0 To download a copy of this book, please go to drdebrabooks.com. A copy with an index will be available as soon as possible. To purchase a hard copy of this book (with an index), please go to Amazon.com after April 2021, Lord willing. Copyright 2020-2021 Debra Johnson ISBN 0-9744087-1-9 Published by DrDebraBooks.com Cover artwork by Darian Greer
[email protected] • Most Hebrew or Greek definitions are derived from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, World Bible Publishers, copyright 1901. • Most archaic definitions are from Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Deluxe Second Edition, Dorset & Baber, copyright 1983. • All Scriptures are quoted from the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible. • In this book, the word brother has multiple meanings, dependent on context: o A biological male sibling o A male member of a tribe descended from Ham o A black or Hamitic man • All photographs were taken by Dr. Debra Johnson during her October 2019 trip to Egypt. 1 The Black Sons of Abraham The Author’s Preface: Pitfalls of Reading Biblical History ........................................................................... 4 From Adam to Noah to Abraham Chart ...................................................................................................... 5 Eight Sons of Abraham: One Brown and Seven Black Chart ...................................................................... 6 The Old Testament Chapter 1: Ham and Canaan: The Curse and the Blessing of Noah ....................................................