly resided phone 762-4775. tf and Includ ng Nov. 17. 1967, by furnace, holf basement, by Vo­ craft Dept., 60 Front St. W .,' In Saskatchewan, employed by 864 CROWLEY AVE. ' ‘ the undersigned. Highest or any Evenings: cational School. Telc|»hono 702- I Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- -ft Sask. IVheat Pool and retired Phone 763-3604 . f u r n i s h e d LIGHT HOUSE- tender not necessarily accepted, Bam Pearson 762-7607 AI Horning 762-4678 7605. 92 TERN NUMBER, your NAME‘S frPtn Dept. from The Garden Gat* Florist. M I or 762-50301, al Hoover Realty. day’s Living. New, exciting col­ Telephona 762 5570 Central. Call 762-6107 or 792 private mortgage. \ Telephone 428 Bernard Ave. T-Tb-fi-ti lection. 15 complete patterna. 1579 Pandosy SL Telephona 763- tt. Uwrenca. 99 7634870. t f 9127. H T . Th, 8 '1 y 1 '\ Z I jnwJIWWA DAILY W T ^ .. NOV/M, M67 PAOB tt W 44A Mobile Hornet 49. legals ATenJers 29. Articles for Sale 3 5 . Help 4 2 . Airtos For 2lB ttS. Opportunities CamiieK APPUCA’nON FOR A OPPORTUNITY FOB ACTIVE BOY’S SUIT, PARKA. JAC- WA’TER LICENCE or sflent partner with I30,W ket, pants, sweater, skates size WATER ACT 7, shoes, etc., sizes 1M4 years. WOMEN SEWERS WANTED, (Section 8) for development of large mobile work at home doing simple sev^ | at Pontiac Corner , home resort park. Apply Box All items like new. Telephoie KNIGHT We, Ral{hi Guidi and Moraldo A-846, The Kelowna Daily. Cour­ 762-5027. ing. We supply materials _and 1961 Pontiac Sedan B.C.’s First and Largest Dealer. Rantucci of 1891 Carruthers St pay shipping both ways. Goot In Interior ie r.'■ ■: , ' 91 d iscou nt ON ORDERS OF 2 and 755 Richter St., Kelowna,, rate of toay. Piece work. Apply New paint job. We are also Vanguaifl Dealers. B C. hereby awply to the Comp-1 n i e following are the replte Division Five WHY BUY? — 20 ACRES OF cords of blish wood, pliis free Dept. D 29. Box 919, Postal Kamloops Thunderbirds vs. Christmas tree, to be delivered No trade. BURNABY TRAILER troUer of Water Rights for a of the Interior District finals good farm land. Pay interest as Station U, Toronto 18, Ontario^ licence to divert and use water played in Kamloops^ recently Kelowna Stars,- ’Thunderbirds 0 rent. Write Box A-847, The Kri- 2 weeks before Christmas. Tele? ‘ Easy G.M.A.C. Terms CENTER LTD. Stars 8.: phone 768 t5660. Westbank. 95 out of unnamed spring which The winners in each division Division Four bvma Dafly Courier. 91 RAILROAD MAN -REQUIRES Trans-Canada Hwy. West, flows north and discharges into will advance to the Sun Tourna- WELL SEASONED FRUIT Kamloops Wolves vs. Veraon, FOR SALE GROCERY STORE live in housekee^r , for four Carter Motors Ltd. KAMLOOPS. Mission Creek and give notice ment playdowns against Lower Warriors, Wolves 1 Warriors 0. j t Pante)isy Trailer Court. Tele- woodi cut to 24” for your fire­ “The Busy Pontiac People" of our application to all persons Mainland teams m the spring, children ages 13, 12, 7; 5. $75.00 Telephone 3724018 Kamloops Division Two frtone 762-5114. « place. S ll p e r % cord delivered. per month. Needed immediately. 1610 Pandosy 7624141 affected. Division Seven Telephone 763-^1. H. W. Kamloops Aeroes vs. Kelowna Telephone 3764580, or write ■The ixiint of diversion will bel Kamloops vs. Rutiand Dions, Westlake HeUcats, Aeroes 0 POINTS OR MHffiRAL RIGHTS Zdralek. tf Harvey and Ellis Kamloops 2 Rutland 0. on quarter! section in Alberta 328 Royal Ave.. Kamloops. 90 SQUIRE located at E. % D.L.' 4086, Hellcats 2. . ,, , Telephone 7624248. 8f 22 CUBIC.FOOT CHEST-TYPE r e l ia b l e BABYSlTi£.K l u 1963 OLDS 88 HARDTOP — tf O.D.Y.D , Division Six Mark Bennett of Kelowna double door deep freeze. Boy’s sit in with one ^year-old boy. Excellent condition with, all The quantity of water to be Kamloops Crushes vs. Kelow­ Stars was declared outstanding hockey equipment 14-16 years. ‘pply Stetson Village Motel, power features and radio. Sacri­ 54 X 12 Villager , diverted is totel amount. na Gems, Crushes 6 Gems 1. player of the playoffs and pre­ Boy’s blue blazer 14-16 years. fnit 114, after 4 p.m. 90 fice nrice reduced to only $1,795. 60x12 Klassic sented a pair of soccer boots. 2 6 . Mortgages, leans Telephone 765-5379. 88 The purpose for which the HmTgTiufTr.Tr.p. Apply 504 Buckland Ave. Tele- 46 x 12 VUlager water wUl 'be used is domestic Pteter Milbers of the Kamloops PROFESSIONAL MORTGAGE WOULD LIKE A Thunderbirds was also presented 300 WEATHERBY MAGNUM ter to take full ' charge on a phone 762-5235. 92 42 X 10 20th Century and irrigation 49. Legals & Tenders Consultants — Wd btiy, sell ano with scope. 12 gauge over and pair ol soccer boots as run- ranch. Box A-842, The Kelowna 1964 MERCURY METEOR — 38 X 10 Esta Villa The land on which the water ner-up. arrange mortgagies and Agree-, under shotgun. Both in new con­ NO'nCE TO CREDITORS ments in all areas Conventional Daily courier. °9 Power windows, A-1 condition, 52 X 12 Klassic will be used is 2 acres of W% dition. 762-2958. tf $1,800 or nearest offer. Tele­ of Lot 4086, O.D.Y.D. DOMENICO RAMPONE, rates, flexible terms. CpUinson l a d y s a l e s CLERK R& evetongslfS X 12 Nor Western DRESSER WITH LARGE MIR phone days 762-0832, A copy of this application was otherwise known as (rtgage and Investments Ltd . quirted, texperienced preferred tf 27 X 8 Shult Announce New corner of EllU ahd Lawrehc^ ror, includes bench. Good con but not necessary Apply Saan 762-3771. posted on the 12th of October, DOMINICO RAMPONE, Kelowna. B.C., 7624713. tf ditioh, $12. Telephone 763-3497 88 1960 FORD GALAXY, V4, NEW 36 X 8 Canadian Star 1967 at the proposed point of 90 Store. diversion and on the land when D o m e n ic o r a m p o n i , ^ Substance: HOUSEKEEPER standard stick and tires, tach, 13’ Holiday. 15%’ Holiday MORTGAGE MONEY AVAIL- l iv e - in - - . 17* Holiday 19’ HoUday the water is to be used and two DOMINICO r a m p o n i , able for good second mortgages SECOND-HAND MARCONI TV, companion for elderly lady. radio. Good condition, $875 or radio-stereo combination cab­ best offer. 767-2538, Peachland, copies were tiled in the office of DOMINICO PIETRO Shruiks Piles or will buy firsts and agree­ Ttdephone 762-3890. tf CLARKDALE ENTERPRISES the Water Recorder at Vernon, inet, like* hew, $150.00. Tele­ after 6 p.m. 92 RAMPONE, BsdiitiTehealingsubstanceprovcntoiluinll ments. WUrtn Realty Ltd) 543 Hwy. 97N, Vernon B.C. Bernard Ave. Telephone 762- phone 7634000. 90 1958 ZEPHYR, 6 CYLINDER, formerly of R-R. No. ^ . hemtfftiioids and repair damaged tissoa, 542-2657 542-2611 Objections to this application Kelowna, B.C., DECEASED. 3146. T, Th., S, tf COLEMAN HEATER, TANK, 36. in excellent shape, Perfect sec T. Th, S tf may be filed with the said A renowned research institute baa PRIVATE AND CORPORATE pipe, stdhd, nearly new; 1959 ond car. Great for women and Water RecorderKecoraer or withwun theuiei NO'TICE IS HEREBY found a unique healing substance money for 1st and 2nd mort Prefex sedan, good condition. Male or teen-agers. Asking $450, Winter­ KNIGHT ComptroUer of Water Rig^te, that Creditors nnd oth^^^^ with the abilite to shrink hempr- ■gages. Phone us if you want Telephone 7624024, 89 ized. 7654755. 92 Canada’s Finest Mobile Homes Parliament Buildings, Victoria, claims,against the Estate o? t^^ rhoids painlessly. It relieves itching Imortgage or have one for sale THREE TRUNKS, 1 ADDING 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2- B.C., within thirty days of the above Deceased are and discomfort in minutes and H. S. Denney, Okanagan Realty machine, 1 Viking blender, 1 door hardtop, bucket seats, V-8; Okanagan fiirst’ date of publication...... of * the■' quired t o send them to the un- speeds up healing of the injured, Ltd., 762-5544. 93 electric blanket. Telephone 763- 1962 Ford convertible. Take old­ application. signed Executors at the otii®® inflamed tissue. er car in trade. Telephone 766- of their solicitors, Messrs. Mc­ In case after case, while gently # YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR 3416. 89 Date of publication is:—■ ' Williams, Bilsland,; Moir & WANTED 2933 Winfield. 89 November 14. relieving pain, actual reduction agreement for sale or mortgage POLARIOD LAND CAMERA- Vi mile N. On Highway 97 Tinker, 463 Bernard Avenue, (sl^nikage) took place. now? CaU Mr. R. J. Bailey at 1957 VOLKSWAGEN — GOOD Open 9-9 Kelowna 763-3054 Ralph Guidi and 103, used only twice, $50.00 or Boys and girls are required Kelowna, B.C., te®. 21st Most important of all—resulte Kelowna Realty Ltd., 762-4919. nearest offer. Telephone 76^ for street sellers for The mechanical condition, $300 or T, Th, S, tf Moraldo Rantucci, . ' M-W-F-tf Applicant. day of December, A.D. 19o7, were so thorough that this improyie-’ 4409. 93 Kelowna Daily Courier. best offer. Telephone after HIAWATHA MOBILE HOME after which date the Executors ment was maintained over a period FIR AND PINE WOOD FOR p.m. 767-2221, Peachland. 92 Park Ltd. (adults only). New, SOUTHERN OKANAGAN wUl distribute the said Estate of many months. sale. Free deUvery. Telephone Apply: 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, GOOD quiet, near the lake. Fully mod­ LANDS IRRIGATION among the parties entitled This was accomplished with 27. Resorts, Vacations 764-4776. « MR. D. R. TURCOTTE ' shape, good winter and sum­ em spaces available. Inquire DISTRICT thereto having regard only to new healing substance (Bib-D ~ P a r a d is e c a m p m o b il e Cir c u l a tio n m a n a g e r mer tires, radio, $450.00 cash. Hiawatha Mobile Camp, Lake­ SYSTEM NO. 4 the claims of which they then which quickly helps heal mj— _ RED CHESTERFIELD AND shore Rd; Telephone 762-3412. . 7 Home Park, Westbank, B.C.. chair, $30;00. Telephone 762-5296 Telephone 762-6352. 90 NO’TICE TO CONTRACTORS have notice. cells and stimulates growth of new Lots of room, children welcome. evenings.. 89 1959 CHEV. IMP ALA 2-DOOR Sealed tenders will be re ALBERT RAMPONE and tissue. / ■ See Alec Gordon on location. Kelowna Daily Courier hardtop, 6 cylinder, standard ceived at . the office of V. R GASPAR RISSO, Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint­ 91 9’ X 12’ WINE RUG AND under transmis.®ion. Good condition Casorso, secretary. Southern Executors. ment and suppository form called ftelt. Good condition, $25. 1190 Phone 7624445 tf Telephone. 7824783- 90 48. Auction Sales Okanagan Lands Irrigation Dis­ McWILLIAMS. BILSLAND, Preparation H. Ask for it at hll drug Hartwick St. 93 trict at Box 399, Oliver, B.C. up stores. Satisfaction or your money q u ic k cash s a l e — 1965 DOME AUCTION — WEDNES- MOIR & TINKER, 28. Produce 40” GENERAL ELECTRIC PERSON TO TEACH BEGIN/ to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, No­ SoUcitors for the Executors. refunded. range, exceUent condition. Tele­ ners in your home on piano or Pontiac, 4-door, V-8 automatic, iay, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. One vember 28th, 1967. b la c k MOUNTAIN Potatoes, accordion. To $6.00 hourly. Box good shape, $1,695.00. Telephone gentle saddle pony, 1952 Morris phone 7624122. • ' 91 7684504. 89 The tenders will be opened al; '■ft all varieties and grades tor sale A-795, The Kelowna Daily Cour­ car, seven piece breakfast suite, that time and date in the office On the farm. H. Kpetz, Black CABINET TELEVISION SET. ier. '/ 9o 1957 CHEV. FORDOR SEDAN. three piece chesterfield, studio $^.95. Telephonte 7624682. P.O and chair, 15 cu. ft. deep freeze, of the Water Resources Service, Miiuntain District, GaUaghev V-8 standard, radio. $350.00 or Provincial Government Build­ Rd. Telephone 7654581. tf Box 131, Kelowna. /V__ nearest offer. Telephone 762- refrigerator, electric stove, all in new condition. Beds, wringer ing, Oliver, B.C. APPLES FOR SALE NEAR CARRIAGE AND CRIB — 37. Salesmen and 3900. The works to be constructed Telephone 7624912. r r : tf wa.®hers. windows, doors, heat­ city limits. Telephone 762*4114 FOR SALE — 1961 DeVILLE ers, 15 gallons of paint, lumber, are a 25,000 U.S. gallon re­ 6 5 t e a r s ' iiH D O V E R ir' 5 p.m. ; 89 APPLEWOOD FOR SALE — Cadillac, in A-1 condition. No and many more articles. Kel­ inforced concrete reservoir, and 92 all the necessary excavation and Telephone 762-5508. SALESMAN OR SALESWOMAN reasonable offer refused. Tele­ owna Auction Market, next to FREE M EM BERSW P phone 7654624. _____ the Drive-In Theatre. Sales backfill works. The construction d o u b l e CEMENT LAUNDRY wanted. Full or part-time. Tele­ site is located approximately AVAILABLE FOR FAMOUS PLAYERS 29, Articles for Sale tubs. Telephone 765-6015. 88 phone CuUigan Water Condition­ 1955 CHEV BELAIRE IN GOOD conducted. every Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Telephone 765-5647 or one mile west of the Village of TELEPHONE ing, 763-2007 for appointment. condition. For information call 5 Used T V s...... 14 95 APPLEWOOD. 762-8409 after 5 p.m. tf 7624736. 88 Oliver, B.C. 762-7501. 88 Plans, specifications and con­ Leonard Fridge — 49.95 1959 RENAULT, GOOD MO- KELOWNA AUCTION MAR- ket, next to the drive-in theatre, ditions of tender may be obtain­ tor, new battery, $185.00. Tele­ ed at the office of the secretary, Ashley Heater — ------50.00 38. Employ. Wanted phone 762-4494. 93 sales conducted every Wednes­ 30. Articles for Rent day, 7:30 p.m. Telephone 765- V; R. Casorso, Fairview M.D;A. ^hley Heater ------94.00 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY, 1967 FIAT 850 COUPE — LOW BuUding, Box 399, Oliver, B.C. TV SETS BY THE DAY, WEEK requires position, good typing, .5647 or 762-4736. tf Receipt of these documents will in r o l l n o w ju s t CONTAa THI MANAOR ft^estinghouse Dryer or month. Pandosy Music, 2979 mileage. Telephone 763-3097. O f YOUR NIARlST FAMOUS PLAYERS THIATRS as i s ...... * ...... 19.95 speak.® German. French, Eng­ ' -:91 require ai deposit of twenty-five South Pandosy St. Telephone lish. Telephone 763-2395. 93 (25) dollars, that will be re-, Kenmore Wringer Washer 49.95 763-2400. Technician on staff. 1960 ALPINE ROADSTER - 49. Legals & Tenders YOUR MEMBERSHIP WILL ENTITLE YOU ’TO WANTED — CONSTRUCTION funded upon the return of the j REDUCED ADMISSION PRICES fO R ANY DAY Monday to Wednesday to 5:30 Good body and motor, only documents, in goOd order, with­ Mayiag Wringer Washer - 69.95 p.m. Thursday to Saturday to work. No job is too large or too $700.00, 764-4271 after 5 p.m. tf OF THE WEEK! small. Telephone 763-2749. 97 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC in (60) days after the opening of ftWestinghbuse 9:00 p.m. 90 1961 AUSTIN 850, FRONT wheel WORKS OF CANADA the tenders. Wringer Washer . — ------49.95 WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME, TENDERS ■ ’IK IA TIiiEES *'• • •' drive, snow tires. Telephone The lowest bid or any tender EVENINGS.,...... $ 1 * 0 0 Inglis Wringer Washer — 39.95 5 days a week (Glenmore area). 7644209. 90 SEALED TENDERS addressed will not necessarily be accepted. 32. Wanted to Buy Telephone 762-8337. 91 to Supervisor of Tendering. 1961 MERCURY 2 DOOR Hard­ Southern Okanagan Lands Viking Wringer Washer — 70.00 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Dept, of Public Works, 2nd Irrigation District We want your DEER, MOOSE, top, $1,000. Telephone 768-5803 floor. Pacific Palisades, 747 typist requires work. Telephone Westbank. 89 V. R. CASORSO, ELK HIDES. Highest market 767-2205, Peachland. 89 Bute-Street, Vancouver 5, B.C Secretary MARSHALL WELLS price offered. and endorsed’^TENDER. FOR 384 Bernard Ave, 762-2025 MARRIED MAN 26 DESIRES ALTERATIONS TO OLD FED­ CALL 7624445 Telephone 765-5753 position with a future. Tele 42A. Motorcycles Senior Citizen Groups or Clubs who would like mem­ 92 C. A. SHUNTER ERAL BUILDING FOR CAN­ FOR phone 765-6783, Ed. _ 92 ADA MANPOWER, PENTIC­ COURIER CLASSIFIED bership in the “Golden Age Club” please contact the Fur Buyer — Sporting Goods 1966 HONDA S90, TELEPHONE WILL BABYSIT SMALL CHIL- 762-0634 after 4 p.m. tf TON, B.C., will be received theatre at 762-3111 and I will be pleased to attend S Highway 97 N., Kelowna, dren in my home, also pickup. until 11:00 A.M. (PST) TUES- Telephone 762-8987. 90 d a y , DECEMBER 5, 1967. your meeting for the purpose of issuing membership A 44. Trucks & Trailers Tender documents can be ob­ CRESTWOOD LODGE -4 H LUMBER SPOT CASH-WE PAY HIGH- WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME test cash prices for complete tained through departnhent of cards. W.HOWE, A W 5 days a week (north end). Tele­ 1961 MERCEDES-BENZ. 2 TON The Place estates or single items. Phone phone 763-2620. ’ 90 van with gas motor. 853 Coro Public Works, 1110 West Georgia REST HOME , / Manager. V us first at 762-5599. J & J New nation Ave. Telephone 763-3654. Street, Vancouver 5, B.C. that Satisfies aU D and Used Goods, 1332 ElUs St.^^ AM BACK—WILL BABYSIT- To be considered each tender 1283 Bernard Ave. 1 Mrs. L. W. Ivens. Telephone 1964 JEEP % TON, 4-WHEEL must be submitted on the forms lumber needs. U 764-4714. 93 drive. Good throughout. Tele­ supplied by the Department and Special care for N WHY TAKE,A CHANCE? WE convalescent and SMALL GARDENS ROTO- phone 762-5414. 89 must be accompanied by the S pay cash for all useable Items. security specified in the tender elderly people. G Blue Willow Shoppe. 1157 tilled. Call Alf, 762-5484. 91 DIESEL TRUCK. ENGINE TOP condition, $900.00 or best offer. documents. S Sutherland Ave., telephone 763 Margiierlie White,' R.N. 2604 tf 40. Pets & Livestock Telephone 763-2247. 89 The lowest or any tender not 1960 FORD HALF TON TRUCK necessarily accepted. Phone 762-4636 REID’S CORNER - 765-5184 WANTED — CLEAN WHITE D. A. MUIR T, Th, S If rags, lOc per Ib.Mcrvyn Motors f o r SALE-MALE BASSETT good______shape, for quick sale, $550 lourid pups, 6 weeks old. Reg- Telephone" ■ ...... 765-5594 92 Supervi.®or of Tendering 1575 Water St. Telephone 762 Istered. Will hold for Christmas 2307. 89 delivery. Telephone 540-4191. Rebuilt Exchange WANTED: CHEST OF DRAW Armstrong. ^ ____ 92 ers In good condition. Telephone REG. BOXER PUPPIES, Parts Service 763-3222 after 4 p.m. 90 weeks old. Male and female Starters, starter drives, starter Chihuahua .®tock. 022 Cooney solenoids, brake shoes, water Rd., Richmond, B.C. Telephone pumps, fuel pumps, genera 33. Schools and 278-8664, Richmond, B.C. 91 p i * ' tors, voltage regulators. Vocations BLACK PURE BRED LAB, retrelver, approximately seven Mohawk t r a i n e e s w a n t e d months old, $100 or nearest (Men and Women) offer. For particulars telephone Kelowna Service I.B.M. Keypunch, Computer 765-6139. 901 1.505 Harvey Ave., programming REGISTERED BLACK MINI- DRAFTING, STRUCTURAL, aturc poodles, one male, one fe­ , Telephone 762-2822 ARCHITECTURAL, male. Ready to go. Telephone T. Til, S tf MECHANICAL 762-2026. 901 m u Our representative will be tcs f o r SALE PURE BRED TEMPO Ing In tho Kelowna area during black . Lab., male, preferably Your Business Equipment week of Nov. 20. For app't write country homo. Phono 765-6641 ilENTAL Centre ...... Type- McKay Technical Institute, 432 evening or 702-5040 day. 93 Richards St., Vancouver 2, B.C. ftrltcrs. Adders, Calculators, TO BE GIVEN AWAY—THREE etc. Special student rates on ,9 2 8-weck-old puppiep. Telephone If/. \ Typewriters. We’re by the 764-4729. 901 paramount Tlicatrc—762-3200 Call 762-4445 T-Th-S-tf ONE BUTTERFLY PENDANT for 41. Machinery and necklace set with topaz stones and dlamonds-5 diamonds and Courier Classified Equipment 56 topaz stones in butterfly, 9 D2 CAT, GOOD RUNNING NEW ‘6 8 topaz stones in necklace. Valued] _ - . j i order, $1,000.00. Write John $800 or more. Would like to 3 4 ^ ^olp WantOCl MftlC Grant, 7353 Stride Ave., Burnn- Kcll or trade for a car. Stones ______•______,...... _ by 3, B.C. 90' TOYOTA COROLLA have been cut In Europe. Can jk , qoq tq $18,000 — IF YOU only be seen by like sales work and would like Nearest offer. Box A-847, TheLg jnsvirance business 42. Autos for Sale Beautiful Styling 4 Kelowna Dally Courlciv look into this first year guaran- 86, 88, 91. 94, 98. 102 $ 9 ,006. Represent Feder m u st s e l l — 1961 AUSTIN Healey Sprite convertible, 4 new 60 h.p. 5 ihain bearing motor, 4-on-thc-noor, full fiynchronizcd, NEAR NEW BLUE MINK ated Insurance Companlea in tires, new paint, reconditioned bucket seats, alternator, back-up light, 2 speed electric wipers, stole, value at $2,500.00, will sclj ‘h® transmiHsioii, new clutch and iioux'Oow; padded dash and visors. 40 M.P.G, Lock gas cap, two horns, 3 f r t r €1 no* 1 cli&iTiioncl rioRi 3lfrln|p© boncfitSi Write John N » pressure plate, recent valve Job. ] No reasonable offer refiiscd. 467 /'I,'/' r m speed heater — enough heat to cook you. Nobody can beat tins fcili for low price of $500.00; %1 Street, Vancouver, B.C. 92 Patterson Ave. 91 kare't dlnmoiul ring, valucrl at WOULD LIKE S()MEONE TO for car value. $1798 ,1550.00, will sell for $365.00; new set and line up footings for t h e BEST 1966 FORD GAI;- ALL FOR ONLY ...... ■rvipright Hoover vacuum cloaocr building and some earpentar axio 500 Sedan in town, lias 300 $55 PER MONTH ” $35.00; 12 qt. pressure cooker. work. Telephone 763-3491 after motor, all power. Ideal car for $55 Down like new $25,00; electric sander S.______90 trailer towing, wlli take used | M ’relephone 763-3711. ___ 91 compact on trade. Full luicc MESSENGER REQUIRED, $2,MO.OO. Telephone 763-3481. COME AND FLY ONE! ™ l)NE*1 T h Tp 715AS MOTOR . 1 age 16-18, 40 hour week. Apply M single wash tub; 1 toilet bowl In j>ei'»on CN Telegraphs, 310 and tank: 2 used hand basln.s; 2 Bernard A\e, 90 • antique’’ heaters’ also wmdowsi Now at and doors and used temlwr EXILRIENCED SHOd FRY PAN ?a)\\ s J A i - .. d .m,.Jd__ S |J « CLEANERS DO ,.„ v SIK4 ll«l«K4Ad w writer. Immaculate condition. WANTED-- I l always under Wc Take AnylWng in Trade agreement. Replaced by elec-| Kelowna. References ____ nceiied. trie. Mr. J. M. Roberts al Kno* Apply 4i7 Bernard Ave., P a la ^ You Have to Oo A I.ittlc Further to Oct More feat Market Ltd. 89 Clinic. Telephone 781-2002. 80 IIIC.IHVAV 97 N. 762-5203 excellent crib with mat-1 WANTED - f Barr & Amierson (Interior) Ltd. tress and quilt, car seal, e t e t t r l c nurMnf orderly for relief work h.fan heater, verv reasonable.! Apply to Nurfteg Ofnce, K $94 Bernard J-3Ma — Meteor

V s ’’ iii«iw ii»i» \ j6*-dy 5ShL \ V ' ' '■ . \ m ...... A

^ ~ ~ i



| l * l l Montego

MERCURY Cougar* Falcon f t '

the best equipped luxury sports car In North America. And, Let your Mercury dealer show you why our better Idea cars— in the tracks of tho hot selling Cougar, Montego... Mer­ Seethem, are even better In '68. Try out better Ideas like our two-way cury’s new young sized, young priced action car. And test Z'f station wagon tailgate— It opens down for cargo, out like a drive one of the '68 Meteors and you'll see why we say "Move test drive them, door for people. Or the better idea powsr brake option — with tho Meteor people” ... because Meteor people have li ■ ■ order power brakes and you automatically get power front 'm A ordernow car price. The '68 Falcon is there too, the compact car for shift manually or\drive automatically. And take a look at the complete Mercury lineup for '6 8 ... tho cars with tho fine the bio. wide country. sto p at 0 Mercury showroom... one of the great new '68 car touch of Lincoln Continental. better Idea cars has your name (and your price tag) on it. Check out Cougar; pound for pound and dollar for dollar

renff imtVT” ^ * 1“'“ » "»"« "«* warranty. Your MercuiyHianmnilt fliBTWrttw KELOWNA MOTORS LIMITED 1630 Water Street - 762-3010