1 2017 Handouts for the NAI Workshops and Modules Network Against Islamophobia – A project of Jewish Voice for Peace – Network Against Islamophobia (NAI) | AgainstIslamophobia.org |
[email protected] 2 Handout #1 Basic Definitions of Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Racism Islamophobia is close-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. ● Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), “Same Hate, Different Target: Islamophobia and Its Impact in the United States” Islamophobia is “an exaggerated fear, hatred, and hostility toward Islam and Muslims that is perpetuated by negative stereotypes resulting in bias, discrimination, and the marginalization and exclusion of Muslims from America’s social, political, and civic life.” ● Center for American Progress, Fear, Inc., The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America Islamophobia is a central, though not exclusive, aspect of the modern concept of race and the development of anti-Muslim racism. ● Junaid Rana, “The Story of Islamophobia” Islamophobia is a contrived fear or prejudice fomented by the existing Eurocentric and Orientalist global power structure. It is directed at a perceived or real Muslim threat through the maintenance and extension of existing disparities in economic, political, social and cultural relations, while rationalizing the necessity to deploy violence as a tool to achieve "civilizational rehab" of the target communities (Muslim or otherwise). Islamophobia reintroduces and reaffirms a global racial structure through which resource distribution disparities are maintained and extended. ● Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project, Center for Race & Gender, UC Berkeley, “Defining Islamophobia” I use the term “liberal Islamophobia” to make a distinction between the rhetoric of the right, which is more nakedly racist, and the rhetoric which emerges from the liberal establishment.